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Winter in Snow Valley (Snow Valley Romance)

Page 63

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  “What were you doing?”

  He sighed. “Trying to decide if I should go to your door.”

  She grinned, and he could almost forget she was leaving tomorrow. Leaving Montana forever.

  He looked at the center of his cup. “Where are you going after the ball?”

  Letting out a long breath, she shrugged. “I don’t know. I … nothing feels right yet. I guess I’ll just take it as it comes.”

  Without thinking, he said, “Come back here.”

  Tears swelled in her eyes. “This is still Montana.”

  He reached forward and took her hand. “What we started was a beginning of something. Not an end. Come back, and let’s see where this goes.”

  She sighed. “Look, Chase, I know we had a connection, but you don’t get Brad. If … He searched for me for two and a half months. He won’t let me go.”

  Chase slammed his cup down onto the table, the contents spilling out and burning his hand. He gasped and stood.

  She jumped up. “Let me get you a towel.”

  A million thoughts were running through his head, and he asked himself what he’d been asking himself all day. Was it real? Any of it? This whole thing he thought he felt between them?

  She brought back a damp cloth and put it on his hand. Her touch sent ripples of fire through him. Pausing, she didn’t move the towel, just kept her hand on top of his. “Chase …” She trailed off. Tears were in her eyes. “It did feel like a beginning for me. LA was …”

  He couldn’t stop himself. Maybe it was the feeling it would all slip through his fingers or the fact that he wanted to hold her to this place. To this moment. To protect her. To show her how amazing she was. How amazing they were together.

  The towel dropped away from his hand as he put both of his hands on her face and pulled her into a kiss. This time, she tasted like hot chocolate. Warm and smooth. He felt her push closer, and it encouraged him. The kiss deepened. All his senses heightened. Her hands pushed away his cowboy hat, and her fingers were in his hair.

  Everything was bright, radiant. The sun itself couldn’t hold a candle to the magic and light pouring between them, dancing like rainbows in the wake of a rain shower.

  This was beauty. This was love.

  He couldn’t believe it. It had happened so fast, yet here it was.

  Pulling back, she searched his eyes, and he saw the tears on her face. She shook her head. “Chase, I can’t … this can’t.”

  “Yes it can.” He pulled her back into him and planted another kiss on her.

  But she pushed him back, tearing herself out of his arms. “You should go.”

  Seconds ago, she’d been in his arms kissing him like no other woman had ever kissed him, and now she was throwing him out? It didn’t jive with him. “Why?”

  “Chase,” she said stubbornly. “I told you, this can’t happen.”

  He couldn’t hold back anymore. “If you want it to happen, it can happen. This is your life, Autumn. Your life. Not Brad’s. You decide what happens. You decide whether to let a man like that control you or not.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “I know you think you’re going to this dance for me. But forget that!”


  Determination surged into him. “It’s my life too, and if I have to go to court to defend what I did, so be it. That’s a choice I get to make.”

  “You don’t understand. You don’t have the money to defend yourself.”

  “Well, then I’ll find it. I’ll work my tail off, but it’s not worth you going with him and putting yourself in that situation again.”

  Slowly, she shook her head. Gently, she put her hands on his, and he realized how badly he’d been shaking. “No, no, Chase. You defended me. I know that now, but it’s time I take care of myself. It’s time I take care of the people who take care of me. That means going to this dumb dance. Then it will be over.”

  “Then you’ll come back?”

  “I don’t know, Chase. I just don’t know.” She frowned. “Why are you smiling right now?”

  Gently, he touched her face. “Your makeup is all messed up.”

  She laughed and then shook her head. “Chase, this is crazy. Us. This. Whatever it is.”

  “It might be, but isn’t that what falling in love is all about?”

  The look on her face went sad, and she wiped her eyes. “Is this what this is?”

  He took her softly by the chin. “Can’t you tell? Can’t you feel it?”

