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Montana Wild Bears: Books 1-4 Bundle (BBW Paranormal Werebear Shape Shifter Romance Boxed Set)

Page 7

by Anya Nowlan

  “Jackson, are you okay?” she asked, her voice hoarse with worry. The murmur of a groan she got in reply told her that he was far from fine.


  Jackson exhaled deeply and Tess could feel him changing under her palms. The hair grew shorter and his massive muscles contracted and collapsed within him, his body shrinking back to his still-impressive 6’7’’ height. His fearsome muzzle and long teeth were swept away, the features of the bear disappearing within him. His brown eyes stayed the same, whether he was bear or man – deep and soulful. Tess gasped as she saw his injuries. He was littered with cuts and scrapes, both deep and superficial, and she could see several giant bruises forming on his body. Her hands touched him gently, trying to understand the extent of his injuries. He winced at each touch, his breathing shallow and ragged.

  “I think you have a few broken ribs and I doubt that arm’s fine,” she said, casting a worried look at his mangled left arm. He tried to reply, but before he could get another word out, he groaned in pain. Tess’s jaw squared in determination and she shrugged out of her jacket quickly. She took off one of the layered sweaters she was wearing and made a quick sling out of it, tying Jackson’s arm against his body. Thick strips of fabric were ripped from her t-shirt as she tried to stop some of the bleeders with makeshift bandages, salvaging as much as she could. She ran back to her backpack and found the small first aid kit, grabbing tape and gauze from it (though the little kit was certainly not meant to treat a man as big as Jackson, especially not after a bear fight!). Sprinkling the antiseptic on his deep wounds made her feel only marginally better, the bear-claw scratches horrific to look at. But, he was mostly okay.

  It could be a lot worse. Deal with this; don’t think about the rest of it. You’ll have time later. Tess urged herself, determination taking the place of her earlier fear and indecision.

  “We’re going to have to get off this hill, Tess. I can bet that he’ll come back with more of his kin,” Jackson said, his voice thin as he struggled to catch a breath. “I’m sorry, Tess, I…” he started, before she shushed him quickly.

  “No time for that. We’ll talk about this later. We’ll talk about all of it. Right now, we just need to go.” Tess looked into his pained eyes and the man nodded solemnly. She kissed him quickly on the lips, her entire body pulsing with adrenaline. It was a long walk to the car, and he was in no shape to hoof it, but they were going to have to do their best. Tess left both of their bags on the mountainside, in the company of the collapsed bear. He had shifted back while her back had been turned, but the man was still out cold. Tess helped Jackson up, letting him lean on her shoulder as he struggled to his feet, wincing with pain.

  Tess only took the headlamps with them, the thin streaks of light guiding their way down the treacherous hill and into the deep forests below. Her hand was clutched around Jackson’s waist and he leant on her with one arm, the much bigger man taking as much support from Tess as she could give him. They made for a curious sight as they hobbled down, Yellowhead a distant, forgotten memory behind them. When they passed the fallen body of one of Ryder’s men, Tess checked only to make sure that he was still alive. She couldn’t spare any time to help the two men who had tried so hard to kill Jackson. Any interest she had had in Ryder before was now replaced only by disgust and coldness.

  What the hell have I got myself into, she thought, clutching Jackson’s side tighter while trying to avoid pressing on his ribs. Her only consolation was that at least she was at the side of a man, who made her feel like the only woman in the world. If we can get through this, we can get through anything.

  The trip to the truck was one that Tess could barely recall once they had made it back. It all seemed as if covered by a haze, hidden from her immediate memories. She remembered being tired to the bone, thirsty and damn near hysterical, but she and Jackson had still kept going forward until they hit the road. They’d barely spoken throughout the trek, but she didn’t need words with him. She knew how he felt – angry, frustrated with himself at the situation and incredibly worried for Tess. Even when he was close to passing out, he’d asked her if she was fine and whether she needed to rest. It made her heart swell with love, but she had no time to think about it then.

