Husband For Hire

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Husband For Hire Page 5

by Michele Bardsle

  "Blue shirt, khaki pants, devastating smile."

  "Got him. Honey, he’s gorgeous! Well, what shall we do about this?"

  "Nothing. Let’s get out of here."

  Maggie caught the look on Brian’s face and grimaced. "Forget it. Don’t do anything. He and I are just friends."

  "Delude yourself, darling, but I’m not buying it."

  Brian whirled again, and Maggie realized he’d danced them practically next to Alex’s table. Before she could react, Alex looked up from his intimate conversation with the brunette. She knew the moment he recognized her. His look went from appreciation to shock. His blue eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he took in her appearance. Brian chose that moment to draw Maggie deeper into his embrace and kiss her neck.

  Alex’s eyes narrowed dangerously and his jaw clenched. He rose from the table, said something to his date, and made his way toward them.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  Brian laughed. He swung Maggie around, and led them into the dancing crowd. "Don’t look so stricken, darling. He’s jealous."

  "Be serious," she hissed. "He’s only going to say hello. Let’s leave!"

  "Why are we running away if he’s only going to say hello?"

  "Shut up, Brian."

  "A bottle of Asti Spumante says he follows us."

  "It’s a bet. Now get me the hell out of here."


  Alex cut through the gyrating dancers, unable to see Maggie or her date. His gut churned when he thought about that blonde bastard nibbling her neck. She didn’t want to datehim , but it was apparently okay to go out to clubs with an Adonis, looking as if she’d just walked off the pages ofVogue. Alex fought to control the emotions twisting inside him. What the hell was wrong with him?

  They had vanished. With a groan of frustration, he stopped searching and returned to the table. Danielle stared at him with raised eyebrows.

  "What?" he asked.

  "I’ve never seen you this way. Who is she?"

  Alex grimaced. "No one."


  He sighed, unable to get the image of Maggie and Adonis out of his mind. "She said she didn’t want to date. She wants to be friends. With me."

  "You’re terribly worked up over no one," said Danielle as she sipped her juice.

  "Where’s Simon?"

  "Still on the phone, I imagine." Danielle smiled. "You don’t have to talk about it. Have you heard Simon’s latest inspiration for our daughter’s name?"

  Alex tried not to look relieved at the change of subject. He relaxed a little. "I’m scared to ask."

  "Pandora. We’d call her Pannie."

  "Ugh. No niece of mine will answer to Pannie. What is he thinking?"

  "He’s not." She looked up, her wife radar obviously alerted. "I see Simon. Why don’t you go on? We won’t wait for you too long...just in case you find your friend."

  Alex smiled. "Thanks, sis. Simon’s a lucky man."

  "He certainly is."

  Alex kissed Danielle’s cheek, bypassed Simon, and left the club. He thought he saw the vibrant green of Maggie’s dress through the people lingering on the sidewalk. He followed that spot of green to another club a block away. This one wasn’t as crowded and he spotted Maggie at a table in the back area.

  A young man approached him. "Would you like to dance?"


  He wiggled his hips. "You know, bee bop, hip hop?"

  Alex blinked, unable to form an answer. His brain fumbled to understand the situation.

  The man peered at Alex, then shook his head. "Such a waste of a heterosexual. They don’t call this clubGay Paradise for nothing." He pointed to the sign above Alex’s head.

  "Thanks," said Alex hoarsely as sudden comprehension hit him. "But I think I’ll hang out for awhile, anyway."

  "Let me know if you change your mind."

  Alex wiped the sweat from his upper lip. What was Maggie doing here? He scanned the room. Maggie had left the table, but her date remained sipping a drink with an umbrella in it. He stalked to the table, annoyed when the smiling blonde Adonis greeted him with a genial nod. Alex sat down, resisting the urge to ram his fist down the guy’s throat.

  "I’m Zeus," the man said. "I noticed you chasing my Maggie around. She’s Aphrodite tonight. Goddess of Love."


  "I thought so," Zeus said brightly. "As I said to Maggie when I helped her into her clothes--"

  "Excuse me?" interrupted Alex. "You helped Maggie into her clothes?"

  "It only seemed right since I helped her out of them."

  Anger pumped through Alex’s veins as he envisioned this good-looking Lothario putting his hands on Maggie. Another emotion pulled at him, a deep ache he recognized as hurt. He had wanted to be the one to make love to her, but she had rejected him, and chosen someone else. His anger fizzled. He wasn’t being fair; he had no rights to her.

  He glanced at Zeus. "You’re a lucky bastard."

  "Aren’t I? By the way, did I mention I’m gay?"

  For a minute the words didn’t register, then Alex glared at Zeus.

  "Brian Lettison. Best friend, confidante, and all-around-wonderful guy."

  Alex clasped Brian’s offered hand. "Alex Ross. I should kill you."

  "But that would take time, wouldn’t it? And you’ve obviously wasted enough. What happened to the brunette?"

  "She’s my sister-in-law."

  "What a relief. I don’t think Maggie noticed the woman was pregnant or she’d be even more upset." Brian’s gaze flicked over Alex’s shoulder. "Beware, the Ice Queen approacheth."