  She blinked. “I … you’re a cowboy commercial.”

  Not understanding at all, he laughed. “What?”

  Closing her eyes for a second, the side of her lip tugged up. “The first time I sat by you on the plane to L.A., all I could think about was how you were like a commercial for some cowboy cologne.”

  Unexpectedly, he laughed. He didn’t know if he should be flattered, but he was. He squeezed her hands. “Really?”

  Her eyes flashed open. “But don’t you see, you … you seem unreal to me. How can you be so good? I … I just don’t trust myself. I’ve chosen so poorly before. It doesn’t seem like you can be … this good of a man.”

  The center of his heart flooded with warmth and he pulled her in for a hug, letting out a laugh. “I’m not that good, just ask my brother, he’ll tell you.”

  She relaxed against him. “I didn’t say you were perfect or anything.”

  That made him laugh, too, loving that she was in his arms, loving that she was letting him hold her.

  They stood like that for a few moments.

  She pulled back and stared into his eyes. “I mean it, I don’t trust myself and you shouldn’t trust me, either.”

  He sighed. “I think the fact you don’t trust yourself … should actually make you trust yourself.”

  “You don’t make any sense.” She let out a light laugh.

  “You’ve seen the really bad. The worst. You’ve been with a man who mistreated you. So you just flip it. Be with me, the opposite, and you’re golden.” Pulling her into him, he breathed in her scent. “The cowboy cologne guy.” He said it cheesily.

  “Oh, brother.” She laughed.

  They stood that way for a long time. Taking solace in each other’s arms. Taking a break from the world. Not knowing how this would end up okay, but knowing it would.

  “Chase,” she said, her head tucked into his shoulder.


  “Let’s go sit by the fire.”

  “Okay.” He let her go, taking her hand and feeling the chill of the air without her near. They sat, and she put her head on his shoulder, their hands interlocked. “Are you going tomorrow?” he asked quietly, tracing her palm with his thumb.

  She didn’t respond.


  She squeezed his hand. “You know I need to be done with him, and this is the way I’m choosing to handle it.”

  He sighed. “I wish the driver wouldn’t have had his camera phone on.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “They say having a camera on somebody now is better than having a gun for protection.”

  Chase grunted, thinking of Brad and what he wanted to do to a scumbag like him. “I don’t need a phone … or a gun to handle the likes of him.”

  She sighed and patted his hand. “And that’s why I’m going to the dance.”

  Chapter 14

  The next evening went as Autumn had expected the hoity-toity press event to go: limo ride, red carpet entry, and cameras. When Brad took her arm as she walked into the governor’s ball and the press flashed photos, he looked as fake as he could. She yearned for Chase to be the one at her side.

  She tried to push away all thoughts of Chase. Of the way he’d held her in his arms last night as they’d snuggled on the couch.

  The way he silently supported her as he helped load her car that morning. Checking her tire pressure, her oil. Holding her and kissing her so long both of them could have frozen to death.

  “So we’r
e good, right?” Brad said out of the corner of his mouth as he took her hand and pulled her closer.

  Getting close to him, she pretended to laugh and whispered in his ear. “This is the last night, Brad. After tonight, I am free of you.”

  Giving her an innocent look, he smiled and waved to the cameras. “Of course. If that’s what you want.”

  When they reached the front, an usher pulled them in, telling them they would join his father after they danced and mingled for thirty minutes.

  As she walked hand in hand next to Brad with a smile plastered on her face, it made Autumn sad that she’d done this for almost a year of her life. Working the parties, being his advocate. She knew he wanted to run for Senate one day. Even president, he’d once confided to her.

  It made her physically sick to think about him running the country. He was positioned to get everything he wanted and more. He would start law school in the fall, and from there, with the power and money of his father, he’d be able to do anything.

  “Brad. Brad.” One older gentleman called out to them.

