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Lieutenant Commander Stud

Page 24

by Chance Carter

  As they walked into the club, the smell of sweat and booze filled their senses, causing Molly’s nose to crinkle. The inside would be pitch black if not for the neon lights flashing all around the dance floor, and the bright lights of the bar where a tattooed and pierced man was mixing drinks on a glass countertop. Elodie excitedly started dancing her way over to a random guy, and began grinding on him as if he were a stripper pole. Molly made her way over to the bar and looked around for a drink menu.

  “You’re new. What can I get ya?”

  The bartender smiled, his muscles rippling under his tight black t-shirt.

  “I, uh… um, what’s good?” she asked, sheepishly.

  “Depends what you want—beer, tequila, or some kind of fruity drink maybe?”

  “A fruity drink! That’d be great.”

  She smiled at the bartender, who looked her up and down, making it blatantly obvious that he knew she’d never ordered a drink in her life. He was right, technically, but it wasn’t like she’d never drank before. It’s just that Elodie had mixed her drinks and never gave them names, only said what was in them. She knew she liked fruity drinks, so Molly figured it was a safe bet.

  The bartender handed her a bright green drink and she paid, making sure to tip the appropriate ten percent. The music around her was loud, but not the heavy metal she’d heard it would be. It was new age stuff, modern, with today’s hits. She also noticed that the people weren’t just bikers and gangbangers. There were a couple, but overall it was mostly college kids. Suddenly, a ruckus could be heard coming from the entrance. Molly sipped her drink and glanced over, watching as a group of tough, tattooed, and ripped guys walked in the main door. They were rough-housing and pushing each other in a playful way, laughing and making crude remarks about the women they were seeing.

  One guy in particular caught Molly’s eye—he was tall, with dark hair, tanned skin and piercing eyes that looked black, even from where she was standing. Something about him made her heart beat faster than normal, and a tingle arose in places she’d never felt tingle before. He caught her gaze, licked his lips and smiled.

  “That’s the Beast. He’s a top-rated street fighter,” the bartender leaned in and spoke into her ear.

  Molly was intrigued.

  Chapter 4

  A thin, busty blonde rolled out of the large canopy bed, naked and scrambling to find her clothes from the night before. She dressed quickly, and was just about to slip out the door when Xander Delgado rolled over and opened his eyes.

  “You leavin’ babe?”

  He smiled at her, eyeing her head to toe. She giggled.

  “I have an early class. But, uh, I totally get why they call you ‘the beast’ and all,” she said with a mischievous grin. “Call me later!” she added as she winked and headed out the door.

  Xander rolled back over and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. Six-thirty in the morning seemed like a good time to wake up for a workout. In fact, it was about an hour later than he usually woke up for his morning routine. Ignoring the throbbing in his head from the hangover from the night before, he got up and put on his sweats. Flexing in front of the mirror, he admired the tattoos that painted the canvas that was his chest and arms. Almost time for a new one, he thought to himself.

  He opened the bedroom door and went down to the basement where his home gym was located. As he went down the stairs, his cell phone started blasting from his pants pocket. He checked the text that came in and saw that it was from Johnny.

  Dude, you gotta get here. Spitzer’s guys are here makin’ havoc.

  Marco Spitzer owned a rival gym that housed other competitive street fighters. He was as slimy as they come, and was known to cheat, extort and do other criminal things to have his fighters win. Naturally, he hated Tommy Dimitri for scooping Xander up before he could. Especially since he was notorious for putting Marco’s guys in the hospital.

  Xander grinned fiercely to himself, excited for the chance to go head to head with anyone from that gym. He bolted back upstairs, threw on a white muscle shirt and ran out to his car. The sun was warm, making his black Camaro sweltering hot. As he practically jumped in his car and sped off, he made sure to roll the windows down so he wouldn’t die from the heat before getting there.

