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Kiss Me Twice Part 2 (Three Little Words)

Page 6

by Lauren Hawkeye

  Adele looked between Mal and I, her slight frame growing tenser with each passing second. When she finally exploded, it was at top volume.

  “I went to the prison today!” Her words were a scream, and I winced. Once my ears stopped ringing, I found myself stalking toward her.

  “You what?” There was only one reason she’d gone to the prison, and that was to visit her attackers. It was dangerous, not because I seriously thought they could attack her again while behind bars, but because I knew those fuckers could stomp on what was left of her spirit.

  “But... why?” Mal looked as perplexed as I felt. “Baby. Why didn’t you take us? We would have kept him from saying anything to upset you. Did he upset you? Are you okay?”

  “This is exactly why I went alone!” Tugging at her bonds and heaving with frustration, she thrust her wrists in my direction. “Untie me. Now.”

  I didn’t need a safe word—her tone was more than enough. I unfastened the rope and tossed it aside, but caught her chin in my hand, forcing her to look directly at me. “Explain, pet.”

  Adele took a deep breath as I let go of her chin, but began to massage one of her wrists. Mal took the other, and after a tense minute, she sighed with pleasure.

  “Look. I don’t deny that I’m fucked up. But you both knew that getting into this,” her voice was full of warning, and she shook her head when I opened my mouth to protest that she was not fucked up.

  “Let me finish.”

  “All right.” Mal rubbed her other wrist, casting me a crazy eyed stare. I understood the feeling.

  “It was when the three of us got together that I finally started to heal. And as the months passed, I began to worry that the only reason I was getting better was because of you two.” This time I managed to make a noise of protest before she shushed me.

  “Whether you see it or not, that’s how I felt. And I was worried that if we didn’t make it, I’d be thrown back into that despair, and I couldn’t deal with that, so I just shoved it away. It built up and built up until Meg’s attack, and then spilled right over when I found out that arrests had been made.”

  “So you went to the prison alone, just to see if you could.” Mal spoke slowly. This made sense... but the thought of her alone in a concrete block full of convicted offenders without anyone to lean on made me want to punch something.

  Adele flushed, and I narrowed my eyes at her. “Out with it, pet.”

  “I went with the officer who worked my case.” She met my stare levelly, though her cheeks were bright pink. I knew why she was uncomfortable.

  “Why was it okay for him to go with you, but not us?” Mal sounded offended, and though I knew I shouldn’t be, I felt the same way.

  Adele huffed out a breath of frustration. “Because he doesn’t count. You two do.”

  Mal and I let loose with nearly identical growls of frustration, which at least had the side benefit of making Adele laugh.

  “I needed to do it, guys. . . and I needed to do it without you.” I wanted to be overprotective and rage at her for cutting us out, but really?

  I understood. I didn’t fucking like it at all, but I got it.

  “Are you okay?” I asked gruffly, wrapping my fingers around her wrist. “I mean... did you do what you needed to do?”

  There was a long pause before she spoke again, and as she did I felt the tension leaving her body. “I’m not entirely okay yet, but I will be. So yes, I did what I needed to do.”

  Twining her fingers with mine, she laid her head on Mal’s shoulder. He frowned down at her. “Why couldn’t you at least tell us?”

  “And what, exactly, would you have done?” She sat right back up, arching an eyebrow at him with disbelief.

  Mal grumbled some more, and I suppressed a chuckle.

  “That’s right. You would have insisted on coming with me,. and I wouldn’t have proven a damn thing to myself at all.” Pursing her lips, she pinned him with a pointed stare. “Also, once you two get your own shit together? That’s when you can boss me around.”

  And there it was, the elephant in the room that had been the focal point of my interactions with Mal before I’d left on tour.

  My time away had taught me one very important thing—I was so done fucking around.

  “I don’t need to get my shit together.” Sitting up tall, I looked Adele in the eye, and then Mal. “I want you both. All in.”

  Adele hummed with pleasure; Mal sucked in a deep breath. I felt a twisting in my gut, thought this is it, he’s done.


