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Submissive Training

Page 5

by Jennifer Denys

  “At breakfast tomorrow morning, you will be given a sealed envelope with your name on it. Inside will be a room for you to go to and the time scheduled. There will also be the name of the activity you will be undertaking. All these activities follow on from this demonstration. In other words, you will be experiencing different forms of bondage furniture and a punishment.”

  Kat groaned as Ellie jumped up and down with eagerness.

  “You won’t have a choice, so don’t think you can swap your envelope with someone else. You are a submissive remember, you will do as you are told. Similarly, you will not know the person who will be training you in this session. You will obey whoever turns up. Your instructions on arrival in the room will be to strip and take up the presentation position you were shown previously. If you are still uncomfortable being naked, you may keep your underwear on. That is all. Good night.”

  Chapter Five

  Day Three

  Kat arrived at breakfast the next morning with trepidation. She hadn’t slept much the night before. The events of the day had raced through her head, and the anxiety of what was to come lay heavily on her. It was one thing to attend workshops with others around, but quite another to be alone with a Master. And would she get Ben?

  Ellie raced ahead to get to her envelope lying on her plate and tore it open. “Oh wow. I’ve got the St. Andrew’s Cross. Holy Mary!”

  She smiled at Ellie’s expression and laughed as Ellie jumped up and down. “Come on. Open yours.”

  Kat’s smile faltered and she forced herself the last few steps to the table and gingerly reached out to the envelope. Taking a deep breath, she opened it.

  Spanking bench. Room 512.

  Echoing Ellie’s curse in her head, she re-read the note. Spanking. Oh. My. God. Apart from being spanked as a child when she had done something naughty, at no time in her adult life had any lover even suggested doing anything like spanking. She knew her sister, Rebecca, had done it with Jon, as it had come out at one of the Champagne Friday evenings with her gang of girlfriends. They had read about a couple who indulged in spanking fetishes. At the time she had grimaced, feeling it was too much information to know about her sister’s sex life, but part of her had been intrigued.

  Okay, she could do it. Although it did depend on who the trainer was going to be—if it was Maurice, she would use her safe word. Ben, on the other hand…

  * * * *

  Ben took a deep breath before entering room 512. He had made sure that he got this individual session with Kat. In fact, he had to call in several favors with Maurice. He wondered what Kat’s reaction would be when she saw it was him. Part of him was stunned she was still there, part of him pleased, extremely pleased. Well, time to find out. He opened the door.

  First impressions were not good. Not only was she not naked, she wasn’t even down to her underwear. And she wasn’t in the presentation position either but was examining the bench. And she didn’t even seem to have heard him enter.

  “So I take it you are not interested in taking this training any further?” His voice sounded abrupt even to him.

  As she whirled around, her face went pale when she saw him, her mouth open. “Oh, hell.” She looked down at herself. “Oh shit. I’m sorry. I was intrigued by the apparatus. I do want to continue.”

  She looked chagrinned. He relented slightly. “In that case strip now.”

  Relieved that she was continuing, he watched as she hurriedly complied and he leaned against the door negligently, his arms folded, resisting the urge to catch his breath as she revealed her beautiful body. She was even more drop-dead gorgeous than he remembered from yesterday.

  When she dropped her dress and took off her shoes, she seemed to hesitate. “Is that it? Aren’t you going to take off your underwear?” He knew he sounded fiercer than he had intended, but it had shocked him to arrive to see her fully clothed. He had envisaged beforehand what he would do to her, and this threw him.

  Kat shook her head. “We have the option to keep underwear on, don’t we?”

  Ben ignored her question and moved forward into the room. “And what about your positioning?”

  “Oh.” She kneeled quickly, her arms behind her back, which thrust her breasts out. Ben felt himself getting very hard the more he looked at her. He cursed silently as he tried to maintain a professional attitude. I’m supposed to be training her, for Christ’s sake!

