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Submissive Training

Page 9

by Jennifer Denys

  Running a nervous hand through his short hair, he replied, “One could do. But surely you are not arguing with me?”

  Her grin got bigger. “No, Master.” Her smile then faltered as she continued, “But I was trying to do what you wanted, and I thought you wanted me to show you that I could be shared with other Doms as you might wish at some time in the future?” She finished this with a half hopeful look on her face.

  He stared at her for a few moments. She was totally right. He had dragged her out because he was jealous. And part of him did desperately want her to prove she could accept the touch of others. Hell. He snorted. He was indeed in hell, one of his own making for sure. If he had let her continue with the exercise, he was sure she would have enjoyed it. He was right when he said many submissives did relish having sex with more than one person. And yet wasn’t this what he had wanted her to prove all week?

  Suddenly making a decision, he said, “Okay. I think you have advanced through your training so well I am bringing your exam closer.”

  Seeing her start, he smiled down at her wickedly. She had no idea what was in store, but if she passed, there was no way he was letting her go. She had pushed him to this, and by God, he swore, he’d keep her if she proved him right.

  “Your exam starts tonight. I’ll let you know which room. I am going to give you no instructions for your arrival, but how you conduct yourself is vital to passing this exam. You may, at any time, tender your safe word, which is ‘vanilla,’ indicating this life really isn’t for you and you want to go back to how you were.”

  “What happens if I pass?”

  He didn’t answer—just smiled.

  Chapter Ten

  Examination Room. No unauthorized entry.

  Kat stood outside the room, looking at the sign. She had been told to arrive here at 8:00 p.m. There were five minutes to go. She took a deep breath. She had spent the last few hours contemplating if she could really go through with it and decided this is what she really wanted. But she also knew Ben was a hard taskmaster and she had to draw on everything she had learned this week.

  She looked at the clock in the hall, 7:57 p.m.

  Okay, he had given her no instructions, so she decided the submissive thing was to remove all her clothing here in the hall, despite one of the conference rules being no form of nakedness in public areas outside of the conference rooms. She had broken that one several times this week. She snorted to herself as she divested herself of everything, folding it neatly to one side.

  The clock struck eight. Knocking on the door, she immediately kneeled down in the presentation pose, her knees shoulder-width apart, hands behind her back, breasts with ringed nipples thrust forward, head down.

  Counting the seconds as she knelt there, she smiled inwardly. He was deliberately testing her to see how long she could remain there before losing her nerve. Well, she’d stay here as long as necessary.

  * * * *

  Ben sat in a chair. As he looked at his watch again, a chuckle came from his companion in the room, Alex, the owner of the hotel. “What?” Ben asked, annoyed.

  “You’ve checked your watch every ten seconds. She’s only been out there a minute, and you know I gave instructions no one was to enter this area.”

  “I know that, but I worry she’s going to give up and leave.”

  “Then the test is over, and she isn’t the one for you.”

  Groaning he looked at his watch again and then stood abruptly, walking quickly to the door. He leaned his hands against it, partly to stop himself from jerking it open to see if she was still waiting.

  The chuckling behind him got louder. “Go on then. Open it.”

  He turned to give Alex an irritated look then opened the door and forced himself not to breathe a sigh of relief. She was there! And she was naked and in position as he hoped. And her pussy was bare. Oh God, I love this girl. Slightly surprised by his intense feelings, he stood still, deliberately not saying anything for several moments, waiting to see if she would either say something first or look up.

  Neither happened. He smiled. She was really trying hard.

  “You may stand.”

  She did but still in the same pose.

  “I’ll give you full marks for presentation.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  Hm, he thought, she got an extra mark for the title, but would she continue to remember when she had mostly forgotten all week? “Enter and stand in the middle of the room.”

