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Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1)

Page 11

by Abby Mccarthy

  “Armando, Luis,” Enrico greeted the men who stood until Enrico sat.

  I was to keep my eyes down, I knew this, but every once and awhile I would glance at the women. They had blank expressions similar to mine.

  “Your new pet is beautiful.” The man, I learned was Armando, spoke.

  “That she is,” Enrico responded taking a sip of a dark, amber liquid the server had poured as soon as we sat down.

  The men began talking in Spanish. I kept my head down and did my best to remain unaffected. The other women seemed to do the same as I didn’t hear a single sound from them.

  Instead, I listened closely.

  “You sold Lucia pretty quickly.” The way he said it, I imagined Armando smirking. It made my skin crawl. I had to pretend I had no idea what he was talking about, even though my worst fears were being confirmed.

  “I would’ve snapped her neck, if I didn’t. She never shut up. Bitch would wail nonstop. I had her gagged and I could still hear her whimpering.”

  “Ah, that’s how this one was, but a couple of lashings and a few goes with my men and it broke her pretty quickly,” Luis snickered. He fucking snickered like they were talking about training dogs. I was reminded of every time Enrico called me pet. Perhaps in his mind, that’s exactly what I was. I knew this, but somehow I was starting to think that maybe his obsession with me was more than that, like I was valued, but this conversation was telling me how expendable I was.

  Most of the dinner was spent talking about production. I assumed it was drugs because every now and then, they would talk about fields. Before the men finished, the conversation had shifted once again.

  “How did it go with Hades?” Luis asked.

  “Good, they’ll pay what I want. Those stupid Scars will pay up too. They’ll be gone before they even know they were double crossed,” Enrico started laughing and the other men joined in. The cackle was sinister and would be a sound that haunted me for nights to come.

  We left the restaurant, but my mind was so preoccupied with what I’d heard Enrico talking about that I wasn’t really on my game. They’d said Hades and Scars. I wondered if Scars was Gunner. I couldn't remember what Gunner’s vest read, but my gut told me that part of the conversation had everything to do with him. I hated that he had anything to do with Enrico. It was another reminder that I had no idea what kind of man he’d become. Obviously, he had business dealings with Enrico and that didn't bode well for me. The thought had crossed my mind more than once, I wondered if that was one of the reasons why Enrico targeted me. I usually convinced myself that I was just a shiny toy that Enrico saw and wanted to add to his collection, but what if I wasn't? Those thoughts plagued my mind, so I didn’t hear Enrico when he told me to take his cock out and suck.

  “Now, Pet! When I say drop, you drop to your fucking knees. I just rewarded you with a meal, and this is how you repay me?” I was stunned when a smack landed across my face, splitting my lip. The bitter reality that I was in the back of Enrico’s SUV stung as much as my face. I immediately did as he said and dropped to my knees. He was forceful and unkind, often cutting off my airway. I prayed it would end. When we got back to his home, everything changed, just not in a good way.

  Chapter Fifteen Charlie

  Enrico grabbed me tightly by the arm, angry that blood from my split lip had gotten on his black dress pants. Once inside, he threw me to the ground. “You stupid bitch, maybe I’ll sell you too.”

  “No, please don’t!” I pleaded. As his eyes grew dark, I realized my mistake. He spoke to me in Spanish and I responded. It was careless. My mind was still on all that I had learned tonight and I wasn’t being as careful as I should’ve been.

  “You can understand me? You lying whore! All this time, you’ve been playing me.” I was forcefully yanked by the hair.

  “No, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything. I’m sorry,” I begged. I still had the idea that I needed to hang on for Gun. I couldn't let him kill me or sell me. I was so afraid that if he sold me, I’d end up somewhere even worse. What’s the saying? Better the devil you know… Yeah well, at least I was learning what to expect from Enrico.

  “You think I care about your pleas? You begging only makes me hard, you lying piece of shit.”

  “I’m sorry,” I cried with tears streaming down my face. I don’t know why I thought it could stop the devil. No. Not him.

  I was met with a hit to the face, only this time it wasn't a smack. This time, his fist connected with my flesh. His gold ring he wore with a lion’s head protruding from it came at me violently, breaking my skin. I tried to curl into myself the pain was so fierce.

