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Falling Free: What happens in Vegas... (The Fall Series)

Page 2

by Rossi, Annica

  This was much more than I had bargained for, and I felt awkward in my simple cotton dress and summer sandals, or maybe I felt awkward in my new movie star make-up and hair. Either way it was a conflicting combination, and I hoped the new clothes would help me feel complete. I was transforming into the person I would be for the next five days, getting into character. It was just what I needed. This must be what Barry meant when he said he had a surprise for me, and even though everything about the man angered me, I was grateful. I couldn’t imagine being just a girl from Northern Michigan with her messy ponytail and sundress in the midst of this this over-the-top city, especially if I was to be seen on the arm of Parker Blackwell the world poker star. I’m sure a man like him was used to nothing but the best.

  Nancy stood by the door waiting for our arrival. “Follow me, ladies.” She spoke with authority. “I have several things ready for you to try on. What size are you, honey, I’m guessing about a five?”

  “Yes, a five,” I answered as Alex and I followed her to the back of the boutique. When she opened the door several groups of neatly arranged ensembles hung from large shiny racks. My eyes studied the colors and textures of the sexy evening dresses with bare backs and plunging necklines, casual skirts with camisoles, bikinis, and lingerie. There was too much to take in.

  Nancy went directly to a rack and removed a little black number that would change my definition of the little black dress forever. “Shall we start with this one?” She smiled.

  I felt like a princess as I shimmied in and out of one designer label after another. The shoes were amazing, too, although my feet hurt a little after trying on countless pairs and walking across the room for each inspection. After the tenth pair I began wondering how the hell I would ever wear a pair all day. By the time we were finished I was pretty sure I could tell the Jimmy Choos from the Pradas, and I was pretty sure I knew exactly how it felt to be a celebrity.

  My stomach was growling as I walked out of the dressing room wearing my ensemble for the day. “You look stunning,” Alex gushed and motioned for me to turn around in a circle to give her the full view. “Perfect. Mr. Blackwell is upstairs waiting for you to join him for dinner.”

  Mr. Blackwell was waiting. I swallowed hard at the thought. The moment of truth had arrived, and I was finally on my way to meet Parker Blackwell on his turf, deep inside his Las Vegas lair. Suddenly I didn’t feel so hungry after all.



  I watched as the little red light blinked across the numbers marking each passing floor. As the elevator shot up, so did my anxiety level. Alex stood quiet and composed, staring straight ahead. I wanted to ask her a million questions. What should I do? Where would I be staying? What if I changed my mind? But instead I stood quietly while my mind imagined the possibilities.

  When the doors opened she finally spoke, “Mr. Blackwell stays in the penthouse suite when he’s in town. I think you’ll find it very comfortable.” She handed me her card. “You may call me anytime day or night, although I think Mr. Blackwell will take care of everything you need. He’s very generous.” She stopped and grabbed me by the shoulders lightly. “I know you’re nervous and probably wondering exactly what to expect. Here’s what I can tell you, he’s competitive and always plays to win. He likes to have things his way, but he’s also a gentleman, and will expect you to behave accordingly. Do you understand what I’m saying? Remember, he’s one of our best clients. I’ll be here to take you to the airport on Thursday.”

  I stared at her blankly as she described her highly revered client, obviously unaware that I already knew all about “Mr. Blackwell”. Before I could reply she opened the door, and I followed her inside. The place smelled of him, masculine and fresh like leather and invigorating citrus, maybe bergamot. It was a smell I remembered from his car and his clothes and his skin, and it was already having its way with me as my thoughts became flooded with memories of our night on the beach. We passed through a small foyer and before I realized it we were face-to-face.

  “Mr. Blackwell, this is Lauren. Lauren, Mr. Parker Blackwell.”

  There he stood wearing only a pair of loose fitting plaid pajama pants. His broad shoulders were squared to us, his smooth chest chiseled and shirtless. I noticed his hair was slightly tussled and still wet from the shower as the smell of him swirled around me when he grabbed my hand. Mesmerized by the small drops of water still sliding down his chest, I couldn’t look up.