  Doing as he requested, she didn’t appear to be startled by the presence of another person. He closed the door and stood next to her. She was still in presentation, so he reached a hand down to her pussy to see how she would react, not only to him touching her there, but in front of someone else. Her pussy felt smooth and gorgeous. Other than a slight tension, he could see no other reaction. Then he moved his fingers upward, penetrating her. God, she was wet already.

  Removing his fingers, he wiped them on a tissue and raised her chin to see her better. “You know you need to be punished for your misdemeanors all week.”

  She bit her lip but nodded.

  It was time for the next test. He turned her and gestured to a piece of equipment. “What is that apparatus?” Would she remember? He wasn’t sure himself if she had been shown one yet.

  * * * *

  Kat looked at the equipment he referred to. “It’s a St. Andrew’s Cross, Master.” She had indeed been revising. After she got back to her room earlier, Ellie had been waiting and had spent the next few hours testing her like mad.

  “Very good. Before you stand at it, can you tell me what type of implement this is?” He moved to a table and picked something up.

  “A cane, Sir.” Well, that was fairly easy, she thought, glad he hadn’t chosen something difficult as her only experience of punishment had been spanking so far.

  “Go and stand facing the cross.” After she did as requested, he attached cuffs to her ankles and wrists. Beginning to get a little anxious, she then felt his hand parting her hair flowing down her back, gently stroking her, calming her.

  It was a brief respite because he then moved back and quickly hit her across one buttock. She tensed in pain but didn’t exclaim aloud.

  The next hit to the other side did cause her to cry, “Ow.” Cripes! Did that mean she failed in any way?

  She then felt the length of the cane between her legs pushing up, pressing on her clit. She gasped as he rubbed it back and forth in her wetness before he stepped back again.

  “Ahh.” The hit this time was to a thigh. She started shaking. Shit. That really hurt. He certainly wasn’t holding back. Or was this normal and he would expect her to take this all the time?

  He reached down and rubbed the punished area, soothing it as if aware of the degree of pain. It was okay. If he did this afterward she could cope.

  Then the hit to the other thigh was either slightly lessened in force or she was getting used to it. She could feel him moving closer.

  “That suffices your punishment, but to conclude this part of your testing tell me where else could I have struck you?”

  “The breasts.” Oh God. She hoped he wasn’t going to hit her there so soon after the piercings. Putting that thought aside, she continued, “And front of the thighs, Master.” Her mind went blank. Were there any other areas? “I—I think it depends on the implement being used. You could hit one’s pussy like with the crop.”

  “Very good.”

  She sighed in relief that he was pleased.

  “And which areas should be avoided?”

  Thank God for the grilling from Ellie. “The back, particularly the lower back.”

  * * * *

  Ben turned back to Alex who gave a thumbs-up at Kat’s responses. He frowned at him. She was doing too well. He needed to test her more. He dropped the cane on the floor and un-cuffed her.

  As he stepped back, she surprised him by kneeling in presentation immediately. “Thank you for my punishment, Master.”

p; He was startled. She was certainly passing with flying colors, but did he really want someone this submissive? He always thought he did, but part of him wanted the Kat that resisted. He reached down to caress her hair. “The gentleman in front of you is Master Alex. Tell us something you learned this morning.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Well, it had only been that morning. He grunted. “That your Dom might wish to share you with others.”

  “Very good, and?”

  Looking up at him, she appeared unsure for the first time. “And… and…” He could see she was floundering. Then her eyes lit up. “The submissive is expected to do this without hesitation unless they have stated in the contract that it is something they are not prepared to do.”

  “Precisely. But consider this. We haven’t drawn up a contract.” He left the word “yet” hanging in the air. “What would you say if I now said that, despite my earlier jealousy, I wish to share you with Master Alex so you get the full sensation of being taken by two people?”

  He saw her glance anxiously over to Alex before looking up at him. “I’ll do whatever you advise, Master. I am new to this life and only want to do what pleases you. Besides which, you are the expert.”

  Lifting her to her feet, he cupped his hands around her face, chuckling. “That is a very good answer, but I am not going to force you to do this. If you say you are not ready, Alex will leave the room. It won’t make you fail the exam. But once we start, you can’t change your mind.”

