The only way to find the idea he’d been searching for was to do so in an "untainted" environment. Alex sighed. The minute his research was over, he would tell Victoria and Maggie the truth. He felt like a selfish liar, but he’d live with it. This project meant more than any other he’d attempted, because he’d been slowly losing his, hisdesire to create. He’d tinkered and fixed and redone things his whole life. For the first time in his thirty-seven years, he
didn’t want to make something different or better or new.
And it scared him.
What would he do if he didn’t invent? Who would he be without Convenience Unlimited?
"Are you awake, Alex?"
Victoria’s question startled him out of his reverie. He looked at her. "Are you finished buying out the world?"
She grinned. "Nope, but I’m done for the night." Her sharp brown eyes studied him. "I know Maggie’s been a bit prickly, but she’s been through an emotional wringer."
"She told me."
Her gray brows arched. "She told you about the marriage?"
"Marriage?" Alex felt punched in the gut. He figured Maggie had ended a relationship. He hadn’t realized she’d been married. He didn’t know why the thought disturbed him so much.
"Really, I shouldn’t say anything," said Victoria. "Maggie will tell you if she sees fit. But I’m thinking maybe you should know that Harrison--that’s her almost husband’s name--saw to it that she lost her job."
Almost husband? Alex was confused. This guy sounded like a jerk. Alex didn’t like to think about Maggie being hurt. He frowned, then caught Victoria’s speculative gaze.
"She thinks the whole thing is her fault." Victoria leaned forward. "That man manipulated her from the very beginning, Alex. Maggie craves security. She wants a home and a family...and love. She thought she’d have those things if she married Harrison."
Death to Harrison.Alex swallowed back the knot of anger clogging his throat. "Did she--did she love him?"
Victoria shrugged. "Like I said. You should hear it from her." She stood and stretched. "Time for me to tuck in." She reached down and patted Alex on the shoulder. "You’re not at all like Harrison. You’re honest and hard working. Maggie will see that soon enough."
Her words froze him and he stared up at her.
"Good night," she said, then she left quietly.
"Damn it," muttered Alex. He stood, clenching and unclenching his fists. Honest and hard working, huh? The room seemed unbearably stuffy. He walked through the house, exiting through the back door in the kitchen. Chirping crickets greeted his entrance onto the enclosed porch. The door leading outside screeched loudly and Alex winced. Stars winked at him from the night sky and a spring breeze teased his senses with the faint scent of honeysuckle. He heard the creak of the tire swing’s rope and headed toward the leafy oak tree. A few feet away, he stopped and sucked in a breath. Maggie clung to the tire, her laughter soft as she twirled around and around. Her enticing long legs stretched out, then she grasped the top of the tire and leaned back.
His heart lurched and he took an unsteady step forward. Even with her clothes on, Real Maggie looked so much like Fantasy Maggie that he wanted to run to her and...and...well, he wouldn’t think about it.
But he couldn’t force himself to leave, either. He watched her, envying the damn tire every time she scooted her sweet little bottom forward and back. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked to her. "Need a push?"
He barely registered Maggie’s startled expression when the tire swung around, bringing her fabulous legs into brutal contact with him. Pain exploded and he bent over, his breath leaving his body in a strangled whoosh.
"I’m so sorry," cried Maggie. She extracted herself from the swing and hovered at his side, patting his back.
"Do you want to sit down?"
"No," he groaned. "Let me die in peace."
"Oh, Alex. I didn’t mean to." Obviously distressed, she moved to stand in front of him and rubbed his shoulders. "What can I do?"
The pain receded to a dull ache and Alex slowly straightened. Thank God she hadn’t had more momentum or he’d be prostrate on the ground. He looked down at her. Her eyes were filled with remorse and concern. She continued rubbing his shoulders. He captured her hands and
pressed them to his chest. "That’s not where it hurts."
She inhaled sharply as she glanced at his middle. "Well, I’m not rubbing anything down there."
He chuckled. "I didn’t intend for you to, Maggie."
Her hands felt small and warm under his. His heart pounded triple time and his throat felt dry. Moonlight trickled through the oak’s foliage, but it barely penetrated the cocoon of darkness. He felt like he and Maggie were the only two people in the world. She looked at him, a question in her eyes. Her hands grew restless, but his fingertips stroked the soft skin and she
"I demand compensation for the injury." He drew Maggie closer.
"I apologized," she countered in a breathless voice.
"You didn’t hurt me verbally, you hurt me physically, so words aren’t a fair payment."
She tried to pull away, but he held on gently, hoping she didn’t really want to go. She stopped. "I told you, I’m not going to--"
"Kiss me," he interrupted.
She stared at him. "W-what?"
"It’s a simple request," responded Alex, much more casually than he felt. He looped her arms around his neck, relieved when she left them there. He grasped her waist, wishing she’d worn another crop top instead of the sleeveless shirt tucked into her shorts.
