Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 8

by Diane Mannino

  “Well, let’s just see how it goes.” He says.

  We make our way over to middle of the track and as Coach is getting his stopwatch out I look into the stands. There are groups of guys and girls hanging out while they eat their lunches. In the distance I think I see Logan but it’s so hot that my vision is slightly blurry and it’s hard for me to tell.

  “You ready, Emilia? We’ll do the four hundred first.

  I get in my starting position. It’s so hot I can see illusionary puddles on the track. I wonder if these mirages are playing a trick on my parched throat. I shake the thought out of my head and turn to Coach Walker.

  “I’m ready Coach.” I say.

  “On your mark, get set, go.” He shouts and with that I’m off and running. The four hundred is just one lap around the track so it doesn’t take me long to get back to Coach.

  “Awesome. Fifty-eight seconds, Emilia.”

  Although I feel a bit light-headed and clammy, I feel exhilarated because Coach is so pleased with my time.

  “You want to take a break or are you ready to try the eight hundred?” He asks.

  “I’m good.” I say as I take a sip of water from my water bottle. The water is so warm from sitting in the sun that it doesn’t really do much to help quench my thirst. I resume my starting position.

  “On your mark, get set, go.” He shouts and I’m off. This time I make my way around the track twice as I round the bend I try to look towards the stand where I thought I saw Logan. My eyesight is so blurred that I can’t make out much of anything.

  “Nice, Emilia – just under two minutes. Why don’t we call it a day for you? I’m melting and I’m just standing here.” He says as he stows his stopwatch in his shorts’ pocket.

  “I’m fine. How about you time me in the sixteen hundred and then we call it a day?” I say and I give him a slight smile because that’s all I can muster.

  “It’s ridiculously hot.” He says as he waves the group from the Cross Country boys’ team over. “Besides I need to start cracking the whip on these lazy guys over here. If they had half the determination and willpower you have we’d have the National Championship in the bag.

  “Really, I’m good. Let’s just do it.” I mutter.

  “Alright. You are a glutton for punishment.” He says as he pulls his stopwatch back out from his pocket. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” I say as I blink away the sweat that’s trickling into my eyes.

  “On your mark, get set, go.” He shouts.

  I make my way around the first lap when I’m starting to wonder if this was a good idea. My vision is not only blurry but now I’m having a hard time with my hearing. All around I hear muffled sounds of “Come on, Emilia.” I think it’s Coach and the Cross Country guys but I’m not really sure.

  I’m on my third lap when I’m feeling an overwhelming sickening sensation in my head and stomach. I think to myself, Come on, Emilia – just one more lap. You can do this.

  I’m feeling so light-headed and internally I’m kicking myself for not stopping with the eight hundred. When I’m making my way past Coach before my fourth lap, I can hear his fading voice, “Emilia, you okay?”

  And that’s when it happens. My legs give out and I fall in slow motion on to the surface of the track. I see people running toward me but I can’t keep myself from collapsing and all I see is black.

  I don’t think much time has passed when my eyes blink back open. I can see the group of guys from the Cross County team staring down at me. Coach is bending next to me and applying damp towels to my face. But the first voice I hear belongs to Logan.

  “Emilia, Can you hear me?” His voice is right behind me. “Emilia?” He says with a worried tone. My head is resting on his lap.

  “I’m fine.” I groan. My blurry vision wasn’t fooling me – that must have been Logan in the stands. This is so embarrassing. I start to sit up because I just want to get out of here. But when I start to sit up I feel really, really dizzy. I can tell my balance is off but I still struggle to regain my strength.

  I see Logan look at Coach and they both nod in silent agreement. “Emilia, please. Just lay down. The paramedics are already on their way.” Logan says.

  Oh no. You’ve got to be kidding. I should have stopped at the eight hundred. I should have stopped at the eight hundred. Within seconds the paramedics arrive and they bend down next to me. My head is still resting in Logan’s lap when they start taking my blood pressure.

  I can hear Coach say, “Okay, everyone. Let’s give them some space.” Thankfully, the crowd walks away so now it’s just Logan and the paramedics.

  I look up at Logan and say, “I’m fine. You don’t need to stay.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He gives me a slight smile.

  After the paramedics check my blood pressure, they check my pulse, my eyes and my mouth.

  “You are severely dehydrated, miss. We need to take you to the hospital so you can be treated with an IV.” One of the paramedics says.

  “I’m fine. I just need to drink some water and cool down. I really don’t want to go to the hospital. Can’t I just go home?” I plead.

  “Sorry. You aren’t slightly dehydrated. You are severely dehydrated. If you aren’t treated with an IV you could suffer renal failure and then you could cause damage to your kidneys. If we get you hooked up to an IV now and to the ER you might make it home tonight.”

  Great. “Okay. Fine.” I say.

  “You mind if I ride with her to the hospital?” I hear Logan ask the paramedics.

  “Sure.” The taller paramedic says.