  Bringing his thoughts back to the task at hand he noticed something. “Why do I always have to tell you to open your knees?” She flushed and hurriedly opened them. At least her head was bent, but that was probably from shame or embarrassment, he thought.

  “Hm. Not a good start to your session so far. You obviously know this is a spanking bench. What experience have you had of spanking?”

  “Um, other than spankings as a child, I have no experience whatsoever.”

  “Does that mean you were a particularly unruly child?”

  He could just see her smiling beneath her bent head. “Probably.”

  Resisting the urge to chuckle and rather liking the idea of her being resistant, he requested, “Please stand with legs apart and arms back.”

  He waited until she did this as he pondered why he might like her resisting, since he normally preferred very submissive women, and found he couldn’t answer his own question.

  Shaking his head at this, he directed, “Now move over to the bench, and I will point out some features.” He followed her and saw her glancing at him. Part of her appeared fascinated, part worried. He found himself wanting to allay her fears.

  Moving around to the other side of the bench, which was actually a fairly elaborate apparatus, he tapped the knee pads halfway up the front and smiled, unusual for him, as he instructed. “This is where you will put your knees. You then lean forward resting your body along the middle padded bench. Your forehead goes here.” He had moved to the top of the bench and indicated a padded bar at the top. “Your hands are placed on these bars, and you will be restrained.”

  She gasped. “I hadn’t realized you would do that. May I ask why?”

  “It is necessary to stop you moving about during the procedure and the spank—or any other implement being used—hitting the wrong part of your body. Similarly, if you jerk suddenly during the activity, you may fall off if not restrained.”

  “Oh, I can see that. Okay.”

  “If you have no other questions, please lay as I have said.”

  He waited until she tentatively lay down before tying her hands and then moving to the other end to wrap a tie around each knee, firmly affixing her to the apparatus. Seeing she was getting a little anxious, he laid a soothing hand on her back, brushing her long hair off to fall to the side so it didn’t get in the way. “Don’t worry. I will remain here. An important rule for the Master is not to leave a bound person alone in case something happens and they can’t get free.

  “Now, as we have stated previously, one of the reasons for being spanked—or any other punishment—is because you deserve to be chastised. The fact that you neglected your instructions and were not ready for my arrival is the first penalty. I can think of many others, but I want you to tell me what these may be.”

  As soon as he finished, without waiting for her to speak, he gave her the first of the spankings, knowing she was too busy thinking to consider the impending hit.

  “Ow. Shit. I wasn’t expecting it so quickly.”

  “Come on, Kat. That was for the reason I just indicated. I am waiting for the next.”

  “Oh, um, being reluctant to join in classes at the start of the week.” He hit her other buttock, and this time followed it up with a soothing caress. He could feel her tightening her butt. He wondered if it was more for the caress than for the hit. He hoped it was.

  “Keep going.”

  “Er—not opening my legs wide enou—Ahhh, what are you doing?” Ben had pulled her panties down. Then he hit her bare butt.

  “That was a satisfactory reason, but one you c
ould have given was your constant questioning.” He gave her another spank for that. “As for why I have pulled your panties down when you requested to keep your underwear on, well, the reasons are varied. Firstly, so I can ascertain how pink you are getting and better determine when you have had enough. Secondly, I get a better hit without anything in the way. Thirdly, and the most important reason, because I am the Master and I want to see your naked butt. That alone should be reason enough. Now continue with your list of appalling mistakes.” As he finished, he ran his hand over her hot butt and down her thigh, coming up her other leg, his fingers brushing her pussy and up her cleft.

  He could see she was panting and felt her body quiver. “Kat!”

  “Um, oh God. I can’t think when you do that. I’m not sure I’ve done anything else wrong. Have I?”

  Giving her two hard spanks to either buttock, he then moved in between her legs to fondle both of the globes, caressing softly. He shifted forward until his erect cock tenting his trousers was wedged between her buttocks and nearly moaned loudly at the pleasure this gave him. His voice was huskier than normal. “How about the fact that you have failed to call me Master or Sir? Probably all week.”

