Ex-files: Kinky Katy

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Ex-files: Kinky Katy Page 5

by Dakota Cassidy

  “All the more reason to tell me…”

  “Yes,” he hissed, “my cock.” The word came out roughly.

  “Do you want me to lick it?”

  “Lick what?” He lightened a bit, his eyes gleaming.

  She met his gaze directly. “Your cock.”

  His arms pulled against the ties and she let her hands drift to the straining muscles. “Yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  He grit his teeth. “Yes, I want you to lick my cock.”

  “What else do you want?”

  Lifting his head he struggled to capture her lips, but she evaded him. “I want to be buried inside of you.”

  Smiling devilishly she asked, “Inside of what?”

  He growled at her, low and guttural. “In your pussy, now.”

  Arrows of heat shot to her cunt, wet from his words. Kneeling beside him she lifted her legs to bracket his chest and looked down at him. His jaw was set in a hard line and his mouth was tight. Bending over she let her ass rest against him and shoved her hands in his hair, kissing him with force, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Garret kissed her back with hungry lips as he strained against the ties. His neck arched upward in an effort to match her ferocity.

  Katy pulled back and sat up slightly, cupping her breasts. Breasts that still amazed her by how far south they’d gone later on down the road. She squeezed the mounds of flesh, tracing circles around her nipples.

  Garret growled again as she watched him watch her. “Tell me what you want,” she said boldly, pressing her pussy to his chest.

  “Come here and I’ll show you,” he demanded through clenched teeth.

  Katy brought her breast to his lips, letting it skim them. Garret strained upward, trying to capture a nipple. When he flicked his tongue over one, Katy gave in and sank into his mouth. The hot cavern enveloped her nipple. Taking her by surprise he tugged harder, nipping the swollen flesh. She clutched at his head, digging her fingers into his hair, pushing into his mouth.

  Blood rushed to her head when his teeth grazed her. “God, Garret… that feels so good.” Cupping them together, she let him lick both nipples. The rasp of his tongue set her on fire until she pushed his head back roughly, her breathing shallow and quick. Garret fought for breath too. “What do you want, Katy?”

  Now the tables were turned and she found her throat was tight. “I -- I…”

  “Tell me, baby. I’ll do whatever you want…”

  Her hands tightened into fists against his chest as she fought back tears. Garret asking her what she wanted… Garret still caring enough to ask… how was she ever going to leave this behind? A confidence stole over her then as she realized this might be one of the last times he would ask. So, man up, girlie. She heard Tallulah’s words from earlier in the bathroom.

  Sliding up the length of his body, she whispered, “I want you to lick me, Garret, please…” She pressed her pussy to his lips, emphasizing her need. “Lick me, now…”

  Garret nudged her with his nose. “I love this,” he said against her, referring to her clean-shaven pussy. Katy groaned. “Then lick me…”

  He complied with a single hot stroke of his tongue. “Again,” she demanded hoarsely, gripping the headboard and letting her head fall back on her shoulders. He took another heated swipe… Katy clenched her eyes shut as fire licked at her pussy and her nipples hardened to almost painful peaks. The next set of words flowed from her tongue like she’d always used them. “Don’t stop until I come on your tongue…”

  Garret slithered inside her, spreading her flesh and finding the aching nub of her clit. When he slipped it into his mouth, Katy’s hips slammed forward into his face, jamming her pussy to his tongue, riding the flat plane of it. The sound of his mouth suckling her, his moans as he did so, were more than she could bear and she came, long spasms wracking her body.

  Gasping for breath, her lungs filled with air again and she moved downward to find his lips. Her tongue licked at his, tasting herself and it made her groan, briefly leaving her wondering how she had missed all of these sensations.

  “Fuck me, Katy. I can’t wait. I’m so hard I’m gonna explode. Don’t toy with me anymore.”

  Katy kissed him one last time, letting the taste of him linger on her tongue before she positioned herself over his cock and pushed her hips down, hard. Garret reared up, so hard he shook the headboard, lifting his knees as he drove into her. Katy held his wrists, matching his thrusts, gripping his slick, hot cock with her muscles.

