Book Read Free

I Love You

Page 5

by Shanade White

  Paige was back in Coldwater Canyon late in the afternoon two days later. When she pulled up to Cooper’s house, he was waiting for her. “I was thinking you might want to set up over in that field; there will be enough room for you and your crew there. It might be a little lonely for a few days, but you’re more than welcome to hang out with us and of course you have an open invitation at Honey Hills.” He said, helping her unload her car.

  Paige noticed that instead of the scowl she’d grown accustomed to, he was smiling. Shaking her head, thinking that she’d never understand him, she said, “That sounds good.”

  Cooper offered to help her set up her tent, and although she could have done it on her own she accepted before she could stop herself. By the time they had the tent set up, she was flustered, each time his hand touched hers a flash of desire rushed through her. She couldn’t be sure if he felt it as well, but several times he looked at her when their hands touched as if he was assessing her again.

  Those blue eyes focused on her and made her even more flustered, and it was a miracle they managed to get the tent set up. “Would you like me to help you get everything in the tent?” He asked pointing inside the tent.

  “Umm, no that’s okay.” She said, imagining him in her tent.

  “How about if I make you a fire ring?” He suggested, “I’m sure you’ll want a fire in the morning at least. We’ll have to see about getting a supply of wood brought in.”

  “That sounds good.” She said, grabbing her bedding and ducking into the tent, desperately needing to get away from Cooper for a few minutes.

  When she came out of the tent, he had a fire pit all ready for a fire. Looking for something else to help her with, he said, “What else can I do for you?”

  “I think I’m good.” She said.

  “Do you want to come with me to Marissa and Scott’s for dinner?”

  “Thanks for the invitation, but I think I’d like to get settled in tonight. The last few days have been so crazy I haven’t had any time to myself. It might be nice to just have some quiet time, and go to bed early.” She said, crossing to where the rest of her gear was piled.

  Cooper had already made a quick appraisal of what she’d brought and found that she’d come well equipped. “Well, I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll get some wood for you; if you need anything else let me know. We’ll have to get some water up here too.” He said, wishing he was brave enough to just take her in his arms and kiss her.

  “I’ve got enough for a few days.” She said, reading the desire in his eyes loud and clear, even from across her camp.

  “Okay then.” He said, heading back toward his house, then called over his shoulder “I’ll come check on you before I go to sleep tonight.”

  Paige practically collapsed on the ground once his back was turned again, her heart was thumping in her chest, and her knees were weak with a need of such a deep intensity that it shocked her. She knew without a doubt that if Cooper had taken her in his arms she wouldn’t have resisted. This was definitely a problem she’d never encountered on a dig before; this undeniable pull that she felt for Cooper was going to be more difficult to deal with that she’d anticipated.

  When she’d only though it was her feeling it, she’d been able to talk herself out of it. Chalking it up to pure animal attraction, easily mastered and forgotten. But this evening she’d been unable to deny that what she felt was deeper than that, the Cooper he’d been more like the man she’d met her first day here, not the scowling grump of the second day.

  Deciding that it was all just too confusing, she started pulling her camp together, hoping that the wood that Cooper had promised would get there before dark. She had flashlights and lanterns, but a fire was always the best part of sleeping outside; it was what made the lumpy air mattress and confining sleeping bag worth it.

  She was pleased when less than an hour later a truck pulled up and a young man unloaded a huge stack of wood, even bringing her a load big enough to last several days. In no time at all she had a roaring fire going and her dinner on the cook stove she’d brought. They’d have a main kitchen for the camp, but most everyone would also have their own stoves. Satisfied with her camp, she set up a chair in front of the fire and sat down to relax for the first time in days.

  After a dinner that tasted better in the open air, she stoked the fire and got out a book. Reading for fun was something she always let herself do on a dig. It helped her clear her mind and relax after a day of digging in what was often less than pleasant conditions. This dig would be a cakewalk compared to some she’d been on, the Southern Sierra’s weren’t nearly as rugged as the range was to the north.

  She was just getting ready to have some hot chocolate before bed when Cooper’s truck pulled up in front of his house. Cooper went inside with Brandon but came back out not long after and crossed the road to her little camp. He surveyed her camp, then nodded his head in approval. She was ridiculously glad to see that he approved.

  “Looks like you’re all settled.” He said.

  “I was just making some hot chocolate, would you like some?” She asked, glancing back at the house. “I have plenty for Brandon as well.”

  “He’s using his one hour of video game time right now, so he’s not coming out here for anything.” He said, “But I’d love some.”

  “Great, get a chair and make yourself comfortable.” She said, wishing she hadn’t asked him to stay.

  Chapter 5

  Paige handed Cooper a cup of coco and sat down with him, her nerves spiking with awareness. Cooper looked even more attractive in the firelight. When she looked at him all she saw was a virile man who looked like he belonged here, instead of in the boardroom where she knew he’d spent most of his adult life. She wanted to ask him about the dramatic change in his life, but sensed that she’d be going too far, so she settled back, content to let the sounds of the night and the crackling of the fire calm her beating heart.