  “I know, Master. I’m ready.”

  He dropped his hands. She might be ready, but am I? He looked over at Alex, who shrugged. They had briefly discussed a threesome, but it had only been an idea. Well, he had worked with Alex before. It could work now.

  Alex came forward, putting a gentle hand on Kat’s quivering back, and asked gently, “Have you ever had anal sex?” She shook her head. “What about other forms of anal penetration, plug or fingers?”

  Ben looked at her intently. He was interested, too. If she has no experience, this isn’t the time to start.

  She cleared her throat. “A previous boyfriend used his fingers before graduating to plugs. I think he wanted to work up to sex, but the relationship fizzled out before we got that far, Sir.”

  “And how long ago was that?” Ben held his breath, awaiting her answer to Alex’s question. It was as important as no penetration at all.

  “About eight months.”

  He breathed out. It was okay. It wasn’t so long ago that it wasn’t possible. “Would you like Alex or me to take you in the ass?”

  Her answer came quickly. “You please.” She then looked over at Alex. “It’s just that I don’t know you, Master Alex.”

  Alex chuckled. “It’s quite all right.”

  Ben reached an arm around her to lead her to the bed. As he did, he saw Alex start to undress behind them and reached up to cup her face in his hands again looking at her intently to make sure she really was okay with this. She looked nervous but excited so he said, “The best way to do this is for Alex to lay on the bed first. You will then straddle him, and he will work his cock into your pussy. I will be behind you. As he rocks you on his cock, I will start to lube you and only enter you when I think you are fully ready. Is that clear? Do you have any queries?”

  She shook her head.

  At least he thought she was shaking her head, but her body trembled so much he wasn’t sure. “Sweetheart, I need you to clearly state you are willing to continue.”

  Her voice was rather weak as she said, “I’m willing to continue, Masters.”

  God, even now while she was scared, she was remembering the correct honorific to both of them. He briefly bent his forehead to hers as Alex moved to lie on the bed, and then took her lips in a gentle kiss. She tasted so sweet he nearly called it off. Instead, raising his head, he softly slapped her butt. “Up you go.”

  As she climbed on to the bed and got on top of Alex, who was already sporting a condom, Ben quickly shucked his clothes, grabbed hold of some lube and another condom for himself. Turning back to the bed, he could see Alex was tightly holding Kat’s hips and was helping her down on to him. Ben had a moment of panic that she might not be wet enough until he remembered how moist she had been earlier.

  Watching, entranced, as Alex reached down to grab his cock to guide himself into her more easily, he then heard her catch her breath. “Kat, is everything okay?” Ben asked worried. She nodded. He groaned. He was going to have to get her out of the habit of not responding verbally. “Tell me.”

  “Yes, Master, I’m fine. Alex is just bigger than you.” She looked over at him smiling wickedly. “But you’re longer.”

  As he raised an eyebrow at her unusually sassy response, Alex swatted her on the butt fairly hard, eliciting a cry, and Ben stated laughingly, “Serves you right.”

  She then cried out in arousal as Alex lifted his butt up to move within her.

  Ben knelt on the bed behind her. “Whatever you do, don’t come without permission,” he warned. “That fails the exam for once and for all.” This was despite his earlier comment that not doing the ménage would not cause her to fail the exam.

  Looking around at him, frowning, she appeared to be trying to work out if he was serious or just teasing. Actually, he was a bit of both. A tiny part of him still wondered if she was the right submissive or not. He hoped she would pass this final test, he so hoped. Then putting a hand on her back to push her forward onto Alex’s chest, he leaned his head in to run his tongue around her puckered hole.

  “Oh my God. What…”

  He could tell she had been about to query what he was doing but had realized she needed to ask permission first. He didn’t wait. “It’s called rimming.” He then ran his tongue over her again, pushing in slightly.


  “You like?”


