You're Not Alone
Page 21
Heels were left out for wooden thong wedges decorated with shells and beads. Kimberly looked like she belonged in a Bohemian magazine. She certainly was model quality.
Obviously, Richard had been told she was en route and he waited impatiently at the fountain for her to emerge, leaving Stanley the chauffeur with nothing to do but stand. Even he smiled as Richard yanked open the door to welcome his beloved.
Awestruck. Richard was simply awestruck by the beauty of Kimberly. Now that she was his he would have to investigate what it was she put on her chocolate skin. It was delicious.
“You are stunning Kimberly… Just stunning.” His eyes sealed his sincerity and she accepted the compliment with grace, the usually fiery retorts left for another night.
“Thank you Richard. Shall we go inside?”
Never taking his eyes off her, the pair traveled up the stairs. This was a perfect night. Jasmine met them by the door dressed in all different shades of pink. Her flounced skirt bounced as she hopped from side to side before welcoming Kimberly.
“Hi Ms. Kimberly. Would you like to see my room?”
Kimberly was taken back to her own pink room that attempted to mend her fractured childhood.
“Yes, I most certainly would Jasmine.”
In the capable hands of Jasmine Damask, Ms. Kimberly was given a tour of the entire house while a neglected Richard went back to his guests. The girls joined him at the back of the house for the festivities and Lena launched into action.
Before Richard turned to wave at the duo searching for him, Lena made her way over to her son’s side. An angry whisper escaped the corner of her lips as she demanded answers.
“What the hell is she doing here Richard? This is a family affair. There is no reason for her to be here. And why is she with Jasmine? You know how these people are!”
“No mother, I don’t know how these people are. But I have learned that most are not nasty, jaded and bitter like you. Get a grip before I help you find one.”
The mayor was his great uncle. He and Richard’s group of ancient aunts were chatting and turned to stare at the black woman not dressed like a maid. One by one the groups of chattering people silenced as Jasmine held Kimberly’s hand and lead the way to her father.
The courtyard was completely silent as the three united. Lena glared, disgusted by the scene developing before her. This could not be happening.
Shifting from her position, Lena called, “Jasmine, come with granny. Let’s go set up the chocolate fountain.”
Jasmine bounced over to her grandmother, unaware of the silent daggers being fired. Slowly the crowd returned to normal, but Kimberly and Richard were well aware of the glances. Not all were hostile.
He held her hand as he introduced her to his family members, and they all smiled politely. It wasn’t going too badly. The dinner bell was being rung and people shuffled inside the grand back patio where dinner would be served.
The risotto was creamy and the lobster divine, as people chatted lightly around the table. Dessert was served buffet style, and the options were endless. Sitting in a cozy corner, Richard nuzzled Kim’s neck and tried to absorb her timeless fragrance. He was more smitten than a schoolboy.
The cheese cake was vanilla covered in chocolate drizzles. Maybe it was chosen intentionally. It was in the ten minutes that Richard left to check on Jasmine that the ominous figure of Lena appeared around the Chinese screen meant to provide privacy. Approaching like a snake stalking prey, she slithered into the seat Richard left vacant.
“Ms. Walsh… so nice to see you again. Are you enjoying the evening?”
Intuition was the only thing Kimberly usually relied on and it was screaming for her to flee impending danger.
“I am enjoying it. What about yourself?”
“Oh, splendidly… Just splendidly.”
Lena paused for dramatic effect before she launched into the heart of her speech. She needed to be quick. There was no need for Richard to hear what she had to say.
“Ms. Walsh I know that you have taken an interest in my son. Now I know this is 2015 and many of your type believe that this is your time to be equal and all of that. As honestly as possible, I will tell you that I do not agree. There is a place for everyone under the sun and yours is not with Richard Damask. Consider yourself warned.”
He was standing there the whole time. The cheesecake he held for Kimberly had begun to melt- probably from the anger overtaking his senses. Emerging only when Lena left, Richard sat and considered the now troubled face of Kimberly. Setting the decadent desert aside, he held her hand and stared into her dark eyes without a word. Sadness and pain registered all over her face and he was tired of seeing it there.
“Come with me.” He said and the two sprang from their chairs. Richard led Kimberly to the brightly lit gazebo in the middle of the well manicured lawn. The DJ was in his mid fifties and unaware that music had evolved since the Beetles. Kimberly was subsequently informed that he was a distant cousin. The family allowed him to relive his youth whenever they gathered. Yes, it was awful, but they had all become accustomed to his selections. Richard whispered, “Uncle Jed, can I borrow your volume quickly?”
Uncle Jed nodded to the music in his modern headphones while passing the microphone to Richard, who promptly blew into it causing everyone to suffer sudden deafness.
Attention caught, they all turned to listen to whatever the host had to say.
“I just want to thank you all for coming. It’s been a whole year since I’ve seen some of you and it always warms my heart to see family together.” A few nodded their head and others smiled. The majority were fixated on the black woman with the memorable figure holding his hand. Richard continued.