  When the beat-up truck finally came into view, Tess could barely keep from collapsing on her knees from relief and exhaustion. With trembling hands, she unlocked the passenger seat and Jackson hauled himself in with a pained grunt. She skipped around the front of the car and jumped into the driver’s seat, cranking up the heat the second she got the big Diesel pick-up roaring to life.

  “God damn Montana weather,” she grumbled under her breath, drawing a small smile from Jackson. He was keeled over awkwardly, trying to keep weight off his bruised and broken ribs; his breathing had grown more and more ragged as they’d got closer to the car. Ten hours of hiking in low temperatures with little gear and an injured werebear was not something Tess was keen on repeating.

  “Take me to Keely,” Jackson said, bracing a hand against the dashboard. Tess nodded and cranked the car into gear, sending a cloud of dirt and gravel flying behind them as the car took off.

  Keely and her husband Derek had come to the house once. Jackson had introduced them, but Tess knew little else of the woman and her beau other than that they lived not far from Jackson’s cottage. She made the car tumble up and down hills at breakneck speeds, trying to get as far away from the trail to Yellowhead as fast as she could. The danger was long behind them, but she could still feel Ryder’s burning eyes on her and hear the bloodcurdling growls as the werebears went at each other. Her world had gone from safe and secure to one that was surrounded by danger and uncertainty, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. But, she knew how she felt about the big man beside her. Tess glanced at him, her stomach twisting at the sight of his pain, but the determination in his eyes told her that he would be fine. The question was, would they be fine as well? A love as young as theirs was not built for dealing with quite that much baggage.

  “Is Keely a… bear as well?” she asked, her voice quiet. She was tired to the bone, but her eyes were wide open and her mind alert. Fearing for someone else’s life did wonders for staying awake.

  “A werebear. Yes. Her and Derek both.”

  “And what does that mean?” Tess asked, questions tumbling forth that had been welling in her since she saw the first man shift. Jackson sighed slightly, hanging his head. His strong jaw was tense and his shoulders slumped a bit as Tess looked at him again, uncertainty clear in her features.

  “I’m so sorry, Tess. I should have told you before. I wanted to, but… I’ve never felt like this for anyone. Everything about you… the way you love the world around you, your sass, your soul… your body…” he smirked a bit at that, making Tess blush. “I didn’t want to lose you before you knew me better, and before I knew you better as well. I was going to sit you down when we got home and show you what I am in a calmer setting. I wasn’t banking on Ryder doing what he did. I didn’t think he’d dare go against me like that. But, that doesn’t matter. I’m a werebear. Most of the people you’ve seen me talk to are werebears. Our clan has lived here for centuries and I am their leader – their Alpha. Since my father died, it has been my job to protect them and keep us together, even if there hasn’t been much danger to us other than getting discovered by humans.”

  Tess mulled it over, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the steering wheel tightly.

  Well, this is definitely the most interesting relationship I’ve ever had…

  “We’ll talk about it later, Jackson,” she said, squeezing his knee with one hand, before hitting the breaks and shifting down, as Keely’s house came into view behind a thicket of trees. She must have been going faster than she thought, because Keely came running out of the house at the noise. Keely was pulling open the passenger door, the moment that Tess stopped the car in front of the porch. She took one look at Jackson, then at Tess, and reached in to help Jackson out
of his seat.


  “Derek! Get out here! It’s Jackson!” Keely yelled and Tess jumped out of the car. The look Keely gave both of them told Jackson that even if he had tried to convince himself otherwise, it wasn’t just little scrapes and bruises. The broad, powerful form of Derek came out from behind the house and Jackson could see his face getting pale at the sight of his torn body. Derek brushed the women aside and flung Jackson’s arm around his neck, helping the beaten and battered werebear into the house. He appreciated the help, accepting it, even if it hurt his ego. Keely peeled off to look for something in the other room while Derek helped Jackson to the couch. Jackson winced and the sharp intake of breath made Tess jump a little. Keely came back shortly and made a beeline for Jackson, her hands full of gauze and antiseptics, and Tess could take an easier breath.