  “Logan, don’t you have class? Seriously, I’m fine.” I close my eyes as they put me on a stretcher. I clamp my lips together in an effort to keep my stomach from heaving all over him.

  “I’m coming. End of story.” Logan says in a bossy tone.

  The paramedics hook me up to an IV once I’m in the ambulance. Logan is sitting next to me as we drive in silence. It doesn’t take long for the IV to work its magic. The Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital is just a couple minutes drive from the track. It seems silly that I have to ride in an ambulance when it’s such a short distance. I’m already starting to feel better when we arrive in the emergency room.

  “Does this count as a date?” I tease while the emergency room nurse checks my pulse, my ears, eyes and mouth.

  “You’re feeling better. I’m glad.” Logan smiles.

  “I left my gym bag with my cell phone and everything in the locker room. Could I borrow your phone to call Bryn and let her know what’s happening?” I ask.

  “Sure.” He reaches into his pocket and hands me his phone. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom. You need anything?” He asks.

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.” I say.

  I watch him disappear down the corridor. He’s wearing a white linen shirt and khaki shorts. I see him run his fingers through his perfectly tousled hair and then he disappears around the corner.

  It’s only been about an hour since we’ve been in the emergency room but I know Bryn will start to worry. I look at the phone and quickly call her. I’m thankful that Logan has given me the chance to make this call in private.

  “Bryn. Hi. It’s Emilia. I’m fine. Don’t freak out but I’m in the hospital.” Before I can let her speak I quickly go on. “I passed out at the track from dehydration and the paramedics insisted that they hook me up to an IV. I’m totally fine.”

  She’s of course freaking out and insisting that she’s already on her way. But I explain to her that I’m being released in the next few minutes. The nurse is actually standing in front of me waiting for me with a stack of papers.

  “Bryn, don’t come. I’m fine. If you come now I won’t be here. I will already be on my way home so just stay home and I’ll see you soon. I have to run because the nurse is here to help me with my discharge papers.” I hurriedly say because I don’t want to argue with her. “I’ll see you soon.”

  The emergency room nurse, w
ho is probably in her sixties and has a warm smile, starts to check my blood pressure when she says, “You look like you’re feeling better. How do you feel?”

  “I’m good. Can I leave now?” I ask.

  “You’ve been cleared to go as soon as I check your vitals one last time and all looks good.” She smiles.

  Logan approaches just as the nurse is checking my pulse. I can see the nurse smiling up at him. She looks like a deer in headlights. Yes, he’s easy on the eyes.

  “Will she live?” Logan teases. The nurse falls into a fit of laugher.

  The nurse without taking her eyes off Logan says, “He’s gorgeous and funny.”

  “He’s not that funny.” I say without attempting to hide my sarcasm.

  I hand Logan back his cell-phone and say, “Thanks for your phone. I really appreciate you staying with me but I’m good. You should go.”

  “Why don’t I wait and give you a ride home? I had my car at the track and I just moved it over here.”

  I feel like I’ve already intruded enough on him and his day and I’m really fine so I try and make it sound like I have a ride home. “I’m good. I can get home. Thanks for the offer.”

  “You sure you are okay to get home?” He asks in a suspicious tone. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. Maybe he thinks Bryn is picking me up or maybe he thinks some “boyfriend” is picking me up.

  “Thanks, I have a way to get home. I’ll talk to you later.” I smile.

  “Okay. I’ll check on you later,” He says and he leaves. I wonder what he means by that? He’ll call later? E-mail? Stop by? I’m too tired from the embarrassment and stress of the day. I push the thought to the back of my head.

  It’s been about ten minutes since Logan left the hospital. I’m relieved he thought that Bryn or someone was picking me up. I just want to forget this whole day. When I walk out of the hospital, the first thing that strikes me is the cool breeze. I’m pleased that the weather has changed and the chilly air is a welcome relief.

  I start to walk through the parking lot towards home. The hospital is just minutes from the college campus and the house Bryn and I share and I’m looking forward to the walk. When I turn the corner out of the lot I’m hit by the second thing.

  “What are you doing?” It’s Logan with an annoyed look on his face.

  I’m sure I jump several feet in the air. I’m a little shaken and mutter, “You scared me to death.” I catch my breath and see that he’s waiting for an answer. “I’m walking home.”

  “Bryn or someone isn’t picking you up then?” He asks.

  “Um. No. I’m walking.” I say and when I start to walk again he grabs my hand.

  “Why did you make it seem like someone was driving you home?” He growls.

  “Because I’m fine. I can walk home. It’s not far and I could use the fresh air. Besides you’ve already done too much. I’m fine. Really. Now I’ll just be on my way.” I try and tug my hand from his grasp.

  “You just got out of the hospital. My car is here and I insist on driving you. You’re being ridiculous.” He says and I can’t help but wonder why this gorgeous guy is doing all this for me.

  “I’m ridiculous? Why are you hanging out in the hospital parking lot? You should already be home.” I say.

