Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 24

by Diane Mannino

  “Look. It really isn’t anything important but I don’t want you to get all bothered over something that is no big deal. Seraphina called because she needs to borrow a book.”

  “Oh.” I say. Trying not to look like I’m irritated, I finish eating my yogurt and wash off my spoon. I can feel Logan’s eyes on me.

  “See. You’re annoyed that’s why I didn’t want to say anything.”

  I turn to look at him. “I’m not annoyed. I just need to get going on my run or else I’ll be late for class.” I walk towards the front door and grab my running shoes from the closet in the hallway.

  I’m sitting on the front porch putting my shoes on when Logan follows me outside. He sits down beside me.

  “You aren’t fooling me, Emilia. You aren’t a very good actress.”

  I glance at him. “If you were in my shoes what would you think? She called you about ten times this morning starting at the crack of dawn, just because she needs a book? Sorry but that seems a bit odd to me.”

  He shrugs. “It’s the truth. I agree it’s weird she called so early and she didn’t have to call so many times, but that’s the way she is.”

  “Okay.” I say, even though it’s not okay.

  “We’re friends and just friends. What happened to you trying to trust me?” He asks.

  I hesitate for a moment. After tying my shoes, I stand and start stretching. Logan sits and watches me.

  “You’re right.” I say.

  He smiles up at me. “So you’re going to try and trust me?”

  “Yes. But I don’t trust her and nothing you will say will ever make me think otherwise.”

  Logan stands and grabs me by my waist. “I’m glad you’re trying. Have a good run, baby.” He kisses me on the forehead before he steps away.

  I’m about to switch on my iPod when I think of one other question.

  “Just out of curiosity what book did she want to borrow?”

  “The Psychology of Persuasion. She’s in my marketing class.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” I mutter as I plug in my earphones.

  I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek and then I turn to run. I can’t help think of the irony that I’m literally running away from him and wonder if he’s lost in the same thought.

  I’M RELIEVED TO FIND my run helped get my mind off the unwelcome thoughts of Seraphina. Once I get home, I shower, change and head to my classes. The day goes by quickly and I soon find myself back home.

  When I arrive, Bryn is in her bedroom lying on her bed and talking on the phone. I wave to her because I don’t want to interrupt her conversation.

  I can hear her say into the phone. “Let me call you back, Josh. Emilia just walked in and I want to talk to her.”

  I collapse onto my bed and grab my laptop. I pull a pillow beneath me for support and notice it smells like Logan.

  “What are you doing, Emilia?” Bryn asks as she walks into my room.

  “Nothing.” I smile. “How was your night?” I deliberately change the subject.

  “Nothing? I caught you with your head in that pillow. Don’t – nothing me.” She teases.

  I smile. “It smells good that’s all.”

  “Eau de Logan I presume.” She giggles as she sits down on my bed. “You got it bad, girlfriend.”

  “Look who’s talking, you were with Josh all night, probably most of today and now you’re on the phone with him. I think you got it bad.” I smile.

  “I think you’re right.” She smiles. “How was your night?”

  “It was good. You should have stayed for dinner. It was from one of Oprah’s favorite restaurants – really yummy. What did you and Josh do?”

  “You know.” She smiles. “He might come over later. Do you mind?”

  “Of course not. Why would I mind?” I ask.

  “I just don’t want you to be sad because I’ve been spending more time with him and not as much with you.” She says thoughtfully.

  “Bryn, I’m glad you found such a nice guy. Josh is great. You’re happy and I’m happy for you so don’t be silly.” I smile warmly at her.

  “Things are good with Logan?” She asks in curious way.

  “Yes. Why do you say it like that?”

  “Well, Tyler was asking about you last night. He knows you left with him on Saturday when he kidnapped you.” She giggles.

  She pauses for a second and then continues. “Anyway he asked if you were dating him and I didn’t know what you wanted me to say.”

  “Oh. What did you say?” I ask.

  “I played dumb. I said you guys have gone out a few times and that’s it. I don’t know if he believed me but he didn’t ask me anything else.”

  “I don’t even know. Are we dating? We’ve gone out a few times. We’ve talked about trying to make it work and trusting but I don’t know if he considers us dating. And if we are dating, maybe he doesn’t want people to know it.”

  “Don’t be silly, Emilia. Why wouldn’t he want people to know?” She says.

  “I can think of a couple reasons. Maybe he wants to keep his options open?”

  Bryn rolls her eyes.

  “Maybe he’s embarrassed of me?” I shrug.

