Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 28

by Diane Mannino

  “Oh, right. When I got home from class he was waiting here for me.” I take a sip of the refreshing margarita.

  “Didn’t you have to work?” She sips her beer.

  “Yes. He went and asked the Suttons if I could have the afternoon off.”

  Bryn’s mouth drops open.

  “I know. I was totally pissed at him.” I say before she can say anything.

  “He’s a bit controlling, huh?” She asks.

  “A bit and a bit impatient.” I take another sip of the margarita.

  “Did you have a good time after you got over being pissed at him?” She smiles.

  I nod. “How about you? How was your romantic dinner?”

  A big smile erupts across her face.

  “Dinner was good. Then we went back to his place for dessert and that was out-of-this-world.” She beams.

  I flush and decide to change the subject.

  “Is that a new top?” I ask.

  Bryn smiles and turns around in it like she’s on the catwalk. It’s a beautiful auburn-colored v-neck sweater with dolman sleeves.

  “It is. You like? My mom sent it. It’s by Vince. I think she feels guilty about not coming next weekend.” She shrugs.

  “I love it and you look gorgeous in it, but you look gorgeous in everything.”

  Bryn grabs me and gives me a quick hug.

  “Go and get ready so we can go and have some fun.”

  Heading up the stairs and into the bathroom, I shower and dress quickly for our night at Soho. I pull on my favorite jeans and a Roxy black one-shoulder jersey top. I pick up my locket from my dresser and I fasten it around my neck. Before I head downstairs, I quickly dab on some lip gloss and mascara. Checking myself one last time in the mirror, I nod at my reflection. Not bad for getting ready in about fifteen minutes.

  Bryn is at the bottom of the stairs anxiously waiting to get out and to the bar.

  “Wow, Emilia. You’re looking sexy.”

  I flush. “You think I should change?”

  “Are you crazy? You look hot. Is that a new top?”

  “No. I just never wear it.” I shrug.

  “Why the hell not?” She laughs. “I hope you’re seeing Logan tonight.”


  “You look irresistible.”

  “You are looking pretty damn irresistible yourself.” I smile at her and take my last sip of margarita.

  “Shall I make you one of those for the road?” She smiles.

  “Sure.” I say. The last time I had a few too many margaritas I had a very enjoyable evening. Thinking about feeling woozy, I decide I should try and not have quite so many.

  Bryn fills a big blue cup and grabs another bottle of beer for herself. Then we head out the door into the cool, crisp night.

  “No margaritas for you?” I ask as I take another sip.

  “No. Not for a while.” She smiles.

  “So you went to Montecito again?”

  “Mm hmm.” I say mid-sip.

  “Just out of curiosity why does he always take you there and not to his place near campus?”

  “I wondered that myself. For one, it’s private and ridiculously over-the-top gorgeous.” I say and then forget what we were talking about.

  “And two?” She asks.

  I giggle. “I think I better slow down on the margarita consumption. I’m already losing my train of thought.”

  “You’re such a lightweight.” She teases.

  “You know I didn’t even run today.” I confess to Bryn.

  “So, you could use a break.” She shrugs.

  “I’ve never missed a run, ever. What’s happening to me?” I say as I take another sip and put my arm around Bryn’s shoulders.

  “You’re having fun. That’s what happening to you, and you more than anyone deserves some fun.” She kisses me on the cheek.

  “I think I’m becoming a hedonist.” I say in disgust.

  Bryn laughs. “Yes. You are, just like your boyfriend.”

  I giggle. “S’not funny.”

  “Oh, Emilia. What am I going to do with you? You are on your second drink.”

  “It’s your fault. Your drinks are doubles.”

  “What did you eat today?”

  “Um.” I hesitate, trying to remember exactly what I’ve eaten.

  “A yogurt and a banana.” I giggle.

  “Whoa. Emilia. Why didn’t you eat more?”

  “It was super busy at the store. I had no time. Honestly I just completely forgot about it.”

  “Liquid lunch.” I say as I take a quick sip. “Liquid dinner.” I take another quick sip.

