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Merlin's Song

Page 4

by Samantha Winston

  Oh by Mistral! She screamed, not able to hold back. Now she let go. Finally, she could let it go completely. She came so hard her teeth chattered. She felt him pulsing inside her as he spilled his seed deep in her womb. Another tremor shook her and she arched her back and pushed her hips up, milking him to the last drop, wanting him wedged even more deeply within her. She didn’t want it to end. A burning, dizzying desire gripped her so tightly all her muscles ached. And then, like a wave that crashes upon a beach and slides away, it was over.

  She trembled, her body loose as soft cotton. Her nerves tingled and then everything stilled. The storm had broken and calm had returned. Merlin gave one last shudder and rolled off her, his face pale. He looked as shattered as she felt. He buried his head in his pillow and said, “Why? Why?”

  She shook with fear, but she told him.

  Silence. Then he lifted his head and stared at her. “A potion? It’s all from a potion?”

  She nodded, fear trickling along her spine. Would he hate her now?

  Instead he smiled. “Then, if it is a potion, there must be an antidote. If we find that, then…” His eyes lost a bit of their sparkle but his voice remained firm. “Then it will be over.”

  “I suppose so.” She pulled the sheet over her aching body.

  “When we get to the kingdom of the Southern Isles, I will seek out a potion master and rid ourselves of this craze,” he said.

  “I think that would be the best thing.” Kyla tried to imagine life without Merlin, and a shudder ran over her. It’s just the potion’s effects, she told herself sternly, but she cried as she fell asleep.

  Chapter Five

  The boat approached the port and Merlin stood on the deck, his eyes fixed on the mythical island. No one he’d ever spoken to had been to the Southern Isles. When boats arrived, they were rumored to blast them out of the water with terrible explosive devices. But since the last monarchy had been abolished they had let several boats in. In the envelope, along with their passes and papers, was a letter from the diplomat in King Branagh’s company. It explained the reason for their voyage. He prayed it would give them safe passage, at least, that’s what it was supposed to do. And what about Kyla? She’d agreed to pose as their slave, having no papers of her own.

  He caught himself gripping the envelope so tightly it risked crumpling. Sighing, he smoothed it out on his thigh. The docks were approaching rapidly. Kyla manned the rudder and Sebring was poised to lower the sails. Merlin stuffed the envelope in his pocket and picked up the rope. Then Kyla gave the rudder a hard turn, Sebring dropped the sails and he sprang lightly off the boat and onto the jetty, making the boat fast as Kyla ran to help Sebring.

  Merlin didn’t dare look at her. Instead he fixed his attention on a swiftly gathering group of men and soldiers at the end of the dock. The flag of Hivernia, fluttering from the ship’s mast, had attracted attention.

  One soldier, apparently the one in charge, came marching smartly toward him. “State your name and business,” he said.

  “Merlin and Sebring Winterhelm. We’re on a mission from King Branagh of Hivernia. Here are our passes and papers.” He handed over the envelope. “There is a sealed note in it for the Queen of the Southern Isles.”

  The soldier opened the envelope and studied the papers. He found the sealed note and showed it to Merlin. “I will take this to Queen Willow.” He paused. “And the young woman? Where are her papers?”

  “She is my slave,” said Merlin. He and Sebring had discussed how best to get Kyla entrance to the island. Since she had no diplomatic papers with her, nor a pass, she had to be a slave. She’d thought it was a laugh, of course.

  “Her name?”


  “Very good. Wait here. I will be back with an escort to take you to the palace as soon as the queen sees the message.” The soldier saluted and then turned on his heel and marched off.

  Merlin, who’d been in the army, admired the ordered lines of the soldiers at the end of the dock, all the while thinking that if things went wrong they would have a hard time besting such a disciplined corps. He’d also noted the fortress in the background, how the ground sloped up toward the tall walls and how the bay itself was narrow and protected at the mouth by large cannons. They were well defended. Did they fear invasion? Was the country so paranoid?

