When the Heart Lies
Page 28
They shared sad nods of agreement.
~ ~ ~
The limo rolled up to the gallery; a crowd of people gathered at the entrance, and the turnout appeared to be exceptional. The driver came around and opened Kinsley’s door. She took a deep breath and stepped out.
The gallery was large and open. Modern lighting hung on exposed fixtures, making everything gleam. Through the crowds of people, she looked for Scar. Spotting neither her nor Jackson, she started viewing some of the photographs. They were captivating. Trying to get her mind off the anxiety of seeing Jackson, she roamed around the gallery, taking in the artwork. She felt out of place being all by herself.
Scar came up behind her. “Kinsley.”
She turned, greeting her. “Scar, this stuff is wonderful. The talent! You didn’t let on how accomplished your work is.”
Scar beamed. “Thanks. This is so exciting. There’s going to be a silent auction on a few of them. I have to tell you though…” She crunched her up her face. “One of them is of you.”
“What? Scar, you’re kidding! No, really…please tell me you’re kidding?”
“You can’t make out your face. I’ll show the photograph to you later. Please don’t make me take it out.”
“I wouldn’t make you take it out. But me? Who’s going to bid on a picture of me?”
“I hope a lot of people will. Bidding starts at two hundred. I think the auction starts at nine. They come by and put new bids on the photographs until the biding ends. I hope I’ll sell something.”
“You’re going to sell some; these are great. Can I see the picture now?”
Scar laughed. “Aw, no fun in peeking early.”
When the auction started, the art was unveiled.
“Okay, you can see it now. Come with me.” Scar towed her along by the arm.
“Oh, wow. Scar, what exceptional work this is. I like the black and white, and I have always loved that tree. I look like I’m falling out.”
“The tree, the book dropping down to the side, your hair falling over your face as you fall asleep, that’s the beauty of it.” Scar gazed at the photo dreamily. “I couldn’t have set the composition up so perfectly. I almost didn’t get to snap the picture. I thought I was going to have to wake you to keep you from falling, but I just couldn’t give up the shot.”
She nudged Scar playfully. “Thanks a lot.”
When a man came and placed a three hundred dollar tag on the stand holding the bids, both women put a hand over their mouths and giggled.
“I guess they’ve started,” Scar said.
Kinsley rolled her eyes airily. The heat of a blush warmed her cheeks, and she turned to Scar. “Let’s get away from here; I don’t want to watch. You should socialize. I’m going to wander around. I’ll meet up with you later.” She refrained from asking if Jackson came.
He had to be there. He wouldn’t miss Scar’s big night. Maybe it’d be better if she didn’t run into him. She hadn’t figured out what to say anyway, but if he did show, and he wanted her, she’d tell him everything. No living with secrets ever again.
It was almost an hour later when Scar came up from behind her. “The auctions are over. Let’s go find out what it sold for.”
She bunched her lips to the side and smiled. “Okay.”
“Oh, my God,” Scar said. “Five hundred dollars!”
“What?” Kinsley put her hands over her mouth, laughing. “I wonder who owns me.”
“I do.”
Her heart caught in her throat at the sound of Jackson’s voice behind her. She circled slowly. He stood with a dozen pink roses mixed with white moonflowers. Unable to speak, she stood trembling. As he approached her, heat rose from somewhere deep inside, reaching her cheeks and making her body tingle with a cool sensation.
He walked slowly, his gaze never leaving hers, even as he handed her the flowers. “You look amazing.”
When his lips formed the words, she watched them. She wanted to lay her fingers against them, feel their softness, their movement. Unconsciously, she touched her own lips, moistened them, and touched them again, imagining what his words would feel like if spoken while kissing them.
The breath she held expelled a shaky reply. “They’re lovely, thank you.” She held the flowers in her arms, so he wouldn’t see them trembling because her hands were shaking. It also kept her from leaping into his arms and kissing him madly.
“I’m outta here,” Scar said, and she was gone.
They continued to stare at each other for a long time before one of them spoke. As always, his eyes embraced her. Neither of them moved. They both dropped their heads with a smile and a tiny closed mouth laugh. When he moved in closer, very close, he broke the paralysis that overcame them both. Still, she stood immobile. He faced her and slipped his hand around the small of her back. Before his hand ever made contact, the anticipation of his touch triggered her to arch a little closer in response.