  Bryn giggles. “Oh, this is going to be interesting. Just make sure you find me if you feel sick. Okay?” She takes a sip of her beer.

  I giggle. “Find you? Where are you going?”

  “If I’m with Josh or I’m at the bar or something. You know what I mean?”

  “Got it.” I smile and take another sip.

  “So what was your number two reason about not going to Logan’s place near campus?”

  “Oh, right. Number two is Sebastian. I think that’s all I need to say about that.”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s definitely a good reason.” She says with a look of disgust on her face.

  “Why are those two roommates anyways?” Bryn asks.

  “Sebastian is madly in love with him.” I laugh out loud.

  Bryn spews out her beer. “What?”

  “Gotcha!” I say. We both fall into a fit of giggles.

  “You know you are really funny when you’re buzzed.” She says while she’s still laughing.

  “I’m not really funny all the time?” I tease.

  “A little funny but not really funny.”

  We arrive at Soho and Bryn pulls open the door for me.

  “After you my funny friend.” She giggles.

  The bar is packed and loud with mostly college students. It’s already past ten so it’s standing room only with barely any room to move around because there are so many people. But somehow, Josh has spotted us, or I should say Bryn, and is already wrapped around her, whispering in her ear.

  “Hey, Emilia. Can I get you a drink?” Josh shouts above the noise.

  “She’ll have a pitcher of margaritas.” Bryn says loudly.

  I giggle. “Bryn, are you trying to get me drunk?”

  Tyler’s band starts to play and the noise level increases tenfold. Smiling, I glance up at him on the stage and somehow with all these people his eyes find mine. He returns my smile as he sings a cover of “Some Nights” by fun. I quickly glance away looking around the crowd to see if Logan is here yet.

  Bryn grabs me by my waist as Josh leads her through the crowd to a spot close to the stage. I watch all the girls in the makeshift mosh pit just inches beneath where the band plays.

  “Tyler’s fan club is here.” Bryn whispers in my ear.

  I nod and smile. I’m happy that Tyler has so many admirers and he should since he’s not only good-looking, he’s sweet and talented to boot.

  “When did Logan say he was getting here?” She asks.

  “He didn’t say.” I say into her ear.

  “You feeling okay?”

  I nod and give her the thumbs up.

  Bryn takes my one free hand and holds it as we dance together to the music. Looking around the bar, everyone is singing with the band and swaying to the music.

  Josh watches Bryn and I as we dance and drink together. We are all giggles and smiles.

  I lean close to Bryn’s ear.

  “Josh can’t take his eyes off of you.” I smile.

  “Tyler can’t take his eyes off you.” She shouts back and laughs.

  “Bryn, s’not funny.” I playfully push her.

  She laughs. “You better slow down or you’re going to be flat on the couch all day tomorrow like I was.”

  “I’m good.” I say as I reach my free hand around Bryn’s waist and take another sip of margarita.

  She laughs

  Josh disappears for a minute and returns with a couple of shots. Whispering something in Bryn’s ear, he hands her a shot and then me.

  She giggles. Then whispers to me, “It’s called a Blowjob.”

  “You think he’s trying to tell you something?” I tease as I clink her glass and we throw back our drinks.

  We are giddy and dancing, caught up in our own world. Handing back our shot glasses to Josh, Bryn whispers something is his ear. Shaking his head, he smiles at her and heads to the bar.

  “Can you promise me something?” I giggle in her ear.

  “Anything for you!” She shouts and takes another swig of beer.

  “Don’t let anyone carry me out of here, except for Logan.” I giggle.

  “Not even me?”

  “Of course you too.” I give her a big wet kiss on her cheek.

  Bryn and I continue with our dancing. We hold our hands in the air as we move around each other to the beat of the music. I’m not even aware of what’s being played but we are caught up in the moment and having a ridiculously good time.

  Returning from the bar, Josh hands Bryn and I two more shot glasses. I was already feeling the effects of the margaritas on my empty stomach and now I’m having a second shot. But I’m having too good of a time to worry about it at the moment.