  Fire tore at her, shredding its way through her every nerve.

  “God damn, Katy, you’re so tight…”

  She lost it, crashing against him in a wave of heat. Garret came with her, pulling against the restraints of the ties and thrashing against her. The heat of his climax washed her inner walls, thick and long.

  As his hips slowed, Katy sat up, gulping for air.

  “Untie me, woman.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, did it hurt you?” She tore at the ties, loosening them and freeing his hands. His arms went around her immediately, gathering her trembling body to his. “Katy… Christ, babe… that was fucking incredible.”

  Smiling smugly, she said, “Now who’s a potty mouth?”

  He laughed hard, kissing the top of her head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I like it.”

  “Even tied up?”

  “Yeah, even tied up. Next time, it’s your turn…”

  “I love you, Garret Jennings. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “How could I ever forget it?”

  Closing her eyes, she fought the impulse to tell him just what he would forget for his bimbo.


  “Just promise me that you won’t, okay?”


  Katy drifted off, nestled next to Garret, her heart aching with the knowledge that she had only a day left of her time traveling vacay.

  Chapter Five

  “Mornin’, Katy.”

  “For crap’s sake, would you stop doing that? You scare the shit out of me every time you just show up!”

  Tallulah laughed. “But I love popping in and out. It’s a fairy godmother perk and aren’t we feisty this morning?”

  Katy straightened Garret’s shirt and pouted. “I don’t like all this non-sedate stuff. Sedate was safe and it didn’t include putting your feelings on the line.”


  “I have realized something though…” she said as she sat on the closed toilet top.

  “What’s that?”

  Katy rested her face in her hands. “I’ve spent the past couple of days screwing Garret’s brains out like I never have before. When did everything but him become so important to me?”

  “I don’t know, Katy.”

  “I think I lost sight of that in my quest to make the world a more peaceful place. I just wanted to help people, Tallulah.”

  “And you do, Katy.”

  “But I didn’t help myself when I could have, did I? I spent a lot of time away from home and at seminars and… ignoring my needs as a woman in favor of others’ needs.”

  “Yeah, you’re a regular Mother Teresa.”

  “How am I going to win Garret back, T?”

  “Do you want to? Can you give up helping the world enough to make room in it for Garret?”

  Katy sobbed into her hands, “Yes. Because nothing is as important as how I feel about him. How much I love him.”

  “But what about all of your patients and the clinics?”

  “Whose side are you on here, T?”

  Tallulah grinned, her gray-blue eyes bright. “Yours, stupid. I’m just showing you all the angles. It’s going to take sacrifice and letting go of some stuff. Don’t know if you can do that.”

  Katy looked up at her. “Don’t damn well tell me what I can and can’t do. If I want to let go, I will.”

  Tallulah clapped her hands together. “Well, good on you. So what’s the plan?”

  “I was hoping you would
have one,” she said dryly.

  Tallulah shook her pink head. “Oh, no, that’s for you to do and besides, you’ve got another day left. Maybe you’ll change your mind.”

  Katy shook her head. “You know, this is a whole lotta bullshit, with a capital ‘B.’ Is this some kind of cosmic joke? Do the travel fairies think it’s funny to tempt me, let me play at having Garret again, only to send me back to the same damn thing I left? Because it’s not fucking funny. Not even a little. I think whoever’s in charge of this dog and pony show should be fired.”

  Tallulah just cocked her head and smiled. “Shouldn’t you be centering all of this anger and using it to stamp out evil or some shit?”

  “You suck, T. This sucks and you know what else? Your name is stupid.”

  “But it’s all you got, kiddo, and I get the feeling the time travel fairies don’t really care how you feel about it.”

  Katy jumped up and paced the small squares of tile. “Nothing has changed back in the future. Garret is still going to marry that woman. So what difference does this make, my being here?”

  “You tell me. Have you examined how you feel about him?”

