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Submissive Training

Page 3

by Jennifer Denys

  Kat felt Ben staring in her direction, but she refused to look him in the eye.

  Gary continued, “However, before you decide further, I suggest you finish this exercise. We are going to hand out some blindfolds for you to tie around your eyes. We then want you to stay where you are. Along with ourselves and other Doms in the room you haven’t been introduced to yet, we will walk among you, touching you.”

  “What do you mean ‘touch us,’ Sir?” came a comment.

  “Well, you’ll just have to see what happens. In real life, you may be touched in a variety of ways from very intimate to informal. You may have to take whatever anyone wants to do to you. This exercise will show you that the Doms are experienced and what they look like may have nothing to do with their expertise. I am not talking about intercourse. Apart from anything else, it is illegal to have intercourse in public.”

  Some were more eager than others to get their blindfolds on. Kat looked over at Ben as she toyed with her blindfold, having been too busy watching the reaction of the others to put hers on.

  He raised an eyebrow mockingly.

  She hurried to place it over her eyes. It felt strange being in the middle of a room with lots of other people with nothing to touch to ground herself.

  As she began to get used to the disorientation, a strangled gasp left her mouth as someone touched her shoulder. Whoever it was felt as if they were a similar height, which would be fairly tall as Kat was the tall one in her family being five feet ten inches. The hand left her and was replaced by another one, this one touching her butt. She resisted the urge to shift away from the hand, which caressed her slowly before leaving.

  There were a few moments when nothing happened, during which she became aware of the heavy breathing of people nearby. It wasn’t something she had been aware of earlier and wondered if she was doing the same.

  “Oh my God—that’s a woman.”

  Kat mused at that comment, which had come from the eager woman who didn’t sound so eager anymore.

  “Yes, so?” called the deep voice of Master Gary.

  “So I am heterosexual.”

  “And this is an alternative lifestyle,” he explained. “You should expect to be touched by both sexes if you wish to continue.”

  Silence was the loud reply from the eager woman. In fact, the silence was palpable as people took this information in. Kat wasn’t sure herself how she felt about this.

  Then came another gasp, well, an eek actually, from Kat this time as she suddenly felt two people touching her on either side. At least she thought it was two people as the hands were moving at different paces, one stroking her thigh, pushing firmly up under her skirt between her legs, causing her to shift on her feet to keep her balance. The other hand trailed up her back to clasp her neck firmly.

  Now that person was taller than her, considerably. She was put in mind of Ben. He towered over her as few people did.

  The hand between her thighs departed, leaving the other hand still at her neck moving around to encircle her throat. She felt that person move behind her, a hard body plastering itself against her back, his erection against her upper buttocks. At least it was a man, she pondered. The one who touched her butt, she thought, might have been a woman.

  Her thoughts were brought back to the present as the other hand of the person behind her moved sensuously around her body to clasp a breast, his hand caressing her waist as he went. Her head went back, tilting against his shoulder as she started to pant. She could feel what a muscled body he had. The hand at her breast squeezed his finger and thumb, holding her nipple tightly between them, causing her to cry out before she was left abruptly.

  It was so sudden she wanted to rip off her blindfold to regain her grounding and, of course, see who it was. But she didn’t. Instead, she continued to stand there, her breathing beginning to calm down as she came to terms with the fact that she had just had strange people touch her intimately. No wonder Jon didn’t want Rebecca attending.

  The next sensation she felt was something soft coming around her throat.

  Master Gary spoke again, “What you are all feeling or about to feel will be a training collar around your neck. We don’t like the image of a dog collar as commonly used for collars and instead use velvet ribbons. In a few moments I am going to tell you all to take your blindfolds off. That will be the end of this session. You will see people have different color collars. By the end of the week you will learn why, but suffice to say that a collar distinguishes you as a submissive, and many Doms give their submissive a special collar akin to a wedding ring.”

  Kat sucked in a breath as her collar was tied around her, instinctively putting her hand up to her neck.

  * * * *

  “You may take off the blindfolds now.”

  Ben made sure he was on the other side of the room when Kat took hers off. He was still surprised, but pleased, that she had actually stayed at the event but noted that she hadn’t said a word so far.

  He could feel her looking around the room for him, but he deliberately turned his face away toward Paulene, who was standing nearby, reaching out a hand to steady her as if it was her he had been touching.

  Other than a swipe of his hand as he passed them, he had touched no one else other than Kat. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He had had to resist the urge to pull her away from Master Maurice, another trainer who hadn’t been involved in the session until then. He had gotten to Kat a moment before Ben did and was moving his hand toward Kat’s thighs. However, a stern glare at Maurice soon made him move on.

  As he remembered this, he groaned.

  Maurice and the other trainers would take him to task over this later. Particularly as he was supposed to move on himself after he had touched Kat, but he had given the cold shoulder to the others who tried to insinuate themselves and continued touching her. God she was lovely.

