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Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1)

Page 19

by Abby Mccarthy

  I heard a ringing phone and I blinked. I didn't think I was asleep for long. Gunner got up and fished his phone from his jean pocket. “Hello,” he said and his body visibly tensed up. I sat up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders. The tenseness in his rigid back told me that whoever was on the phone, it was not good.

  “Right. Where are you?” he clipped, paused and then said, “Stay there. Keep your head down, and I’ll send some guys.” He hung up the phone and immediately started dialing.

  “I need you to pick up my mom. She needs a cage and a doctor. Use caution. I don't trust her. Bring guys. Bring back-up, but don't make ‘em known. She’s hiding out at a gas station on Decanter Street.” He disconnected the call and sat with his head in his hands. I gave him a few minutes to collect his thoughts.

  “Gunner?” I picked up on some of the conversation, but I needed him to fill in the blanks. “What’s happened with your mom?”

  He sucked in a breath and then slowly released it.

  “She’s hurt. She said she got sober and tried to leave Hades, but he didn't take to that so kindly, so he beat the fuck out of her. She’s sitting in a gas station with no one. Fuck! Part of me wants to leave her there like she left me when those fucking Hades bastards beat the shit out of me. The other part of me, can’t do it. Deep down, she’s my mom, you know? My club’s going to get her, and bring her here. I don't trust her, but I can’t let them find her and kill her if she’s telling the truth, that is. Fuck! This is so messed up. Let’s get dressed, go to the main cabin, and fill Shane and Ace in.”

  “You okay?” I asked.

  His eyes left mine and looked at the door, “I really don't know, Mouse.”

  I quickly dressed as did Gunner, and as we were about to walk out of the cabin, Gunner handed me my new patch, as he called the vest. “You wear this, when you’re outside. You wear this, when we’re around my brothers. You wear this pretty much always unless we’re fucking and even then I might still want to see it on you. Got it?”

  I smiled at him, and wagged my fingers, showing off my new engagement ring. “And this too,” I said meaning I’d wear that always, as well. Then, I pulled him down to kiss me.

  Inside the main cabin, Knuckles, Donnie, Anthony, Lachlan, and Mary were still up quietly playing cards and drinking beer. Gun was nowhere to be seen, and I surmised that he was in our room, since Ace and Shane were taking the other room. Reggie was asleep on the couch.

  Taking in the scene only lasted a few seconds before Knuckles leapt up and clapped Gunner on his shoulder, hollered like it was the most exciting thing ever and then picked me up in a huge bear hug saying, “Welcome to the family.”

  Reggie woke up from the noise and sat up abruptly, He rubbed his eyes then said, “What the fuck? You ain't supposed to be back ‘til the morning.”

  The room’s jovial congratulations stopped, when they realized that Reggie was right. Gunners face said how pissed off he was. “The guys in there?” he nodded to the other room.

  “Yeah, Shane’s been asleep for a few hours, and Ace just went to bed a little while ago,” Lachlan said.

  “Be right back, babe,” Gunner kissed me.

  As he walked away, Mary walked up to me. “Congrats. I know something’s going on, but that doesn't mean we’re not all excited and happy for you. I’ve known Gunner a long time, and I used to hear whispers about him looking for some lost love. I’m glad he found you.”

  I smiled at her. She was older than me, by at least fifteen years. She had gray streaks in her long signature biker braid and she wore a patch similar to mine. She had on black jeans with small jewels over the pockets and some kick ass black boots.

  “Thank you,” I said smiling through the uneasiness in my belly over Gunner’s mom’s return to our life.

  Both Ace and Shane had pissed off looks on their face as they followed Gunner out. I got it, no one liked to be woken up. Ace spotted me with the patch on first and quickly came over to me, gave me a hug, then whispered quietly, “Thank you. He needed you.”

  As Ace moved away, Shane loudly exclaimed, “Looks even sexier in our colors.” Then, he swooped me up in a big hug, and Gunner shot him a dirty look. Shane set me down. I couldn't help but grin at the boys. I was glad Gunner had them.

  Shane changed again. His mood suddenly much more serious. “Alright, now what the fuck is going on that you had to wake us up?”

  “I got a call from my mom,” Gunner explained everything he knew and that he sent some of his brothers to go and get her. Just as he was finishing, his phone rang again. He took the call and I silently waited for him to finish and let us know what happened. “It was Briggs. They have her. Everything went smoothly. They’ll be here in an hour and a half.”