  “Me too.” He spoke quietly, but his words were firm. “I’m in. All in.”

  Fuck me. My heart did yet another flip, and that caught my attention even before the swelling of my cock, which was saying something.

  “Prove it.” Adele stood abruptly, spinning to face us where we now sat, side by side on the couch. “I’m done with the uncertainty and the back and forth. If we’re going all in, all together, then we’re doing it now. Tonight.”

  “Should I get you a whip while you’re at it, pet?” I grinned at her cheekily, but inside my ribcage, my heart was pounding with anticipation.

  She glared at me in return. “Kiss him. Kiss Mal.”

  “No.” I shook my head; her face fell. Lightning quick, I grabbed Mal by the chin, looking into the never ending blue of his eyes.

  “I’ve already kissed you, Malachi Hunter, and you rejected it. So if you’re all in, kiss me, and do it like you mean it.”

  Chapter Six


  Deep down I expected—feared—that Mal was going to pull away. That he’d walk, leaving Dorian and I feeling as though we’d lost a limb. So I was in no way prepared for the beauty that was his submission as he squared his shoulders...

  Cupped Dorian’s face in his hands...

  And pressed their lips together.

  “Oh.” A wave of heat washed over me and I pressed my hand flat over the sudden acceleration of the heart in my chest.

  Oh, wow.

  Oh, wow.

  A low hum worked its way from Mal’s throat as he slanted his mouth over Dorian’s, his thumbs rubbing in circles over the scruff on the other man’s cheeks. Dorian was clearly not planning to make it easy for him, holding still as stone as Mal moved from the first firm kiss into something hotter, wetter, deeper.

  But from where I stood, I could see Dorian’s fingers, digging into his thighs as he held his body taut. He was affected by this every bit as much as I was, but he’d meant what he said.

  He’d kissed Mal before, and Mal had freaked. This time Mal needed to come to him.

  I watched, heat growing between my thighs as Mal focused his attention on the task, working Dorian’s mouth as he had my own so many times. Knowing just how wicked that mouth could be, I wondered how on earth Dorian was holding back when I would have been a panting mess.

  “Damn it! Do something!” Mal finally pulled back and scowled at Dorian. My rocker just grinned, first at Mal, then at me.

  Then he fisted his hands into the dark silk of Mal’s hair and yanked the other man to him, taking possession of his mouth with a ferocity that surprised me. Mal stiffened against him with surprise, but when Dorian swept his tongue out, exploring, conquering, Mal moaned and melted.

  “Fuck me.” Dorian muttered against Mal’s lips, bending to press his teeth into the cord of Mal’s throat—like an animal, marking his mate. He’d done the same to me so very many times, and for a fleeting moment I thought that maybe I should be jealous.

  But then Dorian pulled back and looked me in the eye. “I love you, Adele Cavanaugh.”

  The breath wheezed from my throat as he tugged Mal so that they were facing each other, too. “And I love you, Malachi Hunter.”

  I felt like I’d had the wind knocked out of me, but in a good way, if that made any sense. I opened my mouth to reply, but Mal beat me to it.

  “I think I’ve loved you since I first met you.” He was looking at me, and hearing those words mad
e my knees give out. I sank down to perch on the coffee table, but Mal caught my hand and pulled me in between him and Dorian. I thought he maybe needed a buffer between them after the intensity of what had just happened, but he reached an arm around me and clasped Dorian’s upper arm.

  He opened his mouth.

  And he closed it again.

  Dorian quirked his lips with amusement.

  “Got something you want to say, law school boy?” He still had one hand in Mal’s hair, and he tugged, not too gently.

  Mal glared. “I’m getting there.”

  Sucking in a deep breath and nearly making my heart stop, he spat out the next sentence so fast it was hard to discern one word from another.


  Mal sucked in a great breath after spitting that all out, and I had to bite my cheeks to keep from laughing. Laughing after a declaration of love was never a good thing.

  “I’m not the one who’s been acting all squirrelly, mate.” Dorian grinned at Mal, then arched his eyebrow at me. I was so caught up in what was happening with my two men that it took me a moment to understand that it was my turn.

