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Falling Free: What happens in Vegas... (The Fall Series)

Page 11

by Rossi, Annica

  “Good morning,” he whispered against my neck.

  “Good morning,” I giggled.

  “You better get up and shower, or I might just hold you captive in this bed all day.”

  I turned towards him propping my head on my hand. “Is that a challenge, Mr. Blackwell?”

  “More of a threat. Now go. We’re going out today.” As he spoke his hand came down swiftly stinging my butt cheeks.

  “Ouch! Okay, okay, I’m going!” I stood up and wrapped the sheet around me, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. “Parker, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, anything.”

  “What are you doing to me? I mean, what are we doing to each other?”

  He let out a deep breath. “I don’t know, but whatever it is we’ll figure it out together. Now go get ready. We’re leaving in an hour.”

  When I got back to my room I didn’t feel like getting ready right away. Something was bothering me. The deeper things got with Parker, the more I heard Leslie’s voice in my head warning that someone was trying to deceive me. Maybe it was a defense mechanism. Maybe I was just too stubborn to let myself believe I could possibly be happy again.

  I flipped open my laptop and thought about logging into The Grandview website to see if we were fully booked for the summer holidays yet. Just thinking about it made me anxious. Tapping my fingers on the table an idea came to me. I should Google Parker!

  I entered his name in the search bar and scanned down the page of blue links. He really was some kind of celebrity.

  Parker Blackwell winner of the 2010 Word Poker Tour

  Parker Blackwell was at the final table in the World Poker Series Main Event

  Parker Blackwell donates $300,000 to the ASPCA

  After reading several articles and scanning six pages into Google I was convinced that aside from his kinky sex habits Parker Blackwell was a pretty good guy. I found no mention of a girlfriend, child, divorce or anything else that he hadn’t told me. Maybe Parker was being honest all along. Maybe someone else was plotting behind my back, or maybe it was all just bullshit.

  I got ready quickly deciding to dress in ‘Vegas casual’ again until told otherwise, but I longed to put on another pair of yoga pants and a tank top. As I dressed my imagination was running wild. I wondered where he was taking me.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked as I walked into the kitchen. I thought we’d grab a coffee on the way downstairs. They have the best lattes here, and maybe a bagel or muffin if you need something more. We have to be somewhere by 9:00 AM.”

  “Somewhere?” I prodded.

  “You’ll see soon enough. Ready?”

  “Whenever you are,” I replied trying to contain my excitement.

  “Oh, yeah.” Parker pointed at my shoes. “I know you’ll be disappointed, but you’ll have to leave the Jimmy Choos behind today. Did you bring tennis shoes?”

  “Yes.” I was beaming at the thought of wearing comfortable shoes.

  “Go change into some comfortable clothes and wear your tennis shoes,” he grinned noticing my excitement.

  In minutes I was in the elevator next to him wearing a tank top, yoga pants and tennis shoes as instructed.

  “Good choice,” he whispered in my ear, and I knew he was referring to the yoga pants.

  “So it’s safe to say you have a yoga pants fetish?” I asked, and we both laughed.

  The heat was suffocating as we entered the limo, lattes in hand. I couldn’t stand the weather in Vegas. No wonder people spent so much time indoors. It was miserable compared to Michigan.

  The privacy glass slid down and the driver asked, “Do you have any stops today, Mr. Blackwell, or would you like to go straight to the destination?” His eyes blinked anxiously as he looked at me in the rearview mirror.

  “Straight to the destination please.”

  “Very well,” he replied, and the glass slid slowly back into place.

  I turned toward Parker. “The destination, huh? Must be some surprise. You even have the driver worried he might give it away.

  “You’ll see,” he beamed without offering a clue. But his smile was all it took to put me at ease and stop me from prying any further. If he wanted to surprise me, I wouldn’t ruin it.

  I settled in for the ride. We were leaving the glamour of the strip behind, and if I wasn’t mistaken the route looked very familiar. My suspicion was soon confirmed as I began seeing signs for the airport ahead.

  I looked at Parker. He could see the questions on my face, but he didn’t offer so much as a clue until the moment the limo door opened. He grabbed my hand to help me out with the biggest sappiest grin on his face.

  Seconds later, as if he were going to burst he said, “We’re going to take a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon.”

  “Parker, are you crazy?” I screamed. “You want me to get in a helicopter? I’m terrified of heights.”

  “You’ll be okay. I’ll be right here beside you holding your hand. I promise it’ll be amazing.”

  I didn’t want to ruin the joy on his face. I relented, “Okay, okay I’ll do it for you.”

  He lifted me up and spun me around in a circle. “I’ve always wanted to do this. I’m really happy we get to do it together.”

  I squeezed Parker’s hand as we listened to our flight instructions and were schooled briefly on the perils of the Grand Canyon. The lesson was over quickly, and before I could think about it we were ducking into the helicopter and putting our headsets over our ears.

  We looked at each other, and Parker squeezed my hand tighter as the helicopter lifted off the ground and whizzed through the air higher and higher. It was different than flying in an airplane. It was scarier, but I felt safe with him, and as the Grand Canyon came into view I was completely mesmerized. Words couldn’t describe the vast beauty before us. As we took in the terrain Parker put his arm around me and said, “It’s amazing isn’t it? Just like you.”