  He noted the soldiers hadn’t relaxed their guard, and that if they wanted to escape it would be impossible. They’d docked the boat. They would never be able to get away fast enough to outrun the troop. His heart beat faster. He had the impression he was trapped. He turned and saw Kyla, standing on the deck, her face tense. He hoped she hadn’t made a fatal error in deciding to stowaway on their boat. Silently he out his hand out and she leapt onto the dock and took it. He felt her hand tremble and squeezed it tightly. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She looked up and her wide mouth twisted. “Easier said than done.” She wasn’t looking at him. Her gaze was locked on the huge castle on the hill.

  * * * * *

  Kyla had noticed the castle as soon as they sailed into the bay. It stood stark and foreboding on a rocky outcropping overlooking the city. The city sprawled out around the bay, a hodgepodge of neat houses, tidy gardens and busy streets. But one thing struck her as they were escorted at last by a troop of soldiers. There were no babies in carriages, no small children peeking from behind their mothers’ skirts and no children shouting and playing in the streets.

  The people of the Southern Isles were mixture of elf, human and fairy. They were smaller in size than the people of Hivernia, and strangely pale. Their eyes and hair were colorless, like rainwater. But their lips and eyelids were painted with vivid colors and their hair was intricately cut or dressed. They might be plain, but their clothing, hair and jewelry were more splendid than any Kyla had ever seen. Such opulent robes! The market stalls were full of brilliant silks and satins. Glass baubles glinted in windows and jewels gleamed on fingers, ears, noses, necks and even hair. Everything and everyone sparkled and glittered.

  The soldiers wore uniforms of impeccable cut and rich cloth, and although some of the people were obviously lower class, there were no beggars in the streets. For such a huge city, it was unusual. Kyla, who spent a great deal of time with the Fairy League for Annihilating Poverty, was impressed. She had lived in Hivernia City, the biggest, most populated city in Hivernia, and she’d never seen such wealth. But then she noticed that there weren’t half as many people as she would have thought lived in such a city. Most of the stores were closed, and many of the houses looked deserted. The city was busy, but far quieter than it should have been.

  The road wound around as it climbed, surrounded by high walls. Kyla glanced up and saw the castle looming above her. She couldn’t suppress a shiver. It looked more like a prison than like a palace.

  When they arrived in front of the main gate, the soldiers formed lines, and Kyla followed Sebring and Merlin under the arch and into a square courtyard. There things were less austere. Palm trees and orange trees grew in massive pots in each corner, and several fig trees had been planted near benches along the southern wall to offer shade. A fountain splashed into a round pool in the center of the courtyard, and in it Kyla caught glimpses of gold and silver fish.

  When she looked up she saw windows overlooking the courtyard. They were nearly all empty. She frowned. In her parents’ castle, whenever visitors arrived everyone pressed to the windows to see who it was and to wave and shout greetings. Here everything was silent and formal.

  The twins stood tall, towering over most of the soldiers, their hair bright red-gold in the sun. Kyla stood in Merlin’s shadow, hoping someone would come soon and offer a bath and refreshment. In that order.

  A door opened and trumpets blared. “Her Majesty, Queen Willow the First,” cried a man dressed in scarlet. As he shouted, the plume in his hat bounced up and down. Kyla craned her neck to get a glimpse of the queen while Merlin and Sebring both
stood up straighter.

  More trumpets sounded, and then a woman came out into the sunlight, blinking a bit as if not used to such dazzle. Kyla’s first impression was one of disappointment. After seeing all the peacock colors of the clothes in the city, she’d been prepared for a gorgeous dress and fancy hair. But the woman wore a plain gray gown that matched her eyes and her hair was simply brushed straight back and held with a silver circlet. As she drew nearer, Kyla saw that she was an elf. An elf? Now that was interesting. Traditionally, fairies ruled the Southern Isles. After the last rulers had been expelled, they must have changed all the laws.

  Merlin and Sebring bowed, and Kyla, reared in court, gave her most elegant curtsey. “Greetings, Your Majesty,” said Merlin. Sebring, Kyla noted, was uncharacteristically silent, and a muscle jumped in the side of his jaw.

  “Welcome. Please, come inside.” The queen’s cheeks, for some reason, grew very pink. Kyla wondered why she seemed so ill at ease. Was she afraid of them? What was going on? She looked up at Merlin, but his expression was carefully blank.