  “It’s beautiful out here. I love the fact that you can see the stars so brightly away from the city. They’ll be even prettier when the moon’s not full.” Paige said, taking a deep breath of the night air. “It’s one of the best things about being on a dig.”

  “You’ve done this often?” Cooper asked, studying her in the firelight.

  “At least twice a summer since I started the Master’s program.”

  Cooper had been looking for a way to bring up the fact that it could be dangerous out here in the mountains and seized the opportunity. “So I guess I don’t have to warn you about how dangerous it can be out here? We’ve had some bears and mountain lions poking around lately.”

  “I’m prepared, I’ve got a hand gun and a shot gun.” She said, laughing at the look on his face when that sunk in.

  “That’s a lot of fire power you’re toting around with you.” Cooper said, skeptically.

  Paige was used to men reacting that way to her guns, so she explained. “I’m not really a gun lover or anything, but after my first dig when I spent an entire night locked in my car watching a bear destroy our camp, I never went out unarmed again. I spent the entire next winter learning to shoot, getting certified to carry concealed, and I even took a course with the police department.”

  “Wow, you don’t mess around.” Cooper said, clearly impressed. “But how’s you aim?”

  “Probably better than yours.” She said, obviously offering a challenge.

  “Is that a challenge?” He asked, smiling wickedly at her, making her heart hammer in her chest.

  “I think it is.” She said, smiling back at him sweetly, then they both laughed.

  “Well, I won’t worry so much about you out here, but if you get in trouble I’ll be just across the road.” He offered.

  “I’ll be fine. I sleep with the handgun in the tent and the shotgun is in that tree right where I can reach it on the run.” She said, then wanting to change the subject, the thought of Cooper naked in his bed only yards from her, making her insides flutter, added. “The s
haman will be here tomorrow.”

  “That’s good, so when will he do his thing?” Cooper asked, not sure what to call the ceremony.

  “The cleansing and blessing will happen tomorrow night, but David will be here in the morning to prepare.” Paige explained, then asked, “When will your brother be here?”

  “Late morning would be my guess. He said that he still had a couple of things he needed to do before he leaves tomorrow. My brother is a bit of a....well I’m not sure how to explain it. I would guess that he’d been cramming as much information about this area into his brain as possible. He’s a little like you I think.” Cooper explained.

  “Like me?” She asked.

  “Well, yeah. When you decided to get a gun, you didn’t just go out and buy a gun. You learned everything you could about them, and that’s what my brother’s probably doing. He’s definitely the brain in the family.” Cooper said, with pride in his voice.

  “I think I might like him then.” She said, poking the fire which she’d been letting burn down. “It sounds like we’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I think we’re going to be pretty busy for the rest of the summer. I’ve got a crew together for the debris removal, but Scott and I both agree that one of us should be there at all times. These guys are good with their tools and take direction well, but I’d just feel better if one of us was there.” Cooper said, rising to his feet, knowing that it was time for him to go.

  Paige liked the thought of having Cooper around all the time, then realized what a distraction that was going to be. “Well, I’ll leave that up to you. I know you understand how important this is to all of us.” She said, getting to her feet as well.

  Cooper found her little camp shovel and without even asking began to cover the fire with dirt, then stepped back while she poured water onto the coals. “I wish we didn’t have to put the fire out this way, but it’s so dry I’d be afraid to leave any coals. But the good news is that we should have the water flow back in just a few weeks.”

  “That is good news, it will be interesting to see the land come back. Who’s coming up to study the changes? Did you get someone from one of the universities?” She asked, stirring the fire then letting Cooper add some more dirt.

  “I never even thought about someone documenting it.” Cooper said, with a frown on his face. “But now that you mention it, that would be a good idea.”

  “I know just the person you want. I’ll get you his contact number in the morning.” She said, thinking of her friend Steve who would be thrilled for the opportunity to see the results of the water returning to the land.

  “Great another group of scientists running all over the place, it’s a good thing we’ve got 350 acres here in case I need to escape from all of you, although I don’t think I’m ever going to want to escape from you Paige.” Cooper said, his voice suddenly husky.

  With the fire out, the night had grown dark, but the full moon provided all the illumination that Paige needed to see the look in Cooper’s eyes when he said her name. Her heart was thundering in her chest as she watched him set the shovel down and close the distance between them in only two steps. He took her face in his hands and before she could even breathe, he lowered his mouth to hers.

  The world exploded in a flash of electricity when his mouth captured hers, his tongue gently probing her lips until with a sigh, she opened her mouth to him. It was a gentle exploratory kiss, but Paige felt overwhelmed by the intensity of her feelings, caught completely off guard by the passion that erupted between them. Unable to help herself, she slid her hands over his hard chest and onto his broad shoulders, moaning when he pulled her against him and intensified the kiss.

  Paige was lost in the kiss and the feel of Cooper’s arms wrapped so tightly around her, but Brandon chose that moment to come looking for his father. “Dad” He called out the front door. “Where are you?”

  Cooper broke the kiss and managed to say, “I’ll be right there.” His voice husky with desire, his breath coming in gasps as he tried to get control of himself.