  Then he frowned. How could he be so attracted to her when he didn’t really know her? Was it just lust or something more? Yes, he thought her very capable as shown by her organization of the wedding. But now he found himself admiring her for having stayed despite his earlier comments and he had watched her carefully to gauge her reaction during the exercise, pleased with what he saw.

  He grimaced at what he had done at the end. Why did he have to go and give her his personal collar, he grilled himself. All the others had blue for novice, “needs careful handling,” purple for intermediate, “push boundaries a bit,” and red for advanced, “push as much as you like.” He looked around the room. There were only two reds, not surprising as this conference was for beginners, although some people didn’t know how far they could be pushed at first, and most were blue. Interestingly, one of the reds was the argumentative woman. He wondered if the trainers had done that deliberately to force her hand as he didn’t really think she was that advanced. The green collar he gave Kat, on the other hand, indicated to his fellow Doms that he was interested and “to keep their hands off.” Had he done that for her benefit or his?

  Master Gary thanked everyone for attending and dismissed the class.

  As they started to file out, Ben moved forward to speak to his colleagues. He was ignoring the woman he really wanted to look at to ascertain how she had taken his touch and how she looked wearing his collar. Afterward, he couldn’t have told anyone what the other trainers said.

  Chapter Three

  Day Two

  Ben stood outside a room and took a deep breath. He had tried to keep away from Kat since yesterday’s induction class. In fact, he had given attention to one of the other students just to pretend he wasn’t interested in Kat. But he was only kidding himself. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted to know her further. What drives her to stay, is she more submissive than she seems, and what does her naked body look like?

  There were a number of workshops today, and he had checked to see which ones Kat had signed up for. He had told himself it was just to see what sort of sessions she would be attending.
In reality, he found himself walking up to the room where her first class of the day was taking place, having swapped places with another one of the scheduled trainers.

  He couldn’t put it off anymore and entered.

  Looking around quickly, he saw Kat was there already. He could tell by her surprised look that she didn’t expect him. Hell, he didn’t expect to be there despite the blatant ownership symbol around her neck. He told himself he needed to keep a close eye on her. Although as one of the tutors at this event, he shouldn’t have favorites.

  Monica, who had also been in yesterday’s class, was beginning this session, and she glared at him as he moved to stand at the back. They had had words about him putting his collar on Kat after the induction class. Thankfully Maurice wasn’t here.

  “Welcome to this workshop, which is about presentation. How you present yourself to your Master as much as how you present yourself to the public. You had your first lesson on presentation yesterday afternoon with the training collars. Yes, Celia?” She frowned as a hand went straight up.

  Ben chuckled to himself. It was the argumentative woman from yesterday who made some sarcastic comments.

  “Why do I have a red collar and hardly anyone else?”

  He wondered how Monica would take that direct question.

  “Were you not listening at the end of the session yesterday?”

  Craning his neck, he looked to see how Celia was coping with that comment. Her face was mottled pink with embarrassment.

  “Well, I’ll remind you. You will learn by the end of the week.”

  Ben risked a glance over at Kat, who was fingering her collar thoughtfully.

  “So to continue, one form of presentation is the collar you are wearing, which will tell others if you are Dom, sub, or trainee. We also talked about the importance of respect toward your Master. This can be verbal, but it can also be how you present yourselves physically. Does anyone know the standard posture when greeting a Master or at any time he or she commands you to ‘take the position?’ Yes, you there, Gwen isn’t it? Can you show me?”

  Gwen balked for a moment, clearly not expecting to have to show this, but the purple collar around her throat indicated she had some knowledge. She got up from her chair and kneeled down. Her arms behind her back thrust her breasts forward.

  “Excellent. You will note that this position, with arms behind her back, shows her breasts off to advantage. Another stance is with hands behind the head, but that can be tiring, and we recommend you only hold that pose when your Master requests it. Also note that her knees are shoulder-width apart. This is very important as it gives the Dom access to her pussy at all times.”

  Ben looked over at Kat again and frowned. She seemed to be swallowing nervously at the thought of her genitals being on view to all and sundry.

  “Also note that Gwen is looking down. This is significant, too, as looking directly at your Master could be seen as a challenge.”

  “Mistress, please?” At Monica’s nod, the speaker continued, “Could it also mean that the sub is not totally submissive? That they are interested to a certain extent in being submissive but not all the way.”

  The speaker squirmed at Monica’s less-than-friendly glare. Ben stifled a grin.

  “You could say that, but why get into this lifestyle if you are not prepared to go all the way?”

  “Hang on a moment, aren’t there people called switches or something.”

  He groaned at the interruption from Celia.

  Monica angrily snapped back, “No, you hang on a moment. I appreciate you would like to ask questions or have comments to make, but even in a normal lifestyle, there are good manners.” Celia ducked her head guiltily. Monica calmed down. “However, I will answer your comment to say yes, a switch is someone who can be Dom or sub, and you will learn more about them in another class. This one is about being submissive and presenting yourself as such. Now time for some work. Master Ben, if you will take over please.”

