Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1)

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Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1) Page 21

by Abby Mccarthy

  I again turned towards him, searching his eyes. In those beautiful amber eyes with flecks of greens and browns, I saw the boy I used to watch from my window. With his tattooed arms wrapped around me, I saw the man he had become, the man who I knew would do anything to make me happy and keep me safe.

  “Alright, let’s do it.”

  “Yeah?” he asked.


  He kissed me again, smacked me on the ass, and said, “Let’s go.”

  I laughed again, and did exactly like he wanted and got up.


  Several hours later, we stood in front of a judge. I had on a white sundress that I bought a local department store. It was strapless, fitted around my breasts and flowed to the floor. My hair was twisted up in a french twist with loose curled tendrils hanging around my face. I went darker on my make-up, making my eyes pop. Gun wanted to wear his new Captain America shirt. Gunner wanted him to dress up. Gun looked at him pointedly and asked, “Are you?” Needless to say, Gun won that round and I didn't really care what he wore.

  Gunner did buy a new pair of jeans that he paired with a black button down shirt. The top two buttons were undone showing off some of his ink. He had his patch on top of it and the sleeves on his shirt were rolled up to his elbows. Next to Gunner to bear witness, stood Ace and Shane, neither of them dressed up, but I didn't care about that either. The only thing that really mattered was that Gunner Reed and I were getting married.

  The judge began his very efficient vows when Gunner shockingly cut him off. “You don’t mind, got something I’d like to say.”

  “By all means,” the judge said clearly uncomfortable in the presence of bikers.

  “You used to watch me. I knew. You watched me for so fucking long.” The judge cleared his throat obviously displeased with his language. I just smiled as Gunner shot him a look. “Thing is, I loved your eyes on me. Once I saw you staring, I hoped your eyes would never leave me. Well, we know how that went, but I got some promises I been making, and in front of you, our boy and the rest of these fools, I want you to promise me that your eyes will always be on me. Do you promise?”

  “I promise.”

  “You promise to never leave me. To not let me do anything stupid, and to love me forever?”

  I laughed, “I thought you said you had promises?”

  “I do, but I gotta hear yours first.”

  “Then, yeah baby, I promise I’ll love you forever. I’ll never leave you.”

  “Thank fuck, and I promise, that as long as air is coming from my lungs, I’ll be right there for your eyes to watch me. I’ll be with you so much you’ll get sick of me, and then when you need space, I promise to give it to you, but that I won’t be happy because we wasted too much fucking time apart. I promise to love you. I promise to fucking cherish you, and mostly Mouse, I promise I’ll never let anything hurt you again. It’s me, you and Gun. You’re my family, and I promise to do right by you.”

  “I love you, Gunner.”

  I couldn't wait. I reached up and kissed Gunner, hard. The judge cleared his throat again and then declared, “Alrighty, by the power invested in me, by the State of Ohio, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  I kissed my husband again, telling him how much I loved him in between kisses. After a minute, we broke apart. He grabbed my hand, and we left the courthouse. Outside, Donnie, who thankfully ended up being okay, handed me my patch, and I put it on over of my dress. The rest of his brothers, their old ladies and a few of the girlfriends, if that’s what you could call them, all shouted, whistled and hugged or slapped each other’s backs.

  Reggie took Gun in his truck, and I found my place behind Gunner. It was exactly where I wanted to be.

  We rode away from the courthouse with as many of The Bleeding Scars MC that could be present on such short notice. I was chilly being that it was fall and I had a sundress on, so I clung tightly to Gunner hoping we’d get back to the clubhouse soon. We stopped at an intersection and directly across from us at the opposing light was Hades surrounded by several Hades Runners. My breath caught and I was so afraid that today, my happiest day, was going to be ruined.

  I squeezed Gunner letting him know I was afraid. He shot Hades a glance who lifted his chin and we rode away without any problems. I knew we had a pass for the day, but it wasn't over. How could it be? Today, we were okay. No, not just okay. Today, we were more than okay. Today, we didn't let those scars bleed into our future. Today we moved forward.