  Josh whispers something in Bryn’s ear and she’s obviously very pleased with whatever it is that he’s said because she is all over him. Their PDA is too much for me and I find myself blushing and looking the other way. When they finally come up for air, Bryn hands me one of the shots.

  “It’s a screaming orgasm.” She giggles.

  I roll my eyes at her. “That’s why you were so appreciative.”

  She gives me a confused look, then we clink our glasses and in one quick gulp we swallow. Our shots are gone in a blink of an eye.

  “Yummy. It tastes like coffee.” I whisper to Bryn.

  She laughs. “The real kind is way better.” She dances seductively around Josh. Get a room!

  Then she moves back around me and grabs my hand as we dance to the music.

  “More orgasms!” She bellows as a few heads turn and laugh.

  Taking our empty shot glasses from us, Josh starts to make his way to the bar. I know this isn’t good and I’m starting to wonder if Logan will ever show up. Feeling two hands reach behind me and grabbing my gyrating hips, I feel Logan’s presence before I actually see him. I touch his one hand as he leans behind me and softly kisses me on my one exposed shoulder.

  I glance at him and his kisses move from my shoulder to up my neck. I throw my head back, giving him more room to roam. His lips slowly move on my neck and around my ear.

  “I like this top, baby.” He whispers.

  I turn towards him and reach my one free hand around his neck. Still moving to the music, I move close to him so that our bodies are pressed against each other.

  “I was getting worried that someone else was going to have to carry me.” I slightly stumble.

  “I know who else would like to carry you.” He scowls in the direction of the stage.

  “Who? Bryn?” I giggle.

  “Let’s go, baby.” He breathes.

  “Get a room you two.” Bryn laughs and hands me a shot.

  “Right back at you!” I laugh.

  I’m reaching for the shot when Logan snatches it from her hand.

  “I think you’ve had enough.” He smiles at me and hands it back to Bryn.

  “Lucky, Bryn. Three orgasms for you and maybe more.” I wink at her and we both crack up at my silly joke.

  Turning back towards Josh, she hands him one of the shots and then whispers something in his ear.

  I turn my attention away from the two of them because I know it will just make me blush. My hand is still around Logan’s neck as he kisses me on my bare shoulder again.

  “Do I need to carry you out of here or will you come nicely with me?” He whispers.

  Whispering in my ear, his body presses closely to mine, causing my blood to boil. I’m already hot from the crowded bar and the excess alcohol.

  I reach and place my half full margarita glass down on the ledge that lines the bar. As I stumble, Logan reaches and catches me before I hit the ledge. He pulls me up in his arms, looking at me with concern.

  “You okay? Maybe I do need to carry you.” His tone is full of concern.

  “I’m good. Thanks for catching me.” I say as I lean up to kiss him.

  “Any time.” He smiles. He holds my hand as he leads me through the mob of dancers and the crowded bar. But when I start to stumble, he puts his arm around me, giving me more support.

  Just as we are about to head out the front door of the bar, Sebastian jumps in front of us. With the loud noise level of the bar and the band, I can’t hear what he says to Logan but I can tell by his facial expression that he’s mad, really mad. I can’t be sure, but I think I see Seraphina, and she looks equally irritated. My head throbs with too much alcohol and noise. It all happens so fast as we push past them. The last thing I hear as we exit is Sebastian’s emphatic shout.

  “I wouldn’t piss on a friendship for that bitch.”

  The outside air is a welcome relief to my pounding head and I’m pleased to find how much better I feel, well, physically feel. Trying to process what just happened, I look up at Logan. He looks annoyed and frustrated. He abruptly stops in his tracks and looks at me.

  “Your place or mine?” He growls.

  “Mine.” I murmur.