  Katy bit her lip. There was never a question in her mind. She’d loved Garret since she first met him and she hadn’t stopped, but she also loved her therapy practice… Her sedate nature, as Tallulah called it, was a way of life. She was an example to her patients, living a life that allowed for… for what? She’d shunned many methods of therapy that encouraged a more vocal form of expression.

  Katy hated yelling. Her parents, God love them, now living back in England where they grew up, always yelled. Life with them was chaotic, loud and frenzied, and Katy had always hated it. There was never any order. Her father’s long exasperated sigh before he ranted over one thing or another and the hurt expression her mother wore when the storm, better known as her father, passed were nerve-wracking to Katy. His sharp bark and overall impatience with her as a child left her walking on eggshells most times and she’d promised herself if she ever had children she would raise them in an environment that was ruled by peace and order.

  But how often had her sons been allowed to run free, get dirty? How often had she gone hog wild? She wasn’t shaping up to be a whole helluva lot of fun… Jesus, she was one of her patients! Or at least she could be if she continued suppressing her emotions and putting them into neat little boxes… and if she didn’t go back and fight for Garret.

  Determination set in. She had one day left and she damn well was going to use it. Then, she was going to go back to the fucking new millennium and get her man back!

  “I’m going back, T,” Katy whispered.

  “Well yeah, you don’t have a choice about that, kiddo.”

  “No, I mean I’m going back to get Garret, come hell or high friggin’ water. I’m going to tell him how wrong I was to let him go.”

  “It’s gonna take guts. You’re not exactly Mike Tyson.”

  “No,” Katy sputtered, “I’m not a heavyweight in the emotionally vocal department, but I’m going to do it anyway and you can’t tell me any different. Now, go back to fairy-ville or wherever you came from until I have to be dragged back to the future, kicking and screaming.” Katy stormed out of the bathroom door, leaving a smiling Tallulah in her wake.

  * * *

  Leaning against the kitchen counter, Katy waited as the soup simmered on the stove. She remembered every crack in the Formica top as if she’d been here all along. She’d missed so many little things, but now that she was paying attention it gnawed at her gut.

  Strong hands grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. “What’s for dinner, good looking?”

  Katy leaned back into Garret, stretching her arms as his hands roamed her body. God, she’d never realized how fabulous her body had been in 1983. She should have appreciated it more. “Just some soup.”

  He lifted the tail of the shirt she was wearing and caressed the rounded flesh of her ass. Katy leaned further into the counter, pressing against his hand. “I’d rather have you…” he whispered in her ear. “You look so damn sexy in my shirt all bent over like that.”

  “Really? And what does this mean in the scheme of things, Mr. Jennings?”

  “Are you going to make me tell you again?” he teased.

  Katy purred when he slipped his hand between her thighs, spreading the moist flesh and sliding a finger inside her. “Only if you want to,” she teased back as she let the thick invasion of his finger glide in and out of her.

  Garret splayed his hand over her waist and pulled her tightly to him, driving his finger in long, slow pulls. “It means I kind of like this fucking thing and all the talking about fucking. So you wanna? Fuck that is?”

  Katy laced her arms up and around his neck as he pulled his finger out of her and circled her throbbing clit. Gasping, she whispered, “I guess so…”

  Garret chuckled, licking the rim of her ear. “Maybe I can convince you. Turn around.”

  Katy shivered at his demand and immediately did as he requested. Placing his hands at her waist, he lifted her up and set her on the narrow counter. Spreading her legs, he stood between them.

  “Well, look at you, you’re naked.” She smiled as she cradled his stiff cock in her hands.

  “I do believe it’s the only way lunch should be eaten…” He wiggled his eyebrows and planted a kiss on her lips before he slid her to him, letting his cock caress the wet folds of her pussy. He unbuttoned her shirt, trailing kisses along her neck and over her breasts. Her nipples puckered as he grazed them with his tongue before he took agonizingly slow passes toward her cunt. Katy whimpered when he knelt before her, pulling her legs over his shoulders. “I love the taste of you smooth like this,” he said against her skin, before dipping his tongue into the wet flesh. He darted in and out, flicking his tongue over her clit, cupping her ass to pull her closer.

