Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 20

by Diane Mannino

  Tyler turns to me. “Did you work today?” He shouts over the noise.

  I nod. “Did you surf?”

  “How’d you know?” He smiles.

  “Lucky guess.”

  “Maybe you could come out with me some time.” He moves closer and whispers.

  “Maybe.” I smile.

  I look over at Bryn and Josh. He can’t take his eyes off her. He’s telling her some story and he’s very animated. She looks at him and giggles. Draping his arm over her shoulder, he pulls her closer to him. She might as well sit on his lap.

  The guys are sharing a pitcher of beer while Bryn and I share a pitcher of margaritas. I notice it’s already empty and realize Tyler keeps refilling my glass as I drink it.

  “We need more margaritas!” Bryn calls out above the music.

  “I’ll go get us some more pitchers.” Josh says as he starts to slide out of the booth.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” Bryn says as they both slide out of their seats and leave Tyler and I alone.

  “How’s the band?” I ask.

  “Great. We’re playing next weekend. You think you’ll come and watch?”

  “I’m sure we will.” I say, emphasizing the “we.”

  Tyler slides a little closer to me. “I like when you come and watch.”

  I giggle. Jeez, how many margaritas have I had? I think I’ve probably had too many since I’ve lost count.

  “You have quite the fan club. I’m sure you don’t even know I’m there.” I laugh.

  “That’s not true.”

  Bryn and Josh have made their way back to the table. Both are carrying a couple of pitchers. Whoa, I can’t keep up with them tonight.

  “Bryn, you may have to carry me after all.” I laugh.

  Josh slides back into the booth but before Bryn sits next to him she leans over to me and whispers in my ear.

  “Logan is here. He wants to talk to you.” She smiles.

  “Tell him to send me an email.” I giggle.

  “Seriously. He wants you to meet him at the back of the bar.”

  I roll my eyes. “He wants a lot of things.” I giggle.

  Slowly sliding myself out of the booth, I look towards Tyler. “Be right back.”

  When I stand I realize I have had way too to drink. My head spins as I grab onto the edge of the table for balance.

  “You okay?” Bryn asks.

  “I’m fine.” I smile. “Do you have any gum by chance?” I ask Bryn and then burst into a fit of laughter.

  “You are hilarious when you’re drunk, my friend. Now go and hurry back.” She smiles.

  I am still giggling to myself about gum when I see Logan staring at me. He’s leaning on the wall by the restrooms. He is really, really too good looking even when he looks mad and right now he looks pissed.

  “You know you really need to stop leading that boy on.” He says as I approach him.

  “And you sent that jealousy quote to me. Ha!” I say as I grab a hold of the wall to help with my balance issues.

  “You’re mad about that? Is that why you didn’t respond to my other email or my phone calls?” He looks confused.

  “I only got the one where you called me a green eyed monster.” I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

  He rolls his eyes. “Come.” He grabs my arm and leads me to the backdoor. “Let’s talk outside.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’ve got to go back to celebrating Bryn’s library record.” I giggle.

  He furrows his brows. “I don’t know what you’re talking about but I think you’ve already done enough celebrating for one night.” He starts to pull me towards him.

  “Ssh’I’m not done.” I slur as I pull my arm away from him.

  “Do I need to pick you up and carry you out of here?” He says in a firm voice.

  “Maybe.” I giggle at his threat.

  But he isn’t amused and in one quick movement he picks me up off the ground. Tossing me over his shoulder, I’m in a fit of giggles as he carries me outside.

  “Why do I get the feeling this would have been a lot more difficult to do if you were stone sober?” He says. The back door to the bar slams shut.

  I laugh.

  “You are a very happy drunk tonight. How many drinks have you had anyway?”

  “S’not many. A couple.” I giggle.

  “I think more than a couple.”

  “I’m feeling a bit queasy. You think you can put me down now?”

  “Almost there and I have to say I’m really enjoying the view.” He says as he playfully grabs my bottom. “You have quite a fine ass, Miss King.”