  “I don't trust her.” Gunner said, “I can’t stand that Hades put his hands on her, but we need to be on alert around her too. We don't leave Gun alone with her.”

  Everyone nodded sensing what they needed to do.

  “I’ll call Doc,” Shane said.

  “Do you want us here, or do you want some space?” Donnie asked.

  “Why don't you guys get that fire going,” Gunner told everyone at the table.

  “I’ll check the perimeter. I know they’ll make sure they don't have a trail, but I want to be sure we’re secured.” Ace said as he began shrugging on warmer clothes and checked the clips in his gun. What did they think his mom was capable of?”

  Reggie and Shane stayed in the cabin with us. Time seemed to go slowly. “Go to bed, Mouse. I got this.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not doing that. This isn't going to be easy for you, and there’s no way I’m letting you face her alone.” I kissed him quickly and held his hand in the silent cabin until we heard gravel crunch followed by motorcycles.

  “Stay here,” Gunner shot me a look. I wanted to argue, but the look he gave me left me little room. “Reggie, stay with her.”

  A minute later, he carried his mom inside. She was bloody and banged up, but she wasn’t as bad off as I imagined. I grabbed a first aid kit and followed Gun into the tiny bathroom.

  “Mom,” he sighed as he took a look at her in the bathroom light. She didn't look anything like I remembered. I used to think she was beautiful and full of life. Now, she looked weathered, used even. Her hair was dirty and stringy. She didn't smell good. Her face was swollen, and it reminded me of Enrico, and how he hit me in the face. Blood was dried from her nose and her lip was split wide open. I looked at her clothes. She had on a long sleeve t-shirt and jeans that I noticed had vomit on them. That’s what that smell was.

  “I’m sorry, Gunner. I’m so sorry. I was so stupid.” She began crying and I momentarily felt sorry for her. Then, I remembered how she let those men hurt Gunner, and I’d lost any sympathy I felt. I grabbed a washcloth, ran warm water over it and began to gently wipe her face. Once the blood was gone, it didn't look so bad, but I had a feeling that the puke on her jeans meant something worse.

  “Gunner, check her ribs,” I said quietly, and it was then that his mom really seemed to notice me.

  He sucked in a breath as he lifted her shirt. In her raspy, teary voice she said to me, “You were always staring at my boy. Wasn't sure what he saw in you. You turned out to be a looker.” She flinched as his hand touched her skin. Her skin was already beginning to change colors.

  “Doc’s on his way, but I’m guessing you have a few broken ribs.”

  “Gunner, why don’t you let me help get her cleaned up?” I met his eyes and motioned my eyes to the puke on her.

  “Not leaving you alone with her.” He made it perfectly clear to her with that simple statement that he didn’t trust her.

  “Can you lift your arms?” I asked and she nodded. Gunner hissed as I helped her lift her shirt off completely and the extent of damage to her torso was revealed. Gunner started the shower and I helped her out of her jeans.

  She stood in her bra and panties and I helped her in the shower while Gunner stood there. He was on gu
ard, it was like he was waiting for her to strike. It was so very clear that he didn't buy her apology. I had her wrapped in a towel and her hair washed when a knock at the bathroom door came.

  “Yeah?” Gunner asked.

  “Doc’s here,” Shane said from the other side.

  We let Doc in and I sat on the couch until Doc came out and told us, “I got her ribs wrapped. They look worse than they are. I think they’re probably bruised. I just gave her a shot of something to help her sleep. But she’ll need help walking for now.

  Gunner nodded and a minute later came back with his mom in his arms and brought her to the spare room. He closed her inside and came back out. “I want you in with Gunner for the rest of the night. I’m going to watch her.” The way he said watch her didn't make me think it was for her benefit, but for mine.

  “Alright,” I said stepping on my tiptoes and meeting his lips half way as he bent forward. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”


  Gun stirred beside me. The morning light filtered in through the room. I yawned and stretched my arms, thinking about last night. I’m going to be Gunner’s wife! I’ll also have my future mother-in-law to contend with today. With that thought, I dressed for the day. Gun woke up as I’m about to go grab coffee.

  “Hey, honey.” I leaned forward and kissed him on his head. “How did you sleep?”

