Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 3

by Diane Mannino

Crap. Why is he here? I’ve worked here for years and I know all of the local customers. He is looking totally hot in a fitted white polo that hugs his muscular chest and arms. I don’t even notice what he’s wearing on his bottom because I’m too busy gawking at his upper torso.

  “Wow, you’re good at that.” He mutters.

  “Um. Good at what? Dusting? Singing? Dancing? All of the above?” I bravely ask.

  “Yes, it was quite the floor show. You’re good at all that.”

  “I’m good at a lot of things.” I immediately flush and shake my head. I can’t believe my audacity when I’m around this guy.

  He looks amused and warmly says, “What a pleasant surprise, Miss King. Can you help me buy a board?”

  “I’ll help you – if you do me a favor,” I bait.

  Logan arches an eyebrow and runs his hands through his dark, wavy hair. He looks intrigued and says, “That depends on what you want.”

  “No more with the Miss King. I’m Emilia.”

  He looks a bit disappointed.

  “Sure, Miss King.” He teases and cocks his head. I can tell he doesn’t like to be told what to do.

  I shake my head. Boy, is he frustrating but he is so breathtakingly gorgeous. He puts out his hand. I think to shake mine?

  “I’m Logan, nice to meet you again.” I feel the familiar surge of current run through my body just as I had the previous times that my skin has touched his. It’s nothing that I have ever experienced before and I find myself catching my breath as I release his hand.

  I swallow and try to gather my cool. “Buy a board? Do you surf?”

  “I do now,” he smirks. He does now? What’s that supposed to mean? Jeez. This is a confusing conversation.

  I try to look at ease and ask, “What type of a board are you looking to buy? Long? Short? Soft? Fun?”

  He stares at me for a bit too long and I feel myself squirm. He finally smiles and says, “Definitely not short and soft – so, I think you can show me the long and fun.”

  His intense blue eyes are causing a whirling sensation from my head to my toes. I feel intoxicated by his alluring looks. Try to get it together, Emilia!

  “Um. Well, have you ever surfed before? Longboards are tall and very buoyant. They can be used for beginners or pros,” I point to some of the longboards.

  I feel a bit uncomfortable but try to keep my cool. He looks distracted and he doesn’t really look that interested in the surfboards. He just sort of seems to be studying me. Maybe I have something on my face?

  “How long have you worked here?” He says and moves a step closer to me.

  “Since freshman year,” I have to look away and take a step back. I feel my face reddening but I’m fighting to keep my composure.

  “Shortboards are made more for performance. They aren’t usually recommended for beginners.” I mutter.

  He takes one of his hands and slowly glides it along the longboard. “This feels good.”

  Gulp. I look at the ground and say a quick prayer that my legs don’t give out.

  “Why don’t you show me the other types of boards?” He says quickly.

  I welcome the change in conversation and make a motion toward the fun boards.

  “These are funboards. They are medium size and they are for people who want a board that will last a long time.” I’m pleasantly pleased with myself. I manage to say a complete sentence.

  I continue. “They also maneuver well in the water. These over here are the soft boards. Beginners use these to help them learn the basics of surfing.”

  “You know a lot about all these boards. Do you enjoy surfing?” Logan inquires.

  “Oh, no. I’m not into surfing.” I say.

  “What are you into?” He whispers.

  “Um. I’m into reading and um – running.” I somehow manage to get out of my mouth.

  My legs are starting to give way and I reach for a board to keep my balance. I somehow manage to glance away from his intense gaze and I notice other customers are starting to come into the store.

  “Have you decided on what you want?” I say as if I’m begging for some relief. I need air.

  “Oh, yes.” He smirks as he grabs one of the boards.

  “So a longboard, it is.” I whisper. “Can I help you with anything else?”

  “I’m not sure. Do you think I need anything else?” He grins.

  “A wetsuit?” I murmur.

  “I don’t mind getting wet.” He teases.

  I flush. But I’ve had enough of his deliberate sexual innuendos. I squint at him with condemnation.

  “It will keep you from getting cold.” I snap.

  He looks amused. “Okay, I’ll take a wetsuit.”