  I giggle.

  “Here we are.” He says as he carefully places me onto the passenger car seat.

  “Wait a minute. I thought we were just stepping outside to talk.”

  Logan leans down, holding onto the roof of the car. “I take my kidnapping very seriously.” He smirks.

  I attempt to move out of the car. “No. I need to tell Bryn. I told her I’d be right back.”

  “I think she can put two and two together.” He says as he gazes down at me.

  “She’ll worry.” I plead.

  “You stay put. I’ll go find her and tell her.” He runs his hand in his hair in exasperation.

  I nod.

  He reaches over me and switches on the engine to the car.

  “Some music for your pleasure. Be right back.”

  “So accommodating, Mr. Prescott.” I tease.

  “Because you are so surprisingly cooperative.” He leans down and his lips softly brush my forehead.

  “You aren’t afraid I’ll steal your car?” I whisper.

  He smiles. “Hmm. I didn’t take that into consideration. I’ll just have to trust you. Won’t I?” His head cocks to the side and then he shuts the door.

  IN A MOMENT, Logan is in the driver’s seat. He hands me a plastic cup with a napkin wrapped around it. The moisture from the cold drink dampens the napkin.

  “Thought you could use some water.”

  “Thank you.” I say as I take the cup in my hand. “You found Bryn?”

  “Yes. I told her I was kidnapping you.” He says as he puts the car in reverse.

  He pauses and then he says. “She didn’t seem too concerned about you. She and her boyfriend were in a pretty intense game of tonsil hockey.”

  “Thank you for that visual.”

  “Incidentally, your friend did not look too pleased.” He quickly glances over at me.

  “Here we go again.” I roll my eyes.

  “Just stating the facts, Emilia.” He smiles.

  He glides the car down State Street towards the coast.

  “Where are you taking me anyway?” I ask.

  “Wouldn’t be a proper kidnapping if I told you.” He pauses and then adds,

  “Do you have a meet or anything tomorrow?”

  “Nope. Day off.” I say as I lean my head back on the cold leather seat and close my eyes.

  “You okay?”

  “Fine. A little dizzy.”

  “Drink the water. It’ll help.” He reaches his hand over and gently squeezes my thigh.

  We are back at the house or I should say estate in Montecito. I can see the beautiful home as Logan steers the car up the hill.

  “Such a lovely kidnapping destination.” I giggle.

  “The best and only the best for you.” He smiles.

  He quickly climbs out of the car and moves around to open the passenger door. Putting his hand out to take mine, I place my hand in his as I very slowly and carefully step out of the car. I stumble forward and Logan catches me in his arms.

  “Easy, baby.” He says as he picks me up again but this time I’m not hanging awkwardly over his shoulder. This time I’m in both his arms and close to his chest.

  “You are taking this kidnapping scenario quite seriously.” I giggle and reach my hands around his neck to hold on.

  “Yes. Well, either I carry you or you br
eak your neck.” He gazes down at me.

  “I’m fine. Really. You can put me down. I’m just a little dizzy.”

  “No. I’m rather enjoying this.” He says as he carries me towards the living room.

  “I had no idea being abducted could be so fun.” I say as I look up at him.

  “It certainly has its benefits.” He smiles as he places me down on the soft, fluffy sofa.

  “I’ll get you another water. Do you want anything else?” He asks.

  “Just you.” I whisper. I slip off my shoes and lean back, sinking into the couch.

  “As you wish.” He smiles.

  Logan is back with a tall glass of ice water and a glass of wine. He sits close to me and hands me the water. Sipping the glass of wine, he watches me drink the water.

  “You sure you’re okay?” He asks.

  “I’m good now. I’m not even dizzy any more. Thanks for the water.” I say as I take another sip.

  “Out of curiosity what did you drink tonight?” He asks.

  “Margaritas.” I wonder where his line of questioning is headed.

