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I Love You

Page 7

by Shanade White

  Cooper growled when Paige put her arms around his neck and melted against him, her breasts pressed against his chest, her tongue darting into his mouth experimentally. He knew that no one could see them, so he moved his hand from where he’d been stroking her back and slid it up her side until he cupped her breast. Paige practically came alive in his arms, a moan escaping her throat through the kiss which had suddenly turned passionate.

  When he rubbed his thumb across the stiff peak of her nipple, she squirmed in his arms, and broke the kiss panting with need. Cooper slid his hand up her shirt and again found her nipple with his thumb. With one less layer between them, the feeling was that much more intense. He nibbled on her neck, finding a spot that seemed to drive her crazy with longing, making her squirm even more.

  Cooper pulled her breast free of her bra and gently rolled her stiff nipple between his thumb and finger, then found her mouth with his to muffle her cry of pleasure. Kissing her until she was breathless, he freed her other breast and lowered his mouth, taking her nipple between his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. His hand slid down her stomach, then he gently spread her legs and cupped her in his strong hand, rubbing her through the thin fabric of her pants.

  He could feel the wetness between her legs and was just about to slide his hand down her pants, when a loud burst of laughter from the camp reminded of where they were. They came back to their senses slowly, knowing that their quiet time was about to be interrupted.

  “Hey you two, David says it’s time to head over to the burial ground. Are you ready?” Calvin yelled as soon as he got close to the house, not wanting to interrupt anything. In fact, he was glad to see his brother back in the world, although this new jealous person wasn’t the brother he remembered, but it sure had been fun to tease him today.

  If he was honest with himself, Paige was just the kind of woman he wanted. She was smart and sexy, and always seemed to have a smile on her face. But his brother was obviously enamored with her and he’d never step on Cooper’s toes. He certainly deserved some happiness for a change. He’d known that Amy was bad news from the very beginning, but Cooper had been in love with the idea of the perfect family and nothing could have dissuaded him from the path he’d chosen.

  The only saving grace had been the pre-nup that Calvin had insisted on; Cooper hadn’t been happy with the idea, but in the end he’d given in. He’d never reminded Cooper of that, but they both knew that Calvin had saved him from an even uglier divorce. Paige, on the other hand, might be just the woman for Cooper — someone who would challenge him and keep him on his toes. When he found them tucked back in the corner of the porch, their flushed faces told him all he needed to know.

  “Are you two coming with us, because David is ready to go?” He asked, again.

  Paige and Cooper looked at each other, then burst out laughing. “We’re coming.” Cooper finally said. Calvin just shook his head and walked away, thinking they’d both lost their minds.

  The ceremony was simple and more moving than Cooper had thought it would be. A few of the crew had come to join them, keeping a respectful distance at first but coming closer when David began to explain what he was doing. Eventually, everyone joined in the blessing, a very moving moment for everyone there.

  As everyone was leaving, Marissa pulled Paige aside, “You should take a few minutes tomorrow and come up to the house. We haven’t had much time to talk and I’d like to hear about what’s happening down here, besides you have to be getting tired of all these men. You seem to be surrounded.” She said, shooting a look at the men who were busy fighting about the best way to put out the fire.

  Paige thought about that for a second and decided that it sounded like a good idea, the constant currents of unrest between the men were beginning to get on her nerves. “I’ll do that, I promise. They do begin to wear on you after a while.” She said, impulsively giving Marissa a hug.

  When they got back to camp, Paige quickly bid everyone a good night and retreated into her tent, done with the drama for the day. She only wanted to climb into her sleeping bag and think about Cooper. She’d never experienced anything like the feelings that Cooper seemed to bring out in her, the pleasure more intense than anything she’d ever felt. There was no way she could deny that she wanted Cooper more than she’d ever wanted a man in her life; the way he made her feel couldn’t compare with anything in her past.

  It was a huge risk to become involved with Cooper, but the truth was that she was already involved and there was no going back now. She’d have to protect herself as best she could and hope that her heart wouldn’t be broken in the end, but when she was with Cooper it felt so right, like she’d finally come home after being gone for years. Her only hope was that he felt the same way, his physical desire for her was clear, but he never talked about his feelings, not even to tell her that he liked her.

  Cooper too was thinking about Paige as he went to bed. He’d told his brother in no uncertain terms to back off and then endured an hour of teasing from Calvin. But the truth was he didn’t care about the teasing as long as it was clear that Paige was off limits. He’d never had to chase a woman before, they always seemed to find him, but then he realized that most of those women had been chasing his money and status not him. Paige was completely unconcerned with his money, in fact had never even mentioned it, which was probably one of the reasons he was attracted to her.

  She was so different from the women he was used to. Money wasn’t important to her, and status in society didn’t matter. Her focus was her family and her work in that order, but what had also become clear over the last few days was that people were drawn to her, especially men. Even more amazing was that she seemed completely unaware of her effect on the opposite sex; most women would have used that to their advantage, but not Paige.