  At least we’re with friends. Now if only I could talk to Tess about all of this.

  “Can I help, Keely?” Tess asked.

  “Go boil some water, we need to clean the wounds,” the blonde woman said, pointing at the open kitchen corner. Tess peeled off to fill the kettle with water as Jackson’s jacket was taken off and his shirt gingerly cut off of him, the fabric sticking to the dried blood.

  “What happened, Jackson?” Derek asked, the fair-haired werebear looking glum. His brows were furrowed and his dark eyes kept flicking between his wife and his Alpha, looking like he was ready to fling into action at the merest command.

  “Ryder happened,” Jackson said, drawing quick growls from both Keely and Derek. Tess returned to the living room and he gave her a thankful look. She sat on the couch’s armrest and took some gauze from Keely as the blonde werebear dabbed at some of the cuts. “We were coming down from Yellowhead when he jumped me with two of his men.” Keely directed a questioning glance at Tess, and the young scientist nodded.

  “I know what you guys are, Keely. You don’t need to worry about me. I understand.” An almost palpable feeling of relief wafted from the werebear couple, even coaxing a small smile out of Keely.

  “Well, not the way I imagine Jackson wanted you to know; but welcome to the mountains nonetheless. These cuts aren’t good, but they’re not horrible. I think you have at least three broken ribs and that wrist of yours is definitely sprained. Good thing your bear will allow you to heal faster, Jackson,” Keely said, giving Jackson and Tess a worried look. “I think the bigger problem here is that he’s decided to take things this far. He didn’t used to be like that… But I guess having your clan put in danger will make a bear do irrational things.” Keely’s nose scrunched up a little. The woman, though tall and athletic, seemed far too sweet and delicate to be hiding a roaring beast within, but Jackson knew that she was more than a worthy match for any foe.

  “No, he didn’t used to be like that. We used to be close…” Jackson said, trailing off as Keely dabbed at the deep lacerations on his abdomen.

  “What happened?” Tess asked. Jackson knew that she must have been curious about his obvious past with Ryder, but he had hoped that he would never have to tell her about his lost friend; at least, not as soon. Jackson looked at her, and he felt his heart constricting at the sight of her worry.

  “His clan got run out of their lands. They used to live around Bitterroot in Idaho, but a pack of werewolves drove them out a few months ago. Ryder’s people scattered and, by the looks of it, they’re in the process of getting the remainder of their clan together; but this time they seem to have chosen our lands as their target. I don’t agree with his methods, but I allowed him to settle on a small area while they found another home. Ryder took a liking to the place. It seems that a little is not enough. He wants it all. And now, his people are here, while ours have drifted across the land, as it has got safer and safer for us. When the wolves came, I offered to help, as there’s no certainty they won’t want to move in on our lands next; but he said no. Ryder’s too proud… he’s always hated losing.” He sighed, taking a breath that managed to stab at his lungs again.

  “We were friends once. Our packs were close. He was one of my closest friends when we were kids – like a brother. But his father and mine had quite different ways of running their clans, and so he grew up… darker, more difficult. We drifted apart, and I hadn’t even talked to him since he took over the running of the Bitterroot clan. He’s not the same man, or the same bear that I once knew.” Grief coiled in him, wrapping its long tendrils around his heart. It was hard losing a brother, especially in such a way.

  Derek had only grown tenser as the conversation progressed, his lips pressed into a thin line.

  “I think it’s time we call the other bears and go find Ryder.”

  “No,” Jackson said sharply, making the rest of them meet his gaze. It was the same voice he had used when speaking to Ryder, the edge and depth of his tone accented by the grizzly that he shared his existence with. It was the voice of a leader – one that demanded to be heard and respected. “We’re not going to sink to his level. There won’t be any bloodshed, not as long as we can avoid it.”