  “My pleasure.” His deep voice poured over me thick as honey as he studied me with a knowing smile. I couldn’t speak as I stood there taking him all in. From his piercing emerald eyes to those deep dimples, everything about him seemed to draw me closer. Then I felt his gaze tingle down my body as though he wasn’t at all concerned about checking out the merchandise while Alex was still in our presence, but the mischievous way his lips curled at the corners seemed to say that it was our little secret. That’s when I felt something else. Something unexpected. Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought, but I wouldn’t give in just yet. I was still mad as hell.

  His eyes stayed locked on mine as he dismissed Alex, “Thank you, Alex.”

  “I’ll show myself out,” she replied.

  Seconds passed, and I felt a twinge of panic when I heard the door close behind her. We were alone. My thoughts were running wild. Why does this gorgeous man hire escorts? His the smell of him is driving me crazy. What will he expect from me? What should I say? His voice startled me, bringing me back to the moment.

  “Would you like a drink?” He walked toward the bar without waiting for my answer. I remained frozen, watching him move with confident strides across the room. He looked just as good from behind. His back was broad, each muscle defined. He slowly poured two drinks. His movements seemed deliberate and measured as though he knew I was watching, and the atmosphere became tense. I swallowed nervously and reminded myself how angry I was with him, but instead of fighting to control my temper I found myself fending off the pheromones that seemed to radiate from every inch of him.

  I admired his chiseled form as he walked toward me holding a glass in each hand. Panicking, I dragged my eyes from his body and glanced around the room quickly for something, some kind of distraction. For the first time I noticed the lights. It was almost dark outside, and the lights seemed to go on for miles. They were all different colors and shapes, some jutting up into the sky and others like blankets of stars covering the landscape. Eager to escape the mounting intensity between us, I was drawn to the window like a magnet. From the top floor, the view was unlike anything I’d ever seen, and without thinking I said the first thing that came to mind, “It’s amazing.”

  “Yes, it is.” His words danced across the bare skin on the back of my neck sending a chill down my spine. He stood directly behind me and curled his arm around me to hand me my drink. I sensed that only inches separated his body from mine as his intoxicating smell surrounded me once again. The strapless dress I was wearing plunged to my waistline in back, and the sensation of his body heat radiating against my skin sent tiny electric pulses over my body causing my sex to clench with need. I wanted to be angry. I wanted him to know that I was furious about his indecent proposal, but feeling him so close changed everything. My stomach fluttered with fear and excitement as my body begged to be touched by this man whose very presence had me longing for more.

  “Why did you come here?” His voice was gentle yet I sensed the tension lurking beneath his calm demeanor.

  Reeling with anxiety I carefully considered my reply. What did he expect me to say? Why DID I come here? I told myself I was here to save The Grand—and I was…mostly. But there was something more that I didn’t want to admit. Not even to myself. I wanted more of HIM. I wanted more of the person I became when I was with him. Just more. But I wasn’t about to let him know.

  I had to think fast, not like Lo the girl from Michigan, but like one of his high priced Vegas escorts. What would she say? Long before I
arrived, my stubborn pride decided that I would behave like the prostitute he hired me to be, and staying true to my role, I made a move that shocked both of us. I turned toward him, my breasts brushing his bare chest and said, “To make you happy, Mr. Blackwell.” Anger tempered with need simmered just below the surface of my thinly veiled smile.

  He cocked his head inquisitively, obviously caught off guard by my unprovoked sarcasm, but I couldn’t read his expression as he studied my face. Just as I was feeling satisfied for throwing him off his game, his eyes grew dark, and his jaw muscles tensed. My heart pounded out a frantic rhythm against his chest, giving away my insecurity, but I wasn’t about to back down. I stood confidently against him waiting for him to make the next move. He’s a professional poker player, Lo! He reads people for a living, and right now he’s reading you like a book!