  We descended down into the canyon and the pilot instructed us to look out to our left to see the skywalk. I was astonished, and I looked to Parker pleading with my eyes not to be forced to walk out on that perilous thing. It was a horseshoe-like structure jutting out beyond the cliffs, hanging over the canyon. People were walking around it, and I could see from a distance the floor was made of clear glass.

  Parker shook his head. “We don’t have to,” he smiled, and I was instantly relieved.

  The helicopter continued to descend until to my surprise we landed. I looked at Parker.

  “Have you ever had lunch in the desert?”

  I loved seeing his face light up. He looked so happy, so relaxed. “This will be another first,” I replied looking into his eyes.

  I knew he understood when the corners of his mouth curled into that sexy smile. He seemed distracted, but replied, “Good. We’ll have many more firsts as long as you’re willing.”

  After we exited the helicopter the pilot began setting out a picnic lunch for us complete with champagne. It was early, but the heat of the desert sun was already beating down, and I was thankful that my feet weren’t swelling in Jimmy Choos. We ate quietly taking in the surroundings. The colors and shapes were incredible. From the corner of my eye I spotted a lizard crawling close to our blanket and screamed. Parker burst out laughing, and I quickly joined him. His laugh was contagious. When we finished eating we laid back to look at the sky.

  “See that cloud right there?” He pointed. “What does it look like to you?”

  “That one?” I pointed too, just to be sure we were looking at the same one.

  “Yes. It looks like a horse to me. Like a wild mustang with its mane flowing behind it.”

  I tried see a wild mustang, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t see one anywhere. “No, definitely not, it’s more like a flower. See? The mane is really the flower’s petals.”

  “Are you serious!” he exclaimed. “A flower? No way. It’s a wild mustang. Look at it again.”

  “I’m telling you it�
�s a…” The peculiar look on Parker’s face distracted me. Clearly enjoying our heated debate over cloud shapes, he was smiling from ear to ear, but there was something else going on, something that I couldn’t put my finger on at the moment. He had something up his sleeve, but I had no idea what it could be.

  Reluctantly, I turned my attention back to the clouds. “I can’t believe you don’t see the petals right there.” I pointed again. This time he didn’t answer, and when I looked at him again he was studying the sky intently. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed a little black box sitting on the blanket between us. I looked at the box then at him, suspiciously as he continued to study the clouds as if nothing had happened.

  Intrigued, I tried to get his attention, “Parker.” He didn’t look. He was obviously enjoying the suspense. I tried again, feeling both giddy and frustrated in the same breath. “Parker?” When he finally looked, I was almost bowled over by that huge sappy full-dimpled grin that melted me from the inside out.

  “It’s for you. Open it.”

  Skeptical, I hesitated. He grabbed the little box and placed it in my hand. I had to swallow the lump that suddenly formed in my throat. What could it be? My heart raced as I imagined the possibilities. A ring? No. Not his style, but some type of jewelry by the looks of it.

  I held the box gently and examined like its contents could change my life forever, and judging by the hope that sparkled in Parker’s eyes it just might. My cheeks felt hot, and my palms started to sweat. Somehow I felt like this moment was the beginning of something more. I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time, and I hadn’t even looked inside yet.

  Wanting to savor the moment, I opened the box slowly to reveal a platinum heart locket attached to the end of a dainty matching chain. I bit my lip as I opened the locket.

  “Remember that day, Lo? Back when we both believed anything was possible? I’ve looked at the picture so many times. I never thought I could feel so happy or so sure of anything again…until right now. When we’re together anything’s possible”

  My eyes filled with tears as I looked at the little picture inside. I had long forgotten that day. Parker and I had spent hours on the beach working on a sand sculpture for the annual contest. We were so intent on winning, we refused to take a break, so my mom brought sandwiches, snacks and water to us throughout the day. Looking back now it seemed silly since the odds of us actually winning were slim. We were up against professionals, but that didn’t stop us. It was the first time we stopped competing against each other and worked together, and we ended up taking fifth place. I could see the pride on our faces as we smiled for the camera and secretly gave each other bunny ears at the same time in the typical Parker and Lo style.

  I looked at Parker through blurry eyes.

  “You make me feel like anything’s possible, Lo. I know you have to leave tomorrow, but this is just the beginning. You know?”

  “Anything’s possible,” I whispered still looking at the locket. He leaned in, and his lips met mine. He pushed my hair aside and trailed his fingers down my neck before securing the necklace. Looking at him almost took my breath away. That’s when I knew the answer to the question that was lingering since the day he showed up at The Grand. That’s when it hit me full force. I was in love with Parker Blackwell.

  It was true. Maybe I had always loved him and was just too stubborn to admit it. I was totally and completely head-over-heels in love with him, and it felt like someone had just knocked the wind out of me as I remembered that twenty-four hours from now I would be far far away.

  I had no illusions. I knew all those women from his past would be behind his door the second I was gone, and I feared when he was all alone, the temptation might be too strong to resist. How could I let myself fall in love with him? How could it ever work?