  Paige was equally out of breath, shocked at what she’d just felt, but also wishing the kiss could have gone on longer. Still wrapped in his arms, her head resting against his chest, she couldn’t seem to move. Cooper tipped her head up and said, “I have to go, but that was the best kiss ever.” Then lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her again.

  When he broke the kiss this time, he said, “Nope I was wrong, that one was the best.” Then he pecked her once more on the mouth and walked away, Paige staring after him as he crossed the road and went in the house.

  She managed not to run after him, instead grabbed her flashlight and climbed into her tent still hot and bothered from Cooper’s kisses. As she snuggled down into her sleeping bag, her lips still throbbing, she admitted to herself that her attraction to Cooper was more than she knew how to handle. She’d been attracted to plenty of men in her life and even slept with a few of them, but never had she felt this kind of all-consuming desire that she felt for Cooper. It was both dangerous and exciting, and undeniably the most romantic thing that had ever happened to her.

  The next morning Paige was up early doing some last minute paperwork that the university required. She found that the paperwork was the one thing she hated about being in charge of the dig, but it was important for everything to be properly recorded. Finally finished, she got one last cup of coffee and put out her fire knowing that David would be here any time.

  She was looking forward to seeing David, and although they only saw each other a few times a year at digs, they stayed in touch through email. David had been on the first dig she’d ever been on, since besides being a shaman he also had a PhD in Indian Studies. He’d taught her most of what she knew that first summer and had been a dear friend ever since then, always happy to listen to her mounting troubles with her Master’s.

  When she’d called him to ask him to come, he’d been almost as excited as she was about the find, bolstering her belief that this was a Western Mono burial ground with his own excitement. Naturally he’d be more than just an observer on this dig, and she was more than happy to have him there to help her. She knew that this dig was going to be one of the biggest in many years, and although she had faith in her skills, it would be nice to have someone more knowledgeable to back her up.

  No matter how long she studied Indian culture, David Longknife would always have an advantage over her, his heritage. Because he was full blood Indian, although a mix of tribes, he had accesses to knowledge she’d never be able to attain, but David was always happy to share that knowledge with anyone who would listen. In fact, she’d already arranged for him to visit with Marissa about the museum they were planning.

  Just as she was finishing closing up her camp for the day, she heard a truck coming up the road. From the sound of the engine it couldn’t be anyone else but David, who was famous for his old beat-up truck that just seemed to keep going no matter what kind of treatment he put it through. Sure enough minutes later, he pulled up with a screech of the trucks brakes, and a cloud of dust. Paige had ridden with David in his truck plenty of times and knew that he’d probably been driving faster than was safe on the road, making her a little shutter at the memory of some of the trips they’d made over the years.

  By the time David got out of the truck, Paige was standing right by his door waiting for him. He swept her up in a big hug, pulling her off her feet and spinning her around. “You’ve actually found it.” He said.

  “I can’t take credit for finding it, but I do think this is it.” Paige said, beaming from ear to ear happy to see her old friend.

  The sound of David’s truck coming up the road caught Cooper’s attention, so he walked over to the window. He knew that Paige was expecting the shaman this morning, but it seemed unlikely that he would be driving anything that sounded like that. But as he watched Paige crossed the campsite and walked right up to the truck, the smile on her face clear even from across the road. />
  She seemed to have some real affection for the shaman; he could hear it in her voice when she talked about him and he could understand how that could happen. But he wasn’t prepared to see a tall young man emerge from the truck, nor was he prepared to see Paige throw herself into his arms. He’d imagined an old man with a grey braid dressed in leather and feathers, not the tall handsome man who’d just taken Paige in his arms with just a little too much affection.

  He was out of the house so fast he didn’t even shut the front door, his actions motivated by a jealousy so strong he crossed the road before he realized what he was doing. Slowing down a bit, he took a deep breath to calm himself and plastered a smile on his face. When Paige saw him she waved him over.

  “I’d like you to meet David Longknife.” She said, then saw the look on his face, the smile not fooling her for a second. The grumpy Cooper was back.

  David stepped up to Cooper and held out his hand, which Cooper took and shook. “It’s wonderful that you’re willing to let us all tromp around your property.” David said, completely unaware that Cooper’s smile concealed something else.

  But Paige wasn’t fooled for a second, she knew that something was coming and sure enough Cooper opened his mouth and said, “You’re not exactly what I was expecting.” He said, looking David up and down.

  David only laughed, “Yeah, most people expect a wizened old man when they hear the word shaman. I am the youngest shaman in the council, but my father passed away when I was a young man and the responsibility fell to me.”

  Cooper only grunted, so Paige said, “David has a PhD in Native American studies as well as being a shaman. He’s going to be very useful to us during the dig.”

  “Speaking of the dig, I can’t wait to see it.” David said.

  “It’s a few miles from here, but we’re going to wait for Cooper’s brother. He’s going to be our geologist on this dig.” Paige said.

  “That’s fine, maybe I should set up camp now.” David said, heading back to his truck.


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