  I’d once thought that those three little words would feel like shackles, binding me to someone when I didn’t want the attachment and the inevitable pain of separation that followed.

  But right now, with these two? It felt exactly right, and the words flowed from my lips.

  “I love you both. More than I can say.” I gasped when I found myself suddenly pressed tightly between two warm, hard—very hard—male chests. Mals’ arm wrapped around me from behind, hauling me onto his lap, and when I squirmed I could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against my ass.

  A quick downward glance told me that Dorian was in a similar predicament. After the intense highs and extreme lows of the last two weeks, all I wanted to do was to reconnect with my two men in this most basic of ways.

  “Mal, carry Adele into the bedroom.” Dorian stood, tearing off his T-shirt with one quick movement. My mouth literally watered as I looked my fill at his bare, ripped chest, and behind me I heard Mal’s soft moan, felt him arch his hips against me.

  “I’ll be there in a minute. I expect you both to be naked and ready for me.” Mal’s arms clenched around me, and I heard his sharp intake of breath. This didn’t go unnoticed by Dorian, who grinned at the other man.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle. The first time.”

  “Clothes off. On the bed.”

  Mal’s fingers made quick work of my pajama pants and camisole before he nudged me onto the bed. I was naked beneath him, and his satisfied hum as I lay bare before him told me that he liked it.

  “Awfully bossy until Dorian gets here, huh?” I grinned up at him, feeling lighter than I had in... well, in two years. Mal smiled darkly at me in return the expression full of wicked promise, as he quickly shed his own shirt, then prowled over me on the bed.

  “I’ll always be bossy when it comes to you, woman.” Covering his body with mine, he bent his head and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth.

  “Ohmigod!” I bucked beneath him as he caught the small gold ring in his teeth and tugged gently, the sensation echoing all the way down into my belly. Nerves sizzled to life when those blue eyes of his caught my gaze and held, even as his mouth busily worked the taut peak to aching fullness.

  “Having troubles listening already?” I whimpered as my breast popped free of Mal’s mouth abruptly. Looking over his shoulder with dazed eyes, I saw that Dorian had caught him by the back of his jeans and yanked him off me. “Adele’s naked. She’s a good girl. You’re not naked. So what shall I do with you?”

  The two alpha males stared each other down, muscles quivering with all kinds of repressed feelings that I couldn’t even begin to guess at. The intensity ricocheting between them made my clit throb, and I shifted restlessly against the sheets, a sheen of sweat breaking out over my skin.

  I never would have guessed that I had a boy on boy fetish before I’d met these two. But the thought of them together—fully together—was almost enough on its own to make me self-combust.

  “Get naked.” When Dorian finally spoke, his voice was raw, guttural, and full of need. “Now.”

  Mal stared at him in return, his body tense.

  Finally, finally, his hands strayed to his belt buckle. The metallic sound was loud in the suddenly still room, an erotic enticement in itself, as was the hiss of his leather belt pulling free of denim loops, and the rasp of his zipper being lowered.

  And then Mal was naked, kneeling on the bed sideways, facing Dorian with defiance etched on his face. Propping myself up on my elbows, I noted that his cock was as hard as I’d ever seen it, and that the head was already slick.

  His mind might be asking him to pull back, but his body was all in.

  Dorian looked him over slowly, grinning when he too noted the state of Mal’s erection. “Hmm. I think you like wondering what I’m going to do to you. What do you think, pet?” The last was addressed to me, and I quivered when he turned the full intensity of his stare on me.

  “Yes. I mean, I do. Think he likes it.” Mal arched his eyebrow at me, as if asking why I was throwing him to wolves, and I smirked in response.

  I wanted this more than I wanted my next breath.

  Moving lightning quick, Dorian grabbed the back of Mal’s head and took his mouth in a hard, dominating kiss. Mal stiffened, then moaned, the tension in the lines of his body easing as he gave in to Dorian’s demands.

  I knew the feeling. I knew it exactly.

