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Winter in Snow Valley (Snow Valley Romance)

Page 42

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  So maybe it wasn’t a good idea for them to kiss again.

  “Do have any other siblings?” she asked, quickly turning away from him to look at the scrapbook.

  “Two younger brothers. Twins.” He leaned in close and turned the page again, pointing to two men wearing military BDU’s with lighter hair like their mother. “Elijah is a pilot for the Air Force and stationed in Georgia. Noah is a SEAL based in Virginia.”

  “Do they have families?”

  Gabe snorted a laugh. “No, they’re both perpetual bachelors. I think that bothers my mom more than their risky occupations.”

  She turned the page and realized too late it was the last one. “You have a beautiful family, Gabe.” She closed the book and placed it back on the coffee table.

  “Thank you.” He reached out and took her hand. “I can’t wait for them to meet you.”

  Her breath lodged in her throat. They hadn’t really officially started dating, and yet he was talking about introducing her to his family. Was she ready for this?

  “Besides your brothers, do any other members of your family live nearby?”

  “Yeah, my parents live in Billings and Sarah and her husband just built a new house about a mile down the road from Mom and Dad.” He circled his thumb in the center of her palm. “What about your family?”

  “It’s not nearly as big as yours.” A wave of homesickness hit her, making her stomach feel hollow. “My dad and stepmother live in a gated community in Orange County, California. My sister Tomi— she’s actually my half-sister— lives just outside of LA. She’s an actress, or at least trying to be one.”

  “I take it your parents divorced?” She nodded her head and met his eyes. “When I was really young. But my mother…” Her voice cracked, and she blinked at the sudden rush of emotion making her eyes water. “She passed away from cancer two years ago.”

  “I’m sorry, Piper,” he said softly. “That must be hard.”

  “It is.” She gripped his hand. “I really miss her, but I’ve been blessed that my dad married such a wonderful woman. Maggie is the complete opposite of the stereotypical evil stepmother.”

  “Did you ever resent her?” Gabe asked, playing with her fingers. “Your stepmother, I mean.”

  Even though they hadn’t known each other long, she knew what he was asking and knew he was thinking about his own kids, especially Shane. Piper drew in a shaky breath. “I did resent her. My dad too, but they were patient with me and continued to love me unconditionally. Over time, I let go of the anger.”

  “So about what I said earlier.” Gabe licked his lips. “Would you consider finding a job in Snow Valley or in one of the communities nearby?” He searched her eyes. “Because I don’t want you to leave, Piper.”

  “What are you saying?” Though she guessed his feelings for her, she had to be certain why he was asking her to stay.

  “I’m saying I like you and want to get to know you better… see where this goes.” A small smile flirted at his lips. “I’m no expert, but judging from the way you kissed me back… I think you may like me too?”

  She did like him. A lot. More than she’d ever liked a man before. She might even be falling in love with him. It scared her— to be that vulnerable again— but he was nothing like Tucker Langston, and she would be stupid to throw away the chance to have something lasting with Gabe Wesson because of her past mistake.

  “Yeah, I guess I do kind of like you.”

  “Really?” He leaned in until their mouths were nearly touching. “Just kind of?”

  Before she could speak, his lips touched hers, and it was like someone threw gasoline on a fire, igniting a flame inside her that was all consuming. She melted against him, kissing him until her body felt weightless. Piper had been kissed before, but no one had ever made her feel like this.

  “Okay,” she said when his lips temporarily left hers to kiss the underside of her jaw. “I really like you.”

  He laughed, his warm breath tickling the spot just below her ear. “That’s better.” He pressed his lips there before reclaiming her mouth. A delicious warmth wrapped around her as she returned his kiss until she felt drugged. Through the heady fog that had descended on her, Piper sensed that while Gabe kissed her with more passion than any man had before, he wouldn’t push her for more like Tucker had done every time he’d kissed her.

  He proved the kind of man he was when moments later he tore his mouth away. “I have to stop.” He edged back and smiled at her. “While I still can.”

  “Good idea.” She placed a palm over her chest as her head cleared. “Maybe we should both go for a walk outside.”

  Gabe laughed and reached for her hand. “I’ll be good.” He studied her for a few moments, his eyes growing serious. “Piper, I really meant it when I said I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I don’t want to leave, either,” she said, unable to hold back her true feelings.

  Smiling, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “After my marriage ended, I told myself to never get into another relationship again, but then you charged over to my house that night to confront me about my wicked dog and everything changed.”

  Remembering how angry she’d been, she ducked her head. “I’m so sorry I did that. I could’ve handled things differently.”

  He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face. “I’m not. It’s like destiny came knocking, and I’m glad I answered.”

  Gabe gave her a sweet kiss, ending it way too soon. His eyes held her captive as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I do feel like meeting you was by divine intervention so I want to do everything I can to help you find a job close by.”

  “That’s really sweet of you, but I’ve already looked for work in Snow Valley, as well as a few of the neighboring communities and, there aren’t any openings listed.”

  “Maybe if I knew more about your last job I could be more help in finding you the right connections. What exactly did you do?”