  Kill Zone Gymnasium was founded about fifteen years earlier by Tommy and Jimmy Dimitri—brothers, and the sons of a high profile Italian mobster currently serving a life sentence for his crimes. While their father was a crime lord, both Tommy and Jimmy were good, honest men who strived to leave behind their father’s legacy and become legitimate businessmen in a field that they loved—street fighting. About a year after they opened their doors, they began training some of the best fighters in the United States. After some high-profile victories, it appeared they had become a thorn in the side of Marco Spitzer, owner of the Grinder Gym. Marco met with Jimmy behind Tommy’s back and offered him a pretty nice nest egg if their gym were to meet an untimely demise. Unfortunately for Marco, Jimmy refused to sell out and betray his brother. Some might say that was a dumb move, but Jimmy was a man of honor—a trait he inherited from his mother. Needless to say, Jimmy’s body was found in the harbor a week later in the with a gunshot wound to the head and the letter ’S’ carved into his chest. Tommy knew instantly who was responsible and so the war between the two gyms began.

  When Xander began fighting for Tommy, he was a natural. Of course, Xander would laugh and brag about how fighting must be in his blood, because that’s essentially what landed his father in prison.

  The Camaro sped through the city streets and came to a screeching halt just outside the Kill Zone, almost hitting one of Spitzer’s guys.

  “Yo man, are you loco? You almost ran me down, bro!” the guy said, holding his middle finger up at Xander.

  “Heard you boys are causin’ some trouble? What’d I say to you last time? Stay off my turf!” Xander stepped forward as if sending a warning.

  A few guys circled Xander, laughing.

  “Man, you don’t know who you dealing with,” a large Latino said as he came forward. “They call me Monster. Spitz says you undefeated,” he said, “til now anyway.”

  The circle of guys backed off allowing Monster to come forward. Johnny Hernandez, Xander’s right-hand man, was standing back with the rest of Tommy’s fighters. The looks on their faces assured Xander he’d have backup if required—but he knew he wouldn’t need it.

  “The Monster? Did your mama name you that after seeing you for the first time?” Xander said as he laughed in his face.

  “You know why they call me the Beast? Three guesses.”

  Scowling, Monster looked him up and down.

  “I’m guessing it’s cuz you look like one, or your pappy was a bear and your mama was a dog? You certainly seem like a little bitch to me.”

  Monster and the rest of Spitzer’s guys laughed hysterically. Xander, who had remained cool and calm the whole time, smiled a devious grin.


  All of a sudden, Xander lunged at Monster, knocking him off of his feet. One of the things that made him the best was his incredible speed and ability to catch his opponents off guard. Both men landed on the ground and began beating on each other brutally. Xander was thrashing Monster fiercely in the side of the face preventing him from getting in any punches of his own.

  The small group from Spitzer’s rushed over to release Monster from Xander’s grasp, but before they could, he kneed Xander in the gut, knocking the wind out of him just long enough for Monster to get back on his feet. Xander was only getting more furious, so when his opponent was gloating, he dove on top and started smashing his head into the ground. At that moment, the other guys intervened and pulled Xander away. Johnny pushed him back and began trying to talk him down.

  Even though Johnny had heard the rumors of why Xander had been called ‘The Beast,’ he was never afraid of standing up to him. If he didn’t stop Xander from pounding this guy, his friend could easily kill the man. />
  “Xander, this guy isn’t worth your energy. You have bigger fish to fry, yeah? Come on, man, Tommy has something he wants to talk to you about in the gym.”

  Johnny could see the change in Xander’s eyes as he snapped out of his anger and began to take in the situation around him. He decided he’d given Monster a clear message, and with that he turned around to walk with Johnny into the gym. A few steps in, Xander turned back to look at Monster who was still rolling on the ground. Kneeling down to make sure he was looking straight into his eyes, Xander lowered his voice. “Don’t show your ugly face here again, Chico. I might not be so generous next time. Oh, and tell Spitzer I said hello.”

  Chapter 5

  Tommy could always be found coaching one of the new guys on how to take a hit, or typing away on his computer doing God only knows what. Xander liked to think that the time Tommy spent in his office was for securing the next set of fights, but he knew him better than that.