  “I want this to be good for all of us. But this first time, it’s not going to be slow.” Dorian undid his own jeans, freeing his cock, and when he fisted it and ran his hand up and down the swollen length, I couldn’t hold back the groan.

  “You sound ready for us, pet.” Flicking me a glance through heavily lidded eyes, Dorian slowly eased his jeans over his hips, letting them fall to and pool on the floor. Mal and both panted a bit when Dorian kicked them away and stood in front of us, gorgeous and completely naked. In fact, I couldn’t quite believe that I had both of these prime male specimens all to myself.

  Knowing that soon I would be wrapped up in all that hot hardness made me moan.

  “I don’t think Adele wants to go slow, either.” Easing forward, Dorian put himself deliberately in Mal’s personal space. They weren’t touching, not quite, but there wasn’t much more than a ribbon of space between them, making my blood run hot.

  “Test our girl, Mal. Tell me if she’s ready for us.” This Mal didn’t have to think about, turning to me with determination etched over his face. Placing himself between my legs, I thought he was going to slide his fingers inside of me, but instead he licked me with the flat front of his tongue.

  “Fuck!” I arched right off the bed, crying out as my body tightened. I rocked beneath Mal, my eyes cast at Dorian pleadingly.

  “Please. Oh please. I don’t want to wait.” After the last two weeks, I just wanted to lose myself in these two men, and I fucking wanted it now.

  “Well you were a good girl.” Grinning at me, Dorian turned to Mal. “Is she ready?”

  “She’s perfect.” Mal’s voice was hoarse. One look at his face showed me how overwhelmed he was, but in the best possible way. He was getting lost in the moment, and it made my heart hurt, I was so happy.

  “Well, then.” Reaching out to tweak one of my gold ringed nipples between thumb and forefinger, Dorian rolled the sensitive flesh tightly. “You heard our girl. Fuck her.”

  The rough touches on the furiously sensitive flesh of my nipple made me scream and buck my hips, so I was arched and open wide when Mal dove into me. I cried out a second time with shocked pleasure as he drove through my slick folds and all the way in with one hard thrust, stretching tissues that were swollen with need.

  “More. Now!” I thrashed wildly beneath him, trying to force friction on
my clit. I was so close, so so close already, and I wanted that release with a ferocity that had me glaring up at Mal. “Now!”

  Face focused, he braced his weight on his arms—and oh my God, but that made his arms look good—and began to move. Deep thrusts that bordered on pain each time he buried himself inside of me, I nevertheless clung to his shoulders and arched myself to meet every one.

  Each time he hilted inside of me I shuddered a step closer to the edge, and so it was through dazed eyes that I looked at Mal when he jolted and shouted out himself.

  At some point Dorian had moved, and he now knelt behind Mal on the bed. His hand was raised, and I realized that he’d just smacked Mal hard on the flank.

  Mal’s eyes were wide, and he froze, deep inside of me, clearly trying to decide if he was going to let this happen.

  I remembered what it felt like, that first blow. The emotions that came with it, the sense that you should be ashamed, that something was twisted inside of you for liking it.

  But when Dorian landed another blow, and I felt Mal’s cock surge inside of me, I knew what I had to do. Wrapping my arms around him tightly, I pulled him down until my lips pressed against the lobe of his ear.

  “All in.” I whispered, squeezing his shoulders. While he stayed tense, waiting for the next spank, I felt him press a kiss to my collarbone, heard him exhale into my ear.

  “Love you, baby.”

  When the third spank came, Mal had pulled out almost entirely. He let the blow drive him inside of me, and I shuddered with the pleasure/ pain.

  We continued like that, Mal letting Dorian control the pace at which he sank into me. It wasn’t a regular rhythm, and not knowing when the force of Dorian’s blow would cause Mal to sink inside of me had me begging and on the edge.

  When I wrapped my legs around Mal’s waist and started rocking against him, I heard Mal groan and Dorian chuckle darkly. Mal held perfectly still, letting me rub against him, on him, using him as Dorian leaned over the retrieve something from the floor, shifting the mattress as he did.


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