  My nerves were jumping. “Parker!” I pushed him away, but my heart dropped when I saw the confused look on his face. “I mean, not here. The pilot is right over there, and all those people on the bridge?” I scrambled to regain my composure.

  Clearly wounded, he spoke so quietly I could barely hear him. “I’m sorry.”

  I felt hollow. I didn’t pushed him away because of the pilot, or the people above. I just panicked. Our love felt like an invisible current. It felt safe when we were together, but once I was gone…it scared me.

  I reached for his hand during the ride back to the airport, and he laced his fingers into mine, but we stared out our windows in silence. Meanwhile, my mind was in overdrive going over the last few days and the range of emotions that I felt in that short amount of time. I almost told him I loved him. I came close more than once, but something always stopped me. Maybe it was a sign that things just weren’t meant to be. Maybe.

  By the time we arrived back at the suite, things felt awkward. I was relieved when Parker broke the silence.

  “I was thinking we’d stay in tonight. Take a shower with me?”

  He held out his hand, and I accepted the invitation, hopeful that we might be able to salvage the last few hours we had left. We made our way to the bathroom. He started the water before we began to slowly undress each other. Oddly, it wasn’t sexual, but things between us felt more intimate than ever before.

  The warm water surrounded us as we stood together with my back to his chest and his arms cradling me from behind. He washed my hair gently in soft circles working his way down to my neck and shoulders. I didn’t want it to end. His hands worked their magic down my back stopping just below my waist, and my eyes felt heavy as I waited to see what he would do next.

  “Lo,” his voice was soft. “Let’s go to bed. I want to hold you.”

  I nodded in agreement, and we both finished washing. Parker wrapped me in a fluffy white robe and smoothed my hair from my face. He picked me up, but not over his shoulder like before. This time he cradled me in his arms, and when we reached his bed himself around me.

  “I love you,” he whispered as tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I love you, too, Parker.” I felt so content in his arms. I feel asleep wishing the morning would never come.



  Morning came quickly, and when I woke up next to him, my heart was suddenly filled with hope. My fingers felt the locket. The picture inside reminded me…anything’s possible.

  Parker stretched his arms over his head and yawned. “Good morning, babe.”

  I wanted to wake up to that warm sexy smile as many days as I possibly could I thought as I answered him with a gentle kiss.

  “What time is it?” he groaned.

  “Not sure. Why?”

  Sitting up to look at the clock and then at me, he explained, “I have a meeting downstairs this morning. I’d skip it if I could, but it’s about the upcoming tournament in Australia. I have to be there. Shouldn’t take more than an hour or so, though. Then I thought we could order in and spend our last few hours hanging out up here until…”

  “Until I have to leave.”

  He didn’t want to say it out loud. “Yeah, until then.”

  I climbed up to straddle him and covered his eyelids, his cheeks, and finally his lips with soft gentle kisses. His hands glided down my sides stopping to cup my ass and press me against his growing arousal beneath the thin sheet between us.

  Feeling playful, I ground my center across his length slowly and bit his neck. “Mmm…what are you trying to tell me, Mr. Blackwell? Do you have time for a quickie?”

  Without hesitation, Parker pulled down the sheet allowing his full length to spring free. I was already wet with need as I parted my robe and impaled myself on him, obviously taking him by surprise.

  “Damn it, Lo! Slow down or it’ll be over before it gets started.”

  “That’s why it’s called a quickie, right?” I shot back with a mischievous grin before riding him hard and fast until his body shook beneath me as he came in me in quick powerful bursts. He stroked my hair as I laid on top of him, both of us
trying to catch our breath. Seconds later he was laughing.

  “What?” I smiled up at him.

  “You! How do you do that to me?”

  “Well, a girl can’t give away all her secrets,” I laughed.

  “When I get back I want you naked all afternoon.”


  “Just wait and see.”

  I loved the playful sarcasm between us. It was fun, challenging and full of sexual undertones that made my hormones go haywire. I wished he didn’t have to leave.

  One hour and one long lingering kiss at the door later, Parker was off to his meeting, and I was all alone. I reluctantly decided to pack my bags so I could spend every last moment in his arms when he returned. I just finished getting dressed and packing the last of my things neatly in my suitcase when the doorbell rang.

  I walked to the foyer apprehensively, as a replay of the Sarah Blackwell incident flashed in my mind. Having learned my lesson, I peered through the peephole to see an employee from the front desk holding a large box.

  “I have a delivery for you, miss.” The man said politely.

  “Thanks.” I held out my arms to take the package.

  “Oh, no this is very heavy, miss. If you’ll allow me in I’ll gladly carry it to the counter for you.”

  I wondered what could be inside the large heavy box as I followed the man into the kitchen. The box itself was more like a crate, and when I got a better look I noticed it held various bottles of imported beer inside. The white envelope attached to the top caught my eye.

  “Thanks so much.” I looked around for my purse in search of a tip.

  “No need, miss. A gratuity will be added to Mr. Blackwell’s account. Have a good day.”

  I followed the man back to the door, and immediately went back to the kitchen to examine the box a little closer. It looked expensive, tasteful, like something the Blackwell family might send.


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