His eyes lowered meeting hers. Hers closed, and she gulped down her desire. He smiled. “Let me get you something to drink. We can go out onto the terrace. Champagne?”
She took a deep breath. “Club soda with lime is good. I need some air. I’ll meet you on the terrace.” Before he could see her shudder with desire—and apprehension, she changed direction.
She stood at the stone railing next to one of the tall tables. The cool breeze rustled her hair as she looked out onto the city lights. Goosebumps covered her arms, and the fabric of her dress tickled them. She shivered and closed her eyes, meditating on the soft music and the sweet scent wafting from the flowers. Am I ready for this?
Jackson came from behind and sat their drinks on the table next to her. He took his suit jacket off, wrapped it around her, and caressed her arms, sliding his strong hands up and down to warm her. He took her right hand in his and fingered the sapphire. Then turned her palm to his lips and kissed the now clammy, soft pink skin lovingly. She closed her eyes at the touch of his lips.
“It’s good seeing you,” she said.
“Just good?”
She let out whimpering laugh. “Wonderful.”
He wrapped his arms around her from behind, leaned in, and whispered into her ear, “Are you done with Nick?”
Wanting the closeness of his face next to hers, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back. She nuzzled into the warmth. “Yes. But things are complicated.”
He took hold of her arms and spun her around to face him. “Why? What’s complicated? Seems simple to me. You want me, or you don’t.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know, Jackson.”
“I know everything I need to know.”
“No. You really don’t.” She turned back to the railing and leaned against the cold stone, continuing to look at the city lights.
He rested his forearm on the railing beside her. She sensed him watching her, but she continued to stare outward.
“Talk to me, Kinsley. What do you think I need to know? Nothing you say will change my mind.”
She wanted to believe him. “I came home to Nick, but not for the reasons you might think, not for the right reasons. He wasn’t the only reason I left, either. I thought if Nick and I got back together things would be good for Max.” She sighed biting her lip, unable to imagine how to say what she needed to. “I thought I’d be able to live with the decision. I thought putting my needs aside and having Max home would be enough for me.”
“That all makes sense. I respect you for trying. Marriage means something to you. I understand what you were trying to do.”
She leaned backward from the railing, holding tight. Nervous, self-deprecating laughter followed. “Marriage may mean something to me, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t made a mockery of the sacrament.” She looked out onto the city again to avoid his eyes.
He leaned over the railing forcing her to acknowledge him. “I don’t care. What’s in the past is over. Gone.”
She captured his eyes with hers. “Not always, Jackson. Some thi
ngs follow you. They’re part of your life forever. And sometimes, no matter how wrong something may have been in the beginning, you’ll never regret the experiences or the effects the past have had on your life.”
He turned to her and seized her firmly by the arms. “I’m glad you don’t have to live regretting your past. But don’t throw away a chance at a future. That, you will regret. Now, tell me.”
Her eyes roamed from him then back again. He reached out and cupped the side of her face. “Please. Kinsley.” His tone was firm, but pleading.
She turned her face away from him. The cold hit her cheek where the warmth of his hand had been, and her shoulder rose in response, attempting to block the air. The sensation was almost painful. Not the cold, but the absence of his touch. She faced him again. “Nick isn’t Max’s father.”
He appeared confused, his lips parted slightly, and sounds snuck out that sounded dangerously close to amusement. “Okay.”
Her brows knotted, and her jaw dropped. His response puzzled her. “Are you laughing?”
He smiled, nearly laughing again. “No. It’s just—I thought you were going to tell me something horrible. I can deal with the fact Nick isn’t Max’s father.”
“Xavier is.” She blurted the words out, turned away, and grabbed the railing to keep from falling into a heap of boneless flesh.
He turned her back once again. “Even less of a surprise.” He was still smiling.
She lowered her eyes. “Xavier will always be a part of my life. I don’t want to drag you into such a complicated situation. You deserve better. You should—”
He braced her arms and got her complete attention before she could continue. “I don’t need anyone to tell me what I should do. Do you love him?”