  “Okay you are ridiculous. He’s crazy about you so stop letting your mind mess with you. I’m sure he thinks you’re his girlfriend. He gave you a necklace from Tiffany’s for goodness sake!”

  “I guess.” I murmur.

  “The only reason why I didn’t tell Tyler you were dating was because it’s not my place to tell him. Besides, he shouldn’t be asking me, he should be asking you.”

  “Hm.” I’m lost in thought. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “Sure thing. You are in high demand, my hot friend. Aren’t you glad you took those baby steps out of the library this year?” She giggles.

  “I don’t know, Bryn. It’s all a bit overwhelming.” I say in a serious tone.

  “Try not to sweat it, Emilia. You’re young and beautiful. If all these boys want to chase you just tell them that they can call you maybe.” She says as she gets up from my bed and playfully hits my bottom.

  I giggle. “Thanks for the advice.”

  “Any time.” She heads back to her bedroom. I can hear her calling Josh just as I power up my computer. There’s an email from Logan.

  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Last night

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 4:33pm

  To: Emilia King


  As always I enjoyed my night with you. I hope my disruptive phone calls didn’t cause you any unnecessary worry. But please know that’s all they were – disruptive phone calls.

  I’m happy you are willing to make the effort to trust me. I know we are both new to this so we both need to work on this together.

  If there’s anything you want to discuss, please don’t hesitate to ask. I know how much you enjoy running away from me but you need to be honest with your feelings for us to work. I know I’ve said this before but it’s true.

  That being said, I hope you know I was being honest when I said I don’t want to lose you.

  Hope your classes and running went well today.


  I read Logan’s email a few times before I decide how to respond. They I type up my thoughts and hit “reply.”


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Quick ?

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 5:35pm

  To: Logan Prescott


  I enjoyed my night with you too. Thank you for

  bringing the delicious takeout and for helping me with my essay. And no, I’m not being sarcastic. You really make a valid point about Shakespeare’s sexual ambivalence. You know you never cease to amaze me with your literary knowledge.

  But most importantly, thank you for sharing with me your feelings regarding your childhood and your parents. I know how hard it is to share painful experiences and you sharing them with me means more than y
ou will ever know.

  You ask if there’s anything I’d like to discuss and so here it goes. Someone asked if we are dating and because this is all new to me I don’t really know the answer. I know you said you wanted us to try but I’m not sure if you just meant try trusting each other or try dating. Is there a difference? I know in order to make things work as a couple you need to trust but honestly I don’t know if you consider us to be dating.

  Please don’t feel like you need to tell me that we are dating just because you think that’s what I want to hear. I really hadn’t given it any thought until I was asked about it. I know you told me you are a one-night stand kind of guy so I know this is new to you too.

  Plus, maybe you’d rather not tell people we are dating just to keep your options open. I can think of a couple of your friends who would definitely prefer this.

  My last thought is that maybe you’d rather not say we we are dating because you are embarrassed of me since I don’t come from a lot of money like you and your group of friends.

  I hope you had a good day too. One more thing, this morning I was running to run – not to get away from you : )



  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Trying to make me mad?

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 5:56pm

  To: Emilia King


  Just so you are aware – I’m using every ounce of self-control to keep me from coming directly to you to discuss your “quick question.”

  I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to ask me whatever is on your mind. So are we dating? I think I can guess who “someone” is and why he wants to know. When I left with you the other night, I told you he looked quite distraught. Maybe if you were more up front with him from the start he wouldn’t continue to harbor feelings of love and or lust for you? So yes, please tell him that we are dating. Then maybe he will finally get it and leave you alone.

  Let me try and cover your other points. Yes, I think trust is essential in any healthy relationship. Trust, communication, and respect I would say top my list. Would you agree with me on that?

  Therefore, I would never tell you something just because I think that’s what you want to hear. That would be very dishonest.

  Your next paragraph is the part that REALLY upsets me. You really think I would take you out, sleep with you and tell you I don’t want to lose you when what I’m really thinking is that I should keep my options open? You really don’t think too highly of me do you? I thought we moved past all of that.

  I can’t even get my head wrapped around this last part. I would never be embarrassed by you or anything about you. Your socio-economic background is not even on my radar. I can only assume this is directed at Sebastian or you’ve had a couple cocktails with Bryn.

  Have I ever given you any reason to think that I care about how much money you have or don’t have? Just as I don’t think that you are after my money (as Sebastian

  puts it) you should give me the same common courtesy.

  Please don’t ever think that I have any issues with your social status. I find it not only utterly absurd but it really pisses me off. You should know by now that I’m not like that and for you to even go there with me is beyond my comprehension.

