Ex-files: Kinky Katy

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Ex-files: Kinky Katy Page 4

by Dakota Cassidy

  “Well, maybe it’s time I do that more often. Objections?”

  Garret began to laugh. “Now that would just be stupid on my part, don’t you think?”

  Katy snuggled against him. “Yeah, it would, because I’m going to be very honest here, it doesn’t exactly tease the palate.”

  Garret laughed. “Go to sleep before you warp my illusions.”

  As she drifted to sleep, wrapped in Garret’s warm arms, she thought of how many nights she’d spent wrapped around a stupid pillow for warmth. Nothing compared to this. She almost hated to go to sleep because it was time not spent awake and with Garret.

  See, now you’re getting the picture, Katy.

  Shaddup, she yelled back in her head at Tallulah. I’ll figure this out and when the time for me to go back comes, I’m going to crush the bitch.

  Hoo rah, Katy, my girl.

  * * *

  Katy woke to the quiet room with a start, disoriented and unsure of where she was. The warm press of a body, Garret’s body, reminded her that she was still safely in 1983. Either that or she’d picked up a helluva one-night stand.

  She rubbed her eyes. She would never do that. That was sex for sex’s sake, a self-esteem issue, someone desperately in need of therapy.

  Oh, jeez, she just couldn’t quit, could she? Maybe a one-night stand would have taught her a thing or two about the pleasure of just the act itself. An indulgence she rarely dabbled in, unless it involved planning and careful consideration of her motives.

  Jesus. Tallulah was right. She analyzed everything. That must have been old by the time she and Garret hit twenty years. Well, enough of that shit. For the remaining four days she had left, she was going to forget her reasons for anything. Forget her thinking spot and all of her esteem accounts. She was going to live for the moment, even if it meant she had to live without Garret back in the future. She would still have this. She’d figure the rest out when she returned to 2004.

  Glancing at the clock, she crept out of the warmth of the bed and headed toward the bathroom, throwing her robe on as she went. She lifted the collar to her nose. No Victoria’s Secret nightie could make up for the comfort she felt as she wrapped the dime store bathrobe around her, knotting the belt.

  Closing the door to the bathroom she caught sight of herself in the small oval mirror. Her hair needed to be washed. It was smashed down on one side of her head and destined to remain that way with all of the goop in it. She also had that glow everyone always said they’d acquired after they’d been laid. Her heart clenched, slamming against her ribs. Katy scrunched her eyes closed and began to breathe deeply.

  “What’d I tell ya about that shit?”

  Katy jumped and clamped a hand over her mouth at Tallulah’s reflection behind her own. “Jesus, Tallulah. How’d you get in here?” she hissed beneath her breath.

  “Same way you got back here, lady.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass, T.”

  Tallulah snickered. “T? Well, look at you. One night of the horizontal mambo and you’re calling the Lord’s name in vain, swearing like a truck driver and picking on me.”

  Katy’s face flushed. What was wrong with her? “Oh, I’m sorry, Tallulah. That was cruel.”

  Tallulah slapped her on the back. “No, it wasn’t. It was funny. I thought you weren’t going to analyze everything anymore?”

  Katy frowned. “Would you get the hell outta my head?”

  Tallulah nodded. “It gets kinda irritating, doesn’t it?”

  “There’s a point here, right? Like -- look at the stupid counselor with the fucked-up life.”

  Tallulah sighed. “Nah, I’m not criticizing your way of living, Katy. I’m applauding this amazing control you have. I’d bet the thinking spot comes in handy when those friends of yours go off on each other. What I’m saying is it doesn’t have to be what makes up all of Katy. Not everything deserves a reason. Anger, fear, they all can be irrational, but necessary. In the scheme of things, if you want to feel the warm fuzzies to their extreme, you have to have some other feeling than sedate. Everything can’t always be tied into a neat little bow. Now it’s time you found out what those feelings are.”

  How could she call her sedate when all she’d done since the beginning of this nightmare of a divorce was fight off the jumbled mess her head was? “I am not sedate! I feel things. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here, now would I?”