He wanted to feel her bare skin.
The sweet weight of her breasts pressed against him, and despite his recent "accident," his body stirred at her nearness. She looked up at him, almost shyly, and he watched the play of emotions on her face. Alex lowered his head, his mouth only a whisper away, and waited, hoping
Maggie would decide his lips were worthy of hers.
Maggie waited a heartbeat, desperately tempted by Alex’s magnificent lips. But then she softly kissed his cheek and moved out of his embrace. She turned away, afraid of the rapid pounding of her heart, afraid of the wobbly feel of her knees, afraid she was terminally attracted to Alex.
Leaves tickled by the wind created cavorting shadows on the ground. Maggie watched their dance, slightly mesmerized, as she tried to calm the feelings jittering through her. "I’m sorry about hurting you," she murmured. "It wasn’t intentional." Alex’s deep voice sounded both reassuring and maddening sensual. "I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, Maggie."
She faced him, forcing a smile to her lips. "I think we should discuss...parameters. I know we feel some sort of attraction, but it’s not--that is, we can’t act on those feelings." She frowned and rubbed her forehead. She wasn’t making any sense. The man even affected her sentence structure!
"We can be friends," offered Alex.
Maggie nodded. "Yes. That’s a great idea." She approached the concept with both disappointment and relief. He’d offered it quickly enough, though, hadn’t he? Especially when he realized he wouldn’t get a kiss ormore from her.
"I’d like to be friends with you."
She gazed up at him. Unable to discern the emotions on his shadowed features, she decided he sounded sincere. She wanted to believe he truly offered friendship--and so she
put out her hand. "Friends, then."
He shook her hand, then chuckled. You’re quite a negotiator. I’m glad we’ve moved from suspicious handyman to friend."
"I’m still keeping my eye on you," she said quickly. "Gran is a trusting soul, but I’m not."
"Yeah. You’re a real toughie."
His soft reprimand made her realize how harsh she must sound. She bit her lip, then squared her shoulders. She’d reserve her judgment of him, but she would not be a marshmallow this time. She would not melt under his charm. She couldn’t afford another battering of her hear
t or her ego.
"I can push you on the swing. As long as you keep your legs tucked under."
Maggie smiled. Exhaustion poured through her bones, and she shook her head, dismayed to feel the oncoming headache. She’d been thinking too much--because of Alex--and the comfort of her bed beckoned. "It’s past my bedtime. Good night, Alex."
"Good night, Maggie."
She felt his gaze on her as she walked to the house. Her body reacted immediately. She knew the heat pouring into her was not the typical response to afriend.
In her bedroom, Maggie burrowed under a thick quilt. Her head found the plump goose down pillow, and she sighed contentedly. But long after she’d settled in, she stayed awake. What was Alex doing? What was he thinking? Had he been able to fall into bed and sleep?
Stop it!
She closed her eyes, determined to find some rest and forget Alex. Yet it was a long time before she finally slept.
The phone rang and Maggie groggily opened one eye. It rang again and she groaned. She hadn’t slept well.Ring. Ring. Ring. She grabbed the receiver. "Hello?"
"Mags! You sound like a grumpy old bear. How are you, darling?"
"Of course. In town for a few days and ready to party. We’ll go to Brookside. I adore the bop spots there."
"It’s ..." Maggie tried to read the numbers on the clock and gave up. "Morning."
"It’s almost brunch, darling. Mimosas, bagels, and omelets. Interested?"
Maggie usually enjoyed Brian’s impromptu visits. He’d been her friend since high school and had become enormously successful in the clothing design business. He lived in New York, but kept an apartment in Tulsa--for reasons that still escaped her. The town and the people in it had not been kind to the man.
However, she wasn’t exactly in a brunch mood. "I’ll go out with you tonight, Bry, but I’m not leaving my bed. Not even for mimosas and omelets."
"Never were a morning person, were you, Mags? See you at six tonight. Bye."
Maggie hung up the phone. Just as she drifted back to sleep, the sounds of hammering bolted her awake.
Alex stopped hammering when he felt the tap on his shoulder. He turned around. Maggie was a sight to behold. Her long white T-shirt nightgown read, "Mornings Suck." She wore no bra and he saw the faint outline of her panties. Her hair stuck up as if it were trying to leap off her head. She looked bleary-eyed, puffy, and he wanted to kiss her.
"Not a morning person, huh?"
"I’m going to kill the next person that says that."
"Well, it’ll only be morning for another two hours," said Alex.
Maggie rolled her eyes. "Do you have to fix the staircase now?"
"I guess I can risk breaking my neck a few more times."
She sighed. "Do you need any help?"
"Breaking my neck?"
"Repairing the stairs."