  Alex swiveled in the chair and saw the cautious arrival of Aphrodite. "Hello, Maggie."

  "Hello, Alex." Her voice sounded cool, and her expression revealed only a mild interest in his presence. He tapped down the emotions rioting through him. She was so beautiful. A flowery scent infiltrated his senses, and underneath, the subtle scent of Maggie. His mouth dried and he swallowed the nervous knot in his throat.

  "Well, Mags, I’ll leave you to your doom. I’ll expect the Asti Spumante tomorrow at lunch." Brian grinned, obviously unrepentant for his nettling of Alex.

  "So, Alex, do you frequentGay Paradise often?"

  The sarcasm in her voice set his teeth on edge. "I followed you here. I wanted to meet Zeus."

  She stared at him, her gaze enigmatic. "You’ve met him. I’d hate to keep you from your date. I’m sure she’s expecting you."

  Her nonchalance irritated him. He curbed his desire to kiss the daylights out of her. Instead, he plucked a curl from her shoulder. "You look beautiful. The dress is terrific."

  He saw her slight shudder as he used the curl to trace her collarbone. She wet her lips, and he bit back a groan. Her lush mouth begged for a kiss, and even though she probably didn’t know it, her green eyes telegraphed a potent desire.

  Alex played with the silky tendril of hair, wrapping it around his finger, then dropped it. He stood, his gaze never leaving Maggie’s face, and caressed her neck until his fingers reached the fluttering pulse at the base of her throat. Her breath hitched, her lips parted, and no longer able to resist, Alex leaned close.

  "I’m not asking this time, Maggie. But if you want me to stop, you better say so now." He cupped the back of her neck and gave her a fraction of a second to respond before capturing her lips. She tasted of mints and alcohol. He traced the seam, and she opened under his tender onslaught.

  Alex drank her sweetness, tasting the corners, nibbling her lower lip. He swallowed her breathless moan, then slid his tongue inside, drawing her into an intimate dance, deepening his possession.

  Fire raced through his veins as Maggie responded, mating her mouth to his, stroking and suckling, with a fierceness that matched his own.

  "Let’s get out of here," Alex murmured.

  Maggie pulled away, her green eyes swirling with need and desire. "Wh-what about your date?"

  "Danielle’s happily married to my brother. And ver
y pregnant."

  Doubt seeped into her gaze, and he wanted to wipe that look from her eyes. She still didn’t trust him, and he wanted Maggie’s trust. Right now, though, he’d settle for whatever she gave him. He lowered his head and took Maggie’s mouth again, pouring the heat of his blood, the thunder of his heart, the cry of his soul into their kiss.

  When they pulled apart, Maggie whispered, "Let’s go."

  Alex asked Maggie to wait, then called Simon’s cellular from a pay phone and asked his brother to call a cab. He took Maggie to the limousine.

  Before she could ask questions, Alex improvised an answer. "I have a rich friend. I help him out a lot with his business and get a few perks for my efforts."

  Maggie settled into the seat and looked around the limo. "It’s nice."

  He directed the driver to Woodward Park, located a less than a mile from Brookside. Maggie was unusually quiet and introspective. This new facet of her behavior both concerned and fascinated him. Did she regret their kiss?

  They arrived at the park. Slipping out of the comfortable confines of the limousine, Alex clasped Maggie’s hand as they walked through the park. The moon shone and the stars twinkled. Wind rattled through the trees harmonizing with the cricket night songs. Alex inhaled the faint scents of roses and honeysuckle. When he glanced at Maggie, she was staring at him.

  "We aren’t going to be friends, are we, Alex?" She sounded both wistful and relieved.

  He shook his head. "Yes and no, Maggie. I want to touch you. Kiss you. Make love to you."

  "We haven’t had a first date," she protested.

  "Where would you like to go?"

  "Nowhere fancy." Her voice was quiet, serious. Alex wanted hear her laugh. He tugged her hand, leading her to the nearest swing set. "C’mon, Maggie. Let’s have a swingin’ good time."

  Her smile flashed in the dark. They both hopped into the swings, and laughed, drinking in the sweet air, and enjoying each other’s company.

  They stopped to get a breath, and Maggie asked, "When are we going to make love?"

  His already aroused body agreed NOW was a good time, but Alex knew better. Not until he told Maggie the truth, and he would, soon. He needed to be honest with her, she deserved that much. If he told her the truth now, the intimacy between them would break, and he was just selfish enough to want these moments to last. They’d get to know one another, and of course, practice kissing. He smiled. Kissing Maggie Conrad was definitely at the top of his list of things to do.

  "We’ll take things slow," he finally replied. He kissed the underside of her jaw and nipped her ear. "I’m not rushing you into anything, Maggie."

  "Thank you, Alex." The gratitude in her voice shamed him.


  "I should just tell her," said Alex. "All she can do is throw me out of her house and out of her life."

  "Is complaining about the situation you insisted was your ‘best idea ever’ the only reason you dragged me to this joint?"