  Startled, having forgotten for the moment the trainer he had swapped with had a part to play in the session, he moved to the flipchart. Monica told the class to call out other ways a person might “present” themselves. He wrote down,

  Obeying the Master/not taking initiative

  Not wearing panties/underwear

  Sitting at Master’s feet

  Tied up/handcuffed/blindfold

  Wearing sexy clothes


  Being flogged

  He stopped writing. “How can being flogged show you are presenting yourselves?” he asked the person who had called that out.

  “Um, well, isn’t flogging part of what happens?”

  “It can be, but we are talking just about presentation.”

  Crossing that one out, he glanced at Monica, but she was sitting down, looking pointedly at him to continue. She was getting her own back. Well, he had done this session several times before, so he knew what was expected.

  “I note none of you have said being naked.” He looked around the room and saw them glance nervously at each other. “The degree of your nakedness in front of your Master or in public may determine how far you trust your Dom. It could, of course, mean you are an exhibitionist.” He stopped, startled when some people laughed. It wasn’t meant it as a joke. He was deadly serious and really took this way of life to heart.

  Looking directly at Kat, he saw her shiver. Was it in fear or arousal? “So to continue this exercise, I would like you all to take up the position that Gwen did earlier … but as naked as you are prepared to go in front of us all.”

  * * * *

  Kat’s cry of shock was echoed around the room. Ben continued to look at her. She guessed he did so to ascertain her reaction. Had he suggested this just to get back at her?

  She wished Ellie had come into this session with her, but she was attending a different class, so Kat sat still waiting to see what the others would do. After yesterday’s session, she had been intrigued enough to want to learn more. Besides which, this was Ben’s life, and she wanted to know more about what made him tick.

  Finally someone took the lead. It was one of the other purple-collared people who declared she had nothing to hide, took everything off, and kneeled on the floor, although Kat noticed her knees were close together. Two others followed by taking everything off, but some only took their outer clothes off, leaving underwear on.

  “Oh God, I can’t do it,” cried the eager woman from the other night who had got down to her underwear but now, wrestling with her confidence, pulled her top back on.

  “There’s no right or wrong here. It is just a sign of how far you are prepared to present yourself as submissive.”

  As Ben spoke Kat took advantage of the fact that he was looking away to shuck her dress before kneeling down. She started breathing faster. As she went to open her knees to the appropriate distance, she became aware of how wet she was as she had found it all quite arousing. She grimaced to herself and closed her legs.

  “You’re not closing them are you…Kat?” She jumped. Ben stood over her, and then he bent down on one knee. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

  She opened her knees slightly.

  “More than that,” he requested. When she complied, he slid his hand in. She sucked in a breath as he felt her wet panties. She dared a quick glance at his face to see his reaction, but she couldn’t tell if he was delighted by her obvious arousal. She nearly groaned out loud as his fingers stroked her mound, his thumb rubbing her silk covered clit. A shot of desire ran through her body and she trembled.

  Before anything further happened, Monica brusquely, and loudly, interrupted. “Okay, everyone. That is good. Not only because it gives you the opportunity to experience nakedness or semi-nakedness in front of others and to practice your position, but it also gives us, the trainers, a measure of your inhibitions. Kat, over there, is clearly ashamed to show off her body totally despite the fact that she is extremely beautiful. Her shoulders are also hunched a
s if she is hiding her lovely tits. She appears reluctant to offer her pussy to the Master. These together tell us she might not be submissive material.”

  Kat flushed at being picked out of the group. She then briefly glanced up at Ben, who was giving her a look of “told you so.” Damn.

  Monica continued, “Now please stand but maintain your submissive positions. In other words, feet apart, hands behind your back, breasts forward. We are now going to give you a further demonstration of how you could present yourself physically as a submissive, and I require a volunteer.”

  Several hands were raised. Kat wasn’t one of them. After the last put-down, she was staying out of it.

  Ben took up the lesson. “Ladies, I am glad that so many of you wish to volunteer, but you should at least wait until you know what you are volunteering for.” A ripple of laughter went around the room. He moved to a table at the side of the room covered with a thick bath towel. “So who is willing to have their pussy shaved?”


  Kat looked around and gasped. The eager woman had fainted.

  “Oh dear,” said Monica, clearly amused rather than worried. Another trainer in the room who had remained silent so far moved forward to assist. The woman was recovering but a bit hysterical, so she was led out of the room. “Is anyone else going to faint?”

  They looked around to ascertain the steadiness of the others.

  “Um, may I ask a question, Mistress?” This came from Gwen. At the nod, she continued, “Is Master Ben doing the shaving?” She seemed keen that it be Ben who would be doing it. Kat bristled. She didn’t want him touching any other women, and then realized how jealous she felt.

  * * * *

  Ben answered, “The volunteer having it done won’t know. We will require them to have a blindfold on, and they will be loosely tied and unable to touch the person, so it could be myself, Monica, or any of the other trainers. It is all part of learning to be submissive.” He emphasized the last word.


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