  He wouldn't let me. He delivered a kick to my ribs, and then with a fist in my hair, he began dragging me. I cried out. My legs barely worked as I tried to scramble to keep up with him, so that all of my dark hair wasn't ripped from my head.

  I stumbled and fell as he led me down the basement steps to the dungeon. Every part of my body screamed in agony. He opened the door to a room I hadn't seen before. If I had thought my room was a dungeon, I was wrong. This was a dungeon. I was thrown to the ground. My hands dug into a cold damp floor. Small rocks and dirt surrounded me. One of my eyes had already begun to swell shut. I could vaguely make out a wall, and then I was being hauled upwards. Enrico was putting something on my wrists. Next thing I knew, my face pressed against a cold wall and my wrists were secured over head.

  “I’ll teach you to lie to me. You’ll never do it again. This is it. Your only chance, and if I ever find you keeping something from me again, I’ll destroy you. I will find your son and peel his skin from his body while you watch, but first I’ll make him watch as I fuck your asshole ‘til it bleeds. Then, I’ll sell you to some friends of mine whose idea of play makes me look like a saint.”

  Tears poured down my face and I knew better than to open my mouth. I was silent. I’d learned to be a mouse in the past. I’d never make a sound again. A part of me hoped to die now before I did anything to jeopardize my son. He was my everything. I’d never comprehend how I ended up in the clutches of such a monster, but I’d do whatever I could to make sure this evil didn't touch him.

  My dress was ripped from my body, the tearing sound and our deep breathing were the only sounds in the dark cell. I stayed silent as Enrico’s belt lashed out and dug deep into my back. I stayed silent as he raped me. I was silent as he left me with my arms above my head.

  Even then, I wouldn't make a sound. I wouldn't do it. My idea of escape had vanished. Now, my time here became about playing my part to keep my son safe. I prayed for death. I prayed over and over again. My prayers weren’t answered.

  Time seemed like it went on forever. My arms were long since numb. My body had ached so much, that consciousness was limited. I’d wake with nightmares of Enrico and his friend’s laughing as my son was torn in two. I wanted nothing more than death, and as my body grew weaker and weaker, I knew it was coming for me. I closed my eyes, barely hanging on, and thought about Gunner and Gun. I thought about how he protected me from anyone who seemed to want to do me harm. I thought about all the ways I’d hoped Gun would be like him. I wanted Gun to have a good life one day. I wanted Gun to have his first girlfriend, his first kiss, his first motorcycle, and his own babies. I thought about how maybe one day, he’d reunite with his dad, and they could grow old being friends. These thoughts were the only peace I had while I hung from the wall, slowly bleeding out my life. These thoughts were the last ones I had before I drifted off for good.

  Part Three

  Chapter Sixteen Gunner

  “Kid, wake up.” I didn't want to wake Gun in the middle of the night. I didn't want to say goodbye, but I had too.

  “Dad?” His sleepy voice filled the bedroom. My chest ached in that way that only Gun calling me Dad could create.

  “Yeah, Gun. Wake up.”

  He sat up, his Ninja Turtles pj’s reminding me of how young he was. Sometimes, it was easy to forget because he’d already been through so much.
r />   “What is it? Is it Mom? Did you find her?”

  I couldn't tell him anything as much as I wanted to.

  He blinked his eyes at me. The light from the hallway filtered into his bedroom. “Why are you dressed? Are you leaving me?” I hated that. My boy was so insecure about not having anyone, and I knew this conversation was not going to be easy for me.

  “I need you to listen to me, and do your best to be as brave as you can. You hear me?”

  Gun sat up even taller and nodded his head.

  “I do have to leave. Reggie’s going to stay with you. He’s going to keep you home from school for the next few days and play video games and shit with you. Whatever you want, ‘kay?” Reggie had really taken to Gun, so I hoped that he wouldn't be too disappointed.

  He looked dejected. I had to give it to him straight. I owed him that, and if I didn't come back, I didn't want him to think it had anything to do with him.

  “I got a lock on your Mom. A bad guy has her. I’m going after her, and I’m going to do everything I can to bring her back to you. Love you, kid.”