  “Well, then you can start right now. Turn around.” As he spoke he grabbed my shoulders and turned me away from him. “And please, call me Parker,” he growled as he expertly unzipped my dress with one swift tug.

  An unnerving jolt of adrenaline blazed through me as I realized my plan had backfired. He was raising the anti and had turned the tables on me so effortlessly that I stood frozen by the impact. I heard his footsteps walking away, then the sound of him settling into the chaise lounge directly across the large open room. My heart was racing. I expected him to get angry. I expected him to ask me what was wrong so I could get angry right back. I never considered what I would do if he actually called my bluff. The bastard was playing along!

  “Bend over and place your drink on the floor slowly. Then take off your dress.”

  “As you wish, Mr. Blackwell,” I responded through gritted teeth before squatting down toward my three inch stilettos with shaky knees.

  “No! Bend over.” Now there was both anger and urgency in his voice, and my body responded as if by instinct to his primal demand. I stood up straight, and slowly, delicately bent forward curving my back until I felt my drink touch the floor and my dress slide up just over the curve of my cheeks exposing me to him. Bastard! Nothing but a thin line of silk shielded the very center of me from his sight.

  “Now the dress.” His tone was increasingly more demanding.

  I stood up languidly, hooking my thumbs into the top of my dress and began to ease it down.

  “That’s right. Slowly,” he warned.

  I inched the fabric down, stopping just below my breasts to see if it pleased him. Fucking bastard! Why was he torturing me? How did he make me so hot when I was mad as hell at him? When he didn’t respond, I continued easing it down my body until it was around my ankles then kicked it aside without hesitation.

  “The rest please,” came his sharp reply, and this time I heard his body weight shift against the leather chair.

  Standing naked in front of the enormous windows for all of Las Vegas to see while Parker examined me from behind was unnerving. With a million winged things fluttering in my stomach, I unfastened my bra letting it fall to the floor and began sliding my panties down before carefully stepping out of them one stiletto at a time. I bit my lip when I nearly stumbled and felt tears sting my eyes. A confusing mix of emotions passed over me. I felt humiliated, and part of me wanted to disobey him yet every inch of my body screamed for more.

  In a low voice he growled, “Very nice, Lauren. Now turn around.” He sat before me smugly, comfortably even leaning back on the chair with his legs slightly spread. “If this is the way you want to me to treat you, I’ll be happy to, but be careful what you wish for. You may get much more than you can handle.”

  As I turned around, liquid heat pooled in my center at the sight of him. His eyes were slightly hooded with lust, his hard ripped body relaxed, and those pajama pants revealed both the cut v of his abs and the broad tip of his erection. I tried to control my ragged breathing as my mind was flooded with fear, anxiety competing with uncontrollable arousal. His eyes traveled across my breasts, devouring my curves while the electricity in the room vibrated through me. My skin was alive and tingling with goose bumps, tightening everywhere pushing my fully extended nipples straight up toward him like an offering. My heartbeat pulsed between my legs, the sensation intensifying as his eyes traveled down and stopped there for what seemed like an eternity. I was ready for him, waiting for his next command. Anger gave over to lust, and I was ready to make this man very happy indeed taking all that I needed in return. Spreading my legs slightly, I placed my hands on my hips. As his hungry eyes traveled upward, he gripped his length and began stroking slowly. A wicked smile spread across my lips. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…right you son-of-a-bitch?

  Right or wrong didn’t matter anymore. Both were inconsequential compared to what I had at stake. So when he motioned for me to come to him I obeyed without hesitation. He stood up flinging me over his shoulder, pinning my thighs to his chest with his forearm and carried me down a short hall. His fingers wrapped firmly around my thigh, dangerously close to my wetness. As soon as we entered the room, he stood me in front of him, as though I were on display, and I knew why. Mr. World Class Poker was also a voyeur.