  We walk to the register. “The board is $829 and the wetsuit is $329.50. How would you like to pay?”

  He’s watching me carefully as he hands me his Platinum American Express card. Beside the register is a small plastic container holding Mr.Zog’s Sex Wax.

  He grabs a bar of wax and says, “Mr. Zog sounds like my kind of guy. I’ll take some of this too.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a pervert and you need to get your head out of the gutter?” I snap.

  He smiles, and says, “Just you, baby. You going to do anything about it?” And with that he’s out the door.


  LOGAN PRESCOTT IS so out of my league. This thought is somewhat unwelcome but I need to be honest with myself. Bryn has already told me that he’s a Casanova. Yes, he’s gorgeous and I could gaze into those lovely blue eyes for hours. But his lascivious behavior puts no doubt in my mind that he’s looking for one thing.

  When I walk into the house Bryn is in the kitchen. She is dressed to kill in her turquoise dress and perfectly tousled beach hair. Gym Class Heroes are playing on the iPod shuffle. She turns towards me with a cocktail shaker in hand.

  She beams, “Just in time for cocktail hour! How about a Cosmo or two before we head to Josh’s?”

  “That sounds great,” I smile.

  She pours the frothy bright pink concoction into two large cocktail glasses.

  Bryn hands me a glass and then clears her throat, “To my dearest friend and to us having an unforgettable evening and unforgettable senior year.”

  “Cheers!” I take a sip and the cool cranberry and lime liquid is a relief to my parched throat.

  “Hmm. Just what I needed. Thanks, Bryn.”

  “How was work?” she turns and wipes up some Absolut that she spilled on the granite counter.

  “Um. Interesting.” I can tell when Bryn stops cleaning that she’s curious.

  “Interesting? How so?”

  “Logan Prescott came into the store. He bought a board, a wetsuit and some sex wax,” I giggle.

  “Seriously? Did he know you worked there? No doubt that he likes you!” Bryn asserts.

  “Oh, no. It wasn’t like that. He seemed surprised to see me,” I mutter although I am not really convinced by own words.

  “Please! He’s totally after you,” Bryn playfully teases.

  “Bryn. Yes, he’s hot. But being interested in him would be like playing with fire. He’s cocky. He has so much money he doesn’t know what to do with it. So much so that he spent over a thousand dollars without batting an eye on a board and a wetsuit and he doesn’t even surf!” I’m surprised that my voice is filled with so much irritation.

  “Plus you know I’m not interested in dating anyone,” I quietly add.

  “Emilia, I know. I get it. It’s just.” Bryn stammers.

  “It’s just, what?” I ask.

  “You are smart and beautiful. You are quite the catch and you just don’t see that. I want you to be happy,” Bryn’s tone is warmly considerate.

  “You think I’d be happier if I dated?” I mutter.

  “I want you to give someone a chance, not Logan, but someone.” She looks at me with her pleading eyes and grabs my shoulders with her two hands.

  “You need to try and open your hear
t to it.” Bryn adds.

  “I don’t know, Bryn.” I mutter.

  “How about Tyler?” she beams, “He’s sweet and he’s totally into you. Josh says he asks about you all the time. I know he’s excited that you’re going to the party.”

  “Oh, Bryn. What am I going to do with you?” I joke. “I better get into the shower or we’ll never even make it to the party.”

  She pours us another Cosmo and then says, “Good point. Plus I have a surprise for you!”

  On my bed is the most divine emerald colored dress. It’s silky and short – simply stunning.

  “Surprise!” beams Bryn.

  “I wish you hadn’t, Bryn. It’s too much. Let me pay you back.” I plead.

  “Don’t be silly. Think of it as a back to school gift. Plus, you are doing me a big favor by coming with me to the party.” Bryn says as she squeezes me tight.

  “I love it. Thank you.” I say,

  “Now hurry up and shower so we can go have some fun!” Bryn says as she playfully pushes me to the bathroom.

  After showering, I blow dry my hair. Once I finally have my long brown wavy hair and bangs under control I slink into Bryn’s exquisite purchase. I dab a little mascara on my lashes and some clear pink gloss to my lips.

