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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Salvation [Sweet Awakenings 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 10

by Nicole Morgan

  Rex sighed. What Tamara hadn’t understood was that it was unusual for Rex to care for any woman. Knowing that it had gone on as long as it had with Shelby, how could his friends not see that it was playing havoc with Rex’s emotions?

  “And we talked. I guess we’re okay. She’s not angry with me for what I did, and we had just as good of a night as any other. It was almost like old times, like nothing had happened.”

  “Almost?” Jack knew there was something eating Rex up inside.

  “It’s nothing. Look, I just wanted to thank you for going to the lengths you did to track me down. I appreciate it. I should have been there for her, and I’d probably still be in Vegas if you hadn’t called.” Rex was toying with a string hanging from his jeans.

  “Yeah, sure, no problem.” Jack got up and slammed his office door, startling Rex out of his thoughts.

  “What the hell is your problem?” Rex cringed at the loud slam.

  Jack strode back over to his desk and pushed Rex’s feet off. “Cut the crap, all right. It’s me you’re talking to, Jack Peyton, remember. I’ve known you for far too long for you to try and bullshit me.” Leaning over and forcing Rex to stare him in the eye, Jack continued. “Are you going to hurt her? Because I have to tell you, friend or no friend, I’ll have to hurt you.”

  Rex stood up, pushing his chair back. “Who the hell do you think you are? You would stand there and threaten me? As if I would ever do anything in the world to hurt her? Damn it, Jack! Don’t you know me at all?” Rex was screaming now. The fury in his eyes was unmistakable. “I would die before I let anyone hurt her, much less let anything happen to her ever again. How could you think that I would?” Turning away from Jack, Rex paced the small office space.

  “You really don’t know yet, do you?” Jack wondered.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Rex glared at him, in no mood to play guessing games.

  “Shelby. I think you’re in love with her.” Jack waited, allowing it to sink in.

  Rex just stared at him. Slowly, he began to move to Jack’s office chair. Sitting down, he braced his elbows on the desk and let his head fall into his hands. Shaking his head from side to side, he looked back up at Jack. A look of utter defeat was covering his face. “I don’t know when it happened. But–oh, hell, I think I am. And you want to know the worst part? I know I can’t do anything about it.” Rex began to laugh. “Funny, huh? The one woman who finally manages to grab my attention long enough for me to fall for her and I can’t even have her. The irony would be almost too cruel if I didn’t feel like I deserved it for all the women I hurt over the years.”

  Jack had been going out on a limb. He hadn’t been sure if Rex really felt that way about Shelby. But he knew if there was a chance he did, Rex would only face those feelings if forced to. “What do you mean? Why can’t you have a relationship with Shelby? Did she tell you she didn’t want more than your friendship?” One thing was for certain. If Shelby had turned Rex down, that would be a cruel twist of irony. The original Romeo turned down by the only woman he ever loved.

  “She shouldn’t have to. I haven’t forgotten what she went through. Hell, she told me herself that she didn’t know if she would ever feel comfortable having a relationship with a man again.”

  Jack was shocked to hear that. He knew Shelby had been through a lot, but they all had hoped that in time she would heal enough to want more out of life. “I didn’t realize she had told you that.” Sitting down in the chair opposite Rex, Jack was at a loss for words. He knew what it was like to be an alpha male when first realizing you were in love. It sucked. The feelings were new and confusing.

  “I’m sorry, man. I don’t know what to say.” Shrugging, Jack continued. “I guess that date with Mitch was too much too soon.”

  Rex sat upright and eyed Jack with astonishment. “What date with Mitch?”

  Uh-oh. “I thought you knew. I guess I figured that because it happened when you were gone, she would tell you about it when you got back. I’m sure it was no –”

  “Cut the crap, Peyton. Are you telling me that Shelby, my Shelby, went on a date with her personal trainer?” Rex’s temper looked like it was ready to boil over.