  He knew that he was going to have to tell her how he felt and soon, but every time he opened his mouth to confess his feelings, he just couldn’t do it. It was almost like he was emotionally paralyzed. He knew how he felt, but putting it into words was just too hard, some part of him still so scarred from Amy’s betrayal that he didn’t trust his feelings. But he also knew that it wasn’t fair that he used their physical attraction to cover his insecurities, Paige deserved more.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning was a whirlwind of activity. Since they’d been given the go-ahead to begin work the day before, Paige had called her people and they all arrived early the next morning. It took most of the day to get camp set up and everyone organized. Cooper kept his distance, only making an appearance to introduce himself as new people arrived. He’d promised himself that he’d keep his jealousy under control, admitting that part of the reason he was attracted to her was the way she seemed to gather people to her.

  There seemed to be true affection between her and the students who had come to work for her; they were all as excited as she was to best part of such a significant find. He was even more impressed when they all sat down to plan the dig, Paige was clearly in her element, giving orders and making decisions like a well-trained veteran. As any good leader would do, she left the running of the debris removal crew to Cooper and Scott, differing to them as to the best and safest way to get the hundred-year-old trees out of the way.

  By the time dinner was over, everyone was up to speed and had their assignments for the dig, and Cooper knew that there would be little opportunity for time alone with Paige. But as he watched her across the communal fire where they’d all congregated after dinner, he told himself that it might be for the best, hopefully it would give him enough time to get up the courage to tell her about his failed marriage.

  When Scott got ready to leave, Cooper left the camp for home as well, but before he went in he walked with him to his car. “I have some papers for you to sign tomorrow.” Scott said.

  “The contracts and titles for the land I assume.” Cooper said, distracted.

  “Yeah, and you’ll need to sign them in blood.” Scott said, waiting for Cooper�
�s response.

  It took Cooper a minute to realize what Scott had just said, “What?”

  Scott laughed, “Never mind. So, how are things with Paige?”

  Cooper shook his head, “I don’t know. I can’t seem to keep my hands off her, but I can’t seem to talk to her about my feelings. Every time I try nothing comes out. It’s like I’m emotionally shut off.”

  Scott was silent for a long time, then said, “You need to talk to her, don’t just go blundering into this without being honest with her.”

  “She’s going to think that she’s just a rebound relationship.” Cooper said.

  “Well, can you honestly say that she isn’t?” Scott asked.

  “Yes, I feel something with Paige that I’ve never felt with anyone else.” Cooper said, with confidence.

  “Then you need to tell her that too.” Scott said, getting in the car. “Don’t start this relationship with anything but complete honesty no matter how difficult it may be.”

  For the next two weeks Paige worked them from sun up to sun down, the work on the hill progressing slowly but successfully. David was on hand to deal with the bones as they were removed while the rest of the crew was split between sifting through the debris and mapping the other burials on top of the hill.

  Cooper had discovered the ground penetrating radar that they were using in the upper field to map the graves and spent most of his time there, but he was always on hand when the debris crew was needed. He was still annoyed when the other men paid attention to Paige, but she was so focused that she hardly noticed them; to her they were just another part of the dig. When his jealousy got the better of him, he’d head up to the dam to see how the work was progressing there.

  One night at dinner, he managed to get a seat next to Paige, which was not always easy to do since she was usually surrounded by students, but that night everyone was exhausted. They were just about to start their third week on the dig and had almost cleared a path to the cave, but looking around him he could see that everyone needed a day off.

  “Everyone looks tired, Paige.” He said, sitting down next to her.

  “I know, I’m tired too. But I only get the students for a few weeks, so I have to make the most of the time they’re here. They knew what to expect when they signed up. Are they complaining?” She asked concerned.

  “No, but I just thought everyone might need a day off.” He said, thinking that he was hoping she’d take a day off.

  “Well actually, I was wondering when you think the work on the dam will be done. I thought we’d take a couple of days off then. Let everyone go into town and do some shopping, take showers, then have a big barbeque. They’ve earned some free time and a little fun.” She said to reassure him that she wasn’t a monster.

  “Oh, that sounds like a good idea. The work on the dam should be done in a day or two. I’m surprised Steve hasn’t been around to keep you updated.” He said, unable to hide the dislike in his voice.

  “Steve’s about as bad as I am when it comes to his work. I’m not sure if you understand what a unique opportunity this is. He’s only had two weeks to get himself organized, but I’ll invite him. I seriously doubt he’ll come, but you never know.” Paige said, ignoring his jealousy.

  “Well, a barbeque sounds like a good idea and I’d love to show you Cedar Ridge if we have time.” He said.

  “That sounds nice. I’ve heard so much about it.” Paige said, thinking that then they’d actually have some time alone.

  The last two weeks had been hard for her, having Cooper so close but so far away was as difficult for her as it was for him. They’d only managed a few minutes alone in the last two weeks and her frustration level matched his, but one good thing had come out of it, they’d gotten to know each other much better. But they still hadn’t talked about their pasts, even more pressing was the fact that Justin would be joining her soon.