  Tallulah shook her head. “Well yeah, you got divorced. You felt rejection, fear, pain, but did you get a good pissed off going? Nah, you counseled your rage to death.” The word death came out a high-pitched screech.

  “Shhh! He’ll hear you! Or have you forgotten that the ‘counseled to death one’ is right out there?”

  Tallulah started to laugh, her shoulder pads shifting beneath her pin striped blazer. “He can’t hear me, Katy. He can only hear you. He’s going to think you’re practicing your counseling crap in the mirror.”

  Peachy. Now Garret would subscribe to her wing-nuttiness too. “Look,” Katy said as she lowered her voice, “I hate screaming matches. I despise tension and hurt feelings, okay? Is that a fucking crime?”

  “Woo hooo! A fucking crime? Nice, very nice, Katy. Nah, it’s not a crime, but it’s no way to experience the passion you’re missing by squashing how you feel, now is it? I’m not going to say anymore, you have some discoveries to make that I just can’t help with.”

  “I’ve done just fine so far, so back off…” Katy frowned and took a breath, reiterating her previous request in an even tone. “Please back off, Tallulah, you’re hurting my feelings and it makes me sad.”

  “Aw, poor Katy… she’s sad. Neener, neener, neener. Man up, girlie, just like Maddie says and get back out there and figure out what to do with the mess your life is.”

  “I’ll thank you not to call my life a mess. It’s just… cluttered.”

  “Well, ya got four days to un-clutter it. Get crackin’, cuz I have to go.”

  Tallulah disappeared without a sound, leaving Katy to stare blankly into the bathroom mirror. She stuck her tongue out at her reflection, wishing she could take her wrinkle-free face back with her.

  Garret didn’t seem to mind that she was involved in her work, though he had been surprised by her opting to ignore it. She’d never noticed that before. All she wanted to do was stay here. Stay with Garret where she belonged. She didn’t ever want to go back to the future. But if she didn’t, then she wouldn’t see the girls either and it wasn’t as if she had a choice.

  Tugging off her robe, she turned the handles on the faucet in their shower. She almost laughed as she noted the stray tile lying on the edge of the tub. They were always falling down, she recalled, and neither of them had the time to fix them. She’d been too busy fixing other things anyway.

  Shit. All of this introspection was killing her.

  As she lathered with the bar soap she wondered if the girls were okay. If they needed her. They probably didn’t even know she was gone yet. What day of the week was it anyway? Friday, she remembered seeing that yesterday when she’d glanced at her nightstand calendar, littered with her classes and their times. Katy wondered if she had to go to school as part of the bargain.

  She didn’t want to… fuck school.

  Oh, she was like a rebel without a cause, all defiant.

  She never skipped school, not once in all of her schooling. But today it didn’t matter. Somehow she was going to talk Garret into never leaving their apartment for the remainder of her stay. She was going to spend her time listening to him. Maybe she might hear something that would help her back in the future.

  God knew she needed something to help her. How could she have gone so wrong? Her counseling was supposed to help people, not drive them away, but if what Tallulah was telling her was right, she’d driven Garret away.

  That was nucking futs. Katy giggled. She loved when Maddie said that. She loved Maddie’s freedom with her words and her opinions. She loved that Maddie wasn’t afraid to say what she
felt. Katy envied her gusto, her feisty take on life. Nobody called Maddie sedate.

  Rinsing her hair, Katy felt invigorated and alive again for the first time in too many years to count. Certainly not sedate.

  She was a mess of emotions, some she’d just prefer not to address because they fought everything she believed in.

  Maddie was right. This was nucking futs.

  Chapter Four

  Katy snuck back into the quiet of their bedroom. Garret snored softly, lying on her pillow. Her heart began to pound as she watched him. His long body, lean, but well muscled, made her knees like butter. God, she missed him… every day, every night.

  But today she didn’t have to miss him, today he would welcome her. So today she would let him. Sliding the sheet down away from his body, she reveled in the hard planes and well honed ridges. Garret stirred a bit, rolling to his back and throwing his arm up over his head. His cock, now flaccid, lay against his dark pubic hair, thick even in its limp state.