  “She went out with him a few nights ago. He said it went great. I thought they were going to go out again this weekend. But, seeing as how she told you she’s not ready for a relationship, I guess –”

  “They’re going out again?” Rex interrupted Jack.

  “No, hang on. I said I thought they were going to go out again. That’s what he said. Obviously, he was mistaken. If she’s not ready, then she’s not ready. No harm, no foul. Geez, man, calm down. Mitch is a good kid. I know he wouldn’t do anything to push her. I’m sure he behaved like a perfect gentleman.” This was not good at all. All Jack could envision in his mind was Rex laying a swift right hook across Mitch’s jaw the next time he saw him.

  Rex got up from the desk and began to pace again. He looked as though he was ready to tear someone apart. He was muttering something to himself that Jack couldn’t quite understand.

  “Rex, calm down. You’re not going to do anything stupid are you? I can assure you that Mitch didn’t do anything to hurt her or scare her. She obviously just made the decision that she wasn’t ready. No harm done, all right?”

  “All right? Are you insane? How can you act so casual? Damn it, how stupid can I be? She’s going out on dates, and I’m drinking myself into oblivion in Vegas because I can’t get past her past. Meanwhile, I’m probably losing the only chance I might have.” Maybe Shelby was stronger than he gave her credit for. Maybe he could go to her and tell her how he felt. Maybe, just maybe, he might have a chance to be more than her friend.

  “What? You just told me that she said she’s not ready for a relationship. How can you have a chance if –”

  “Three months ago,” Rex interjected.

  “Three months ago what?” Jack was having a hard time keeping up with him.

  “We were talking one night after dinner at Flanagan’s. That’s when she said she wasn’t sure if she’d ever be ready.”

  Oh, well I’ll be. “Well, there you go, man. Why don’t you talk to her then? Tell her how you feel. She trusts you, man, and she knows you won’t do anything to push her. So just be honest with her. Take it from a man who knows. Telling Tamara how I felt about her was the smartest damn decision I ever made.”

  “Yeah, well, you just got lucky. She hadn’t had any better offers.” Rex continually baited Jack on the subject, just for his own amusement.

  “Shut up. Like you’re some prize. Hell, with Shelby’s wavy chocolate colored hair and gorgeous blue eyes, she probably has tons more suitable candidates than you. You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t laugh your ass out the door.” Jack grinned. One of their many traditions, when the conversation got too heavy or too sensitive, they started tossing the jibes.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. All the more reason why you’re going to wish me luck because I’m an ass to be around when I don’t get my way.”

  “Really? Gee, how come I never noticed that?” Jack mocked him.

  Shelby stared at her closet, wondering what to wear. When she had called Mitch back earlier, he had sounded so excited to show her a new Egyptian exhibit that just began at the museum. Figuring since it was a daytime date with an early dinner, she decided it was a good idea. She had absolutely no plans for the day, and she was willing to do just about anything to take her mind off the dreams she’d had the past two nights. She still couldn’t determine whether they were nightmares or memories. And the more she thought about it, the more she didn’t want to think about it.

  Trying to concentrate on getting ready, she began rummaging through her closet for something casual but cool to wear. It was stifling outside, and she wasn’t sure if the crowds in the museum would make it unbearable. Deciding on some khaki shorts and a navy shell top, she decided to do a quick touch-up of her makeup.

  Just as she fixed her lipstick,
the doorbell rang. Heading out to the living room to answer, she took a steadying breath. She wasn’t quite nervous about her date with Mitch. She just felt somewhat unsure. He was a nice enough guy, so sweet and very attractive. She just wasn’t sure if she felt a spark with him. Certainly not like she had felt with Rex. But Rex was exactly the reason she needed to go on this date. Rex would never see her as any more than just his friend and a victim of rape. She knew it wasn’t intentional. He just saw her more as someone who needed protecting. He didn’t see her as a woman. The regret he’d shown over their kiss was all the proof she needed.

  She reached out and opened the door. She was greeted with a genuine smile from Mitch.

  “Wow, you look great,” Mitch said sincerely.