  I head downstairs where Bryn is waiting for me, “Wow! Emilia, you look gorgeous!”

  “It’s the dress. It’s heavenly. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “It’s you in the dress and you can thank me by enjoying yourself tonight. Now, come on let’s go!” Bryn grabs my hand as we head out the door.

  Josh Harding, Tyler Irwin and their two roommates live in a four-bedroom house with a large deck. Its centrally located – just blocks from State Street. State Street is the main street in Santa Barbara’s downtown. It’s filled with popular bars, restaurants, and shops – including Spyder Surf.

  When we arrive at the red brick house, the party is already in full swing. Chris Brown’s “Turn Up the Music” is pulsating off the walls. The house is packed with college kids. Everyone is drinking from big red cups and having a good time.

  Bryn and I push our way through the crowd when Josh is suddenly wrapped around Bryn like a crawling vine on a trellis. Tyler is by his side.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Josh whispers to Bryn and kisses her softly on her cheek. He keeps his arm entwined around her slender waist. They make a striking couple. Josh’s good looks are a perfect balance to Bryn’s. Both are blonde with perfectly tanned bodies – they are the epitome of California cool.

  “You are looking good Emilia. You remember my friend, Tyler?” Josh stumbles. He’s definitely had too much to drink.

  Tyler is tall and muscular. He’s a surfer that I met freshman year when he came into Spyder. He’s also in an alternative rock band. He’s tan with blonde, shaggy hair. His smile could light up a room and his dimpled cheeks are definitely drool-worthy. Yes, he’s hot but I think of him as a friend – only a friend.

  The four of us make our way to the back porch where there are a couple kegs. We sit and talk about the summer and our last year at SBU while we drink out of our big red cups. I’m starting to feel the effect of the Cosmos and the beers when Bryn decides that we need to go to a club to dance.

  “I think I’ll just head home.” I whisper to Bryn.

  “Please. Pretty please – don’t be a party pooper…come dancing.” Bryn begs and gives me her puppy dog eyes that I can’t turn down.

  “Oh, Bryn, you know I can’t turn you down when you give me that look. Just for a little bit, deal?” I reply.

  We walk to Tonic, a nightclub just a few blocks from their house on State Street. The cool, misty air feels good on my face. I realize I’m starting to feel nauseated but the fresh air gives me some comfort.

  When we enter the club I am overwhelmed by the intensity and the magnitude of sound. The small dance floor is at the center of the club down a couple steps. It is filling up with a mix of mostly college kids. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit under the influence but everyone looks like they’ve just stepped out of an Abercrombie & Fitch ad. The women are all scantily clad and the men are all tanned and toned. I’m even more grateful that Bryn bought me this beautiful dress.

  On the left of the dance floor is a very long bar. It has a black granite countertop and there are glass shelves behind it, brimming with various bottles of alcohol.

  Just to the right of the dance floor is the DJ station and that’s where most of the noise is coming from. Behind the DJ is a large L-shaped leather couch with smaller leather chairs scattered around a big metal table. Billowy draperies cover the ceiling above the couches and cast a pinkish glow against the walls.

  There’s a sign on the wall where the fabric is suspended that reads, VIP lounge. I am leaning on Tyler, trying to regain my equilibrium when I feel his eyes on me before I actually see him. Our eyes meet – Logan Prescott is sitting in the VIP area. I flush and there goes that delicious feeling running through my body. When I finally look away from his heated stare I notice he’s sitting with a group of gorgeous girls and ugh – Sebastian Hyde.

  Just as I am taking this all in, Bryn grabs my hand. “Come on, Emilia. Let’s dance,” she shouts above Rihanna singing, “Where Have You Been.”

  I’m feeling brave because of the alcohol. The pulsating rhythm is making me giddy. Bryn looks ecstatic that I’m actually cutting loose. Tyler and Josh are both good dancers and it feels so fun to just let everything go.

  I sense Logan is watching us and the couple times I turn or spin in his direction I see him. He is watching me like a hawk. The song is coming to an end when my earlier relaxed sensation is taking a turn for the worse. The mixture of alcohol in my system is making my head spin and my legs are a bit shaky.