Alex laughed. "If you want to help, go see about breakfast. I think your grandmother’s cooking something in the wok."
She groaned. "Not the wok."
"Afraid so." He cleared his throat. "It might not be the best time to ask, but my brother and sister-in-law invited me out tonight. I wondered if you’d like to go, too."
Maggie blinked. "You have relatives?"
"Is that so amazing?"
"I just thought...never mind." She bit her lip. "I have plans tonight. I’m sorry."
"It’s no big deal," he replied, ignoring the disappointment settling in his stomach. "Maybe another time?"
Alex’s grip tightened on the hammer. "Guess I’ll finish this."
"Guess I’ll go save breakfast."
They stared at each an endless moment, then Maggie stepped back, turned, and walked away. Alex watched her go, then went back to work, hammering nails into the wood with
more force than required.
At a quarter till six that evening, Maggie opened the door. Brian entered, carrying at least four sacks. He dropped them and hugged her. He wore blue jeans, black cowboy boots, and a beautiful green silk shirt. His bleached-blond hair was cut short on the sides and spiked on
the top. Unusually handsome, with beautiful green eyes, Brian had plenty of females chasing him. To their everlasting disappointment, Brian was gay.
"You look scrumptious, dear. Now, let’s go doll you up."
"What’s wrong with me?"
"Your hair, your make-up, and your clothes. Did I leave out anything?" He grinned impishly, revealing dimpled cheeks.
"What are in the bags?"
"The Maggie make-over kit. Some of my new designs. Also make-up and perfume, courtesy ofmoi ." He looked expectantly at her.
She gave in with a laugh. "All right."
"Excellent. You must be as gorgeous as I."
Brian worked his magic and an hour later, Maggie stared at a stranger in the mirror. Her red hair was pulled up in a Grecian style. A gold band glittered from the top and long curls draped her neck. Brian had applied her make-up, making her eyes look sultry, her cheeks slim, and her lips pouty. The outfit, however, skirted the edge of decency. The filmy light green material of the skirt, swirled in layers at mid-thigh. She wore a green body suit--a slightly darker shade than the skirt. It hugged her curves and gave her an amazing amount of cleavage. A jacket made out of the same filmy material draped her arm. Matching green heels, dangling gold earrings and a gold bracelet twisting up her right arm completed the ensemble.
"I don’t recognize me."
"Good. We’ll be other people tonight." Brian struck a pose. "I shall be Zeus. You shall be Aphrodite."
Maggie’s brows rose and Brian shrugged. "I’m in a Greek mood, darling. Now let’s go boogie down."
Even on a weeknight, Peoria Street was crowded, particularly between 31stand 41st, known as Brookside. Brian’s garage apartment wasn’t far from the area, so they parked his Jaguar and walked a few blocks to where most of the clubs and restaurants were located.
The first club was crowded. The pounding music reverberated loudly and several couples occupied the dance floor. Maggie and Brian squeezed through to the bar and ordered wine spritzers.
"Drink up, darling." He grinned, tipped his glass and drank. Maggie did the same, promising herself a limit of three drinks.
"One dance, then we’re street bound," Brian proclaimed. He led her to the dance floor just as a slow tune began. He clasped her waist and Maggie looped her arms around his shoulders. The tension slid from her body, and she began to enjoy herself. She hadn’t been out like this
in a long, long time and it felt good. Damn good.
"How many broken hearts have you left behind this time?"
"None." Brian’s expression faltered. "Do you wonder why I come back here?"
"True love, darling. Unrequited love, actually. I’ve never given up on him, but...ah, it is so sweet and so painful. And I simply can’t stop myself."
"I’m sorry."
Brian looked at her, his smile gentle. "Do not pity me, dearest. It is better to know love and suffer its arrows than to never know it at all."
His bittersweet acceptance of the situation tore at Maggie. At the same time, she felt at a loss to comfort him and a strange jealousy. She hadn’t known the kind of love Brian spoke of. Her sudden yearning for it scared her. Is that why she’d settled for a life with Harrison? Because she didn’t feel miserably in love?
The doors to the club opened and a jumble of people entered, laughing and talking. Maggie glanced at them, then froze. Her stiff posture alerted Brian, who craned his neck
around. "What? Did you see a movie star? A ghost? An ex-lover?"
"None of the above."
Maggie squashed the urge to duck her head and scurry away. Discreetly, she watched the tall man in khaki pants and blue silk shirt escort the leggy brunette to a table next to the railing that surrounded the dance floor. The flash of his smile made Maggie’s heart
"Don’t keep me in suspense, darling! Who is it?"
"Just a guy. Gran hired him as a handyman. He’s here with some bimbo. I don’t like him. Not really. And--" she stopped because her voice trembled.
"Oh my." Brian whirled them around so that Maggie’s back was to Alex. Where is he?"
Husband For Hire Page 4