  “Yeah, shorts and a cotton shirt. I’m quite the fashionista.”

  “Exactly, it might just be shorts and a shirt, but you make them look fantastic.”

  Obviously, he had lost his nervousness from the other night because the charm was just oozing out of him. “Well, shall we go?”

  Holding his arm out to lead the way, Mitch jokingly tried to pull off a British accent. “After you, my lady.”

  Because the accent was so horrible, they both laughed. “Mitch, why don’t you stick with American? At least I won’t feel compelled to make fun of you.”

  It had worked as he had hoped. He was quite aware of how horrible his accent was. That’s exactly why he did it. He had banked on a good laugh lightening the mood. He wanted an icebreaker that would make the rest of their day together easy and not so uncomfortable. As he closed the door after she got in his truck, he couldn’t help smiling at his luck. He had been falling for this girl for the past two months, and now, she was going on a date with him. And not just any date, a second date. Sliding into the driver’s seat, he felt like today was going to be a very good day.

  The whole time at the museum, they talked and laughed as they got to know each other better. He had given her space and not tried to hold her hand or be too affectionate. Because he had known of her past, he didn’t want to do anything to make her wary. He really liked her. There was no way he was going to do anything to screw it up before it even had a chance to start.

  When they had finally seen everything there was to see, they headed for the exit.

  “So, where would you like to go and eat?” Mitch asked.

  Shelby, who was eyeing the picnic area on the north side of the museum, suggested they ear there. “How about a picnic outside? It would be nice to sit outside and enjoy the day.” She pointed to the glass windows overlooking the picnic area.

  Mitch laughed. “Actually, when I asked to buy you dinner, I was thinking more along the lines of a restaurant. Not a sandwich at a museum snack bar.”

  “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun. Besides, it’s almost five o’clock on a Saturday. By the time we get to a restaurant, there will be a huge wait. And I’m already starving. I feel like we’ve walked two miles today.”

  He smiled at her. He had to. He couldn’t help himself. She was so pretty and fun to be around. He gave in knowing that he would have said yes to chocolate-covered grasshoppers if she asked. “All right, but I insist that you get a large drink. If I’m going to buy you dinner, I don’t want you to think I’m a cheapskate.”

  Holding her hand to her heart, she smiled. “Oh, the big drink, really? You are quite the big spender. I’ll be sure to tell all of the girls that you really know how to treat a lady.”

  He grinned back. He knew they were only kidding, but there was only one lady he was worried about impressing. And right now, he felt like the luckiest son of a gun for getting to buy her a tacky meal from a snack bar.

  They got their sandwiches and drinks and sat down on a shaded grassy area farthest from the street. Just as she got comfortable, she realized she had forgotten napkins. She was attempting to get up to go get some when Mitch stopped her.

  He stood before she could go any farther. “No, you stay here. I’ll get them. I wouldn’t want it to get out that I didn’t know how to treat the ladies.” He smiled and winked at her as he walked back inside.

  She was laughing, but when he had winked at her, she suddenly felt awkward. Rex always winked at her. He did it so many times she almost thought it was an unconscious effort on his part. When Rex did it, she always felt safe and happy. But when Mitch just did it, she almost felt like she was doing something wrong. She felt sort of guilty.

  She hadn’t talked to Rex at all that day. She had wanted to call him after she had calmed down from her dream. But she wanted to be strong and handle it on her own. Now, she couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing right this moment.

  Seeing that Mitch was heading back to her, she tried to clear her mind of all thoughts of Rex. It wouldn’t be right of her to sit with Mitch and be thinking of Rex. Just as she was about to tease him for his gentlemanly ways in retrieving her napkin, she saw someone standing inside looking out at them. He was that man, the same man she saw that night when she and Rex had walked to the coffee shop. He was also the same man who appeared to be living in her building. At least she thought he was the same man. But the clothes were a dead giveaway. It had to be the same man. Who else constantly walked around in a blue zip-up jacket and a blue baseball cap? Squinting and holding her hand above her brows to block a glare, she attempted to get a better look at him. But as soon as she did, he turned to walk away. She felt a sudden icy chill wash over her.