  Her mouth was dry as her eyes swept over him. She wanted to touch every inch of him… and there wasn’t anything to stop her.

  So what the hell was she waiting for?

  Katy shook her head. How often had she taken the time to appreciate this man in this way? Not often…

  She mounted Garret with her back to him. Sitting astride his abdomen, she let her freshly shaven pussy drag along his sleep heated skin, moving her hips back and forth and bracing her hands on his thighs. Katy moaned as her nipples tightened and Garret’s cock began to swell. Her hands found the semi-hard shaft, caressing it lightly.

  She leaned forward and kissed it, letting her tongue brush the heat in small flicks.

  Garret moaned and then his hands found her hips, gripping them with hard fingers when she took him in her mouth. He clutched her tighter when she took a long pull on his cock. His hands cupped her ass, kneading the flesh that was open and exposed to him. Katy sucked in a breath when Garret dragged a finger from her spine to the moist heat of her cunt. His hand slowed for a moment. Obviously he’d noted she’d shaven. Katy smiled, knowing it surprised him and loving the access it gave him. His fingers slid through the moist flesh with ease, cupping her pussy as Katy rocked on his hand. Her hands kneaded his thighs as her tongue bathed him, squeezing the hard muscle.

  His hips lifted to the rhythm of her motion, then suddenly pulled away and Katy lost her grip on his hard shaft. Garret slid away from her, inching down the bed and lifting her until his head was between her thighs. She braced herself on her elbows, legs wide as his hot breath caressed her now bare skin. He kissed the outer lips of her cunt, stabbing his tongue to delve into the sensitive flesh. Katy gasped when he ran his tongue along her pussy, long slow strokes, using the width of it to firmly lap at her.

  Katy lost her balance as she rocked against him and Garret pulled her flush to his face, cupping her ass as his mouth devoured her, circling her clit and suckling it. She pushed against his tongue, crying out as fire licked at her, shooting through her veins and consuming all thoughts but release. It came in a tidal wave, rushing in and pulling her away.

  She clung to his thighs, unable to breathe. Garret slid back up the length of the bed, pulling her with him awkwardly. She moved her legs and repositioned herself just as Garret was about to roll her on her back, but she shoved him back to the bed. “I want to be on top,” she said with more cockiness than she felt as she swung her legs around and mounted him, resting his cock within the moist recess of her pussy.

  “As long as I’m inside you, I don’t care who’s on top,” he grated harshly. Katy’s heart swelled at his words -- words he wouldn’t say in the future. Raising her hips she slowly descended on him, sliding down his length inch by inch. Garret hissed as she impaled herself on him, clenching his jaw and bucking beneath her. Katy’s hands strayed to her pussy of their own will and she caressed her clit, surprising herself with the jolt of fierce pleasure it brought. Garret’s hands found her breasts, fingering and tugging at her nipples. Her head fell back as she arched her back, allowing the full impact of his muscled form to push her toward climax.

  His thrusts became fierce and hard and Katy rode them, clinging to his cock, milking it within her. Her orgasm came hard and fast, as the tempo of their thrusts sent her over the edge. Garret jerked under her and his cock twitched violently, shooting hot spurts of semen into her.

  Katy fell forward on him, gulping air and dizzy from her orgasm. Garret’s arms went around her, holding her tightly to him.

  “Jesus, woman, you’re going to kill me.”

  Katy giggled, kissing his skin. “Am I hearing objections again? I could stop trying to kill you.”

  Garret lifted her chin and looked her square in the eye. “What’s going on, honey? Are you okay?”

  She grinned at him. Was she okay? Good gravy, if he only knew how okay she was in the realm of okay. “I’m great, why?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, you just seem different, I guess. Is this like some new therapy you’re learning?”

  Burying her face in his neck she chuckled. “Yeah, it’s called the boink the life out of your husband therapy. Guaranteed to keep a guy from leaving you.”

  “Boink… cute word and who’s leaving you? Why would I do that when we do this,” he asked as he cupped her breast again, almost incredulous.

  Because she didn’t always do this. In fact she couldn’t remember in the course of their marriage if they’d ever made love like this. Remorse settled in the pit of her belly. “Well, you just remember that when I’m old and wrinkled and you decide some cute new chick is more appealing,” she teased him around the knot in her throat.

