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Chaser (A Category 5 Knights MC Romance Book 1)

Page 3

by Olivia Rigal

  “That’s my girl,” he says and I now understand that I passed some sort of test.

  I got an A+ for true enjoyment of the ride except that when we get there, I’m in an advanced state of frustration.

  We enter into the compound and Chaser waves to the crowd as we pass an open field on which huge tables are set up.

  We roll past the main building to a smaller construction that was probably a barn when the place was still an operating farm.

  Chaser parks his ride under an awning that has been added to the side of the building and helps me remove my helmet.

  I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair.

  So much for any attempt at a fancy hairdo!

  Note to self, biker’s dates need to keep hairstyle basic.

  Turning around I search for Piston and Belle. There were right beside us on the road but they sort of vanished as we drove onto the property.

  “Piston’s place is on the other side,” Chaser says as if reading my mind. “I’m not sure we’re going to see them right away.”

  “Oh!” My vocabulary is severely limited in his presence but I don’t know what to make of his answer.

  Does he think that Belle and Piston won’t attend the party or that we’re not joining the crowd right away? I take a deep breath in a vain attempt to get some oxygen back to my brain. “So, is this where you live as well?”

  “Yeah, this shack is all mine,” he says gesturing to the barn. “I would give you the grand tour but I’m pretty sure we would never make it to the party if I did…”

  He takes one step in my direction, catches me by the waist and pulls me against him. He does this with a lot of ease. It’s probably his signature gesture but I don’t care how many times he’s done it before and with whom. I just love how it sweeps me off my feet.

  There’s no doubt that the ride got his engine running as well.

  Feeling bold, I raise myself and brush his lips with mine.

  “So now you’re going to tell me that a President’s life is not his own and that you owe it to your men to show up at your own party?”

  I bat my eyelashes like I’ve seen Belle do a thousand times and then I lose it and laugh.

  Playing coy is so not me!

  Chaser laughs too. A big belly laugh that shakes his entire core and warms me up inside.

  “You nailed it babe!” he roars. “So here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to walk around all the tables, I’ll show you off to my brothers and then I’ll feed you because later you’re gonna need all your strength.”

  His predatory smile melts the little of what was left of my brains and the only thing I can do is nod.

  The following hour is a blur.

  Belle is nowhere to be seen but I soon forget about her. Belle’s a big girl who can take care of herself.

  True to his word, Chaser feeds me as we walk around the tables. I feel like visiting royalty. I only catch half of his crew’s name and appreciate the respect they show. Being the girl of the boss goes a long way. As far as I can tell most of the woman seem to be fair game to all bikers who never lose an occasion to cop of feel. They make an exception with those who are wearing the same type of leather jacket as the men.

  The patches embroidered on the back of those jackets confirm my suspicions. Those are ownership claims. Over the MC’s logo, a patch states property of and, underneath the logo, there’s the name of the proud owner.

  After my second beer I stop over thinking it.

  I convince myself that it’s like a wedding ring, a way to tell others that the one wearing it is off the market. And since the women wearing those seem pretty happy I cease to wonder if this is a one way street or if they also have a way to make their own claim visible.

  If they do, it can’t be very efficient ‘cause I don’t see it.

  Chaser is holding on to me in a possessive fashion that I find endearing but that gets me the glare-of-death from a few of the younger girls as we walk around.

  Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised. The man’s a regular heartthrob. Competition for his attention is fierce.

  Catching me glaring back at one of the chicks, Chaser bends to whisper in my ear.

  “I’m no cheater Sweetheart. I’m not promising forever but, as long as I’m with you, I’m with you only and expect the same from you.”

  A love bite on my neck and he looks at me.

  “Got it.” Strangely I believe him. Probably because he has no reason to lie as I didn’t ask anything.

  “And now that we’ve made this clear, what do you say we make a run for it?”

  I nod and taking my hand he leads me back to the barn.


  The light is dim in Chaser’s home but I can make out a loft like structure and in the back of the room a large rumpled bed. Chaser locks the door behind us without letting go of my hands. He pulls me to him and traces the contour of my jaw with his mouth.

  I thread my fingers in his hair and shiver.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “A bit overwhelmed,” I answer truthfully.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  I shake my head. What frightens me is not him but the strength of the attraction I feel for him.

  “Good,” he says. A kiss, light as a feather lands right under my bruised eye. It’s still tender but his kiss does make it better.

  We walk hand in hand to the bed and Chaser undresses me.

  He’s so incredibly handsome. The moonlight pouring through openings in the roof creates a halo around him.

  My bad-boy looks like an angel tonight. That is until he tells me in incredibly crude words how he intends to take me to paradise.

  Grateful for the dimness that hopefully hides my blush, I reach out to him and begin peeling away the layers of clothes that separate the palm of my hands from his flesh.

  His leather jacket falls to the ground and then his teeshirt. In the penumbra I can admire incredible abs and discover a few scars that I delicately survey with the tip of a finger.

  And when we both stand here naked, Chaser makes good on his promises and ravages me as he told me he would.

  Laying on his bed, I watch the stars through the glass window while he explores my body.

  His hands first draw the map of all my hills and valleys.

  My breath is labored, and soon I moan out his name.

  His mouth follows to survey the newly charted territory.

  Chaser plant bites and kisses on the most strategic points tracing a winding path to his announced destination, the apex of my legs. This is where he settles for my greatest ecstasy.

  I buck and twist and dig my fingers in his mane.