  “Oh, hell. Sorry, Sir.” She finished with a whimper as he rocked back and forth, moving his hands to unclasp her bra. The sight of Kat bound to the bench, her naked buttocks against his hard cock, her panties around her thighs, bra dangling from its straps, made him groan. He desperately wanted to see her luscious breasts, but for that he would have to untie her, and she might think her session had ended. Instead, he ran a hand up her back, caressing, moving around her body to clasp the breast which fell to the side of the padded board. She jerked in response but didn’t say anything. Emboldened, he did the same with the other one, easing it from where it was pressed against the board, plucking the nipples between finger and thumb before flicking them with his thumbs.

  “Shit, Ben… Master Ben. Oh God.” She shook under his ministrations. But they only echoed his own shakes.

  Jesus, her breasts felt wonderful, the nipples hard between his fingers. Swiftly he undid his trousers and let his throbbing cock out and rubbed himself in her cleft, groaning as he did. His voice was gruff. “A follow-on activity after a spanking might well have the Master making love to his submissive. After all, she is in a perfect position and, if he has done his job properly, thoroughly aroused.”

  However, it wasn’t part of the deal to have sex with the delegates, whether he knew them or not, so hardening his emotions he regretfully forced himself to move away. “So that ends this session.”


  He stopped unsure why she had cried out. Was she hurt?

  “Please don’t go.” Her plea was plaintive.

  Ben froze. He was tempted. Oh so tempted.

  Bolstered by his presence still there, she wiggled her butt in the air. “Please. I want you. I need you so much.”

  Against his better judgment, he pushed himself tightly against her again and felt a deep sigh come from her. This shattered his resolve and he pulled a condom from his pocket to sheathe himself. Feeling her jerk back against the restraints, indicating her need to have him inside her, he swatted her butt, though somewhat gently.

  “Stop it. You’re trying to top from the bottom.” As she stilled, he rewarded her by grasping his very hard cock and positioning it at the entrance to her pussy, which was incredibly wet, and held it there.

  “Ahh. Pleeeease.”

  Holding her hips tightly to stop her pushing back on him, he asked in a voice husky with arousal, “What is it you want, Kat?”

  “Don’t tease.”

  “I’m not teasing. Tell me exactly what you need.” It was agony to wait. He wanted her as much as she seemed to want him, but his Dom persona took charge needing to prove he was in control.

  “I want you.”

  He chuckled. “We’ve established that, but where do you want me?”

  “Inside me.”

  “In your pussy?”


  “Then ask for it. For what part of me you want in you, my tongue, my fingers, or another part of me.” He lingered over each word drawing them out sensuously.

  She cried piteously, “I want your cock inside my pussy. Now!”

  He pulled back, determined not to let her top him. His cock pointed out from his body in her direction. It knew what it wanted.


  In return she got four swift spanks to show he was still in charge before he eased in slowly, very slowly, into her hot clenching pussy. However, his intention to enter her slowly didn’t last long as he was taken aback when she suddenly thrust her butt back to take him fully inside her with a lingering moan. He was amazed she had so much leverage, being tied down as she was.

  “Ahh. Oh God, that’s it.” She was panting heavily.

  As she sounded so relieved to get him inside her, he forgave her and started to thrust, twisting his body as he did, forcing her to accept him from different angles. Her moans turned to keening whimpers as he reached forward, pulling on a nipple, and clenched the fingers of his other hand, biting into her hip. He could feel her orgasm rising quickly, her body quivering.

  “Don’t come yet. A sub never comes without permission.” He released her nipple and held her tightly around the waist.

  “Then give it to me.”

  “My God, you’re the most undisciplined, demanding sub I’ve ever had. It would serve you right if I withdrew without giving you your climax.” He started to pull out teasingly even though there was no way he was going to finish without coming himself.