  Brad turned and upped the wattage on his fake smile. “Why, George. Is that you? You’ve lost weight. You look good.”

  George flashed Autumn a smile then refocused on Brad. “I was meaning to speak to you tonight about the grazing issue coming up on the docket next election so you could speak to your father. I know you’re helping draft that bill.”

  “Oh, right,” Brad said calmly. Autumn knew he didn’t really care that much, but he was putting on a show, as usual.

  “You have to vote against federal regulation. There’s too much of it.”

  Autumn tried to smile and look interested, the perfect politician’s date.

  Brad quickly waved George away and pushed her toward the dance floor. “Gotta dance with the pretty lady tonight, George. We’ll talk another day.”

  There were several couples dancing, all beautiful people in beautiful clothes. Things she didn’t think were so important now. Again, she thought of Chase and how just being with him felt good, fun, and happy. He didn’t have to impress her even though he was an impressive person. Thoughts of what her life could be like on his ranch, helping run his corporate retreats passed through her. Thoughts of little kids coming to theater camp. Of Chase helping them on a horse.

  Now, all this with Brad felt so empty.

  Another song came on, a waltz, and Brad started into the formal one-two-three of it. He glided around the dance floor with her, and she tried to let go of her tension. After tonight, it would all be better, she told herself. Things with Brad would be over, and she would go. Even though she didn’t know where to go. She thought of being in Chase’s arms last night, and she felt the emotion of what had started between the two of them.


  She jerked her head to look at him.

  A smile washed across his face. The old smile, his nice smile. “You looked so pretty just now, like you were happy again.”

  Of course, she wouldn’t tell him what thoughts had made her look that way. She just wanted to get through this night, so she smiled back. “I am happy.”

  He must have sensed the implication she wasn’t happy with him because his next smile was forced. “Do you remember when we went to the basketball game last year with Jake and Sadie?”

  She nodded her head, the memory rushing through her. “Jake spilled that Coke all over her, and she freaked out.”

  Brad laughed. “She purposefully took the mustard from her hot dog and wiped it on the back of his T-shirt.”

  She laughed too, remembering the antics of their two friends. “Yeah, they were like fire and water.”

  “Kind of like us.”

  She didn’t respond, thinking of how unlike ‘them’ her two friends were. Saddie never got beat up. But she didn’t want to talk about that.

  “They got engaged last week.”

  “Oh, good for them.”

  Brad searched her face. “Jake asked if we would come to the engagement party next week.”

  At that moment, all the anger she’d experienced the past three months surged through her. Unwilling to let him see, she looked down and swallowed her feelings. It was something she’d been really good at during their courtship. She didn’t respond. She just wanted to get through this night.

  The song ended, and Brad pulled her off the dance floor, pulling her closer to him. “So what do you say? Can I pick you up next week?”

  Leveling him with a glare, she shook her head. “Brad, we’re over. You know that. The whole reason I’m here—”

  He put up a hand to cut her off. “Fine.” His voice was soft. He squeezed her hand and gave it a playful tug. “C’mon, Autumn. You know I had to give it a shot. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I just don’t get why you want it to be over.”

  “Because you beat the crap out of me,” she said tightly.

  His jaw set into a grimace. “Let’s not fight tonight.”

  Fine. Fine. Fine. She shook her head and bit back the emotion. “Whatever.”

  For a few seconds, he looked sad. He dropped her hand and drifted elsewhere. “I have to talk to someone. I’ll be back in a sec.”

  Autumn stood there looking around at the crowded dance floor, wanting to melt into it and wishing she were anywhere else.

  “You look nice this evening, Autumn.”

  Her heart kicked up a notch when she saw Chase standing half turned away on the other side of her. He was in a tux. His hair was combed, and he had on black dress shoes.

  “Chase?” She whispered, her heartbeat picking up speed erratically. If Brad caught him here, he would … he would do something horrible. “You can’t be here.”