  Piper froze, not sure what to tell him. If she told him about getting fired, then she’d have to reveal how stupid she was to have believed Tucker for so long when all the evidence pointed that he was still married. She was so humiliated and felt like their relationship was too new to say anything about it right now.

  “Even though I’ve taught fourth and fifth grade before, I was the music director for the last school I worked at.”

  “What happened? Did funding for the music program get cut?”

  She wished that was the reason why she’d been let go, but the school was privately funded and was known for its art and music programs. “I… there was a misunderstanding that couldn’t be resolved so I left.”

  His gaze narrowed slightly. “That doesn’t seem fair.”

  “It wasn’t.” She offered him a watery smile. “But if it hadn’t happened, I would’ve never ended up in Snow Valley, Montana.”

  “Did you get severance?” Gabe asked, ignoring her attempt to move the conversation in a different direction. “I’m a contract attorney and could look into it for you. I’ll bet I could get you six months’ severance.”

  Piper wished she could just keep the humiliating experience to herself. Her mother had always been the type of person to sweep anything unpleasant underneath the proverbial rug so it was out of sight. Piper tended to do the same thing. In this case, she wanted to leave the rug alone and never reveal the dirt piled beneath it.

  But if she wanted to have a relationship with Gabe free of guilt, she needed to tell him why severance wasn’t an option. She was trying to come up with a way to tell him what had really happened when a gust of wind rattled the house so violently Piper was sure a window would break.

  “Daddy!” Lindsey cried from upstairs. “Where are you?”

  “I’ll be right back,” Gabe said, getting up from the couch.

  Piper watched him jog up the stairs. Then she turned and sank down onto the couch. Why hadn’t she just told him the truth? Gabe was an unde
rstanding person. He wouldn’t judge her the way most of the people at the school had. At least she hoped he wouldn’t.

  The ringtone for an incoming FaceTime call sounded from the front pocket of her purse. Piper knew it was her sister finally calling her back. She’d needed to talk to someone after she’d left Gabe’s house earlier, but Tomi hadn’t been available. Piper had been quite upset at the time so her sister was probably worried about her.

  “Hey, sis,” she said, wishing they were alone so she could get her sister’s advice.

  “You look and sound way too happy for this late at night,” Tomi said. “Please don’t tell me you’ve decided to take up drinking to drown your sorrows in.”

  “I take it you just got my earlier message?” Piper asked in a quiet voice.

  “Why are you whispering?”

  “Because.” Piper glanced over her shoulder to make sure Gabe was still upstairs. “I’m at Gabe’s house, and his kids are asleep.”

  “You are? But I thought you two kind of broke up?” Tomi’s gaze narrowed. “By the way, thanks for telling me you and your hot neighbor had started dating.”

  “We haven’t really been dating. Just hanging out, but always with his kids.”

  “Whatever,” Tomi said with an exaggerated eye roll. “So, what happened to change everything since you left me the message?”

  “The power went out.” At the confused look on her sister’s face, Piper explained all about the storm and how Gabe had come to her rescue.

  “Ah, that is so romantic.” Tomi wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “And now that the kids are asleep… maybe he’ll finally kiss you.”

  Just thinking about the incredible kisses they’d shared made Piper’s face go hot.

  “You already have kissed!” Tomi said way too loud.

  “Shh, he’ll hear you.” Piper glanced over her shoulder again. “I think he’s coming back down. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Send me a picture of the two of you. I’ll bet you’re so cute together.”

  “I’m not taking a selfie with him,” Piper whispered. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She ended the call just as Lindsey, Shane and Gabe all came into the family room.

  “Miss Piper, did the wind scare you too?” Lindsey asked, rushing over to Piper.

  “That was loud, wasn’t it sweetheart?” Piper said as Lindsey climbed onto her lap.

  “I didn’t like it.” The little girl snuggled into Piper. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too, honey.” Piper glanced up at Gabe and saw Shane watching her closely. “Did the wind wake you too, Shane?”

  “Something hit my window.” He leaned against his father’s side. “Dad thinks it was probably a shingle from the roof.”

  “From Mrs. Williams’s house?” she asked Gabe.


  The house shook from another downdraft. Lindsey whimpered and buried her face into the crook of Piper’s neck. “Shh,” Piper said, stroking the little girl’s hair. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Gabe crouched down next to the couch and placed his hand on Lindsey’s shoulder. “Hey, Linds, how about we watch another movie until we all get sleepy again?”

  “Can it be a princess movie?” she asked, lifting her head up. “Like Enchanted?”

  “I’m okay with that but we better get everyone else’s votes.” He glanced over at Shane. “What do you say, bud, are you okay with that movie?”

  He shrugged. “The chipmunk is pretty funny.”

  Gabe smiled and then met Piper’s eyes. “Are you okay with it?”

  “I happen to love that movie.”

  “Great.” An alert for a new message sounded as Gabe got to his feet. He pulled out his phone and scanned the message, his brow furrowing with concern. “Who wants popcorn?” he asked, slipping the phone back into his pocket.