  “Hey, Bryn, I’ll be right back. I need to go to the bathroom.” I yell above the blaring music.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Bryn asks.

  “I’m good. I’ll be right back.”

  I feel a bit of relief after I’ve emptied my full bladder but I still feel a bit queasy. I head out of the bathroom when I collide with Logan.

  “Nice bumping into you, Emilia.” He’s clutching my arms and I can sense that heavenly current consuming my veins.

  “Now that I’ve admired your dancing prowess twice now – I think it’s only fair that you dance with me.” He quietly whispers into my ear and I flush again. Is he teasing me about my dancing abilities? It’s hard to tell with him.

  I feel really warm and my head is spinning uncomfortably. I need to escape and get some fresh air. But just when I’m about to be pulled on the dance floor by Logan, Bryn grabs me and drags me towards the exit. I look back at Logan. He is smiling but looks wistfully disappointed.

  “I’ll take a rain check,” I giggle.

  IT IS TOO BRIGHT IN MY BEDROOM when I finally manage to slowly peek from under my lashes. The sunlight is too bright and I wish for darkness for once. I roll over to the cooler side of my bed and glance at the clock. It’s almost noon. I’ve been plagued with restless nights ever since I can remember so this is a first. I’m irritated with myself for drinking too much because now I’ve messed up my Sunday.

  I kick off the sheets and crawl out of bed. The previous night’s exploits are now coming back to me. In the bathroom, I splash cool water on my face and brush my teeth. I pull up my hair in a ponytail and dress quickly into a pair of black running shorts and a red Nike tank.

  I opt for some toast and some water for breakfast…or actually lunch. When I turn from the fridge Bryn is leaning against the counter, carefully scrutinizing me.

  “I hope you aren’t upset that I dragged you away from Logan last night,” She cautiously says.

  Before I can reply, she continues, “I saw the way he was looking at you and you had too much to drink and well, I don’t trust him.”

  I step closer to Bryn and hug her tight. “I appreciate you looking out for me but I’m a big girl and I can handle Logan Prescott.”

nbsp; “He definitely likes you. But he’s a player and I won’t let him hurt you. You deserve better after all you’ve been through.” Her voice is full of concern.

  “Bryn, I love your concern. But I really can take care of myself.” I plug in my iPod and blow her a kiss.

  A run is just what I need to clear my head. I turn up the volume and listen to The Gym Class Heroes, “The Fighter.”

  Just waking up in the morning and to be well,

  Quite honest with ya, I ain’t really sleep well

  Ya ever feel like your train of thought’s been derailed?

  That’s when you press on – Lee nails

  Half the population’s just waitin to see me fail

  Yeah right, you’re better off trying to freeze hell

  Some of us do it for the females

  And others do it for the retail

  But I do it for the kids, life threw the towel in on

  Every time you fall it’s only making your chin strong

  And I’ll be in your corner like Mick, baby, ‘til the end

  Or when you hear a song from that big lady

  Until the referee rings the bell

  Until both your eyes start to swell

  Until the crowd goes home

  What we gonna do ya’ll?

  Give’em hell, turn their heads

  Gonna live life’til we’re dead

  Give me scars, give me pain

  Then they’ll say to me, say to me, say to me

  There goes a fighter, there goes a fighter

  Here comes a fighter

  That’s what they’ll say to me, say to me, say to me

  This one’s a fighter…

  I set off into the azure, cloudless sky. I am troubled by the effect Logan has on me. I can’t talk to Bryn about him because she is already full of worry.

  It’s just that I’ve never experienced this feeling with a guy. Is it because he’s so breathtakingly beautiful? Is it his sense of humor? But he’s also so pompous – so lecherous – and the most tragic thing is that Sebastian is his friend.

  I accomplish a lot considering my day started at noon. I finish an essay on the analysis of central themes in “King Lear” and I start another essay on the role of symbolism in “The Scarlet Letter.” I’m satisfied but exhausted when my head finally hits the pillow.


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