  Marissa had talked her into letting him come up to spend the rest of the summer, There were plenty of kids around and some of the women had volunteered to keep an eye on him while Paige was working. Although they were a diverse group of people, they’d all bonded together to achieve the goals of the Coldwater Canyon Park and Preserve. She was even considering staying for the winter, if they could find someplace to live.

  Marissa’s sister Clarissa would be arriving in a few weeks fresh from getting her teaching degree for the express purpose of opening a school for the kids. She’d made it a priority to spend some time with Marissa and now that she fully understood their plan for the park, she really wanted to make it her home. The work on the burial ground would take years to complete, especially if the cave revealed as many secrets as she hoped.

  But she refused to make any kind of decision until Justin arrived in a few weeks. She couldn’t imagine that he wouldn’t be happy here, but it was his life too and she didn’t want to make that big of a decision without his input. There was also the issue of Cooper and their strange relationship, which consisted mostly of stolen moments, or public discussions around the fire or at the dig.

  What hadn’t occurred was any discussion about where their relationship was headed. It’s not that she minded the flirting and stolen kisses, it made what they shared sweet and innocent. However, she knew that there was a fire smoldering underneath all their innocent actions, a fire that was bound to flare at some point, and she really wanted a better idea of where they stood before that happened.

  Only a few days later, Cooper announced at breakfast that the water would be released the next day. There were cheers from the crowd gathered around the main fire since everyone knew that they’d have two full days off and a barbeque to look forward to. Paige was just as excited as everyone else; she’d been pushing herself day after day and it was beginning to take its toll. As much as she wanted to get into that cave, she knew that she’d hit her limit and that made a mistake much more likely.

  Besides, she and Marissa had spent almost an entire afternoon planning the barbeque; Paige had envisioned something simple, but when Marissa heard her plan she took over. “I’ve been dying to have a barbeque ever since we finished the house, but the family is too busy in the summer. I’d love to have it here, we could put up tents and use old-fashioned lights.” She said, pulling out her tablet and making notes.

  “That sounds like a lot of work, especially when we don’t know exactly when the outlet will be finished.” Paige said skeptically.

  “Oh, I have the time and I’d really like to do this. As much as I love living up here, it can get lonely. It’s better now that all of you are up here, but it’s been kind of hard for me to connect with the other women. I think they see me more as a boss than a friend.” Marissa confessed.

  Paige thought about that and could understand, as close as she got to the students she worked with, there was always that boundary that they didn’t cross. “Well, I guess in a way you are their boss, but I think if you give it some time they’ll come around. Having the barbeque here is a great way to bridge the gap, but I don’t think we should make it too fancy. Remember these people have been living in tents all summer.” Paige said, giving Marissa’s hand a squeeze.

  Marissa smiled and squeezed her hand back, “Your friendship is the best thing that’s come out of the summer. Have you put any thought into staying for the winter?”

  “I have to wait until Justin comes up; he hasn’t even seen it yet and I’d like to give him the chance to voice his opinion. I have a feeling he’ll be all for it. He’s been bugging me all week to come home from camp early. He claims to be homesick, but the truth is he’d rather be here than camp and I can’t blame him.” Paige said, shaking her head.

  “Well I can’t blame him either, he’s ten and you’re digging up Indian bones and looking for treasure.” Marissa said, laughing.

  “Not really treasure… more like artifacts.” Paige said, then laughed at the thought of treasure in the cave. Then reconsidered, “I never thought about the possibility of there being treasure in that
cave. But that’s impossible, just stuff of legends.”

  “Well, I don’t know, some of those legends are based on truth.” Marissa said, then asked, “Do you want me to do some research? You never know, besides I might find some information we can use for the museum.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ve done some research on this area, but not much. There just hasn’t been time. That’s what the winter season is for, but the more we know now the better. I’d love to have your help; you might even get some credit.” Paige said, winking at Marissa.

  “Oh how exciting, now I’m a research assistant.” Marissa said, trying to sound scholarly, then laughed and added, “But first, let’s plan this barbeque.”

  The next afternoon found everyone gathered at Honey Hills eagerly awaiting the first trickle of water in the dry stream bed that wound through the pasture. Marissa had kept it simple only bringing in help to set up and a couple of people to cook burgers and hot dogs; the rest of the food was provided by the guests. For desert they’d planned homemade ice cream and the kids were busy taking turns turning the cranks on several old fashioned ice cream makers. The men would take over at some point, but for now it was keeping the kids entertained.

  Paige was missing Justin and decided then and there that it was time for him to join her. This was an experience that he shouldn’t be missing out on. Camp would come around again next year and this was a once in a lifetime experience. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Cooper come up behind her; she let out a surprised gasp when he put his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck.

  He started to pull away thinking she didn’t want him to show his affection in public, but she pulled his arms back around her and relaxed back against him with a sigh. “How far is it away now?” She asked looking up the mountain.

  “Last check it was about a mile away.” He said, “I can’t believe we’re standing here waiting for water to come down a stream.”

  “It is kind of a strange thing to be doing, but I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.” She said, looking up at him, wishing he’d kiss her.


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