  Although both brothers had always been invested in the success of their fighters, Jimmy was obviously motivated by his passion for the sport more than the flashy business side of it. Tommy on the other hand, liked the glitz and glamour that came along with running one of the two best fighting gyms in Texas.

  Johnny took the still fuming Xander into the office where Tommy was eagerly waiting. The walls of the office were covered in boxing paraphernalia, most bearing signatures from the highest ranking fighters of their time. Framed pictures of Tommy and Jimmy alongside elite fighters reminded Xander that the gym had a history that went way back, long before he was even a toddler, much less a fighter. Despite all of the fancy decor, it still smelled like the inside of a gym bag.

  “Xander! Come on in buddy, sit down, sit down. Need anything? Water? I have one of those protein shake samplers if you wanna try one? They’re not bad. Not as chalky as the last batch they sent. It’s like they just forgot to flavor those damn things. These ones seem like maybe they’re worth the price tag.”

  Xander forgot how much Tommy liked to hear himself talk. “Okay Tommy, what’s this about? Johnny told me you wanted to talk, and I know it’s not about the damn protein shakes.” For all the tough talk, Xander actually liked his flamboyant manager. Tommy had pulled through for Xander when no one else had, and he wouldn’t be forgetting that anytime soon.

  “Okay Xan, you’re right. Just, sit down would ya? We gotta talk.” Tommy stood behind his desk, motioning to the chair across from him. Xander rolled his eyes and took a seat.

  “You know you’re one of my best guys, and even on your worst day you can still beat the shit out of 99% of the boys in my gym, not to mention those poor-excuses over at Spitzer’s. But even the best fall down and for you, it’s a long way to go.” Xander could already tell what this was about. Tommy consistently gave him pep-talks right before telling him he had just scheduled a big fight.

  “I know that look on your face. You’re reading my mind kid, but I’m tellin’ ya, this isn’t the same stuff I’m usually throwin’. This is bigger. Much bigger my friend. Last night I spoke to a Rep over at Street G who very eloquently told me they’ve been watching you for a while now. Said they’re genuinely impressed and even threw around the word ‘talent,’ which for such a big company is a pretty hefty compliment.”

  Xander was getting visibly impatient. The office was sweltering and Tommy still hadn’t called the electrician to come and fix the air conditioning that broke almost two weeks ago. “I don’t think you’re catchin’ what I’m throwin’ down here Beast, this is huge. The money you’ve made already? Pennies man, no lie—at least in comparison to what you’d be makin’ if you got signed on with these guys.” Xander let out a chuckle.

  More than he’d already made? How much more could he make off of fighting? He’d already won more fights than he could count.

  “Yeah? And how much are we talkin’ here, money bags?” For all his sarcasm, Xander really was curious. Folding his hands in front of him Tommy’s tone changed to what Xander had affectionately coined his ‘business voice.’

  “How does being a part of the Nine Zeros Club sound?”

  Looking down at his feet, Xander shook his head. “Nine Zeros Club? You’re saying they’d sign me on for upwards of a billion g’s? T, I don’t need that kinda money. I’ve already got more than enough. Besides, didn’t you tell me once upon a time that money ain’t everything?”

  Without missing a beat, Tommy slammed both of his hands down on his desk in frustration.

  “Yeah Xan, I did. But I’ll be damned if I keep endorsing a fighter who can’t seem to get out of his own way. The drinking? The one-night stands? Tell me, when was the last time you were sober and slept in your bed… alone? Look. I know you’re young and I know you’ve had it harder than most, but you’re wasting your talent on cheap thrills. This ride ain’t gonna last long if you keep on going the way you’re headed. This isn’t just about the money, it’s about makin’ a name for yourself. A name that will hold up longer than your body. What sells better than a kid literally fighting his way to the top, Xander? You can have endorsements, money to buy a fancy house, and maybe even get some time on the big screen. All I’m asking is for the next month, focus on the fight and only the fight. Street G will have scouts there watching you from the sidelines and they wanna see you at your best. You get this, and you won’t have to worry about a damn thing for a long, long time.”

