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Lieutenant Commander Stud

Page 40

by Chance Carter

  Chapter 63

  “Welcome to the Fakers Club, Molly. Population most women.”

  Elodie poured herself and Molly a cup of coffee and took a seat on the couch.

  “It was so different with Scott. It wasn’t bad, per se, it was just…”

  Molly ran her hands through her matted hair.

  “Different? That’s the word girls use when they mean disappointing or unsatisfying. Shall I go on?” Elodie asked Molly, knowing she wouldn’t have to.

  “I get it, I get it. It was like we had no chemistry or something. He says and does all of these amazing things, and I’m not even interested. And physically, it just didn’t start a fire in me. It’s just not there.

  “The way it was with Xander?”

  What? Now Elodie’s the one bringing him up?

  Molly shot Elodie a look of distaste.

  “We’re not talking about him, El. He has nothing to do with this.”

  He has everything to do with this. Who am I trying to fool?

  “Okay, so he has nothing to do with it. So what do you think it is then? Is he too nice? Too handsome? Too rich? Too … pretentious?”

  Elodie had a certain way of probing someone into giving her the answers she was looking for, but it didn’t work on Molly.

  “No, not pretentious. I don’t know what it is exactly, El. It doesn’t matter anyway, I want this to work with Scott, so I’m going to try my best to make sure that it happens.”

  Even if that means forgetting about Xander. I can’t be with him just because he came crawling back to me now. I won’t allow myself to ruin things with Scott, a perfectly kind and caring person I could have a real future with.

  So, that’s your final decision? Make things work with Scott no matter what?”

  Elodie didn’t look completely satisfied, but Molly knew she would be supportive of her either way.

  “It’s my final decision.”

  Molly left the living room and went into her bedroom. She picked up her phone and dialed Scott’s number.

  “Molly, I was just thinking about you.”

  I’m making the right choice. This is best for me and for the baby.

  “Hi Scott, I was just thinking about you, too.”

  Chapter 64

  After Molly rejected him, Xander went home and locked himself in his bedroom. Winnie tried knocking on his door repeatedly, offering him food and drink, but he sent her away each time, telling her he wasn’t feeling good or pretending to be asleep.

  The truth was, Xander’s mind was playing constantly like a reel of film. Moving images of him and Molly holding their baby, playing at the playground. He was fantasizing about the family he never had, wishing that he could take back everything he had done to tarnish his one chance at true happiness.

  After hours of restlessness, Xander decided he needed to leave his room before it turned into an insane asylum. He was now at the bar just down the road from his house, three beers deep and still ruminating on Molly and the baby.

  “I’ve seen a lot of men in here drinkin’ away their sorrows, but never one as handsome as you.”

  Xander looked at the barstool to his left. It had previously been occupied by a large, bearded biker, but now had a voluptuous blonde woman sitting on it.

  “You say that to all of the men in here when they’re looking particularly vulnerable?” Xander asked, as he eyed her tight waist and her shirt that was bedazzled with the words, ‘Daddy’s Girl’ across her chest. Tracing her finger along his thigh, she leaned in to whisper in his ear.

  “You’d be the first, and if you let me, you could be the last.”

  Xander gently placed her hand back onto her lap and politely shook his head.

  “I’m here trying to forget a girl, not pick up a new one. Trust me, it pains me to say this, but I gotta go with a big, fat no.”

  The woman grabbed her drink, and based on the way her eyes darted around the room angrily, Xander thought she might dump it on his head.

  “Your loss, chump.”

  Xander watched as she made her way back to the table where five other women were sitting.

  Don’t let me regret that.

  “Guy like you ain’t used to turnin’ down chicks like that, hey?”

  The bartender was now in front of Xander, leaning over with both elbows on the counter.

  “It’s not my usual routine, that’s for sure. Why do you ask?”

  She took out the whiskey Xander had been drinking and topped up his glass.

  “Don’t worry, this one’s on the house. I’m askin’ because there’s gotta be a reason you turned down that Barbie doll. Isn’t she every guy’s dream?”

  Not mine. She’s no Molly.

  “I’ve already got a dream girl, but I messed it all up.”

  The bartender walked to the other side of the bar station and poured another customer a drink, returning to Xander when she finished.

  “Let me guess. Cheated on her with a ‘Sally Sucks a Lot?’ Forgot it was your anniversary? No. Did you leave her at the altar?”

  Xander gulped down the rest of his drink and put it on the counter. The bartender filled it up again.

  “Nah, none of that. About six months ago I met her at a club just down the street from here. She was different than all of the other girls there. I don’t know how to describe it, but I just knew from the moment I saw her that she was special. We spent the first night together and then the next morning I left—typical, right? Except, I left her because my whole career was riding on this one event and I couldn’t jeopardize it by being with someone like her. She would have been my whole world from that day forward, and I would have left everything else behind. Everything I’d worked so hard for.”

  Xander paused, looking up from his drink to see if she was still listening.

  “Go on. It sounds like you’ve got a lot to get off your chest, and I got nothin’ better to do.”

  Xander cleared his throat and continued.