  “Just margaritas? No other drink? Beer? Wine?” He says as he rests his arm on the back of the couch.

  “No, just margaritas on the rocks. Why?”

  “Making a mental note that tequila has a very positive effect on you. Someday I may need to use that to my advantage.” He smiles.

  I giggle. “Maybe just not so many unless you prefer to carry me.”

  “That’s another advantage. I have you here. Don’t I?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “You were so mad at me last night. I don’t think anyone has ever been that mad at me, except for my parents.”

  “Is that a compliment?” I tease.

  “If you want to take it that way. Sure. But I would prefer you not being so mad at me. I was hoping you were going to let me stay with you last night.”

  I shrug.

  “I couldn’t even persuade you. Maybe next time I will just have to fill you up with margaritas and then you won’t be so angry.”

  I giggle. “I don’t think you should count on that.”

  “Yes. You’re probably right. Shall we talk about why you were so mad now, while you are so good-humored?”

  I roll my eyes. “Look I don’t know what there’s left to say. You don’t see my point.”

  “You are referring to my questionable reputation?” He smiles slightly.

  “Yes. That and your slutty friend.”

  He laughs. “Now she has a questionable reputation too?”

  “It’s not funny.” I scowl.

  “Okay, Emilia. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed. Why do you say that?”

  “That’s what I’ve heard.” I murmur.

  “You believe everything you hear?” He asks.

  I swallow. “Maybe I should go.”

  “Why do I feel like you are always trying to run away from me?” He breathes.

  “I love running.” I smile and try to lighten the mood.

  “Emilia.” He whispers. “You need to be honest with me.”

  “It scares me to trust you.” I say and I look down at my hands on my lap.

  Logan leans forward and lifts my chin so that I’m looking into his eyes. “Can’t you see that we are good together, baby?” He whispers.

  “But I’m worried about getting hurt.” I breathe.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He sounds so sincere. “Can’t you try? Try to trust me? You know it’s a two-way street. Don’t you?”

  “Yes. But you have all that baggage.”

  “The Jay Gatsby baggage?” He shrugs.

  “Yes and friends that are former booty calls.”

  “Do you remember when we sat here last time?” He asks.

  I nod.

  “We agreed to go wisely and slowly, right?” He smiles. “You aren’t going back on your word, are you?”

  “I guess not.” I smile slightly.

  “Good girl. I need you to promise me something.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “That you don’t keep running away from me. If you aren’t happy about something you need to talk to me about it.”

  “I don’t think I run, but sometimes you are quite stubborn.” I smile.

  “I’m stubborn? Well that’s the pot calling the kettle black.” He laughs.

  “You think I’m stubborn?” I ask.

  “I don’t think. I know. But it’s one of the things that makes you so charming.”

  I smile and stifle a yawn.

  “You’re tired. Should I carry you to bed or do you think you can make it on your own?”

  I giggle. “You are keeping me hostage here?”

  “You said you have the day off tomorrow so yes I thought I’d keep you here.” He stands and puts his hand out to help me up.

  I reach and take a hold of his hand. “I think I’m an easy target. Maybe next time I should kick and scream. Put up a fight.”

  Logan pulls me up and holds me close to him. “Do you have any idea how arousing you are?”

  I flush. He lifts his hand and slowly glides it along my cheek until he cups my chin. When I raise my head I gaze into his burning eyes. I feel my insides melt and I swallow.

  He leans down and kisses me passionately. My lips open for his tongue as my hands move into his hair. He moans into my mouth and then slowly his lips move from my mouth, along my jaw to my neck. We are pressing our bodies together as his lips move back to mine.

  “Do you have any idea how badly I want you?” He whispers. A tantalizing shiver runs through my body.

  He leans his forehead on mine to settle his breathing. “Slowly.” He breathes and brushes his lips on my forehead.

  When he steps back, he takes my hand. “You’re very quiet.” He says as we climb the stairs.