  I didn't look back to see where they went. Neither of us let them seep any further into today. What we did do was go back to his clubhouse, party hard and when we were done, we went home, made love, and I never woke up another day where I wasn't Charlie Reed in my husband’s arms.

  The End

  Epilogue Gunner


  We’re in your studio. A few boxes are stacked next to the wall of mirrors and six stripper poles extend down the center of the studio. I’m sitting in the chair your note requested I sit in. I look around and smile. It’s so genuine. My life with you makes me really fucking happy, and watching you fulfill your dream? Priceless. You really out did yourself. When you told me your dream was to open a studio to teach housewives how to strip, I have to admit, I thought you were a little nuts, but after seeing it? Damn. Well, I’m just reminded of how smart you are.

  The room goes dark and then blue and purple lights flash. You are there on the pole. You’re wearing a black, silk robe, cinched tightly at the waist, black, thigh high, silk stockings, and black, spiked heels.

  “Goddamn, my wife is sexy,” I murmur. No one is here to hear me and I know you can't over the music, but you’re beyond enticing.

  Awolnation’s ‘Sail’ starts to thrum through the room. The bass is loud and I watch you. Your body moves slowly at first, one hand grabbing the pole. You move around it in a circle.

  I’m mesmerized.

  Never have I felt my heart thrum more through my veins than in this moment.

  You bend at the waist and flip back up as they sing “sail”. Your hair flips. Your hands roam over your body, moving seductively over your silk, covered breast. The urge to move to you, grab you and fuck you silly is strong. You’re a drug. I know your potency will only get stronger, if I wait. You smile at me as your eyes glance down to see my cock straining against my jeans. You sway your hips. You tease me.

  Hand over hand, you raise your body on the pole. Your ankle is hooked around it, and I admire the shape of your legs. They’re toned and tan, and right now, look longer than I’ve ever seen them. You begin to spin on the pole. Your body is a work of art. I want to rip the robe off of you, and see all you have to bare, but this is your show. One you are giving to me quite nicely.

  You’re at the top of the pole again and you flip backward. Your body arches with the pole and your robe slips up. I can see a small black thong. The curves of your ass are driving me crazy. Then, you near the end of the pole,and you spread your legs. The barest hint of your perfect pussy peeks out at me. You reach the ground, move your body, and mimic fucking. I shift in my seat, adjusting my dick. You’re making me fucking wild. I feel like a fucking beast ready to claim you.

  You move to your hands and knees and crawl to me.

  “Jesus,” I hiss.

  You move around me touching my shoulders as you sway your hips. I put my hand on your tie attempting to rid you of the robe; The stupid robe that’s obstructing my view. My, how you taunt me and I wonder, not for the first time, how I got so lucky.

  You slap my hand away, “No touching.” You throw a leg over my lap and you give me the best fucking lap dance of my life. Your pussy grinds against me. You’re not even shy about the moan you make. You turn your back to me, making me suck in a breath as the curve of your ass grinds against me. Your hair flips smacking me in the face.

  “God, I want you.” I groan. Your hands move over my thighs, then you grab my hands and you guide me to the tie holding your robe closed. I untie
it and you let it fall from your shoulders exposing your back.

  I hiss. There on your back is everything. You tattooed the MC’s logo on your back, and right where the brand was, it says, “Property of Gunner.”

  I’m out of control with need. I don't care if the song is still blaring, or if you had another song in mind, I need to be inside of you.

  I unzip my pants and pull my cock free. Then, in a fast movement, not even waiting for you to give me anything else,I move your panties aside and thrust into you.


  “Gunner, are you even listening to me?”

  No, I fucking wasn't. Shane and I were at The Select Club. Some unimpressive dancer was on stage, and I was daydreaming about my wife and the dance she gave me just yesterday in her new studio. It beat anything these dancers could do. We’d been sitting at the bar waiting for Skye to get in for her shift. I’d already beat the fuck out of Dick which ended with him pissing his pants, and truthfully, Shane held me back from doing far worse to him.

