Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1)

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Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1) Page 20

by Abby Mccarthy

  “There is so much fucking there, I don't even know where to start, so how about you tell me about this accident.”

  I was so frustrated with his mom’s account of things.

  “He told me there was an accident, and she didn't make it. I never even got to meet her.”

  “Fuck,” Gunner hissed out. “What’d you hear Hades say about Enrico?”

  “Not much, just that Enrico Santos was after you, and he’d be on the look out, and would report back.”

  I flashed Gunner a look. That was our first real confirmation that Enrico was alive. My stomach turned at that news. Gunners hand squeezed my waist. “I’m not letting anything happen to you again, Babe.”

  I was shaken. I heard his promise that I’d be safe, but something about all of this felt off.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine Gunner

  I didn't trust my mom. Something about the entire thing felt off. It might have been the slight tremble in her hand, when she watched me sip my whiskey, or the way she licked her lips at the drink. She wasn’t a sober woman, no matter what she said. I also failed to feel like she was truly sorry. It felt disjointed. I told my brothers this, and we were on high alert.

  I wasn't letting on to her that I didn't trust her. I let her sit with Gun. He spent a few minutes asking her about her life, and once he saw that she wasn't that interested in him, he quickly went about his business of hanging out with the guys.

  Charlie stayed by my side until much later when she yawned, and I told her to get some rest and that I’d be in soon.

  She grabbed Gun, “Want you with me, baby,” she told him and he didn't argue. He gave his momma what she needed without any questions.

  I knew hearing Enrico’s name shook her. I had the guys take shifts watching my mom sleep in the other bedroom. The longer the day went on, the more she seemed to be getting antsy. I figured it was more withdraw than anything. She said it was the pain that was making her irritable and she needed sleep. That might’ve been true, but my gut said it was more than that.

  After she went to bed, I found my woman and son curled up. I paused and watched how Charlie clung to him and I wondered if that’s what it was like before I found them. I changed into sweats, laid on my side and threw my arm over both of them, holding them in their sleep. Her body relaxed. She didn't need to hold on anymore. I was there, and I vowed that I’d always be there.


  My phone vibrating on the nightstand woke me. It was dark and the red glowing numbers on the alarm clock flashed one-thirty-six. I didn't recognize the number, but I wondered who the fuck could be calling at this hour.

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  “Uh, uh, Mr. Gunner?” a young guy’s voice wobbled on the other end.

  “Who’s this?”

  “It’s me. Joshua.” I had no idea who the fuck Joshua was.

  “You told me to call if I saw any other bikers with cuts on heading your way.” The light bulb went off in my head, the geeky kid from the gas station.

  “Good job, kid. How many?”

  “Maybe ten, but there was also a bunch of Black SUV's with them. I was taking a piss. Almost missed them. I did good, right?”

  “Yeah, kid. Real fucking good. You catch their colors?”

  “You mean, were they white or black?”

  “No, I mean, you catch what their patch said?” He didn't answer me. I was getting frustrated. “Did their vest tell you the name of their motorcycle club?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Something about Hell or Hades. I don't know. It was pretty quick.”

  “Were they heading East or West?”

  “East, for sure.”

  “Good job, kid.” I hung up and gently shook Charlie’s shoulder. “Babe.”

  She sat up abruptly, looked at Gun to make sure he was safe, and then to me. Sliding out of bed, I quickly put a shirt and boots on. She followed my lead and I watched her eyes move as I grabbed my gun, checked my clip, and left the room. She followed a second later.

  “What’s going on?”

  “What’s going on is Mom, tipped ‘em off to where we are. I don't know how or when, but I know it was her.”

  “Oh, God. He’s coming for me.”

  “No, babe. We’re ending this shit. That’s what’s happening. Go to the cabins. Wake ‘em up.” Charlie headed towards the door when I handed her my gun, “Take this.” I knew we had time, but I wasn't taking any chances. Besides, I had more guns, and I didn’t want her to witness me waking up my mom, because fuck that bitch.

  Reggie who was on the couch already began stirring as Charlie quickly moved out of the cabin. “Got company coming. ETA maybe thirty minutes; maybe more, maybe less.”

  “Fuck. Ace is on the perimeter. I’ll let him know.”

  Shane was watching my mom sleep when I threw open the door. “Get up you, lying fucking cunt.”

  Shane sat up straight and gave me a look that said what the fuck. She moved groggily and I grabbed her and shook her by the shoulders. I’d never hit a woman before, but I was so damn close. “What the fuck did you do?”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “No? Enlighten me. How come there’s a convoy of bikers and SUVs heading this way?”

  She began to cry. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  Just as I was about to interrogate her further, I heard a sound I’d never forget. Charlie screamed in the distance.

  “Shane,” I said about to bark orders as I ran for the door.

  “Got it,” he said aiming a gun on my Mom.

  “Gun,” I shouted at Reggie as I ran out. We’d already talked about in case of anything happening that he was to take care of Gun above everything else. My brothers had all started to exit their cabins with their guns raised, but what I saw made my blood boil.

  Enrico-motherfucking-Santos had a gun on Charlie. Her chest was rising and falling abruptly. “Let her go,” I shouted.