  I hope I answered your quick question and you feel more at ease.


  Whoa is he angry! It takes me a little while to figure out how I want to respond and what I want to say. He’s right about the last part I shouldn’t have gone there and now he’s pissed.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Sorry

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:27pm

  To: Logan Prescott


  You made it very clear that you are mad at me.

  Maybe you should have come over to discuss this in person because then you would have realized I really didn’t mean to antagonize you.

  I have to say you never really answered my quick question. You said I could tell “someone” that we are dating but that was all. So are you just saying we are dating to “someone” to get him to stop with his pursuit.

  I’ve always considered him to be a friend so I never thought I needed to be up front with him.

  Incidentally, are you up front with Seraphina? Maybe she wouldn’t harbor feelings of love and or lust if you were up front with her. Or the very least maybe she wouldn’t persistently call you at the crack of dawn.

  Yes, I agree with you about a healthy relationship. See I can be acquiescent sometimes. Trust, communication and respect would also top my list.

  You are obviously really upset with me with the keeping your options open and the social status thing. Okay, so I was sort of joking about the open options. But you never know? Plus you told me to ask whatever was on my mind, right?

  As for my social status remarks you are right. You’ve never given me any reason to think this is an issue for you.

  Sebastian’s words haunt me and my own insecurities so I hope you’ll accept my apology. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have gone there and I REALLY didn’t mean to piss you off.

  After your last email I think I will have a cocktail but I really need to work on my Shakespeare paper so I probably should hold off.


  I decide that my email will give him something to think about so I start to work on my Shakespeare essay. In about a half an hour I hear the ping of an incoming email.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Stop overanalyzing

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:58pm

  To: Emilia King


  I suppose I should have been more clear about your question. When I said that you should tell “someone” that we are dating I figured that answered your question. Yes, I consider us to be dating. Is that better?

  As for Seraphina I’ve told you repeatedly that we are just friends. Besides I’m fairly certain she knows that you and I are together. She saw us both at the concert, remember?

  I’m pleased that you are feeling more comfortable to ask me more personal questions. So you are right about asking me whatever is on your mind. I told you to do that and I want you to do that. We agreed that communication is crucial to a relationship.

  Lastly, I accept your apology. Please try and put Sebastian out of your mind – I have.

  If you decide to have a cocktail, let me know I have a bottle of wine I’d be happy to share with you.



  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Tempting offer

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:06pm

  To: Logan Prescott


  Thank you for answering my quick question.

  Your offer to share your bottle of wine is quite tempting, but I really need to focus on my paper. You and the wine would definitely not help in this endeavor.

  I’d be happy to share it with you another time if you can wait.



  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: More waiting?

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:10pm

  To: Emilia King


  How about Friday after work? Let me know what time works for you.

  Good luck with your paper and I look forward to seeing you on Friday.



  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Patience

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:14pm

  To: Logan Prescott


  I notice from your subject heading that you are not very patient. What happened to you’ll wait because you want to?

  You have no idea how badly I would like to turn you down just so I might get a surprise visit. But that would not be conducive to getting my paper done so I will reluctantly abandon my tantalizing thoughts.

  Friday at si
x o’clock works.

  Until then,



  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Open invitation

  Date: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:16pm

  To: Emilia King


  You don’t know how badly I would like for you to turn me down ; )

  I meant what I said about waiting but I’ll be here if you decide to change your mind.


  I use all my willpower to keep from emailing him back and telling him that I changed my mind. I smile at Logan’s last email and then switch my focus to my Shakespeare paper.


  I’M STARTING TO WONDER if Logan’s impatience is rubbing off on me. I don’t know how I manage to make it through the week without caving in by either calling or emailing him. I wonder if he feels the same way. Fortunately I am bombarded with papers and tests this week so somehow it moves somewhat quickly and before I know it, it’s Friday.

  Bryn and I are in the kitchen. She’s reading the newspaper and sipping coffee while I eat my usual yogurt. I’m in my typical morning attire, a Nike running tank and shorts. Bryn looks beautiful in a navy Ella Moss tie front top with cream-colored shorts.

  “Do you have plans tonight?” Bryn asks as she looks up from the paper.

  “Logan and I are doing something. How about you?”

  “Josh is taking me to dinner.” She smiles.

  “Dinner? Sounds romantic.” I tease.

  “Yes, but I don’t think I’ll be getting any jewelry from Tiffany’s anytime soon.” She winks.

  “You never know.” I smile.


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