  “Me!” Lindsey and Shane answered at the same time.

  “Okay, Shane you get the movie set up, and Miss Piper and I will go make the popcorn.”

  “Can I come help?” Lindsey asked.

  Piper was about to answer yes when Gabe crouched back down. “Miss Piper needs you to stay right here and keep an eye on the puppies while we’re in the kitchen.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. “Think you can do that?”

  It was obvious to Piper that Gabe needed to talk to her alone, most likely about whatever message he’d just read.

  “Yep.” Lindsey climbed off of Piper’s lap and leaned over the arm of the couch to watch the puppies. “I won’t touch them. I promise,” she said.

  Gabe held out his hand, and Piper placed her palm against his. That crazy zing of attraction skittered across her skin as she got to her feet.

  “Is it an update from the sheriff?” Piper whispered as they walked into the kitchen.

  “Nope.” He let go of her hand and pulled his phone out from his pocket, unlocking the home screen. “But I think I may have solved your employment problem temporarily. At least I hope you’ll take the job.”

  “What is it?”

  “How do you feel about being a nanny?” he asked tentatively.

  “For your children?” When he nodded, she asked, “But what about Doreen?”

  “Read this.”

  Gabe handed her his phone, and Piper read the text message out loud, “Mr. Wesson, I should’ve texted earlier, but my plane just landed. I know this is crazy and super short notice, but I won’t be able to watch the kids anymore because my boyfriend and I just eloped to Mexico!”

  “Wow, I did not see that coming.”

  “Neither did I.” Gabe lifted a brow. “Well?”

  Piper needed to find work, but watching Gabe’s kids was much more than a job. It was a step toward the possibility of them becoming a family. Somehow she knew that Gabe felt the same way. That he was willing to take a risk on her.

  “I’ll take the job on one condition.”

  “Piper, don’t even think about telling me I can’t pay you. This is a real job offer.”

  “I know. That’s not my condition.”

  “Okay,” Gabe said as he slipped the phone into his pocket, “what is it?”

  “I accept the job, but only if you let me do the cooking too.”

  Grinning, Gabe wrapped his arms around Piper, pulling her close. “Deal, but then I have a condition as well.”

  “And what would that be?” Piper asked as she wound her arms around his neck.

  “That I get to kiss the cook whenever I get the chance.”

  “I think I can agree to those terms.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her with a tenderness that stole her breath. She slipped her arms around to his back and leaned into him, fitting against him so perfectly. It was in that moment she knew she had fallen in love with Gabe Wesson.

  Chapter 16

  Gabe read over the final document, checking for any errors before he sent it off to his client. He had one more email to answer, and then he could call it a day and get home to his kids and his new nanny of three days.

  Lindsey had been so excited Piper was going to be her new nanny that she’d almost started crying. Shane hadn’t been as enthusiastic, but he wasn’t opposed to it either. Gabe had talked to the little boy about it before saying anything to Lindsey, and Shane had given him his consent. But when he caught Gabe kissing Piper last night in the kitchen, he’d acted out again by refusing to eat the dinner Piper had made and told her that his mom was a better cook than she was.

  Like before, Shane regretted his outburst, and Gabe was proud of him when he’d apologized to Piper before she went home. Always so gracious and kind, Piper once again praised Shane for his courage to say sorry.

  While Gabe liked his stipulation of kissing Piper whenever he got the chance, he was much more careful about doing it so his kids didn’t see. It was hard though, because he loved coming home to find her at his house. It was something he could get used to on a permanent basis.

  Of course Piper was more than just
a nanny and a cook. She was Gabe’s girlfriend, and tonight they were making their first public appearance as a couple at the sledding party at the GH ranch. He could hardly wait to stake his claim.

  There was a brief knock on his door before Jolene, his secretary of the past seven years, stepped inside. “Got a minute?” she said.

  “Sure.” He was surprised when she closed the door behind her. “What’s up?”

  Jolene licked her lips and wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. “I think there’s something you need to see.”

  “Okay.” He gestured toward the paper she twisted in her hands. “Is that it?”

  She nodded. “I did what you asked and researched potential teaching jobs for Piper.” She bit down on her lower lip. “But I came across something I think you need to see.”

  The muscles in Gabe’s shoulders tensed as he took the folded paper his secretary offered him. Anxiety gripped him around his chest as he unfolded it and focused on the letter. His mouth went dry and blood pounded in his ears as he read over the story of how Piper Jensen, a respected teacher and mentor, had been called out as a husband stealer after having an affair with a married man.

  He swallowed, unable to believe the printed words. It had to be another Piper Jensen. That was the only reasonable explanation.

  “Thank you, Jolene.” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything to anyone about this until I can ask Piper about it.”

  “Gabe, you know I won’t.” She held him with a worried gaze. “I know I only met Piper a couple of days ago when you all stopped by the office, but I like her. I know there has to be some kind of explanation for this.”

  “I hope so.” He tried to offer her a reassuring smile, but felt too hollow inside to do a convincing job.

  “I’m sorry, Gabe. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”


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