  Jackson watched Derek lift his chin a bit, exhaling deeply. He obviously didn’t fully agree, but he wasn’t going to question his Alpha in a matter as severe as this one.

  “But you have to agree that it’s time to call the others. The entire pack has to be here. They’re already dangerously close to outnumbering us, and if they decide to take things past just bullying one or two of us in the cover of the forest, then we may not be able to stand our ground. That means…”

  “That you have to call Jonah and Julian, Jackson. They have to come home. And maybe Jacqueline? If we can’t, maybe she could put some sense into Ryder,” Keely finished.

  It was Jackson’s turn to take a deep breath, his gaze seeking out Tess’s. There was a question in his eyes, and for the second time that day, he had to ask for her help. She reached out her hand, wrapping her small fingers around his big palm. Tess laid a small kiss on his cheek before gripping his hand tightly in hers, making warmth spread throughout his body.

  God, I can’t lose her now. I need her. She has to be the one.

  He looked at Keely and Derek, shaking himself from his revelry.

  “Can you give us a moment?” The couple nodded in understanding.

  “I think you have a keeper in her, Jackson!” Keely quipped over her shoulder.

  “I think so too,” Jackson agreed as they retreated out of sight, Keely’s hands wrapping around the terse Derek in an effort to smooth his edges.

  “You’re going to have to do what’s best for your people, Jackson,” she said when the couple was out of earshot. He reached out and pulled her off the armrest, pressing her against him. His ribs hurt, but it just reminded him that he was alive; now more than ever. His bear and human halves had to come together – both in love and in war, as he had suddenly found himself an actor in both.

  “Tess, I didn’t want to hide this from you, but the safety of my clan has to come before my personal happiness. Trust me, I knew from the moment I saw you that you were special and there was something between us, but a lifetime of being wary of outsiders reared its ugly head.” Jackson took one of her hands in his, her delicate fingers so small in his palm. She seemed to be listening intently, and he was glad to find the same determination in her eyes that had sparked there since their meeting with Ryder and his posse. “I know it might seem early to say this, but I know in my heart of hearts that these words are true; for both halves of me. Tess, I love you and I would do anything in my power to keep you safe and next to me.” He paused, not sure whether or not he wanted to hear her reply.

  She paused for a moment before speaking, and Jackson could have sworn that his heart stopped for a second. Finally, she looked up at him and he drank from her gray eyes, sinking into the deep pools. His bear had known all along that she was the one, and it had taken far too long for the stubborn man to accept the wisdom of his bear and the need that was buried in his heart. Now, he had risked losing her, and it had s
hown him how much he truly wanted to avoid testing fate. His mate had been led to him, but it was up to him to keep her with him. He would only have to hope that she felt the same way as he did.

  “Jackson, I… It’s a lot to take in. But I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel deeply for you as well. I’ve felt something growing between us, and now, after Ryder… I don’t know what it is exactly, but I want to find out.” She wetted her lips with her tongue and Jackson felt a familiar heat burning in him, despite his gruesome injuries. He could breathe a little easier thanks to her words. “But you need to open up to me now. After what I’ve seen, I want to know more about you, your clan… your bear.”

  Jackson nodded quickly, pulling her against him. His heart as if released from painful ties, allowed to rejoice in the knowledge that his mate would stand by him despite what she had seen.

  “Of course, Tess. I want you to know everything. You’ll be my queen. You’re just the part of me that has been missing all along,” he said, his voice wavering slightly. She smiled and pulled him into a long kiss, her tongue snaking into his mouth. He fell into the kiss gladly, ignoring the aches and pains in his body and allowing himself to revel in the presence and taste of his mate. Despite the troubles that loomed ahead, he could finally hope for something – a better future, cubs, a family. It gave him the strength he had been missing and completed the trifecta of Alpha, bear and mate. His powers could only grow stronger now. When she drew back from him, her gaze had regained that sparkle of mischief he had grown to love so much, so quickly.


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