  He rubbed his eyes. “Good,” he said with yawn.

  I plopped down beside him. “Dad and I have some news.”

  “Did he get me the new Turbo Racing game?”

  “Nope, better than that.”

  “What could be better than Turbo Racing?”

  “Well, your dad and I are going to get married?”

  “You are?”

  I wiggled my finger showing off my new diamond ring. Seeing it in the light only made me smile more. It was beautiful. It was a princess cut diamond set on a twisted, diamond, platinum band. It rocked.

  “Kick ass,” he shouted and before I had a chance to scold him on his language, he bolted out of the room in search for Gunner.

  I followed him and saw Gunner drinking a cup of coffee just as Gun threw his arms around his waist. “Dad! Mom says you’re getting married.”

  “We are. That cool with you, kid?”

  “Gun, you watch your mouth,” I scolded. I could tell he was about to use the same language.

  He gulped and answered, “Yeah, Dad. We’ll be a real family.”

  “Already are, kid. Just making it official.” He ruffled Gun’s hair and Gun broke free, grabbed a bowl for cereal, then he opened his arms for me. I immediately stepped into them putting my arms around his waist and he dipped his head for a kiss.

  “Missed sleeping next to you.”

  “Where is she?” I asked.

  “Still sleeping. I imagine she’ll be out for a while. Her body needs to heal.”

  I nodded my head in understanding. “You mad I told Gun without you? I was just so excited.”

  “‘Course not. Glad you’re happy. What was up with the watch your mouth comment?”

  “As soon as I told him, he said, ‘kick ass’ and ran out to you.”


  At the sound of his father’s voice, our son looked up from his bowl of cereal.

  “What?” he asked with a mouthful.

  “Watch your mouth around your Mom.”

  “Just around me, huh? He’s spending too much time with Reggie.”

  Reggie’s head popped up from the couch and he grinned at us, “Heard that.”

  “Wasn’t whispering.”

  Gunner’s arms tightened around me, “You shine, Mouse.”

  “Hmm?” I asked distracted by the feel of his body wrapped around mine.

  “Never saw you shine so much. My mom’s in the next room, beaten. But you’re not letting that get you down. Nope, instead you’re smiling and wearing my ring. Like I said, you fucking shine.”

  I leaned up on my tiptoes, because what else could I do with that declaration, and kissed him.

  “Eww,” Gun said and started coughing. We pulled apart and Gunner glared at Gun making him halt his dramatics. I laughed and reached for a coffee cup.

  The door opened, and Ace and Shane walked in. They both poured themselves coffee, and I immediately started brewing more. A pot didn't go far with these guys.

  “Be back, babe. If she wakes up, get me. I’ll be just outside,” Gunner said leaving me in the kitchen. Reggie followed the guys outside, and it was just Gun and me.

  “Something else happened last night, Gun.” I grabbed his attention before he pressed play on the video-game.

  “Gunner’s mom, your Grandma’s, here. Your dad hasn't seen her before last night and they don’t have the best relationship so I want you to be cautious around her. Follow your dad’s lead.” He gave me a chin lift, and I was reminded that my boy needed to spend more time with kids his own age and less time with these grown bikers.

  Several hours later, my boys and I were taking a walk around the lake, when Lachlan walked up. “She’s up.”

  Gunner gave Lachlan a chin lift, and we headed back into the cabin.

  We walked inside. His mom sat on the couch slowly sipping coffee. She was black and blue, but her face wasn’t as swollen as I would have thought that it would be. I momentarily thought about how beautiful I used to think that she was, and how she really wasn't anymore. Life hadn’t been kind to her.

  When she saw us, she gasped. “Gunner,” his name fell off of her lips in a whisper, but it wasn't Gunner she was looking at. She was staring directly at Gun.

  “Fuck,” she hissed. “You got a kid.”

  He glared at her, and placed his hand on Gun’s shoulder.

  “I didn't know,” she stuttered out. “I had no idea.”

  I walked in front of her, “Hi Cathy. How are you today?”

  Her eyes left my son and flashed to me like she was just now noticing that I’d moved in front of her.

  “Fine,” she spat, a little too annoyed by my presence. She’d been through a lot, I needed to cut her some slack. I never really knew her growing up. We’d see each other in passing mostly. She was never rude to me, but never quite acknowledged me either.

  “Cathy, this my son, Gun. Gun say hello to your Grandma.”