  Chase winked at her, flashing her a grin and then pretended like he wasn’t talking to her, messing with his collar. “Michael discovered he happened to be invited to the governor’s ball every year. So he asked me to attend on his behalf.”

  Elation surged through her. He looked so handsome, and for all the stupid things that were happening, it did make her feel remarkably better to have him here. It also ticked her off. “So you don’t think I can take care of myself?”

  “I didn’t say that.”


  “What? I like coming to … these things.”

  She let out a sarcastic laugh. “Sure ya do.” She put her back to him and surveyed the crowd. “At least you’re not wearing your signature hat.”

  He let out a light laugh. “Yep, I decided not to be a cowboy tonight. I decided to be … hmmm. Bond, James Bond.”

  She shook her head and hated how happy he made her. Then she thought of leaving him, and it made her sad. “You better go.”

  Everything inside of her melted as he quickly, gently reached out and squeezed her hand. “Okay, but I’m here.” Then he was gone.

  Her heart rate thrummed nicely inside her chest. She knew it was more than adrenaline at the fact Brad would flip out if he knew Chase was here.

  She blinked, trying to compose herself. Had she really fallen in love with Chase? In four days?

  And could she leave him? Where would she go?


  “Oh.” Her hand went to her chest, and she turned to see Brad next to her.

  His evaluating eyes swept over her. Then he smiled. “Are you okay?”

  Trying to calm herself, she couldn’t help searching for Chase. “I’m fine.” She settled her eyes on Brad, not wanting to give Chase away.

  The side of Brad’s lip cocked up. “Dad will be coming in about ten minutes to give his speech. Should we get in one more dance?”

  Knowing she didn’t really have a choice, she nodded and took his hand. It took everything inside of her not to do as a snake would do when they saw a predator, coil and strike. She was an actress, she reminded herself. She could play the girlfriend for one more night to save Chase from those charges.

  Brad took her into an easy two-step as a slow country song played.

; She didn’t talk. She may have to be here and be polite, but she didn’t have to talk. Plus, now she was nervous Chase would be discovered.

  They slowly moved around the dance floor, mixing with the other couples. She noticed Chase dancing with a beautifully dressed woman. Startled, she tensed then made sure she wasn’t looking at him.

  Brad noticed her tension. “What’s wrong?”

  Great, now she had to think fast. “Nothing. Well, my stomach is kind of hurting.” Which was true. She knew she’d be tied up in knots until this night was over.

  Brad looked concerned. “Shall we go sit down?”

  Autumn shook her head, hating how she almost thought it was funny that Brad used “shall.” Chase would never use a word like that.

  “What?” Brad was gazing at her.

  She shook her head again, telling herself not to think of Chase or look his way. “Nothing.” She had to cover. “So tell me about law school.”

  His eyes lit up at the question. It’d been a big thing for him, getting into the right school to start him on the right track for his political career. His father had connections, but with Ivy League schools, that didn’t matter as much as being an alumnus. His father wasn’t. Plus, he had made his money in oil, so he was “new money.”

  Brad’s grin widened. “I’ve been wanting to tell you since I got the letter.”

  Her heart skipped with excitement, and she hated that she was a bit excited for him. “Harvard?” Reluctantly, she smiled.

  He grinned at her. “Can I show you the letter, Autumn, please?”

  Getting caught up in his excitement, but not wanting to leave the safety of the ball, she said, “Can you bring it here?”

  But he used the puppy face on her. The one she’d fallen in love with in the beginning. The one she now loved and hated. “It’s just up in the library. Let me show you. Then we’ll come back down for Dad’s speech.” He sighed. “Then you can go.”

  She didn’t trust him. “Really?”

  He nodded. “If you come see the letter, after dad’s speech, I’ll let you leave.”

  For a brief second, she had the distinct impression she shouldn’t go. Then she reasoned if this would afford her a way to leave sooner, she may as well go fawn over the stupid letter.


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