  Inside they were shown to a reception room, decorated in gilt and red marble. A tray of cool drinks and some light snacks were served while everyone in the court was introduced to Sebring and Merlin. Kyla was seated in a small chair near the window and was offered a drink and a snack, but what she really wanted was a bath and a soft bed…to share with Merlin. Her own cheeks burned at the thought, but she couldn’t help it. Merlin was careful not to look in her direction and she knew why. He’d had to tie a scarf around his hips to hold his cock so that when he got a hard-on it wasn’t as noticeable. Whenever he glanced at her he started to look uncomfortable. They had to find an antidote soon!

  The ceremony over, the court left and the queen stayed behind. She waited until the servants had gone and cast a questioning look at Kyla.

  “She stays with me,” said Merlin.

  “Fine.” The queen wrung her hands together and her cheeks turned pale. “You know why you have been allowed to come here,” she said. “And we know the plight of Hivernia. Because of past atrocities caused by our former rulers we have agreed to let our troops sail to Hivernia.”

  Kyla couldn’t suppress her grin. The plan had worked!

  The queen hadn’t finished though. “But you are aware by now that we have a grave problem of our own, and you have been chosen to remedy it.”

  Kyla looked at Merlin in confusion. What was she talking about? But Merlin still wouldn’t meet her eyes.

  “I am willing to begin as soon as possible, so that the troops may be sent on their way. But I confess, I am not at all sure where or how to start.” The queen’s voice wavered and a wash of bright crimson stained her pale cheeks. Kyla felt sorry for her. She suddenly looked very young and vulnerable.

  Merlin and Sebring exchanged glances and then Sebring said hesitantly, “A bath would be very welcome.”

  The queen nodded with something like relief. “Yes, of course. I have prepared the bathing room. Come. Let us get this over with.”

  The twins followed the queen and Kyla followed Merlin. Somewhere along the way her hand found his again, and she detected a strange tension in him. The queen too was behaving oddly. Why was she acting so stilted?

  The bathing room was vast and steam-heated. The marble floors had been covered with towels so they weren’t slippery and the bath was already full of water. Rose petals had been scattered everywhere, and the smell was divine. Kyla felt her spirits rise. A bath would be nice. Who would go first? Maybe she could bathe and then the men… She gave a start as the queen unfastened her robe and let it slide to the floor. She stood naked and then stepped into the bath.

  Kyla gaped. Merlin gave her a little push and she fumbled with her dress, lifted it off, then got into the bath as well. The water was hip-deep and the bath had a seat along each side so that you could sit and relax. But Kyla was more confused than anything else. Was she expected to wash the queen’s back?

  Her bewilderment deepened when Merlin took off his clothes, unwrapped his scarf and got into the bath. His cock was stiff and his face definitely flushed. But he was looking at Kyla, not the queen, and when he got into the bath he sat next to Kyla.

  Sebring got undressed too, but he was definitely not aroused, and he got into the bath, standing as far from the queen as possible.

  Kyla couldn’t hold back any longer. “What is going on?” She had been brought up in the licentious world of the fairy court, so this would never have shocked her if it had happened back home. But elves were notoriously prudish and shy.

  “You don’t know?” The queen looked flustered and a little shocked. She turned to Kyla and said, “As you’re a fairy, I thought you would sort of, well, show us what to do…” Her voice trailed away.

  No one said anything, then Merlin cleared his throat and said, “The Southern Isles have agreed to help us if the queen gets pregnant. There is widespread sterility here now because of consanguinity, and we represent a new chance for this kingdom.”

  Kyla thought about this for a while. It explained the awkward politeness of the queen, the strained atmosphere in the reception room and the almost palpable animosity of the soldiers. They must adore their queen, she thought with a faint stab of pity. Well, she was a fairy, after all, and she’d been reared by her mother to be helpful. A smile tugged at her mouth. And she could be helpful with Merlin. Maybe if she just showed the queen what was expected of her…

  “Wash my back,” she said to Merlin, and she turned around and arched her back provocatively.

  His gaze as it raked over her was incandescent. In a minute she’d burst into flame. And when he touched her… Oh Mistral! Her nipples hardened, her pussy clenched and her belly felt as if molten honey filled it to bursting.