  I scream and yelp and beg and plead with him.

  But the truth is that I don’t know what I’m pleading for.

  What do I want?

  He’s keeping me standing on the edge and while I crave more of this delicious torture, I also crave release.

  I need it more than I need my next breath.

  But he doesn’t give in. Not right away.

  Only when my voice breaks does he let me fly out to the stars in an earth shattering burst.

  While I catch my breath he scoots up on the bed to rest his head on the pillow next to mine.

  I flip to my side and nestle my head in the crook of his arm. We rest for a few minutes and I vaguely hear the music from the party.

  He kisses my forehead and plays with my hair.

  The music from the party reaches my ear but I don’t want anything to burst the perfect bubble of bliss I’m soaking in.

  Slowly he rolls me over him and kisses me.

  I thought I was exhausted but he sparks a fire in me again.

  He keeping me on top but he’s the driving force in our mating.

  Chaser is forceful and tender. Passionate and controlled. Demanding and attentive.

  His eyes remain planted in mine as he makes me ride him.

  I feel him pulsing in me and wa
tch him bite his lip as he’s holding back.

  “Don’t,” I whisper tilting my hips to meet his with all my might.

  We roll over and he takes control leading us both to where he wants us to meet.

  I call out his name again and again until he silences me with a kiss and crumbles against me.

  I love his weight on me.

  I love his strong heartbeat against my chest.

  I love his lips on my temple and the sweet nothing he whispers.

  The man has conquered my body but that’s not all.

  He’s obtained the surrender of my soul and the key to my heart.

  Chaser’s the stuff fairy tales are made of and when I tell him, he laughs.

  “From this day on, I’m your only Knight in shining armor,” he says. “I promise to keep you safe from harm as long as you stay by my side.”

  Strangely I believe him.

  We talk and I tell him all about me. Not that there’s that much to say: I’ve lived a pretty eventless life. Sheltered in my tiny Florida town like sleeping beauty in her castle, I was waiting for him.

  He tells me a little about himself, about his orphaned childhood. I suspect he’s keeping a lot of unpleasant memories to himself but I don’t press. Maybe it’s better to let those stay buried. It’s enough for me today to understand they exist.

  He talks with passion about the MC and the extraordinary solidarity between the other bikers and him. They are his brothers, the only family he’s ever know and he’ll be loyal to them no matter what.

  Chaser wants me to understand. Why? Because that’s who he is and he wants me to be sure I’m ready for the life he wants me to step in. Ready for the wild ride he intends to take me on with him, in his bed, on his bike and in his life.

  My heart soars as he explains that he knew I was the one for him the very first time he saw me.

  The words he uses to describe my curves and his lust for my plentiful body bring tears to my eyes.

  With Chaser, I don’t have to fight, I don’t need to pretend. It can’t possibly be love, not yet but he desires me just the way I am and it’s all I ever wanted.

  His acceptance begins to soothe all my old wounds, the snide bitchy remarks from the cool kids are washed away. Who cares what they thought?

  Chaser wants me.

  We make love again and only when the early morning sun rays slowly slide through the skylight do we fall asleep, content and sated in each other’s arms.

  Thank you for reading


  A Category 5 Knights MC Romance novella.

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  Oh, and, if you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following

  * Saving Belle

  the next Category 5 Knights MC Romance Novella

  * or the Iron Tornadoes MC Romance

  Books by Olivia


  Cold or Hot …

  - Stone Cold

  His hard body is pressed against my back and I can’t look away from our reflection in the mirror.

  One of his hands leaves my breast and vanishes, unseen but not unfelt.

  I never thought I’d bury my brother.

  Brian Hatcher has a lot of nerve, I thought I’d never see his face again.

  He left the police force to join the Iron Tornadoes, the very gang my brother was investigating.

  I hate him.

  I should hate him.

  I want to hate him.

  He has turned his back on everything he used to stand for.

  Yet I want him, even though he’s turned into a stone cold biker.

  - Cold Burn

  I watch with delight as her hips rise from the mattress. I want to bury myself into her and put out the fire, but I don’t.

  No matter how much I want to, I won’t until she surrenders.

  My name is Brian Hatcher and I want it all.

  I want the control of the motorcycle club my father runs, the murderer of my friend David six feet under, and, more than anything, David’s sister Lisa.

  I want Lisa on the back of my bike, in my bed, and under the spell of my cold burn.

  I don’t care that Lisa’s unsure of the role the Iron Tornadoes played in David’s death or that her long-held goal is to become a criminal prosecutor.

  I won’t let her wishes stand in my way.

  In the end I always get what I want.

  - Cold Fusion

  She bucks against me and moans.

  I bend to taste her tender skin…

  She sheds her clothes for other men and dances naked in the spot lights.

  She doesn’t belong to anyone.

  They call her the ice queen, but there is fire in her eyes.

  One taste won’t be enough. I need to claim her. My obsession could destroy me.

  If I fall for the Haitian beauty, my first mission might be my last.

  - Hot Pursuit

  She screams and I oblige.

  I increase my pressure until we both shatter.

  Slider is my guardian angel in this hell hole. He makes sure the only thing the clients get out of me is a dance.

  We both know I don’t belong here but the price of my escape is losing him.

  Sandy is been my light in this pool of darkness.

  She has no idea who I truly am and yet she helps me remember what I am fighting for.

  I never realized how much I needed her until he stole her away from me.

  - Hot Mess

  coming in 2016




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