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The Alpha's Curse: Shifter Clans Series Book 3

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by Tiffany Shand




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  Copyright © 2017 Tiffany Shand

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the author, except for brief quotes in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11



  Excerpt from Betrayed By Blood

  Excerpt from Denai Touch

  Also by Tiffany Shand

  Other Works

  About the author

  Chapter 1

  Christy’s feet pounded against earth, twigs cracking as she raced back towards the border between the Outland and the Stargaza lands with tears streaming down her face. She had experienced the happiest moment of her life – now she walked back towards the man who tried to destroy everything she held dear.

  Malic? she called out her brother’s name again. She knew it hadn’t been a dream or some trick sent by Oren. It had been real.

  She stopped when she reached the border, glancing back. The Outland had felt more like home than the Stargaza ever had. People had respected her there. She’d felt free to be herself.

  Her inner wolf demanded out. It wanted blood. Revenge.

  Christy ignored the beast, made sure the charm Magda had given her was safe inside her bra. Forgive me, Ronan. She took a deep breath, took one step over into Stargaza land and waited for the guards to appear.

  Three men surrounded her, all strong and tough, their eyes leering at her.

  “Stop, I’m Christiana, I’m the alpha.” She kept her hands by her side to avoid alarming them. “Take me to the mansion.” One of the men reached for her, she yanked his arm back, feeling the snap of bone. “Don’t touch me,” she warned. “I come in peace. Let’s go.” She shoved the man to the ground, marched ahead towards the mansion, hearing them cursing behind her.

  Her heart ached at the sight of her former home where she’d watched her father being murdered. But maybe she hadn’t lost all her family. If Malic had survived, she’d find him. Together they’d take down the bastard who had tried to destroy their family and clan.

  Christy marched straight into the great hall, found Alec sitting in the alpha’s wooden throne. The mahogany wood gleamed and a wolf’s head was carved into the top half of the seat. It sickened her to see him sitting in her father’s seat, that throne had been made for an alpha, not a traitor to the clans. Now it was rightfully hers.

  Alec’s dark eyes widened when he saw her. He rose, walked over. “You’ve returned.”

  She glared at him. “I didn’t come here to you. I want to see my brother. Right now.”

  She saw something flicker in his eyes – surprise. Her lips curved into a smile. Ha, weren’t expecting that now, were you?

  “Your brother is dead. I slaughtered him along with your father.”

  “My father may be dead but Mal isn’t.” She met his gaze, searching for any hint of emotion but found none.

  Alec circled her, then brushed a hand over her hair. “You’re brave coming back here, little wolf. I expected to have to drag you back.”

  Christy slapped his hand away. “Don’t call me that, show some respect. I’m an alpha now.”

  Alec threw his head back and laughed. “I am the alpha. There are no clans now, just one. Mine. The Stargaza is–”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Still alive. As alpha, I can feel the presence of my clan. You didn’t kill all of them.”

  “I’m pleased you have a sudden desire for power. With you by my side we’ll–”

  She burst out laughing. “Save your breath, Alec. You never wanted me because I was the alpha’s daughter, you wanted me because I have witch blood. Because I have the power to end the curse,” she snapped. “You can’t use magic either, can you? You used your puppet–” she glared at Oren. “– to trick my father into agreeing to our engagement. You want the clans true enough, but you want real power. The power that only comes from being a true shifter.” She folded her arms. “Well, you’ll never have it now. Ronan and I are mated. I’m the alpha now.” With a wave of her hand, she sent Alec flying across the room.

  “No!” Oren appeared in front of her. “I don’t know how you learnt the truth, girl, but you won’t ruin something I’ve spent decades planning.”

  Christy hurled a ball of white fire at him. He dodged it, raised his hand, sent a bolt of blue lightning out.

  It struck her in the chest, hurtling her body against the wall. She winced, feeling a strange sensation force way through her body. Her wolf screamed to get out then went silent. She’d gone. No! You took my father, I won’t let you take part of me! Christy reached for power, hurled it at Oren, who deflected it back at her.

  Christy slumped to the floor, feeling blackness closing in. “You’ll never defeat me, girl.” He smiled down at her.

  Two guards dragged Christy back up to her bedroom with Oren trailing behind them. She fought to stay awake, stay conscious. If she blacked out he’d be able to control her better.

  “Where is Malic?” she demanded as the guards dumped onto her bed. “What did you do to him?”

  “You’re strong. Just like Olivia,” Oren remarked.

  Her eyes flashed. “I know you killed her because she tried to break the curse. I just don’t understand why.”

  “Having a witch marry the alpha was the worst thing imaginable. I’ve spent decades trying to gain control over this island. First, I created the clan wars and set those packs of half brained dogs against each other. It worked better than I planned it to. The shifters even took down my brethren and wiped out the Amara clan. But I can’t let the curse end just yet.”

  Christy forced herself into a sitting position. “Why?” she snapped. “I know you’re the not one who created the curse, so why would you still need it? It isn’t just because you want to control our kind.”

