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Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides

Page 16

by Deb Julienne

  He was the one for her. There was no doubt in her mind.

  * * * *

  Trent paced, unable to let go of the conversation with Sabrina. Disturbed by his conversation with Kat, added to that mix his breakfast with Sabrina and nothing was going to fix the predicament he was in.

  Kat was right. He was up shit creek.

  He should have kept Sabrina at arm’s length until Travis came back then made his play for her. Screw hindsight. He was too deeply ensconced in hell and at a complete loss to figure out how to fix the mess he’d made.

  Here it was Monday and he was holed up in his office two days before Christmas. Time moved too fast for him. He focused on the situation that practically paralyzed him, refusing to leave his office until he figured out a solution.

  He couldn’t think.

  He couldn’t eat.

  He couldn’t seem to function on any level.

  No wonder Travis had fallen bait to the pressures. At least he had an excuse. Travis had been expected to handle the family’s money and he’d been accused of sitting on his ass letting Travis do all the work. The fact of the matter was, Uncle Max, their father’s twin brother died two years ago, leaving a disgustingly obscene amount of money to Trent. He kept Uncle Max’s legacy alive and was technically juggling more than Travis. The funny thing about the whole mess was he was actually worth more than Travis. Fat lot of good it did him. The family mistakenly believed he was living off Max’s legacy and nothing more.

  The Pro-Am Golf Tournament he was a participant in was his added contribution to the legacy. His uncle’s funds gave the current charity plenty to survive on. His paperwork had been submitted. He just needed to work on his stroke. As soon as Travis returned he planned to leave immediately for Palm Springs. Only, he had to square things with Sabrina.

  Priorities. Travis first. Sabrina second. Tournament third.

  He’d handle what he owed to Travis.

  The magazine’s employees didn’t simply work there, no they had become a family that cared about what they published. He’d been proud of what they’d been able to produce in three weeks. What he feared most was what would happen once Travis took over. What then?

  The magazine wasn’t something he imagined Travis enjoying. Maybe he could convince his brother to go home and let him continue on once he proved he was capable. Travis would be free to head back east where he was happiest.

  He’d done his best in Travis’ absence. All these questions added to his overwhelming, already stressful situation.

  Trent liked the west coast. The laid back attitudes, the warmer climate suited to him. Hell, he loved California.


  She was another topic altogether. He didn’t just love her, he was in love with her, and confident she felt the same way. The torture his mind put him through gave him serious reservations. Dejected and filled with gloom and doom, as if he’d let her down.

  Had he really done anything so awful? Damn straight. He’d lied.

  The worst thing he did to Sabrina was to pretend to be Travis and find out she was in love with Trent and not admit it. It did him no good to worry about it now, too late. Especially considering their conversations about lies. In that respect he was a low-down-dirty-son-of-a-bitch because his admission was guaranteed to hurt her.

  Everything was clear to him now.

  In her eyes, she’d admitted to Travis how she felt about Trent. But she’d bared her soul to the wrong person. It was flattering their one and only introduction left such a huge imprint on her. In Sabrina’s eyes it wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference in the long run. A lie was a lie was a lie.

  He was filled with sadness and fear, terrified their relationship would end. Worry and panic didn’t begin to cover the depth of his pain or how agonizingly unbearable life without Sabrina would be. He had to stop the torment and tell her the truth. And he needed to do it fast.

  He was miserable.

  Hell, he was miserable to be around.

  His usually carefree attitude disappeared. Oppression plagued his every move. He questioned every decision. Full of remorse and wracked with guilt, he was beset with doubt over his motivations for everything he did. There was no solace for him. He was there under false pretenses regardless of the fact he’d done a damn fine job.

  What to do?

  Admit the truth, no brainer.

  He’d covered for Travis. But that meant the family would find out about Travis’ problem.

  They were used to Trent’s screw-ups.

  Not Travis.