  “I had a feeling you weren’t telling me the whole story. I know you are fine but if you don’t come with me and let me drive you home I will pick you up and carry you home.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you are bossy?”

  “No. I’ve just been told I’m cocky and spoiled.” He smirks.

  “You can add bossy to that list. I’ll come with you – no need to carry me.” I mutter.

  The drive from the hospital to our house is so short that now that I’ve driven with him it appears to be even more ludicrous that I didn’t walk. We are at the front of my house within less than a minute.

  “Yes, you are right. I don’t think I could have managed that grueling distance.” I tease.

  “You know you have quite the flair for drama.” Logan says.

  I’m not really sure what he means. “You mean because I put up a fight to walk home?”

  “That and your fainting spell was quite a moment. You really had me worried. I thought you were going to end up like a Shakespearean tragedy.” He teases.

  “Did you think I was dying or just fainting a la Lady Macbeth?” I smile.

  “I wasn’t sure but I have to say I was relieved when I found that you had only fainted.” He smiles.

  “I’m glad that I’m providing you some entertainment.” I smile. I don’t know why but it’s the first time where I don’t feel as nervous with him. Maybe it’s the fainting and my mind is still not thinking clearly.

  “Thanks for the ride and for your help today.” I say as I open the passenger door.

  “Would you like me to come in?” He asks.

  “You better go. Thanks for everything.” I smile. I’m sure I must look like a mess – a sweaty, fainting mess and all I can think of is climbing into a cold shower.

  “Alright. Until next time, Emilia.” He’s still smiling as he pulls away.

  Bryn is all over me the second I walk in the house. “Wow. I can’t believe you passed out!” She says as she closely examines me. “You look fine – a bit disheveled. Do you feel okay? Can I get you anything?”

  “I’m fine.” I think it’s probably the hundredth time I’ve said that today. “I just want to shower.”

  “Wasn’t that Logan who dropped you off?” she asks. I can’t sneak anything past her.

  “Yes. He was at the track when I fainted.” I say in a matter of fact tone.

  “That’s odd. Stalking you again?” She teases.

  “Something like that.” I smile. “No. I’m sure he was there because Sebastian was running too. You know his roommate?”

  “I know who he is. He’s a creep.” Bryn says in disgust. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve got loads of reading to do for my Econ class so just holler if you need anything.” She frowns because she doesn’t enjoy reading.

  “Thanks, Bryn.” I say as I climb up the stairs and make my way into the shower.

  I feel like a new woman after I wash away the day’s heat and grime off me. I sit down on my bed and pull out my laptop and start research for my next paper, an analysis of Kate from The Taming Of The Shrew. When I power up the computer I have two emails in my inbox.

  From: Anthony King

  Subject: Parent’s weekend

  Date: Monday, October 8 9:35am

  To: Emilia King

  Hi Emilia,

  I’m glad you are well and you know I appreciate when you check in with me. I would love to come to Parent’s Weekend. I can drive up and stay Friday night. I have to get be back on Saturday for work.

  Does that work for you?



  I type out my reply and exclude today’s events. The last thing I want is for my dad to unnecessarily worry about me.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Parent’s weekend

  Date: Monday, October 8 5:05pm

  To: Anthony King

  Hi Dad,

  I’m glad you can make it. Whatever works for you and your schedule. I’ll just be happy to see you!

  Talk to you soon.



  I can’t help but smile when I see my second email is from Logan.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Today

  Date: Monday, October 8 4:45pm

  To: Emilia King


  It’s always a pleasure to be in your company even when you are falling asleep on me or passing out.

  You do have quite the flair for drama.



  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Dramatics

  Date: Monday, October 8 5:10pm

Logan Prescott


  I’m thankful for your unnecessary help today. I really was fine but thank you none the less.

  I’m happy to keep you entertained.


  I hit “send” and I can’t help but smile when I get an immediate response.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Friday

  Date: Monday, October 8 5:13pm

  To: Emilia King

  So entertaining that I was wondering if you had plans Friday night.

  You do like to insist that you are fine even when you are clearly not. Why is that?


  I can’t contain my excitement. I’m grinning at the computer screen like a fool. I know Bryn will worry but I know I can handle Logan Prescott. I survived coffee with him so a Friday night shouldn’t be a problem. I could always wear my running shoes just in case.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Friday

  Date: Monday, October 8 5:17pm

  To: Logan Prescott

  Friday night works for me. Hope I can keep you entertained.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Friday night

  Date: Monday, October 8 5:19pm

  To: Emilia King

  I’m sure you will ;)

  I’ll pick you up at 7:00 at your place.

  Don’t think I didn’t notice you avoiding my other question.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Avoidance

  Date: Monday, October 8 5:22pm

  To: Logan Prescott

  I was only avoiding the question because I don’t think you want to hear my answer. I. was. fine.

  I have to go now and get to work on an essay about Kate from “The Taming of the Shrew.” Another woman who is misperceived by those around her.


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