  He chuckled. “Clever girl, but that’s enough for one night.” He raised his hand.

  She yelped as pain tore through her mind, waves of agony shooting through her brain. No! She forced him back, locking gazes with him. Get away from me!

  Oren’s eyes widened in shock. The old man flew out the door, slamming it behind him. It bolted shut, light shimmering over it.

  She slumped back on the bed, energy spent. She’d hoped her magic wouldn’t drain her as much now she was alpha, or maybe it was just due to being apart from Ronan. A glance around the room revealed it to be almost as she left it. Some of her items had been moved. No doubt by Oren in his attempts to find her.

  Why did he need the curse so much? He had more power than any shifter could possess. Did he enjoy keeping her kind under control?

  Christy rose, stumbled over to her dressing table on wobbly legs. She grabbed a photo of her and Mal standing outside the mansion together.

  Mal? She closed her eyes, reaching at him with her mind. Her wolf searched too, howling for its kin. Come on, Malic,
where are you?

  Pain seeped into her bones, making her double over from the force of it. The drip, drip, drip of blood. No light penetrated through the void of darkness.

  Malic! she screamed. Tell me where you are. Only darkness followed by the thump of a heartbeat followed. He’s alive!

  Christy blinked as the feeling faded. Yanking the door open, she grabbed the blonde-haired guard by the throat. “Take me to my brother right now or I’ll fry off your balls!” she snarled. White fire formed in her free hand, she brought it up to his face for good measure.

  The shifter shook his head. “But – but Alec said–”

  “Say bye-bye then.” She raised her hand.

  He pulled away, body trembling and motioned for her to follow. “Come with me, princess.”

  “I’m not a princess anymore,” she muttered, closing her flaming palm into a fist and snuffing out the fire.

  She followed after him as he scurried off to find Malic.

  Chapter 2

  Ronan opened his eyes, reached out for Christy, found the bed empty as pale sunlight streamed in through the window. He frowned, not sensing her nearby. “Christy?” He shot up, felt the crackle of magic in the air. “God damn it!”

  He grabbed his clothes, yanked them on, bolted for the door. She’d gone. He couldn’t believe it. How could she leave after they’d made love and become mated?

  An invisible shield of energy sent him staggering backwards when he tried to step outside. His inner wolf growled, demanding to get out and find his mate. The ward wouldn’t hold him for long, but Ronan had no idea how much time had passed since she had left.

  Christy, damn it, where are you? he demanded. You can’t go back to Alec. Answer me! Rage followed by fear burned through him. If she went back to Alec it didn’t bear thinking about. Christy, please answer me!

  No response came. Yet he knew she’d hear him. They were part of each other now. Ronan punched and kicked at the ward until he felt it finally came down. He took off towards the border, blurring and using his wolf’s speed to whizz through trees and heavy brush. The border marked by three oak trees loomed into view. Ronan didn’t care who or what waited on the other side. His only thought was of finding her.

  Light flashed, an invisible wall of energy sent him crashing to the ground. He gritted his teeth, relieved that all of his shifter abilities seem to be working again. Muscle popped and bone crunched as he shifted into a large red wolf. Finally, being bonded to Christy must’ve ended the curse’s hold on me. I can shift again.

  Growling, he flung himself at the invisible ward, clawing at it. Static charged against his fur, making it stand on end. Power burned against his skin as he continued to try and force his way through. This ward was far stronger than the one Christy had used to slow him down. This was meant to keep him out.

  Christy! Ronan screamed her name, scraping his claws again the barrier. Maybe if he hit enough it would break like hers had.

  “Ronan!” Lola appeared behind him along with a group of outsiders. “Ronan, she’s gone. You can’t go after her.”

  Ronan growled, teeth bared. I won’t let Alec hurt her.

  “Ronan, listen. She went back because Mal sent her a message,” Lola told him. “She didn’t leave out of choice.”

  His eyes flashed gold as he growled. Mal died. I saw it. It’s a trick!

  “Did you? Christy said the message was real.” She touched the back of his neck, but he brushed her off.

  Ronan didn’t need comfort, he needed to find his mate. He jumped at the ward again, but the wolf could do no good. He shifted back, hurled a fireball. The magic bounced off, exploding a tree behind them. “Damn you, Oren, let me in!”

  “Stop!” Lola grabbed his arm. “You won’t get her back by forcing your way in there.”

  Ronan growled, punched the ward, wincing at his knuckles burned and throbbed. There had to be a way to get the damn thing down!

  “What’s all this racket?” said another voice.

  Alec, followed by two Imperious shifters walked into view. The fake alpha gave him a smug look as he approached.

  “Where is she?” Ronan demanded. “I don’t know what you did to trick her but this isn’t over. Christy is my mate now.”

  Alec’s smile widened. “Your bonding is just an inconvenience which can be undone. When the moon changes, Christy becomes my mate instead of yours.”