  Chuckling, he lubed his fingers and inserted two of them. She was relaxed enough that he entered her easily. Holding a hand on her back, he let Alex move them up and down, and as he did, Ben’s fingers rocked inside her. After a moment, he removed them to get some more lube, inserting three fingers and widening them inside to stretch her. Kat moaned. He couldn’t tell if it was from what he was doing, what Alex was doing, or both.

  Removing his fingers for the final time, he moved closer, aligning his cock with her anus. “It’s time, my love.” Taking hold of her waist, he pushed slowly into her tight hole. He felt her tense up. “Shh, try to relax.”

  “Permission to speak, Master.”

  Ben agreed, worried she was now going to say her safe word.

  “How can I relax when my insides are stuffed with both of you moving back and forth so sensuously?”

  He and Alex both chuckled. “I’ll forgive you that indiscretion since I allowed it, but remember the Dom knows what he is doing. So when I say relax, it’s because you will enjoy it more. By relaxing, the pain will ease, trust me.” With that, he reached around to softly flick a nipple ring.

  She cried out, “Oh Jeez.”

  As his balls hit her buttocks as he finally sheathed himself fully inside her, Ben felt a jolt of desire travel through her body. Or it could have been his. Either way he was in all the way and it was incredible. He then pulled out slightly while Alex pushed in and vice versa, buffeting her body back and forth, always one of them fully inside her. Ben was holding her around the waist, another hand on her breast, softly fondling her nipple. Alex held her hip with one hand and reached down to stroke her clit. She trembled in response.

  “Oh dear God in Heaven. Please let me come.”

  “A little longer, sweetheart.”

  “Pleeease…” Her entreaties didn’t work. He gave no permission. Both men just chuckled as they continued their rocking movement. Alex nodded to Ben, and they both thrust harder, quicker, their bodies moving in tandem.

  She was holding her climax back by sheer will, her body shaking violently, fingers digging into Alex’s chest. Her keening whimpers re
sounded around the room. Finally Ben relented.

  “Come for me, kitten,” he whispered.

  Ben felt Kat’s body shoot off into the stratosphere as she cried out, “I love you.”


  She was having her usual dream of seeing Ben across the room, the crowds parting before him and the noise drifting away as he walked slowly toward her, their eyes seeing no one but each other. However, this time she was naked and kneeling, eagerly awaiting his arrival, her pussy bare, nipples pierced with pearl drops…


  “Kat? Come on, my love. Come back to me.”

  Her head was fuzzy as if she had been sleeping, but her eyes were open. Ben was behind her, holding her tight to his body, nuzzling her shoulder, one hand idly fingering an aching nipple. Her body thrummed in response, and she looked around as she suddenly remembered what had just happened. Alex was nowhere to be seen. “What?” She turned. “Where is Master Alex?”

  “You’ve been in sub-space, my love. Alex left a few minutes ago.”



  Reaching a hand up to his cheek, she said softly, “That was amazing, incredible.” She then bit her lip. “May I ask if I have passed the exam, Master?” She felt tears gather in her eyes in case he said no.

  Instead, he bent his head and kissed her lightly on the lips. “My darling, you have so passed the exam you have set the bar very high for any future subs. Not that I am going to take any other subs,” he finished quickly as she frowned. He reached a hand to cup her head. “I want no one else apart from you. I love you so much. You have crawled into my life and my heart and clung on like a tenacious kitten refusing to let go.”

  She chuckled at this description.

  “If I have any formative criticism to give…”

  Her heart beat rapidly.

  “It would be to say don’t be too good at everything I show you, or I’ll have no reason to demonstrate how the other types of punishment work.” They both laughed, and Ben continued more seriously, “I like your determined attitude. And I admit the reason I always got bored with the other subs I had was because they didn’t have attitude, didn’t make me work for it.” He took a deep breath. “So, my darling, I’m never letting you go now. This green collar tells everyone you are my submissive and hopefully one day my wife.”


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