  Xander studied his hands. The swollen knuckles, old scabs and aged scars told a story of all the hard work and dedication that he’d put in so far. Still, he couldn’t deny the fact that he had been blowing his money and time on booze and one-night stands. His competitors wouldn’t be doing that kind of thing, and in order to stay on top he’d have to cut back. Or, cut it out altogether.

  “Okay, so what T? You want to buy me a purity ring and tell every liquor store in town not to sell to me?” After a few seconds of silence, Tommy walked around his desk and opened the door leading out to the gym.

  “The way I see it, you’ve got two choices, Xan. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and go down the same rabbit hole countless guys have gone down before, or take my advice and win this thing. Live up to your potential. The choice is yours Xander, and no one can pressure you into doing anything you don’t wanna do. Not even me.”

  Tommy stood there with his hand on the doorknob. Giving Xander the choice somehow made him feel even more trapped, but he wasn’t a fool.

  “Okay. I’ll do it. But I swear to whatever shit disturber is up there in the sky watchin’ me, that if I spend the next month turning down hot chicks just for this big brand to ditch me—”

  “Not gonna happen Xan. These guys aren’t joking around. Like I said, you win this and you’re gonna be sittin’ on that pedestal ordering folks like me around. So, are you in?”

  Chapter 6

  Xander walked back to his car and saw his boys waiting for him. Well, his boys and Ronnie.

  “Hands off my baby, Ron.”

  “Don’t worry Big Shot, you can just buy another Camaro if I scratch up this one anyway. Johnny said T wanted to have a word with you. Another sell out mission? Or is he getting you to fight someone on your own level for a change?”

  When it came to Ronnie Dunsmuir, the jealousy had always run thick. Back when Xander started bringing in all the fights and consequently all of the money, it became obvious that out of all of his friends, Ronnie was the only one who seriously gave him a hard time about it.

  Johnny shot a look at Xander, not unlike the one he’d given him during the altercation in the parking lot, though it didn’t keep him from talking smack.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know, Ronnie? Maybe if you dodged a punch every now and then, he’d choose you to be the one selling out stadiums instead of me.”

  Ronnie turned a bright shade of red, but tried to brush it off.

  “I’m only bustin’ your balls Xander, chill. Anyway, I gotta roll out, anyone wanna grab a beer?

  Xander’s phone buzzed in h
is pocket. Oddly enough it was a text from Johnny asking if he wanted to go for a drive and talk about what Tommy had to say. Johnny had a way of knowing when something was up with Xander. It was the main reason he was one of the only people close to the fighter these days.

  Xander unlocked the car and opened the passenger side door. “Johnny and I already made plans for tonight. See you guys tomorrow.” Before anyone could respond, Johnny and Xander hopped into the Camaro and peeled out of the lot.

  “Alright. So, what’d Tommy have to say, Xan? I know you don’t like spreading news around the boys. Especially not Ronnie. You know he’s just jealous, right? He’s been trying to land a gig half as big as your smallest one this year and hasn’t had any luck. Poor guy. He should just go back to trade school and stop fighting his luck.”

  “It’s not that. I mean, it is, but it isn’t.” Xander turned down the music and pulled over onto the side of the road.

  “Tommy wants me to clean up for the next fight. He says it’s big. I mean, huge. Bigger than any of my last fights, combined. I don’t like to talk numbers, and T may have been exaggerating anyway, but it’s looking like I’m gonna be laughing my way to the bank if I win this one next month. But this time there’s a catch.”

  “What?” Johnny laughed at him. ” Do you have to take ballet classes or something? Been there dude, it’s not nearly as easy as you might think. Those girls can balance on their toes and trust me, it’s super painful.”

  Xander shook his head. “No man. It’s going to be harder than that. He knows I’ve been drinking and sleepin’ around too much lately. Says he noticed it in my training and could smell it on my breath. There’s supposed to be Street G scouts at the fight next month and if I win they’re looking to hand me a contract. Apparently, they’re dying for talent and from what Tommy said, it seems like if I let them down, I may as well just end my career now.”


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