  His hands smoothed slippery soap over her back and then her buttocks. He parted them and rubbed suds into her anus, gently, soaping her until slippery and then slipping a finger inside her and thrusting in and out while his other hand explored her breasts, lathered her nipples and then dipped down her belly until it delved between her legs and he fingered her clit.

  The finger in her anus was both irritating and pleasurable, the pleasure soon outweighing the slight pain. She looked over her shoulder and saw him take the thick base of his cock in his hand and press it against the hollow of her thighs. She leaned over the edge of the bath, jutting her buttocks in the air. Her breathing was coming so fast she felt lightheaded and her cunt burned with need.

  “Take me,” she gasped, pushing backward.

  He slid into her, and she felt stretched and filled with his massive cock. She twisted so that he could slide into her and he did, wedging himself to the hilt. She mewed with satisfaction. Oh Mistral, that felt so good! He pushed against her and her hands slid on the side of the tub as she pushed back, clasping him as tightly as she could into her pussy.

  A little sigh made her look over. The queen sat on the side of the tub, her knees spread wide, while Sebring knelt between them. Kyla felt a zing of excitement as she watched the elf lick and nibble the queen’s pussy and clit, and she seemed to enjoy it. Her cheeks were flushed and her nipples hardened into tight points.

  And speaking of nipples… Her attention was drawn back to her own body as Merlin’s rough hands fondled her breasts, rubbing her nipples until they were so sensitive she thought she’d scream. And each of his long, slow thrusts drew sighs of delight from her throat.

  Queen Willow was sighing in delight as well. Tentatively, she reached out and tangled her fingers in Sebring’s hair. He worked on her with his tongue and fingers, and soon Kyla could scent her arousal. Her own arousal was such that juice spurted out with each of Merlin’s thrusts, which were coming faster and harder now.

  She dipped her hand between her legs and felt Merlin’s balls. Taking them in her hand, she squeezed and fondled them gently. He lowered his head and kissed her shoulder then bit it, holding it firmly with his teeth, growling like a tiger behind her.

had laid the queen on her back on the towels on the side of the bath. He looked so much like Merlin it was like seeing double. Same long, graceful body, same long, thick cock. He hesitated for a moment then plunged between her legs. The queen uttered a cry then moaned deeply. From where she was, Kyla could see his cock as it entered her cunt, and another rush of blistering passion enveloped her, making her dizzy. Her own cunt started to throb and clench and she knew she was about to come.

  Then Merlin cried out, and the cry turned to a pure, low note that rose and fell, pulsed and filled the air. A startled cry came from the queen, turning into elf song as well, soon joined by Sebring, his voice rough, as if the song was forcing its way past his lips. The song pushed Kyla over the edge. With a strangled cry, she abandoned herself to her orgasm, letting it sweep over her and shake her until her teeth chattered and her eyes filled with tears. Afterward she slumped back into the water, lying against Merlin’s strong shoulder, incapable of moving or speaking.

  Sebring thrust one last time into the queen and Kyla saw the base of his cock twitch as he emptied his seed into her. The queen’s voice rose then fell and she flung her arms around Sebring, drawing him to lie by her side. He stayed like that, his leg thrown over her hips, his cock still in her, until she stopped shaking. Then, slowly, he pulled out of her and helped her slide into the bath. There he held her tenderly while she buried her face in the crook of his neck and cried.

  Kyla didn’t understand why she was crying, but Sebring didn’t seem to mind. He nuzzled the back of her neck and stroked her back. After a while she stopped sobbing and just cuddled with him. The cuddling turned into a long kiss, and then Sebring took the queen’s hand and put it on his cock, which had grown hard again. The queen reddened a bit but kept her hand on him, and even started to play with it, a smile tugging at her lips.

  Sebring nudged her out of the bath and went down on her again, sucking and slurping at her pussy until the queen was writhing and panting. Then he had her turn over and get to her knees and slowly he thrust into her cunt, her juices spurting a bit from her tight hole as he eased into her and then thrust. He also reached between her legs and fondled her clit, rubbing it with his forefinger. They didn’t last long. The queen started to shudder and collapsed on the floor, her fingers digging into a soft towel as elf song once again filled her throat.


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