  He waved shyly.

  “Son, why don't you go find Reggie, and hang with him for a little while.” Gunner squeezed Gun’s shoulder. Sensing some tension, he didn't hesitate to hightail it out of the cabin. He was followed out by the rest of Gunner’s brothers that were lingering in the cabin.

  “Ma, we need to talk.”

  I sat on the edge of the table in front of her and Gunner sat beside her. He grabbed me by the hand and deposited me on his lap. “Need you next to me,” he whispered for my ears only.

  Cathy watched us cautiously.

  “Go on, Ma. Let me hear, how after seven years, why you think coming to me for help would be okay.”

  She flinched. It was barely noticeable, but his words stung her.

  I watched as she pulled in a deep breath, and she began her story, and it wasn't anything like I would’ve expected.

  “I was with Hades before I met your dad.”

  Gunner’s entire body went stiff, and I linked my fingers with his.

  “I met him when I was young. My parents hated him. Thought he was no good for me, but you have to understand what it was like for me growing up. Grandpa, before he retired, he worked out of town a lot, and more often than not, it was just my mom and me, and she was a cold woman. She never hugged. She didn't hurt me, or anything but it was like I wasn't hers. Like she felt no connection to me. You know? So, when I met Billy, that’s what he was called before he became Hades, I craved the attention he showed me. He was older than me by five years, and I met him when I was fifteen. No surprise, my dad lost his shit, when he found out. He tried everything he could to keep me away from Hades. He’d lock me in the house. Ground me. Anything
he could think of, but he had to work, and Mom was not really there, so I’d always find away to see him. I was sixteen when I found out I was pregnant.”

  My eyes found Gunner’s. I hoped like hell she wasn't telling us that Hades was Gunner’s real dad.

  He squeezed my leg, interrupting Cathy’s story. “She was nineteen when I was born.”

  I let out the breath I was holding and whispered, “Thank God.”

  “No, he’s not your Dad, but he’s your sister’s.”

  “What the fuck!” Gunner bellowed, yes bellowed. I felt like the walls of the cabin were ready to implode with his fury. “Say what, Ma?”

  “I was a kid. Hades was a man. My Dad didn't want me to raise a kid at sixteen, so he made me sign over custody to Hades. It was horrible. I hated Hades then. I never saw her, I held her in the hospital, and after that, nothing. He said he sent her off to live with family, and that she’d have a good life, but I resented him. I couldn't understand how he could side with my dad, and send my baby away. I withdrew. I didn’t talk to Hades anymore. He wouldn't give me my baby, so I wanted nothing to do with him. It was too much. Grandpa’s and my relationship never really recovered.”

  “I need a drink. You need something?” I interrupted. I didn't really need a drink, but I could tell Gunner was ready to combust from the news that he had a sister. Not only did he just find out about the having a son that was kept from him, but now he was finding out that he had a sister too.

  “Get me whiskey, babe.”

  “I’ll have one too,” she added.

  “Thought you were getting clean, Ma?” Gunner gave her an irritated look.

  “From the powder,” she said quietly.

  “Well, you're not drinking on my watch either, so if you want to be here, you’re clean for real.”

  I got up and poured Gunner a small tumbler of Jameson for him, grabbed myself a beer, then returned to my spot on his lap where he needed me.

  Gunner took a large swig from the tumbler and said, “Go on.”

  “Alright, where was I? So, I avoided Hades. My mom got sick and Grandpa moved us. I always wondered what happened to my little girl, but I was a kid myself, you know? Then, I met your dad and we started a life here. He was a good dad to you. Everything seemed good and then one day your dad and I were out, and we ran into Hades. Your dad did his best to get me away from him as quickly as he could, but I wanted to know about my daughter, so I ended up going to their clubhouse sometimes. Then, your dad had the accident, and Hades started coming around more. He kept hanging the promise of my girl over my head, and so we spent more and more time together. Then, he told me about her accident and I lost it. I guess that’s when I started to use with him. It was all about getting high, and well, you know the rest. One day, I overheard Hades talking about you, and how Enrico wanted you dead, and I knew I needed to clean myself up. I couldn’t be with a man who’d let that happen, but I knew I was useless using. I’d been doing a pretty good job of getting sober. I told him I was leaving, and he beat the shit out of me. I got away from him, called you. And here we are.”


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