“I have been thinking recently and my mind roamed to many things. Specifically, I thought about love, the miracle of things lost and things gained, the fragility of life. After helping a friend recently with the death of her aunt,” Kimberly looked up at her family reference, “I realized that we are all the same. We feel pain, we feel happiness and loneliness as well. Some of us chose to do good in our spare time, others seek to plant trouble and separation. I am so happy that I am from a family that is progressive and never spares the time to be cruel or unkind. Like my dear mother Lena said, ‘ we are all created equal.’
Mother and child silently communicated across the airwaves. Lena stood blushing that she had been indirectly called out. Richard had more to say.
“This fabulous young lady here that I have introduced you to is one of those rare people I speak about. Compassionate, kind and even a little fiery.” The crowd laughed at the quip and then Richard dropped the grand finale. “Kimberly Walsh does not know it yet, but I want her to be my wife. I want her to be a part of my life and my family, so on the count of three I want you… all if you to ask her with me, ‘will you marry me?”
Kimberly was fainting and clutching her chest in the way only she could. Gently at first but then feverishly, as Richard loudly counted to three with his enthusiastic family following suit.
“Will you marry me?” They all shouted, and Kimberly burst into tears. It was the little girl Jasmine who would change it all when she tugged on the dress her father bought. It was just a private whisper between girls.
“Will you please marry my daddy? I am going off to college soon and he needs someone to take care of him while I am away. Besides that I really think you are pretty and I can paint your nails!”
Her thin hand emerged from behind her pink skirt and there, dangling on her thumb was a ring. Sparkling and bright, the single rock created a prism in the artificial light. Kimberly took the ring from the small girl and looked at Richard while the crowd held their breath.
“Yes, Richard. I will marry you.” Then she repeated loudly, “I will marry all of you!” Falling into Richard’s arms as the cheers and claps surrounded them she felt good. She felt alive. She felt complete.
From her loft, Queen Lena looked down at the spect
acle of black and white before her. This wasn’t good enough. This couldn’t be happening. Where the hell was Richard’s father? The music was striking up again and everyone was dancing. Had they lost their minds? A black woman marrying her lily white son? No. Never!
Lena turned to walk away, but then changed her mind. She was a good woman who wanted the best for her only child. He could do better. Richard had addressed the crowd and now it was her turn. Weaving through the dancing couples, she made her way over Jed. He was bopping to Earth, Wind & Fire before the venomous Lena snatched the microphone away and pressed random buttons on the old console until the music ceased.
All attendees glanced around at the woman now yelling frantically, her voice piercing through the speakers.
“Each of you has lost your mind! How is this acceptable? This woman is an impostor and needs to be with her own kind. You said yes to Richard marrying her, but I say no! This not right! Nothing good can come from this mix!”
Richard was on the war path to reach his mother and possibly clobber her. It was the rustling at the patio steps where Lena once towered that brought the tirade to an abrupt end. The man responsible for the family fortune and the legends that followed their legacy, Robert Damask, made his entrance. Fashionably late, but still domineering, he announced his arrival with a loud, “Hello everyone!”
Richard was happy his own personal savior had arrived. Robert was a man of few words, but a deadly orator none the less. Lena stood in suspended animation. In their last conversation he had said he may not be coming. Evidently he had changed his mind.
“Lena, I have been listening to your useless chatter. Please leave Richard and this lovely young woman he has chosen, alone.” Walking toward Kimberly, his voice never quivered. As Robert stopped at Kim’s side, he lifted and kissed her hands. His vote mattered and he had approved.
Robert was not finished, “For those of you that were unaware, Lena has been screwing Stanley, the family driver for years. Upstanding black gentleman. I thank you for your assistance over the years.” Robert sent a soldier’s salute to Stanley who waved from where he stood next to the maids. His boss was alright in his books.
Lena was now officially beet colored and embarrassed. Dropping the mic and exiting stage left was her only option to escape the glares and laughter- plus Robert had one more announcement.
“Please welcome my personal guest and sweet heart, Robin.”
The slender, dark, Caribbean beauty emerged from her shelter behind a tree, narrowly escaping the running escape of Robert’s ex wife. Exquisite and elegant, only Kimberly’s beauty rivaled the new visitor in the place.
The father and son dynamic duo made way to their partner’s side, and the Uncle Jed struck up the band. There was a reason to celebrate. Love had made its way back into the Damask family quite colorfully.
There was an old owl somewhere on Richard’s estate that hooted soulfully in the dark, wee into the morning hours. It was 3 am and Kimberly and Richard were still up. All the guests had long since left and Jasmine put to bed by her grandfather. Some good things came of the evening after all.
Still fully dressed, the two sat staring at the dancing candles flickering in the night, sipping the latest selection from the Damask wine cellar. He broke the silence as his beautiful fiancé eyes flickered, reflecting the flame.
Holding her hand and bringing her out the trance she seemed lost in, Richard said, “I could watch you forever Kimberly. I truly could.”
Smiling in that way that could melt his heart instantly, Kimberly leaned over without responding and brushed her lips against his, coaxing them apart.
It was Richard that turned it into a passionate kiss. Bringing his hand around her smooth neck, he pulled Kim into him, invading her mouth with his searching tongue. The kiss left her mouth and Richard took it to the hollow of her neck and the curve of her shoulder. Kimberly was floating.