She relaxed, and his grip lightened. She sunk into his arms, and he held her. “Yes. I’ll always love him. I told him about Max last week; he already knew. He was there when no one else was. I needed him. We were only together a short time. We fell in love, but could’ve never have lived with ourselves if we destroyed Nick and Angela. It would’ve ruined what we had. It would have never worked. Having an affair was never intended… it just happened.” She laughed sadly. “That sounds like something cheaters say.” She dropped her head against his chest.
Still holding her, Jackson’s hand slid around the back of her neck and buried itself in her hair. Grasping it gently, he drew her head back until her eyes met his. “Are you still in love with him? Or do you love me? The way you’ve always wanted to love someone—with the absolute security that they love you exactly the same way and will promise you forever and mean it.”
“I love you. Only you. Xavier and I worked through our decision not to be together a long time ago.” The sincerity radiated from her eyes to his.
After a long sigh of relief, he closed his eyes, and took her into his arms kissing her tenderly. “And I love you. That’s all I need to know.”
No man could possibly be so good, so understanding, and so in love—with her. “You’ll question things later Jackson, even if you don’t now. You’ll wonder about his feelings for me or mine for him.”
Frustrated, he took his hands off her with a brisk release and leaned over onto the railing. For a few minutes, there was silence. Then he went to her.
“Do you think I don’t understand why Xavier loves you? Do you think I don’t comprehend you’ll both always love each other? That’s normal. You have Max and a past. Besides, I talked with Xavier, and he wants what’s best for you. Me. He wants you to be with me. How do you think I knew you would be here alone?” He took an envelope from his lapel pocket. “He gave me this today.”
She opened the envelope and stared at the papers. They were divorce papers with Nick’s signature. No more lies. “Did he also tell you we kissed and held each other for hours just last week?”
“Jesus, Kinsley! Do you think we live in your romance novel? This is real life! The two of you had a child together. There are a million different reasons why people kiss. Was the kiss closure? That’s all I need to know.”
A confirming sadness and reminiscence lingered in her eyes. “Yes.”
“Okay, then.” He pulled a pen from his pocket and handed it to her.
Knowing what he wanted, she signed the papers, wanting the same.
When he got down on one knee, her tears started falling. He took the ring off her right hand and placed it on her left ring finger while gazing into her eyes. “Kinsley Wentworth, will you promise to marry me, love me, and let me love you and your son for the rest of my life?”
Maybe hinting and letting him figure out I’m expecting is as good as telling him.
“Are you, Jackson Pierce, sure you want to marry a women who conceived a child with her husband’s father; ran off with a man she didn’t know; then met you, another stranger, fell in love, and conceived again?” She held her breath.
“Absolutely.” He said no more and stood silent, having taken in all but the last words.
When he tilted his head and jutted his chin forward a notch, she realized he was waiting for an answer. “Yes! Yes… I’d love to marry you.”
He slipped the ring onto the finger she had begun to dangle in his face as she spoke. “I love you, Kinsley. You’ll never doubt my love.” Taking her into his arms, he kissed her with ownership. She surrendered, giving up everything within her to the kiss. To him.
When the kiss finally ended, he smiled again, and with excitement in his voice, gave her a gift she never dreamed possible.
“Drew will be at our wedding. My friend in D.C. came through for me. I talked to Drew late this afternoon. He’s ready to come home.”
“What!” Her arms flew around him. He laughed as he stabled himself. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, half-laughing, half-crying.
“What kept him away?” she asked as he held her.
His hand cradled her head, and he kissed it. “Why is never the important question. He’s coming home, and that’s what matters now.” The cool breeze picked up, and they held each other closer.
Then— he pulled back, held her away from him, and took a good long look at her. “A baby?”
With tears running down her face and lips bunched tightly together, holding back sobs, she nodded.
His head sailed back with laughter. After a few seconds, he stopped and smiled at her. “Of course we’re having a baby. Don’t all romance novels have the happy ending baby?” He stepped closer and lifted her chin. “I suppose this is where we laugh and kiss and never stop?”
She couldn’t help giggling. “Absolutely, Mr. Pierce.”
With gentleness, he slipped his arms around her and hauled her in close. His eyes met hers, and his kiss grazed her lips as he whispered, “Forever, Mrs. Pierce.”
~ The End ~