  "You love Harry’s Hamburgers. Besides, you’re my only family, Simon. It’s your ear or a therapist’s." Alex bit into the juicy hamburger, though his stomach rebelled against food. He felt both elated and lousy and all because of Maggie. His feelings for her tumbled around inside him like a washing machine on "spin." For two weeks, ever since the night at Woodward Park, they’d danced around each other. It was almost as if they’d never spoken of making love, of being so much more than friends.

  "Okay. Here’s my take. Tell Maggie the truth."

  Alex shifted in the hard plastic booth. He chewed on a tart pickle; the taste mixed with the sour emotions he felt. Since he’d earned his wealth and his reputation, every woman he’d been involved with had been beautiful and conniving. Was his subconscious putting Maggie in the same category? Did he really believe she would turn into someone else once she found out about his money?

  "Earth to Alex."

  Alex blinked. "What?"

  "From what you’ve told me, Maggie doesn’t seem like the barracudas you usually date."

  "You’re making me feel so much better. Thanks." Alex finished the hamburger and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Maggie has been looking for a job during the days, then locking herself up in the basement at night. We hardly ever see each other."

  "Avoiding you, huh?" Simon stole one of Alex’s fries. "Maybe you should wait awhile, bro. Test the waters a bit before you spill the beans. By the way, are you any closer to finding the next wonderful gizmo?"

  Alex shook his head. "No. I know a lot about cleaning gutters, scrubbing oil stains off driveways, and fixing squeaky drawers, but none of it’s given me a drop of inspiration."

  "I could get the Scoop De Loop back online in a few days."

  "Not yet. I just need to unwind. Hell, going to Mexico doesn’t sound like a bad idea anymore."

  "It would probably help if Maggie wasn’t there. You said she was looking for a job?"

  "Yeah, she’s a graphic artist. Some of her sketches and watercolors are displayed around the house. She’s really talented."

  Alex sighed. He wanted to help Maggie get a job, and had been thinking about calling in a few favors. He’d even thought about giving her job at Convenience Unlimited, but what if things didn’t work out? He would never behave like Harrison and fire her. Yet he also knew Maggie’s pride wouldn’t let her stay, either. No, he had to think of something else.

  "Don’t worry, big brother. Everything will work out."

  Alex looked up, meeting Simon’s wide smile with a concerned frown. For some reason, his brother’s words were less than comforting.


  Much to Maggie’s relief, Alex had been gone most of the day. With yet another "Don’t call us, we’ll call you," response from two potential employers, she’d given up the job hunt early and come home. The basement felt confining. She’d been staring at a blank sheet of paper for fifteen minutes, unable to concentrate on sketching. Finally, she packed up the pencils and left, deciding to paint the damn shutters. She put on some ragged jean shorts and a halter-top, then went to the garage and got the paint.

  Maggie dragged the ladder to the house and set it up. Luckily, it hadn’t rained and the muddy hole had disappeared. Alex had probably packed it with dirt. He’d been busy doing a lot of outside work, possibly avoiding her as much as she’d avoided him. She couldn’t explain her reluctance to further a relationship with Alex. Heavens, she desired him. And had he pursued her at Woodward Park that night, she would have given him anything. But the next morning had brought old fears and new doubts crashing back. She’d been cowardly--simply pretending their passion hadn’t flared, that they hadn’t made intimate promises to each other. And Alex let her.

  He wasn’t Harrison. She knew that. Still a tiny seed of suspicion remained. Why should she believe him? Why shouldn’t she? Why oh why couldn’t she just take pleasure with his body and forget the rest?

  She carefully ascended the ladder clutching the paint can--no way was she going to repeat the same fiasco which had thrown her into Alex’s arms--and popped the lid. She’d done the mixing in the garage, and spent several weeks previously scrapping the old paint off the shutters, with no ladder problems at all.

  Maggie finished the upstairs shutters first, then dragged the ladder to the back of the house, returning to the side to finish the downstairs shutters. The hard work easily made her forget about Alex. She grinned. Yeah, right. Rolling her shoulders to ease the knots, she finished the last coat. Satisfied with the glistening pink shutters, she walked around the corner of the house and threw away the empty paint can.

  She wiped her brow, grateful for the cool breeze Mother Nature provided. It wasn’t hot yet, but as the afternoon wore on, she knew it would be. Spring in Oklahoma didn’t last too long; summer was too impatient.

  Dragging a new can to the top of the ladder, Maggie painted the only shutters accessible to her. Four windows were spaced evenly across the top. She’d have to get on top of enclosed porch’s roof to finish two sets of sh

  She pushed the ladder to the edge of the porch, and climbed up, setting the paint can on the roof and scrambling across. Her sneakers slid, but Maggie caught herself and gingerly worked her way toward the shutters. She finished one set, then dragged her paint can and brush over to the next. Her knees scraped against the sandpaper-like roofing material as she crawled toward the second set of shutters.

  "No problem," she muttered. She squatted, and dipped her brush, but before she could apply the paint, her shoes skidded against the roof. Her left ankle twisted viciously as both legs shot out behind her, dragging her toward the edge of the roof. She flattened out, trying to grab anything to stop her descent.


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