  He looked out of place. He was wearing a tailored suit, that even in the darkness, I could tell cost a mint, and his shoes were expensive too. What he did not look like was a man who was prepared to be in the woods in the fall. Everything was slick from an earlier rain. He spoke in his thick accent, “You know, I never intended to meet with you, but when I met Hades at the strip club, and I laid eyes on Charlotte, I knew she’d be mine. When he recognized her as someone you’d been looking for, well you see, that made everything even fucking sweeter.”

  “Again, let her go, and I’ll make it quick.” I saw Lachlan move in from behind and Enrico shouted, “Tell your man, he moves again, she gets a bullet.”

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  “You shouldn't have come after what was mine,” Enrico said.

  My girl in all her fierceness said, “I was never yours.”

  He pressed the gun into her side, “I said tell him to back down.” I watched as he gripped her side. In one hand I held a gun, in the other my balled fist. I spotted my gun on the ground not far from where Charlie stood. He must’ve disarmed her. Fuck.

  “Gunner, no?” My mom shouted, panic lacing her voice as she joined the party while Shane held a gun to her.

  “You promised. You fucking promised, if I led you here that you’d tell me where to find her and Gunner would be safe,” she cried.

  I shot her a look, and in that quick second my eyes moved from Enrico to my mom, he somehow pulled a second gun, aimed it at my mom and fired. He hit her in the stomach and she dropped at the same time, two simultaneous explosions went off in the not so far off distance. That was Ace. I didn't have time to dwell on the fact that my mom was shot, she just lied to me again, and I really couldn't say how I felt. All I knew was that I needed to get my family safe. I used the distraction from the explosion, and fired a shot at Enrico. He ducked, but in doing so let go of Charlie. She scrambled for the gun on the ground. I shot off another round, but Enrico ducked behind a large tree. Lachlan, who had been approaching shot towards Enrico and I couldn't be certain if he hit him or not.
/>   Motorcycles roared through the trees. Ace didn't get ‘em all apparently. They began firing shots off at us, and suddenly we were in an all-out war. Bullets blazed in every direction, and all I thought about was, I had to get to Charlie. She moved like there wasn't a gun battle blazing around her. I ducked to miss a bullet. A Hades Runner aimed at Charlie. I fired taking him out, before he could pull the trigger. She grabbed the gun and moved. She was going after Enrico. Hades pulled his bike into the mayhem, a bullet nearly missed him. I fired, grazing his shoulder. A small explosion went off to my right, and then I lost sight of Charlie. Hades saw my mom on the ground, her body shaking as she spat up blood. He looked wrecked. I’d never thought he’d actually give a fuck about her. Seeing her on the ground, I wasn’t sure how I felt. One thing I knew is we wouldn't be in this situation, if it wasn't for her.

  “Fuck! Fuck, fuck fuck!” I heard Donnie yell and watched as he dropped to his knees. He was shot and I hoped like fuck it wasn't too bad. Two Hades also dropped in rapid succession as Knuckles moved in to get Donnie clear from any more danger. Shane had my back shooting men as I moved to where Charlie had gone.

  It was dark, the smoke from gunfire made everything hazier. There was a red glow in the sky. I assumed it was from the SUVs that Ace had no doubt set fire to. It helped me see Charlie’s form running towards our cabin, right towards Gun. She didn't know that I’d already given Reggie strict instructions that no matter what, the first sign of danger, he was to get Gun as far away from here as possible. I trusted that he’d done just that, but when Charlie threw open the cabin door, I was afraid. He could be inside waiting for her. I ran as fast as I could.

  I moved to the door of the cabin with stealth speed, and breathed a sigh of relief, when I saw that Charlie had the gun aimed at Enrico.

  “I’m not yours, you sick fuck,” she said holding the gun exactly like we practiced.

  “You can’t kill me.”

  “No? Watch me, motherfucker.” Her finger was about to pull the trigger when he said, “If you kill me, your old man’s sister will suffer a fate far worse than you ever did.”

  “She said she was dead,” I said coming up beside Charlie.

  “She lied to get you to trust her. You stupid moron.”

  “You fucking killed her,” Hades shouted from the doorway, “You’re my brother, we had a fucking deal, and you killed her.” Before we could do anything else, his gun went off in a burst of rapid shots. Holy shit, they were brothers!

  “No!” Charlie shouted.

  Enrico’s body slumped to the ground. Blood pooled. He was dead.

  I grabbed Charlie, pulling her to me trying, and failing to shield her from the bloody mess in front of us. I aimed a gun in Hades’ direction, not sure of the danger we were still in, but he was gone. Too many bombshells dropped in his wake. He was brother’s with Enrico. I had a sister and my mom was now dead. Motorcycles roared to life, and I knew the war was over, at least for tonight.

  Chapter Thirty Charlie

  “I feel cheated.”

  I was back in Ohio, lying in our bed, and by ours, I meant Gunner’s and mine. We had been back for about a week, and we were cuddling after we’d just finished making sweet love. Gunner wouldn't call it that. He’d say we were fucking hard, but it didn't matter what he called it, or how rough it was, it was always love to me, and no matter how hard it was, it was always sweet.