Richard was the one driving this ship and it seemed that he was late for his arrival. His hands desperately roamed the back of Kimberly’s nakedness, exposed by his deliberate choice of dress. Toying with the line that existed between the white fabric and her brown skin, Richard looked for the zipper holding the impeding dress to her body. He wanted her free of the garment. Zipper located and pulled down amid a hail of kisses to the back of her neck, the dress fell into a puff around her ankles and there she stood.
Kimberly’s breasts and mound were now only covered by the soft mesh thong and lace bandeau bra. They were in his way and Richard was becoming agitated that there were more clothes to remove.
Backing her onto the bed from the chaise lounge where they once sat, Kimberly was eased onto the bed Richard once shared with his ex wife. It was time for new experiences and new beginnings. The bed would be gone by tomorrow and Kim could pick any one she liked.
Her legs were a secret obsession for Richard. Their sturdiness and structure aroused him and as he massaged the smooth, of skin of her inner thigh, Kimberly shuddered in anticipation. He was playing a game, moving closer and closer to her pussy without touching it and this made her crazy.
The ticking clock on the wall seemed louder and louder, and only Richard’s breath punctuated Kimberly's moans.
She wanted him to touch her, devour her, and take her. Kim’s nipples were ripe with desire and because Richard spent his time concentrating on the mound between her legs now swollen, Kimberly rolled the chocolate buds between her fingers, adding to her arousal. Taking the cue, Richard shifted his focus and closed his mouth over the ripe peaks.
Kimberly writhed and arched her back in reception of this welcome pleasure. She was wet and ready but Richard was not. Standing to his full height revealed his very erect shaft, without a word, he rolled his queen over onto her tummy. He wanted to have her from the back. Intuitive and yearning, Kim crouched on her knees, her glorious globes waving like twin buoys teasing the waves of his rigid plank.
Between her full legs and round ass cheeks, the lips of Kimberly’s bulging pussy protruded and Richard was suddenly hungry. Parting them easily with the help of the juices dripping down her thighs, he easily found her clit, just under the moist folds. With an artful and precise tongue, he suckled on her sensitive button and Kimberly lost it. Her cries reached fever pitch and her clutching at the sheets granted no release or escape. The pressure was building.
Pushing it to a whole new level, Richard found her waiting chasm. Circling the entrance with his tongue drove Kimberly to the edge of the bed and almost to the floor. Legs in the air and balanced on her hands, Kimberly knew she was cuming.
Richard didn’t let her get away. He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her ass open and devouring the pussy before him. Pulling her legs into a half split, he delved his tongue in the middle of Kim’s pussy and tongue fucked her to oblivion.
The trembling started at her toes in the air and moved to the thighs and ass cheeks in his hands. Richard’s tongue became coated in the cream overflowing from his trembling fiancé. The deliciously thick liquid made his taste buds sing and he made certain she was clean and he was full at the end of his eating.
Easing back and lowering Kim’s legs back onto the bed, Richard positioned his cock in alignment with Kim’s moist chasm. Without hesitation, he forced the entire length of his throbbing shaft into her and it was then that the flood began.
A red hot heat covered his pelvis and in a glance he realized he was covered with her liquid. The stream continued to shoot out of her pussy and her ass vibrated with her climax. Spent of energy in those few moments, Kimberly collapsed on the bed, incensed by the cock still embedded deep inside her.
Her ass was perfect for gripping, there was no need for her to be on her knees, laying on her stomach was just fine. Spreading the ample cheeks as far apart as he could, Richard moved in the wet tight space. Forward and back he moved, filling her until she could hold no more. Kimberly’s ringlets were thrashing left to right as she tried to control the clenching of her pussy muscl
es. She was climbing the hill of ecstasy again and so was Richard.
The sound of their juices mixing was music to the dance, building to a magnificent crescendo. The ass before Richard clapped every time he surged forward and the sensation of tight moisture took him into a trance.
His palms were securely planted on the soft cheeks, driving home the train of pleasure pulling him to the top. The pounding in her ears was flooding her senses and Kim was trying to hold on to her last thread of sanity. It was no longer possible. The waterfall of pleasure burst the dams of her pussy and the cry from her lips was piercing.
Richard arrived quickly arriving after Kim. The thrusting of his hips stiffened and became more directed to the center bottom of her tightening crevice. The temperature gauge in his balls rose and Richard lost feelings in his thighs and all sensitivity went to the head of his cock. The orgasm was knocking and Richard had to answer.
Rushing out of him and into her, the cum spouted and escaped down the folds of Kimberly’s impaled pussy. He could not move, neither could she. The two stayed there, connected by the waist for a long time.
Reaching around and grabbing Richard’s hand, Kimberly placed his hand on her chest. He placed his head between her shoulder blades and listened to her now calm breathing. Feeling his warmth cover her back, she shifted his hand to the left and murmured, “Can you feel that my love? My heart is racing.”
Richard simply smiled and sighed, content that his world was happy once again, before he replied, “Kimberly, my heart is racing too.”
The end.
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