  “Hey, are you all right?” Mitch sat next to her and asked.

  Trying to snap out of it, Shelby shrugged it off as her overactive imagination. “Yes, I’m fine. And thank you, kind sir, for getting my napkin.”

  After dinner, the ride home was quiet. She was actually tired. Walking as much as they did and having the picnic in the shaded summer heat, she was almost ready to take a nap.

  “Is everything all right, Shelby? You’ve been kind of quiet since we left the museum.”

  She turned from her position of staring out the window and smiled at him. “Everything’s fine. I had a nice time today, Mitch. Thank you.”

  “Good, well, we’re here. No, wait.” He quickly got out and ran over to her side of the vehicle to open her door.

  “You’re so sweet, Mitch. Thank you.”

  “Sure, let me walk you up.” He gently placed his hand on the small of her back. The most physical contact he had initiated all day.

  They got to her door, and she thanked him again for a lovely day. Hoping she would be able to escape gracefully without a good-bye kiss. Just as she started to turn to her door, he gently tugged on her hand.


  “Yes, Mitch?”

  “I, ah–well.” He couldn’t form a sentence. He leaned in to kiss her good-bye when he heard a door open.

  Startled, she turned and saw Rex glaring at them both with a glint in his eyes that she wasn’t sure she liked. “Rex, you scared me. What are you doing here?”

  What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing out here with him? “I was waiting for you. You gave me a key, remember? The window guy left a while ago, and I decided to wait for you.” He turned his glare toward Mitch. He knew who he was from Jack’s club, and he thought he was an okay guy. However, now, he was really starting to rethink that theory.

  Rex stared Mitch down. He wanted him gone. If he had to use intimidation to make that happen, then so be it.

  “Hey, Rex, good to see you again. Well, I’ll give you a call tomorrow, Shelby. Goodnight.” And he walked down the stairs.

  He was glad that Mitch hadn’t caused a scene and left without any argument. He didn’t want to scare Shelby with his rage that was boiling beneath the surface.

  Chapter Nine

  They just stood there staring at each other for a minute. Finally, Rex stepped out of the doorway and motioned for her to come in. She walked in and set her purse on the side table. She kicked off her shoes and walked over to the couch. Pulling her feet up onto the couch and leaning to the side, she pu
lled her legs underneath her.

  She was avoiding looking at him. It had been just like old times with each other last night, but now there was an awkward silence that she didn’t like. The truth of it was that she felt guilty. Going out with Mitch and having Rex waiting for her when she got home made her feel like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. After she woke up from that horrible dream, she had forgotten all about getting the locks on her windows changed, but not Rex. He said they would take care of it, and he did. He hadn’t forgotten.

  “Shelby, please look at me.” He had walked over to her and was standing over her.

  She looked up and met his gaze. “Yes, Rex.”

  “Did you get my message earlier?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I must have already left. I wouldn’t have avoided you.” She got up from the couch and put her arms around him. She wasn’t sure why, but she just had to. It was a simple hug. One they had shared many times. But it suddenly felt so very different, and so very important.

  Rex wrapped his arms around her and held her tight “Shelby, what’s wrong? I can sense the tension in your body. I thought things were good between us last night. Now, I come here and it’s like you’re afraid to be around me.”

  “What? Are you crazy? Rex, I could never be afraid to be around you. I never feel as safe as I do when you’re around. It’s just that I feel–I don’t know. You’re right, things were great last night. Just like they always are, but I –” She held on tighter. She needed the comfort of his embrace. Why was this so hard? They’d always been able to talk to each other so easily.

  She pulled back just a little to look up at him. “Rex, you have been the one constant in my life since that horrible night with Brent. I know Tamara and Jack have been great, but it’s you. You’re the one who got me through it. The hospital, the recovery, the memories.” She had to stop. Sometimes, thinking about what happened made her cry, and she could feel the tears starting to well up.


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