  The bathroom came straight from the pages of Penthouse. Candlelight danced across the ceiling and the mirrored walls met with rich black granite midway. I watched his reflection as he pulled off his pants, freeing his thickly veined shaft before leading me into a spacious shower encased in clear glass. He turned on the water and leaned back on the tiled bench, pulling me down in front of him and placing my hands on either side of his thighs. I knew what he wanted me to do, but I wanted him to ask for it.

  I lifted my head and arched my back feeling the water glide over my skin as I looked him straight in the eyes waiting for his command. My pulse quickened when he grabbed my chin roughly without saying a word. He relaxed and moved his hand to the back of my neck before winding it in my hair and forcing my head down. The head of his cock glistened in the candlelight and I lapped up the sticky drops of desire, flicking over them, spreading them lightly around the whole girth of him. As he watched my reflection, I made sure the view was worth every penny.

  I slowly licked the tip, curling my tongue under the ridge and running it down his entire length as my breasts bobbed with each deliberate movement. He groaned in appreciation and wrapped his hand in my hair as I took him in little by little until he reached the back of my throat. He pumped into me with quick deep movements. His body stiffened as he let out that primal noise a man makes the moment his mind disconnects from his body, and I pulled my mouth from him and finished him with my hand as I watched him unravel. He rested his head against the shower wall and closed his eyes. Short ragged breaths escaped him as the thick white ribbons shot from his throbbing member and splattered against the granite all around me.

  A wicked smile spread over his face. This was my punishment! I thought as blinked up at him barely able to control the aching need between my legs. My fingers reached instinctively down to touch my wetness, gliding across my clit. I caught a glimpse of the smile fading from his lips before I closed my eyes and began to show him what he’d done to me. When I opened them slightly I could see his hand working his cock back into service, and we watched each other intently until I felt him lift my arm and turn me around as he stood up. He pulled me back with one hand and pinned my hips to him. I felt his hard cock pressed against my curves as he reached for the hand-held shower head. His hand left my hip and traveled up my side, pinching my nipple as he directed the warm pulsating stream of water at my clit.

  The pleasurable sensation had me arching into his erection, and my sex swelled against the vibrations as he entered me, filling me completely until I was sealed against him. Again and again he speared into me, and I arched to meet his every thrust until my orgasm erupted in spasms clenching his rock hard cock. My release spurred him to move faster. His thrusts became harder, and he bent me forward and grabbed my hips slamming deep inside of me. Pain mixed with pleasure. I could hear myself whimpering, barely able to take him
when he pulled out abruptly and rubbed his cock between my cheeks. His body was shaking as his hot fluid sprayed over my skin.

  When it was over he slid his arms around me gently and lifted me against his chest. I was unsteady, still reeling from the primal assault on my body. He never kissed me. He just took what he wanted from me quickly and without compromise. I expected to feel guilty, dirty even, but I felt exhilarated. For the next five days my body belonged to Parker Blackwell, and I would do whatever it took to please him. I would take my anger out on him between the sheets or anywhere else that he requested my body. I would let him use me, and I would use him right back earning every penny I would need to save The Grandview and get on with my life.

  “Do you still hate me?” The sound of his voice broke through my thoughts.

  “Yes,” I whispered feeling a little disappointed as he released me, turned off the shower and handed me a towel.

  “Good.” He was trying to be smug, but the cocky satisfied grin on his face gave him away.”

  I shot him a sideways smirk. He knew what he did to me, and his ego was gloating in the aftermath.

  “I know you came here with expectations of how this arrangement was supposed to work, but believe it or not, I had something else in mind. I watched my whole plan go up in flames the moment you challenged me, so let me remind you again to be careful what you wish for, Lo. If you keep pushing me to treat you like a prostitute, it’s in my nature to oblige.”

  My face flushed as I considered his warning.

  “Your luggage is in your room at the end of the hall. I have to go out, but I’ll have room service brought up for you. You must be starving.”

  “No thanks. I’m not very hungry.” I lied.


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