  “What if the bad guys win?” his chin wobbled as he asked.

  “None of that. You hear me? Bad guys don't win. You be brave and do as Reggie tells you and hopefully, all this will be over before you know it.”

  “Is she okay?”

  My eyes turned down because I really didn't know and I didn't want to lie to him. “I really hope so. I really do.” I hugged my son for a few minutes, and soon his tired body started to grow lax in my arms. I started to leave his room when I heard him call out, “Dad, love you too.”

  It was the first time he’d ever said that to me and I needed to hear it. I needed that extra something to get me through this because, in all honesty, I wasn't sure how the fuck I was going to save her, but I was going to try. If I failed, my club would raise Gun.


  I had parked my bike and was walking up to the private airstrip I’d arranged to use, when Ace and Shane came into view.

  “Fuck, I thought we talked about this? I thought we decided I’d go it alone, and you guys would take care of the club? They need you.”

  “No, fuckwit. You decided you’d go it alone. We didn't decide that shit.” Shane slapped me on the back, and I flashed him a look of irritation.

  “It’s decided. Club voted tonight. We’re with you. One way or another, either you’re coming home with us, or none of us are. We don't do it alone. Didn't you learn that lesson?” Ace shot me a glare. That was one of the longest sentences my brother had ever said to me. I knew I couldn't argue if my club had voted on it.

  “You fucks voted without me?”

  “Yep,” Shane answered.

  “Plane’s loaded,” Ace lifted his vest showing me all the guns strapped to his chest.

  The first twenty minutes in the air was spent getting ready for war and the remaining part of the flight, we went over every detail of our plan. Which wasn't a solid plan, but it was all we had. The danger was great, but they were willing to risk it for me. They were willing to risk everything. I couldn't be pissed, even though I wanted to be. Truth was, I needed the help.

  We landed in a makeshift airfield in the middle of a fucking field of cocoa plants. The heat from the early Colombian sun made my brow sweat almost immediately. Men with guns walked around in the field and a group of young boys harvested plants. They didn't look up at us, and the pilot acted like it was business as usual as he paid the armed guards a small fortune to keep their mouths shut.

  “You need to be here by midnight tonight, otherwise I leave and you never see me again,” the pilot said as we got into the SUV that was waiting for us.

  “We understand. See you soon,” Shane said before we pulled away.

  Our intel finally came in, and we paid a mint for it. We were confident that we could get in and out. It was a decent plan; it wasn't perfect. When we were in the air going over everything, I couldn't have been more glad that Ace and Shane were with me. Ace knew his shit, way more than I ever gave him credit for. He came strapped like motherfucking Rambo. Of course, it didn't hurt that one of Enrico’s guys sang like a fucking canary when offered the right amount of money. There was no loyalty among these men. His employees worked for him out of fear or money, not because they were brothers. That meant they could be bought. And our inside guy told us exactly who we could buy.

  There was a change in guards every six hours. We had a by-the-minute time table of how we could get in without getting caught. For three hours, we sat in the brush waiting for our signal. When it came, we were ready and did exactly like we were instructed.

  We moved through the path in the thick jungle surrounding Enrico’s property and came out of it at the rear of the house. Once at the back of the house, Ace kept an eye on his watch until it was time for us to move again. Another minute passed, and we were going to the sliding door. It opened just like we were assured it would. We moved down a hall, and came to his office door. I threw open the door and there he sat at his desk, dressed in a tailored suit. His hair was slicked back. I caught a flash of concern cross his features as his eyes crinkled in the corners, the only real sign that he was much older than me, before he quickly put on his steely reserve. The room wasn't overly large. There was an opulent desk with a briefcase opened on it and a laptop next to that. Besides that, it was meticulously clean. Even the pen that sat on the desk looked like it had been set in that exact location on purpose. There were several large bookshelves lining the back wall and across from that were two large, high back chairs with ornately carved wooden arms.

  There was another man in the room who quickly moved into action. He lifted his gun to aim it. Ace didn’t hesitate. He shot him before the man’s finger was even on the trigger. The man fell to the ground with a bullet hole in his head. A red pool started to form around him.