  Ronan’s jaw clenched. “This isn’t about Christy, is it? You wouldn’t go to such extreme lengths just to make her yours. There’s something else you want.”

  Alec sneered. “You’re a clever little mongrel. You’ll all find out soon enough once I finally become the true alpha.”

  “This isn’t over, Alec. You and I still have a duel. I challenged you for the right to become alpha. Clan law says you can’t back out now.”

  “Since you bonded with Christy you both share the power of an alpha now. There’s no need to duel.” Alec laughed. “Not that you’ll be keeping that power for long.”

  “You’re a threat to my power. You can’t...” He searched for the right words, anything to keep Alec distracted while he came up with a way to bring the ward down.

  “Fool, both you and Christy would have to fight me. Since she’s locked up in my custody there’s no need for that,” he said. “I’ll be seeing you, Ronan.”

  Ronan punched the ward again, ignoring his throbbing knuckles.

  “I’m sorry, Ronan.” Lola touched his shoulder.

  “Don’t be. I’ll get Christy back, and I doubt she’ll let them harm her.”

  Ronan stormed back to the village to find Magda, ignoring the curious glances from the other outsiders.

  “What do you know, witch?” he demanded, shoving the door of her hut open.

  Magda blinked, surprised. “What do you mean?” She dropped the book she’d been reading onto her lap.

  “Christy has gone to Alec. Did you know she was going to leave me?” he said. “Why do Alec and Oren need Christy so badly? It can’t be just because she is an alpha. So, why is it? What else are you hiding from us?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Magda looked away, turning her attention back to the fire. “I didn’t tell her to go back, Christy makes her own decisions.”

  “Come on, Magda. You know you can’t lie to me. Christy and I saw your memories last night, we know you’re her grandmother. Tell me what else you know,” he snapped. “You haven’t spent decades on an island where witches were slaughtered for nothing or just to make sure Christy and I became mated. You know more than you’re letting on. So tell me. What are you so afraid of?”

  Magda sighed. “Sit down, boy. I can’t tell you much because I don’t know all of it myself.”

  He slumped into a chair. His wolf howled, searching for his lost mate. “I’m listening.”

  Magda pressed her hands together. “This island was created as sanctuary for the witches and the shifters as you saw in the memories I gave you. The island itself is a power source created by the two races, it shields us, protects us from the outside world. My mother used the power to create the curse after the first clan war,” she explained. “This coming full moon is different, there has already been one full moon this month, but there will be a second. A blue moon. Contrary to what the humans and their science say, this only happens once every two hundred years. It’s a very special and powerful time for both shifters and witches.”

  Ronan’s brow creased, he remembered his mother telling him stories about the legendary blue moon, but he’d thought it just as a myth. “What does that mean then?”

  “It means the island’s power source can be tapped into and used. It was the only way my mother could create the curse and use the magic to make it last so long. Oren must want the power to do something.”

  “What does that have to do with Christy then? How does she play a part in it?”

  Magda’s tired eyes darkened. “The main ingredient in the curse was using an alpha’s blood –
hence the name the alpha’s curse. An alpha has the ability to control and command all shifters. He needs the blood of an alpha and the power of a witch to tap into the island’s power when the blue moon rises. One won’t work without the other.”

  Ronan’s fists clenched. “He’ll try to kill her, won’t he?” He tossed the chair back so hard it hit the wall and shattered. “Damn it, I have to get her out of there.”

  “Perhaps you should let her stay. Having her on the inside could prove useful to us. Perhaps you can find out what Oren needs the power for.”

  “Olivia and my mother came close to breaking the curse, didn’t they?” He ran a hand through his hair. “They did that without the aid of a blue moon.”

  “It might have weakened the curse, but it wouldn’t have been enough to break it,” Magda said. “I’m the last of the descendants who first came here. My time is almost up. I had to make sure you and Christy were ready for this battle.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us before now?” he demanded. “Christy walked right back into Oren’s hands!”

  “You and Christy are linked now. No magic can break that bond.”

  “Oren says he can, is that true?”

  Magda shrugged. “Goddess knows what he can do after all these centuries. You only have until the blue moon to find a way to stop him.”

  “That’s two days away.” Ronan closed his eyes, tried to reach out Christy with his mind, but he felt only pain and sadness. What had happened? “I’m going to need the others to get in there.”

  Chapter 3

  The guard led Christy down to the steps to the dungeon, but this wasn’t where Ronan had been held when Oren had kept him prisoner a few days earlier. He led her through the cellar past her father’s collection of rare wines and ales. Her eyes adjusted to the blackness. The air stank of old ale, dampness and mustiness.

  Christy called her magic to the surface, prepared for an attack as she covered her nose in an attempt to lessen the smell. If they tried to trick her, she’d be ready for them. The stench of decay, blood and waste made her cover her mouth to prevent herself from gagging as she walked down the steps into another part of the cellar.


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