  Shane nudged my shoulder. I turned my head and saw the blonde, Skye. She must’ve slipped in while my thoughts were on Charlie. She looked ragged, not that I paid much attention to her the last time I was here, but I could barely believe that this lady could dance, she could barely walk. She moved down the hallway that led to the dressing rooms. I got up to follow, and Shane mumbled, “Keep your cool, man.”

  Yes, part of the reason I brought him here was to make sure I kept my cool. Not that I’d hit a woman, but I was still pretty fucking pissed, If it wasn't for this broad, Santos wouldn't have gotten a drop on Charlie.

  We passed Frank, and he gave us a chin lift. He knew I married Charlie, and I actually liked the guy. Skye wasn't in the dressing room, which surprised me. We looked around, she only had a minute on us. Where the fuck could she have gone? There was a small bathroom that I hadn’t noticed at first, because it was behind rows and rows of clothes on freestanding rolling clothes racks. I opened the door with Shane was close by. Inside, sitting on the toilet seat was Skye. Her head lulled to the side and a needle stuck out of her arm.

  “Jesus,” I muttered. There was no way I was going to have a talk with her in this condition. I wasn't even sure she was conscious.

  “Looks like she might be OD-ing, Shane said.

  I lifted her head and smacked her face, not hard, but enough. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. “Are you here to end it?” Her eyes lazily moved to Shane, “Are you my angel here to make it all stop?”

  “No, we’re not fucking angels,” I snapped.

  She looked at me again, “You. I know you. You’re the one that hell guy was talking about. They think I’m so stupid, because I’m a stripper.” She smiled as if her own words amused her. “They probably didn't even think I paid attention to them. You know it was all a set up, right? They didn't take her because that guy wanted to fuck her, they took her because they wanted you distracted. Said you’d be so caught up in finding her, you wouldn't even notice what was going on right under your own nose.” She looked on dreamily and her eyes moved back to Shane. She reached her hand up for him, her needle falling to the ground, “Take me, angel. I’m ready.”

  Thank you

  Hey, you guys! (said in my Goonies voice) Thank you! Thank you for reading this book and I would love for you to please leave a review on Goodreads and Amazon.

  After writing Tainted by Crazy, which had it’s own dark elements but Maple didn't cuss, I needed to go darker. I love writing MC’s, so here we are. I do plan on writing more from this story. For sure Ace and Reggie, and most likely Shane too.

  Books are not born alone, so I need to thank some wonderful people. Thank you Kevin. I love you honey. Thank you Misty, who at nine months pregnant took my kids so I could go write. Thank you Nicole, you are a wonderful editor and friend and you help make every book possible. Thank you Louisa for managing Blushing Babes are Up All Night and for being such an awesome friend. Thank you, Stephanie, Tera, Jade, Kerry and Dawn, you ladies rock! Thank you Emily with Social Butterfly. I don't know how I got lucky enough to have you in my corner, but each and every book I’m so dang grateful. Thank You Lisa Hines, Chrissy Weston, Renee McKinney and Cheryl Wilkins. Thank you Hang Le, for making me one hell of a sexy cover. Thank you JB McGee, you rock! Thank you Shana and Jessica, yeah I know I thank you every book, and even Jess who doesn't read my shit, I still love you. You ladies are the fucking shit. Both of you help me smile on a daily basis. Hey, Katie and Melissa, thanks for reading my books, giving me feedback and just being awesome sisters. Thank you a million times to all of the blogs who have shared, read or helped support this book. Being a blogger myself, I know how much time and effort goes into it and you matter to us authors more than you know.

  About Abby McCarthy

  Website, order signed books here!





  Abby McCarthy is reader and a lover of words. She is a blogger turned author and released her first novel in May 2014. She is a mother of three, a wife and a dog person. She has always written, sometimes poetry, sometimes just to vent about failed relationships, however in parenthood she has found her voice to help keep her sanity. Words have flowed from her, to review and with the support of amazing friends in the Indie community she has decided to pursue her dream of writing! She loves to write and read romance, because isn't that something we all yearn for? Whether it be flowers and hand holding or just the right tug on your hair. Isn't that what life is about? The human connection?

  Other books by Abby McCarthy


  Tainted by Crazy



  The Wrecked Series

  Wreck You

  Fight You

  Hurt You




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