  “Fast forward five months and here I am. I just found out I’m going to be the father of her child and she won’t have me. Months went by without me seeing her and the day I return from L.A.—I find out that the whole time that I’ve been chasing this pipe dream, I’ve had a child on the way. So naturally I went to her and tried to explain everything. I apologized up and down, but she slammed the door in my face. I don’t know what to do now. It’s all I can think about.”

  Xander found no sympathy in the bartender, only a look of scorn.

  “No wonder she didn’t want you. Leavin’ her high and dry and then expecting her to take you back the minute you find out you planted your seed in her? No way. Do you want my advice? Move on. Forget about her. If you really love her, it’s the least you can do.”

  Thanks for telling me what I already know, Lady.

  “Helpful. Well, thanks for the free drink. Here’s what I owe you.”

  Xander put down a twenty and gathered his things to leave the bar.

  “Keep the change—for the therapy session.”

  Outside, Xander flagged down a cab. Since he had his license taken away due to the DUII, he hadn’t been able to drive his Camaro anywhere, not even to the grocery store. After telling the cabbie his address, Xander laid back and closed his eyes.

  “Forget about her. It’s the least you can do.”

  She’s right. It’s not just Molly I have to think about now, it’s our baby too. Whatever bullshit I cause will only bring our child more suffering. They both deserve better, and I can’t give them that. Not now.

  They pulled into the bottom of Xander’s driveway just as he was opening his eyes. He paid the driver and made the long walk up to his house.

  Once inside, Xander kicked off his shoes and stumbled his way into his bedroom, finally laying down for a good night’s rest.

  Chapter 65

  Xander woke up feeling refreshed. It had been awhile since he’d had any kind of restful sleep, and his solace came mostly from his decision to give Molly
her space. It made him feel responsible, like he was doing the right thing for once.

  “Winnie, I’m going to the gym today. Johnny said Tommy is out of town still, so I figure I’ll take advantage of the space before he comes back.”

  Winnie looked worried.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Xander? I thought you were done with all of that.”

  Xander kissed Winnie on either cheek and grabbed his gym bag.

  “I am, I mean, I was. But this is all I have, Win. It’s what I’m best at, and if I don’t at least try, then why am I here at all?”

  Xander wanted to tell her about the baby, and how if he wasn’t a fighter or a father, then what was he?

  Winnie patted him on the back and opened the door for him.

  “Go out there and show them what you’re made of then, why don’t you.”

  Xander sped down the driveway to the gym, nervous but excited just the same. Driving into the parking lot, Xander could see his designated space had been taken over by someone else’s car.

  Whatever, no big deal.

  Xander shrugged it off and walked into the gym where a ton of new faces were training with brand new equipment

  “Xander! You came!” Johnny was the first one to greet him, and the only one, as it turned out. Everyone else looked his way, jeering and mocking him to their buddies standing beside them. Xander could hear their whispers, how they called him ‘Beast,’ but no longer with the affection and reverence they once had.

  Hate will be my motivation.

  Johnny saw that Xander had taken in the tension caused by his presence.

  “You don’t have to come here if you’re uncomfortable. We can just go to my place and use the punching bag there if you want.”

  Xander gave Johnny a slight push on the chest.

  “Get outta here man. What do you think? That I’ve gone soft? These chumps don’t bother me. I just want to train. Let’s go.”

  Xander went to unlock the locker he had been using for years, and realized it had been taken over by someone else, too.

  “Here, just use mine.”

  Johnny undid his padlock and shoved Xander’s bag on top of his.

  “Alright, ready to get your ass handed to you?”

  Xander had missed training with Johnny. How they could razz each other but still train hard. In L.A., everyone was so serious. It wasn’t enjoyable at all.

  For the next two hours, Xander trained harder than he had in months. His hands had become tired and worn out, but he kept on pushing until Johnny finally stopped him.

  “Alright, alright. You’re still better than everyone here, Xan. But, are you’re sure you want to fight? After just getting your sea legs back?”

  Xander sat down on the bench and undid his wraps. During their spar, Xander was pumped with adrenaline. The rush of training once again gave Xander the confidence he needed to sign himself up for a small fight.

  “You said it, Johnny, I’m still better than everyone here. I need to get back in the ring. It’ll just be a little fight, nothin’ serious.”

  Johnny let out a sigh and got his phone from his locker, handing it over to Xander, who looked puzzled.

  “What’s this for?”

  Johnny pointed at the number on the screen.

  “That’s the number for the head event guy down at the new gym in town. His name’s Ed, and I know for a fact he’d be happy to set you up with someone to fight.”

  Xander stared at the screen.

  Just a small fight. That’s all it is. No pressure, no money, just fists and a ring. Like old times.

  Xander pressed the green button and put the phone to his ear.

  A man with a deep, smoker’s voice answered.

  “This is Ed, what can I do for ya?” Xander swallowed hard.

  “This is Xander Delgado. I want to schedule a fight.”

  Chapter 66

  Scott had no sooner entered the house and Molly had his clothes stripped off of him.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Scotty. I swear I’ve never been so horny in my life. You’re early though, I thought you were coming back from Seattle later on tonight?”