  “No, no, no. I’m sorry. Please, Master. May I come?” Her request was said so plaintively and her body shook so much that he gave in.

  “Come for me, Kat. Now.” He plunged back in forcefully, harder than he intended and harder than usual, but it did the trick.

  Kat came with a screeching yell, which reverberated around the room, swiftly followed by Ben with a groaning, “Yesss.” Both of them took deep breaths to gain back much-needed oxygen as they weathered the aftershocks.

  As soon as he calmed down, Ben bitterly regretted what he had done. He had had no intention of making love to Kat, and at the first opportunity he had done just that. He pulled out quickly, righting his clothes and untying her. As she started to sit up, somewhat shakily, he ran an equally shaky hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened. You have every right to complain to the conference organizers.”

  She looked at him, and he saw a variety of emotions cross her face, ecstasy being replaced with dismay and disappointment. “It’s all right. I pushed you into doing this. I have no intention of complaining,” she said magnanimously.

  “Thank you.” He left hurriedly.

  * * * *

  Kat was left wondering what the hell had just happened. Not only had she demanded he make love to her—and that went against type for her, at least in bedroom matters—but she had just had the best sex of her life, with the man she wanted more than anything, and then he had run out as if she was a disease he didn’t want to touch.

  Still kneeling against the bench as she ruminated, she didn’t hear the door open quietly. It wasn’t until a hand touched her still-naked buttocks, fondling them, that she realized she wasn’t alone. But it wasn’t Ben’s hand. She squealed in fright.

  “I can see you have had a good spanking, my dear,” stated Maurice.

  As Kat tried to get up, he held her down.

  “The way he just left the room, he clearly doesn’t want you. I can give you exactly what you need.”

  She felt Maurice’s lips on her butt, and wrenching herself out of his grip, Kat cried, “No!” Pulling her panties up, she quickly grabbed her dress and wrenched open the door sharply, thankful there was no one in the corridor to see her nakedness.

  Chapter Six

  After quickly donning her dress as soon as she was outside the room, Kat then rushed back to her bedroom.

  Leaning back against the door, she shook violently in reaction to the events that had just transpired, not only with Ben, but the unexpected arrival of Maurice. She wasn’t sure how to take Maurice but didn’t really like the idea of being touched intimately by him. Not to mention that his comments about Ben rankled.

  Breathing slowing and her heart beating less violently, Kat moved to lie on her bed and pulled the cover over her, curling in fetus position, trying to calm down.

  Tears gathered in her eyes as she remembered Ben’s comments. It was those that upset her so badly. She came to the conclusion that it hurt so much because part of her was in love with him already.

  She pondered if it was just lust as the sex had been incredible and that coming after the amazing spanking. She never thought in a million years she would like something so sinful so much. Unable to resist, she reached back to touch her buttocks, remembering how it had felt when his hand had hit her.

  If it was just lust, then why did she have the need to prove herself to him, to make him proud of her, to want to be the only submissive in his life?

  Her ruminations as she calmed down meant she missed lunch and the afternoon session she had signed up for on enforced chastity. The latter was a shame because it had sounded so intriguing, but it couldn’t be helped.

  The rest of the day was spent debating whether to stay or not, and finally she came to a decision after much soul-searching. Her fascination with the lifestyle notwithstanding, she just had to persuade Ben she could be his submissive. She’d do whatever it took. Well, she thought she could.

  She had hoped she would see him at dinner, but there was no sign of him. Instead, she got together with Ellie and a group of fellow students, and they wandered into the lounge she had hidden in her first day there, relaxing comfortably in the chairs talking about the activities they had individually attended during the week. Some of them had been in the same sessions as Kat, but some had experienced different workshops.

  “You didn’t want to go to tonight’s expert demo then?” asked Paulene. Kat frowned. She had forgotten there was a demo tonight.


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