  Katy rocked against him, letting the rasp of silk and heat tug her toward climax. Garret moaned at her response, dragging his fingers through the sensitive folds, taunting her with long, slow licks. She clutched his hair. Looking down she watched his head move between her legs, and came with a sharp, almost painful release. Katy grabbed at his shoulders and pulled him to her, wrapping her legs around him, encouraging him to enter her.

  “Wait, there’s something I’ve been wanting to do since I saw you standing by the counter.” He pulled her off the counter and turned her so her back was against his wide chest. “Bend over, Katy. Put your elbows on the counter…”

  A new kind of heat shot to Katy’s pussy. Garret’s request sounded more like a command, and it was turning her on. Katy bent forward, resting her forearms on the counter and waited. Garret pushed up against her, letting his cock drape between her legs. She hiked herself up higher, lifting her ass and silently pleading him to enter her. Garret lay over her and put his hand back between her legs. “Do you want to fuck, Katy?” His voice was hypnotic, deep, demanding.

  Katy clenched her hands into tight fists. “Yessss…”

  Garret dipped his knees and thrust between her legs slowly. “What do you want me to do?” he taunted.

  Damn him! He was playing her game and it was making her insane with the need to have him in her. “I want you to fuck me, Garret. Now.”

  “With what, baby?” he growled.

  Oh God, this was wickedly carnal… “Your cock…”

  With that admission, Garret entered her with force and Katy bucked forward with a loud moan as he sliced through her. Garret groaned too, into her ear. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

  “Noooo, no,” she insisted. “Don’t stop…”

  Garret’s hands went to her waist, gripping it tightly as he pumped harder. The wet slide made Katy scream with each hot stroke. She felt his abdomen, rigid and hard, slap against her back as he drove into her. He whispered, “Jesus, Katy, there’ll never be anyone like you.”

  She sobbed her release, crashing against him, meeting the demands his cock made. Ga
rret hissed when he came, pushing her forward on the counter as he drove into her one last time.

  Sliding her arm up around his neck, Katy nuzzled his jaw, holding him close. They stood that way for a long time and Katy allowed the scent and taste of Garret to linger, knowing she might have to give it up in the future. She wouldn’t allow it to hamper these last moments.

  Katy’s legs began to give out and her nose twitched with the scent of something burning. “Shit! The soup!”

  Garret withdrew from her with haste and ran to the stove. “Well, cooking never was your thing, huh?”

  Katy threw a towel at him. “Oh, shut up and grab the peanut butter.”

  “Uh, oh. That’s a bad sign if we’re going back to PB and J. Means you’re going to bury your nose in a book again.” He mocked a pout.

  “Shows you what you know, Garret Jennings. I am not going to study and now I’m not making that peanut butter and jelly sandwich either.” She sashayed out of the kitchen and lay on the couch, draping her arm over her forehead and leaving her shirt unbuttoned.

  Garret followed close behind and jumped on the couch with a thump, covering her body with his. “Won’t you be way behind? You always study like every day is a test.”

  Katy kissed him, as she floundered for an answer. “I know I do, but maybe I’ve been letting other, more important things go. I don’t have to have my degree right away.”

  “Did you have like an out of body experience?”

  Katy laughed. “Nope. I just don’t spend near the time I want to with you because of school and my drive to make the world a better place. I don’t want to forget what’s important and I don’t want you to forget that no matter what I’m doing, I’m always thinking about you.”

  “You do get lost in those books and theories.” He twirled a stray strand of her hair. “But what about the ‘get my Bachelor’s in two years or less’ philosophy?”

  Katy’s heart lurched. She’d done that all right and then some. “After spending this weekend with you, I realized that nothing is more important than you are to me. Not a single form of therapy can make me feel the way you do.”


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