  Scott threw his briefcase onto the floor and was already pulling down Molly’s leggings. He gently leaned her over the living room couch and pushed himself into her. Molly raked her nails into the cushions.

  “I had to come home early because…” Scott grunted, “I have to leave again tonight for Wisconsin.”

  Molly stopped clutching the couch and pushed her hips out, moving Scott away from her body.

  “You’re leaving again? You just got home after being away for two weeks, Scott. I’m seven months pregnant, don’t you think you should be home helping me instead of out there helping strangers?” Molly bent down and brought her leggings back around her hips.

  Though she complained, she knew there was nothing she could do to make him stay. Scott was frequently sent away to help at other hospitals, and although she understood the demands a doctor faced, Molly was growing tired of being the only one at home.

  “You know I have to go. Why do you do this to me every time? It just makes it more difficult to leave, you know that.”

  Scott had his briefcase and luggage ready at the door. The only thing keeping him from leaving was Molly, still standing in the way.

  “If you loved me, you would stay,” Molly cringed at herself for saying the words.

  Scott sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes to Molly.

  “It’s true, Scott! When you leave, all I hear from Elodie and Johnny is how great their relationship is, and it just makes me feel like I’m missing out on something. Even when you’re here, it’s like you’re not present. I might as well be alone.”

  Molly crossed her arms over her enormous belly. She hated the way he never took her seriously when she was upset. Scott would always act condescending, walking over to pet her hair like a puppy.

  “I’m not forcing you to be here, Molly. You can leave anytime you’d like. You’re not my prisoner for Christ’s sake,” Scott said, expressionless.

  “I hate it when you do this! You look at me with this vacant stare. God, I can’t even get you to make eye contact with me during sex! How am I supposed to believe you love me?”

  Scott bent down and lifted Molly’s head up by her chin so she was looking into his eyes.

  “Molly Tompkins, I love you. You either believe me, or you don’t. The choice is yours. I have to go.”

  Scott picked his briefcase from the floor beside her feet and kissed Molly on the forehead.

  Molly grabbed his arm.

  “Move in with me then. Obviously not in my house, but maybe we could find somewhere together. Somewhere big enough for you, me, and the baby. Somewhere with a yard where we can build a playground and have little friends over for birthday parties and barbecues.”

  Scott shifted on his feet, looking uneasily back and forth between Molly and the front door.

  “I don’t know about that, Molly. I just moved into my house not too long ago and I’m trying to get comfortable there before moving again. I think it’s just too soon. Can we talk about this another time?”

  “Too soon? Two more months and I’m going to have a baby, with you, and now moving in with me is too soon? When will it be the right time, Scott? When our child is one, or maybe two years old? When she’s done with college?”

  Scott flung his briefcase onto the kitchen table.

  “It’s not even my baby! You keep saying ‘our child’ like I’m the one who knocked you up, but hello, I’m not the father.”

  Molly felt like the wind had been knocked out of her.

  You’re right, you’re not the father. Xander is, and right now, he’d be doing a much better job than you.

  Centering herself in an effort to avoid an explosion, Molly calmly walked out of the kitchen, leaving Scott to see himself out.

  “Molly, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.” Scott put his hand out for her, but Molly was alr
eady out of his reach.

  Chapter 67

  Molly listened to Scott collecting his things and leaving the house. She exited her room when she was sure he had pulled down the driveway, and walked back into the kitchen.

  On the table, Scott had left a cellphone Molly couldn’t identify.

  This must be his work phone. Oh shit, it probably has his itinerary and everything on it.

  Rushing to the couch, she looked to see if Scott had left the driveway yet.

  Oh well, he probably has another back up anyway.

  Setting the phone back on the table, Molly stopped when she heard a ringtone.

  It might be him calling to see if he left it here.

  The ringtone was cut short, followed by a vibration.

  Oh, just a text.

  Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Molly checked to see who the text message was from. The display had just a letter M with a cat emoticon.

  Molly tried swiping to unlock the screen, but it asked for a numerical pass code.

  Hmm, house address, last four digits of your phone number… all things they tell you not to do.

  Starting with his phone number, Molly entered ‘4456.’

  The screen opened to a series of exchanges between Scott and a friend of his, Maxine.

  Maxine? Who’s Maxine? How come I’ve never heard of her before?

  Innocently, Molly scrolled along the message thread to see if there was any evidence that she could have met Maxine at one time or another, and was only now forgetting who she was.

  M: Excited to see you tonight ;)

  That time stamp was from last week when Scott was in Seattle. He was at some conference or something. Why would she be excited? Aren’t those things supposed to be boring?

  With a different motive now, Molly continued reading.

  S: Will you wear that sexy lingerie I bought you? The red lace?

  Molly had been many things, but seldom naïve, especially after what Xander had done to her.

  What she read was incriminating to say the least, but Molly didn’t want to believe that Scott had been a cheat. Bypassing the texts from the previous week, Molly went to the current message that Maxine had sent.


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