  Enrico Santos sat calmly. “Tsk, tsk. Juan was one of my best men, you really didn't need to do that. Now, you’re here for a reason, si? What is it? We had a deal on the guns. Or is it money? Drugs? Why have you come into my home disrespecting me, when I’ve shown you nothing but respect?” His accent was thick as he coolly demanded answers.

  Shane stealthily moved behind Enrico with his gun aimed at his head while Ace covered the door. I stood in front of Enrico with my gun aimed ready to blow his brains out, but knowing I couldn't do it, not yet.

  “Respect me? That’s why you were meaning to undermine us with Hades?”

  His eyes flared for another brief second. I saw it. He was surprised we knew.

  “Respect?” I scoffed again, “That’s why you have the mother of my child? You have my woman, and you want to talk about respect?” My nose flared and I was so close to pulling the trigger.

  “Gunner,” Shane said my name trying to calm me. I couldn't kill this piece of shit until I had Charlie.

  “Where is she?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  He laughed, actually threw his head back and laughed. “That puta? That’s what’s got your panties in a bunch?”

  Shane aimed his gun down and shot him in the leg. His pant leg darkened.

  “Fuck! You’ll pay for that,” Enrico said through gritted teeth.

  “Flesh wound. Next one will be worse. You think we don't know how to make a man bleed? Get up!” Shane ordered.

  Noise from the hall alerted Ace to the fact that some of Enrico’s men had begun making their way toward the room. Ace shouted, “Tell them to fall back, or I take your knees.” The men in the hall must’ve heard this, because the noise from their loud clumsy asses quieted.

  “Pare, no vienen más cerca!” Enrico yelled in Spanish. I didn't speak Spanish, but I imagined he was telling them to stop.

  I kept my gun trained on Enrico. My brothers’ covered me as we forced a limping Enrico to his feet. “Lead us to her.”

  As we moved into the hall, his men fell back sensing the danger their boss was in. We were led down a set of stairs, through a few doors, and then down a
nother three stairs. It seemed to get colder and darker, the further down we traveled. The air smelled dank. At the end of what seemed to be a tunnel, we came to a wooden door. My blood boiled at the thought that she was being kept here. I gripped the back of his neck, doing everything in my power to not kill him yet. I needed to make sure she was here. Enrico moved his hand to his pocket. “Easy,” I said reaching in and fishing out a large set of keys. There was no way I would know which one unlocked the door. I handed them to him, “Open it,” I ordered. He grabbed them and took his time, infuriating me even more. Finally, he put the key in the lock and turned it. What I saw when he opened the door took my breath away.

  A woman, I wasn't even sure yet was Charlie, with bound wrists hung from a hook. She was naked. Her back was to us, dried blood and deep, large, red welts covered her gaunt body. Her head lulled to the side and I had no idea if she was even alive. “Son of a bitch,” I hissed. “Release her.”

  Enrico sifted through keys on the ring and unlocked her wrists, but not before his hand ran down her back. I shoved him aside and grabbed the woman. I gasped when I saw her face.

  It was her.

  My. Fucking. World.

  And she was destroyed.

  Ace, with his military background, grabbed her wrist, “She’s got a pulse, but barely.”

  “Let’s move,” Shane said, as I scooped Charlie into my arms. He held a gun on Enrico as we began moving out of the dungeon and back the way we came.

  “Baby, hang on. I’m here. Hang on,” I whispered and kissed her forehead, praying to God that I wasn't too late.

  We had just made it to the kitchen, when a flash of silver caught my eye and a bullet grazed past me. Ace fired back and before we knew it, we were in a shootout.

  The kitchen was open layout with the fridge and range against the wall and the rest of the deep mahogany cabinets were an island in the middle if the room. Across from one side of the kitchen were windows and patio doors. On the other side, there was a formal dining room and a hallway. The hallway was where the bullets began flying from. We ducked behind the cabinets. Shane still held a gun to Enrico, but we needed Shane’s help, so with Charlie in my arms, I aimed at him. There was an all out war around us. If Enrico didn’t make it, I needed to know why. So with my gun trained on him, in the midst of chaos, I asked, “Why did you take her? Why her? Why me?”


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