  He takes my hand and we walk to his car in double time. I haven’t seen him this angry since…since I interviewed him and even then he wasn’t this angry. Sure, he’s gotten annoyed with me every now and then but never angry. I sway a little as we walk because he pulls me so quickly at his side. Trying to keep up with his long strides, I break into a slow jog. I’ll get my run in after all I chuckle in my head. He’s so caught up in his inner rage he isn’t aware he’s pulling me. When we get to his car, he opens the passenger door for me and I slide onto the cool leather seat.

  Climbing into the driver’s seat, he starts the engine. The tires screech as he turns the car out of the parking spot.

  We drive fast. Every now and then, I glance over at Logan but he stares straight ahead, his jaw tightly clenched. In no time, we are at my house and he jumps out of the car to open my door. He puts his hand out for me to take his and I reluctantly take it.

  When I finally take his hand, he looks at me and knits his brows.

  “You’re pissed at me too?”

  “No. You were just yanking my arm because you were walking so fast.” I murmur.

  He pulls me close. Leaning against his car, he breathes in my hair as we stand in silence for I don’t know how long, maybe a minute, maybe two. He kisses me softly on my forehead and then steps back, holding onto my hands.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Did I hurt you?” He whispers.

  I shake my head. “No. I’ve never seen you that angry.”

  “Yes. I was a bit annoyed.” He says as he runs a hand through his hair.

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now. Do you feel okay?” He caresses my chin, lifting it up towards his face.

  “Yes. Why?” I’m confused.

  “You were pretty wasted when I got to the bar.”

  “Sebastian and your anger sobered me up pretty fast.” I shrug.

  “Buzz kill. Sorry, baby.” He leans down and kisses me softly on the lips.

  Taking my hand in his, we walk into the quiet, empty house. We head directly up the stairs to my bedroom.

  “You mind if I stay the night?” He pulls me close.

  “Do I ever?” I smile and kiss him quickly on the lips.

  I head into the bathroom and change out of my jeans and top. Brushing my teeth, I’m wearing my comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt when Logan taps on the door. I swing the door open and wink at him, seeing him in just his boxer shorts.

/>   “Admiring the view?” He teases as he presses his front to my back while I finish with my teeth.

  I nod at his reflection in the mirror. When I’m done with my brushing I clean it off, squirt some fresh toothpaste on it and hand it to Logan.

  “Maybe I should get you your own toothbrush for when you come over.” I smile and head back into the bedroom.

  When he exits the bathroom, I’m already under the covers with the lights off. Suddenly I’m overcome with exhaustion from the long day of work, partying and stress.

  Logan pulls the sheet up and slides next to me. I wrap my arm across his chest and snuggle into his side.

  “You don’t have to get me one. I like sharing yours.” He whispers. I’m certain I’m smiling when I fall blissfully asleep in his arms.


  I OPEN MY EYES reluctantly. The sun is just coming up and I desperately want to stay asleep but the guilt of not running yesterday is overwhelming. It’s Sunday and there’s no hurry for me to climb out of bed. Peeking down at Logan, I see he’s out cold. His head rests on my chest and I fight the temptation to run my fingers through his tousled hair. Maybe I’ll get to hear him talk in his sleep…that would only be fair. I listen attentively but only hear his soft, shallow breaths.

  Blocking out my guilt and my thoughts of last night, I try to clear my head. I calm my mind by listening to Logan’s breathing pattern. I stare at the ceiling, willing myself to fall back asleep, but to no avail.

  It’s starting to get brighter and I slowly move to look at the clock on my bedside table. It’s almost eight o’clock. Logan stirs and blinks up at me.

  “Good morning.” He murmurs.

  “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  He nuzzles my chest. “No. Why?”

  “I’ve been awake for a while and thought maybe when I moved I woke you.”

  Scooting up from my chest, closer to my face, he leans and kisses me gently on the lips.

  “Did you sleep well?” He whispers.

  “I did until this morning.”

  “Why is that?” He says, as his fingers slowly stroke my neck, down my shoulder. The tender touch makes me lose my train of thought.

  “Hmm?” He breathes as he continues with his soft, soothing caresses.

  “Um.” I blink trying to regain my thoughts.

  “Are you okay?”


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