  “Hey, look at me.” Katy lifted her eyes to meet his again. “I’m never going anywhere, woman. I love you no matter what you do or what you look like.”

  Katy kissed him, because she couldn’t speak.

  “Hey, I have to go to work and don’t you have a class?”

  “No, you don’t have to go to work and I’m not going to class.”

  Garret frowned. “What? You’ve never missed a class.”

  “Well, you know what? Today I am and so are you.”

  “I don’t know if I can, babe. I am, after all, a struggling accountant and I can’t afford to miss a day. We need the money.”

  “Not like I need you. So forget work. I’m ditching class and we’re going to stay here all weekend long and do the wild thing.”

  “Er, wild thing?”

  Katy laughed again. She kept forgetting where she was. “Fuck, Garret Jennings. Fuck.”

  “Like all weekend long?”


  “Well, hell. All right. Can I shower first?”

  “Yeah, maybe I’ll rent a movie while you do.”

  “Rent a movie?”

  Shit. No VCRs yet. No Blockbuster… bummer. “I mean maybe I’ll see if we can’t find something good to watch between bouts of wild, untamed passion.”

  “Exactly what have you planned, Mrs. Jennings?”

  “You’ll see…” she said mysteriously. “Go take that shower, you need it.”

  “What, you don’t like the smell of lust?” he joked.

  Pushing him off her, she grabbed for some tissues on the bedside table. “Only if it’s from me, mister.”

  Only me…

  * * *

  “Lay on the bed.”

  “I just got out of the bed.”

  “Are you going to argue with me? Or do you want that blowjob?”

  “What the hell is going on with you? First you’re ditching school, next you’re encouraging me to not bring home the bacon and now this? Are you taking some class I should know about? Is it sexually related?”

  She giggled as she strung his ties together at the head of the bed, tightening the knots. “Yeah, just call me Kinky Katy. Now lay on the bed.”

  Eyeing her suspiciously, he lay down and patted the place beside him, but she shook her head. “Give me your hands.”


  “I said give me your hands. I’m going to tie you to the bed.”

  “Bullshit you are.”

  “Remember that blowjob?”

  He nodded narrowing his eyes at her. “Yeah?”

  “Ain’t gonna happen unless you give me your hands.”

  “Oh, well in that case…” He smiled sheepishly.

  Katy giggled at him and winked. “Men…”

  Raising his arms he allowed her to tie his wrists loosely to the head of their bed. “But I can’t touch you if I’m tied.”

  Katy shivered at the prospect. “I know… I’ll tell you where I want you to put those lips of yours.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Really. You game?”

  His cock was, she noted. “As long as it doesn’t include whips and chains, I’m game.”

  Running her fingers along his chest she smiled at him. “No whips and chains. Just me.” Katy sat beside him and leaned forward, running her tongue over his lips with slow, precise strokes, avoiding his tongue when it snaked out to touch hers. She feathered kisses over them lightly, nipping at them. Garret groaned, frustrated when her hand drifted along his belly, but passed over his cock, circling it, running her fingernails through the crisp pubic hair.

  “Do you want to fuck, Garret?”

  “Can’t you tell? Jesus, Katy.” His hips lifted upward, seeking her hand, but she moved, trailing her fingers along his inner thighs instead.

  “Then tell me…”

  “I want to fuck, Katy -- now.”

  Her nipples tightened and moisture gathered in her pussy. Now this kind of control was exhilarating. She’d gathered enough courage to say the words, now she wanted to hear them from him and she couldn’t explain why. They were wanton and wicked and very un-Katy like. Katy suckled his lower lip and asked, “How much do you want to fuck me, Garret?”

  But Garret wasn’t giving in that easily. He didn’t like to be toyed with. And he wasn’t quite understanding the Katy who was demanding he play her game. “Get on and I’ll show you.”

  “Get on what, Garret? Your cock?”

  He jolted at the word, tensing up as his cock jerked. “Damn you, woman, I have a hard-on that could rival a two-by-four…”


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