  My back was to his front. He had a leg thrown over mine and he was lightly kissing the scars on my back. It was something I found he did quite often, but I wasn't sure if it was for him, or if it was for me. Nonetheless, anytime his lips were on me, it was good.

  ‘Why do you feel cheated? You got yours a few times, babe.”

  I sighed. I wasn't talking about that. I turned to face him, not sure why my mind went here, but it did. “I wish Hades hadn’t shot him. I wish it was me. I feel like he robbed me of that, and I deserved to get to do it after everything he put me through.”

  Gunner studied my face, “I’m not sorry.”

  I looked at him questioningly.

  “You kill a man, that stays with you. You hold on to it, even when it’s deserved, some part of your soul knows you took that from someone. I don't wish that on you. Glad it was Hades and not you,babe. Saying that though, I wish it was me I also wish we knew what the hell happened to my sister.”

  “I’m sorry. Now, I feel bad. You’re right. I shouldn't be glad he’s dead, knowing you have a sister out there, and not knowing what she’s been through. I’ve been thinking about my time there.”

  “Mouse,” he said exasperatedly because he hated when I thought about my time there. I couldn't help it though, it happened and I was still working through it. Knowing Enrico was dead helped.

  “I know, but hear me out. That day that he took me to a restaurant,” Gunner growled, he knew which day I was talking about. I placed my hand on his chest to calm him down. “I remembered something.” This peaked his interest and he raised a brow. “We were walking down a hall. I wasn’t allowed to lift my head, but I remember that there was a woman who banged on her door and asked him to let her out. He ignored her, but the more I think about it, what if she was your sister? She was upstairs, not in the dungeons with me, and the woman spoke to him with more familiarity than he’d ever allow me to have.”

  “That’s good info, babe. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s her. Ace has been searching some sex-ring internet sites and has been reaching out to contacts, but I’ll tell him this. Maybe it will lead to her. It’s good, Mouse.”

  I knew how this weighed on Gunner. We’d talked about everything from that night and what we concluded, after finding out that Hades and Enrico were actually brothers, was that Gunner’s sister had been living with Enrico. We didn't know for how long or why, but we were going to find out.

  He cupped my cheeks and kissed me, then said, “I’ve been thinking about this revenge thing.”

  “It’s not a revenge thing. You act like I want to go all vigilante,” I laughed.

  “I’m thinking one of the strippers you used to work with set you up. Past shit’s been rolling through my head too, and I’m pretty sure that I remember Enrico handing a blonde money the night you were drugged.”

  “Skye,” I whispered her name. She was such a bitch. I shook my head, “No, Gunner. I want to move on from that place. I don't think we can move on from the past, if we keep looking back. As fucked up as it is that she had something to do with it, she couldn't have really known how dangerous he was.”

  “You’re too nice.”

  “No, I just know that we’ve got much more to look forward to then all the shit we’ve got behind us.

  “God, I fucking love you.” He kissed me hard.

  I kissed him back with such ferocity. That’s how it was with us. Sometimes, it was soft, and other times, it was like, even though we just had each other, we were desperate to have one another.

  “I was just inside of you, but you make me so goddamn hard every fucking time you kiss me.”

  “Gunner,” I sighed his name as his fingers found my already wet clit and began circling.

  “Turn around.” I did as he said and quickly rolled away from him. “Grab your tits.” I did that too. “Good. now play with those fucking perfect nips.”

  “So bossy,” I laughed.

  “You love it,” he said and pushed inside of me from behind. Oh, but I did love it. His long thick cock slid deeply inside of me and I was already so sensitive from cumming from our last bout that I let out a loud moan.

  “That’s right. Take my cock.” He pushed in with such vigor and then pulled out again. One hand of his was placed over my back and he did this every time he saw me from this position. My skin was too fragile to be tattooed on, but as soon as I could, I knew I’d be getting the Bleeding Scars MC tat on me. I let go of my nipples. I was already becoming lost in us. I grabbed the sheets in front of me in a tight fist as he continued to pump in and out of me.

  He gave
me a few hard strokes, slid out of me, moved me to my stomach, then grabbed my hips so they were raised slightly and began fucking me so deeply from behind, I felt it to my very core.

  “Fuck,” I panted, “Yes!”

  He slowed and rubbed my asshole with his fingers, then pushed one in. He began fucking my ass with his finger and fucking my pussy with his beautiful dick, and it was marvelous.

  I came, and then once I was done, he added another finger, and fucked me even harder until I came again. I could feel his hard body slapping against mine as his speed increased and I knew he was close.

  “Yes, baby. Give it to me,” I shouted, loving the way he felt when he came inside of me.

  A full minute later, he removed his fingers, flexed his arms on each side of my body and rode me until he came so hard, he too roared out in pleasure.

  He collapsed on top of me, then pulled me back to the position we started in; my back to his front. “Marry me,” he whispered.

  I laughed, “I already said yes.”

  “I mean today. Let’s not wait. I don't want to wake up another morning with you not being my wife.”


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