  “I was thinking.” I smile.


  “Which strategy I prefer, persuasion or kidnapping.” I giggle.

  “When you decide, let me know.” He says grinning.


  I BLINK MY EYES OPEN. Though I am well rested, for a brief moment I forget where I am, but then I see the breathtaking ocean view and the thoughts of last night come back to me. The bedroom is even more beautiful than I remember. The French doors are slightly ajar and I can hear the peaceful sound of crashing waves. The memory of Logan carrying me from Elsie’s and putting me in his car makes me smile.

  In the distance I think I hear voices but I can’t be sure. I glance at Logan who has his body wrapped around me. Once again I’m pinned beneath him. He is shirtless and his fit chest and arm are keeping me from making any movement. I softly stroke his muscular back and arm. Just as I’m wondering about the activity downstairs, his sleepy, reluctant eyes blink open.

  “Is it just me or do you hear people talking?” He murmurs.

  “I hear them too. Mr. and Mrs. Smith?” I whisper.

  “Maybe, but it’s so early. They don’t usually come into the main house until later, especially on a Sunday.”

  “We should get up.” I try and make an effort to move but Logan just pushes his weight down on me even more.

  “No. We shouldn’t. It’s too early and I just want to lie here with you.” He pulls me closer.

  “But…” I start to say.

  “No, buts. The first time you slept here, you had to get to work. The second time I slept with you at your place, you jumped out of bed to run. This is the first time you don’t need to go anywhere so I’m still keeping you hostage.” He smirks.

  “Maybe it’s your parents.” I plead.

  “I doubt it but I’m sure they know I’m here because my car is in the garage. So whoever it is can wait. Besides I don’t hear them anymore so they probably left.” He leans over and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

  I stare at the ceiling, focusing hard on whether or not the voices are gone. I am filled with panic; overwhelming feelings like I’m caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

nbsp; “Relax, baby.” He whispers between kisses on my neck.

  I turn my attention towards him and away from the ceiling. “Sorry. I can’t. I feel like we’re doing something wrong.” I whisper.

  He smiles. “You are too sweet. This is wrong? We aren’t even doing anything.”

  “Yes, but they don’t know that. I think we should go downstairs and see or better yet you should go down and see who it is.”

  He laughs. “Now you’re making me get up and see? I don’t want to. If you want to go see who is here, be my guest. I’ll wait here.” He rolls onto his back and folds his arms underneath his head, giving me freedom to move.

  “That’s not fair. What am I supposed to say? Hi. I’m Logan’s friend. Hope you don’t mind us spending the night here. We’re not fucking, just sleeping.”

  He laughs. “Yes. Say that. In fact, if you do say that I will go downstairs with you just to see their reactions. That would be priceless.”

  I pick up my pillow and playfully toss it in his face. A wicked gleam flashes in his eyes.

  “Did you just hit me with your pillow, Miss King?” He sits up and grabs me by arms, pulling me close.

  “What are you going to do about it?” I tease.

  His eyes burn into mine. Then he quickly throws his leg over mine so that he sits astride me. His full weight is on me and I can’t move. We are nose to nose.

  “You don’t fight fair.” I whisper.

  “I don’t fight fair? Who hit whom with a pillow?” He strokes his nose against mine. “Now that I have you trapped, what will I do with you?” He whispers.

  Suddenly there’s a quiet knock on the bedroom door. I look at Logan, wide-eyed.

  “Logan, honey.” A voice calls softly.

  “Hi, mom. I’ll be out in a minute.” He smiles at me.

  “Okay. I’ll be downstairs.” She says from outside the door.

  Logan looks amused. He’s still sitting on top of me with his legs straddled over me, wrapped tightly around my hips.

  “I told you. You should have gone downstairs.” I pause. “Your mom?”

  Logan leans over me and quickly kisses me on the lips. “It’s not a big deal.” He says as he climbs off me. When he stands up next to the bed he offers his hand out to me.


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