  No, he’d take that secret to the grave. No matter what, he didn’t want Travis to experience the stark bewilderment nor the perplexing emotions courtesy of the family.

  Hell no.

  An admission to the staff about their deceit? Nope, wasn’t gonna happen either. He had to convince Travis to let him handle the magazine. Let the team see the two of them and get Travis to leave him in charge.

  Damn, he needed someone to talk to and unfortunately Kat was the only one available. Maybe if he swayed her she’d be his ally with the family and help convince them he was capable of handling the job.

  This job meant everything to him. He’d never looked forward to anything so much in his life. He was a part of a team. Liked what they stood for, wanted to see each and every member succeed.

  Whether Sabrina forgave him or not he wanted to stay with the magazine. How would he find someone to replace her if she left? No one could replace the spirit she brought to her every endeavor.

  Who else but Sabrina cared so deeply for her readers she’d put herself through such misery for the sake of her beauty aids. He loved the mental image of Sabrina’s plump swollen lips that first day. He’d taken her damnable mask and kept it on his nightstand by the bed. A fond memory of what it took to get that first kiss. Witnessing first hand her wounded pride when he’d laughed and relived every wince she’d let out when he’d tried to remove it. Even the struggle to keep his laughter at bay when she defended him made him smile. Her distress when he’d told her of her new duties. How irked she’d been when Kat remained silent.

  He couldn’t do the job without her.

  Kat was his answer. He’d be willing to do anything to prove his point.

  He dialed Kat.

  “I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.”

  “Hello to you, as well. Where’s the fire?”

  “I don’t want to get into it over the phone.”

  “Uh-oh, I smell trouble.”

  “Can I interest you in dinner at the Top Hat?”

  “Oh, it is serious when you’re plying me with food at my favorite restaurant.”

  “It’s a matter of life and death. Mine.”

  “That bad, huh?”


  “Fine, what time are you picking me up?”

  “Can you be ready in thirty minutes?”

  “You are in a rush. Sounds like there’s a bottle of Cristal in it for me.”

  “Whatever you want. Name it.”

  “Oh this is going to be good. Fine, I’ll be ready.”


  He hung up before she could respond.

  Trent left the office and went home. He dropped his cell and Travis’s on the table by the front door. He took the world’s fastest shower, dressed, and left to pick up Kat.

  He grabbed his cell on the way out, and left Travis’ phone behind. He didn’t want any interruptions. He needed to focus on what to say, what to do, and how to get it done.

  He knew how to hedge his bet. Treat Kat to a nice meal. Plead his case and hope to God things worked out.

  He had to believe in the possibilities.

  And if all else failed, beg like a dog.


  Two days before Christmas Sabrina still had a few questions and Angel didn’t have the answers. Outside The Satin Slipper, she berated herself for the cowardly way she dawdled. For crying out loud it was only a store. Who cared if most everything in it was X
XX-rated and it had a slimy reputation. There had to be more to it. She had promised to try to grow her mind and become more evolved. Now was the time to take a deep breath, suck it up, and do her job. Besides, if Mitzi and Vera went in there, so could she.

  Come on stupid if you want to have any chance to show Travis what you’re made of get your butt inside and ask questions.

  That’s all it took.

  Hand on the door, she marched inside and was immediately pleased to see the place deserted. Whew.

  At the counter she cleared her throat. “Um—excuse me.”

  “You want something?”

  “I certainly hope so. I’m looking for—uh—”

  “Yes.” A barely twenty-something girl behind the counter sat on a wooden stool, legs crossed, filing her nails. She didn’t even bother to look up as she chewed a wad of gum, snapping it.

  “Well, it’s like this. I work for a magazine and I need to interview—uh—is the manager in?”

  “I’m the day manager. What’s your question?” The girl was hell bent to make her work for an answer. Dang.

  “Okay, here’s the deal. I need some help with an article for a magazine and I need to interview someone with experience who can give me the ins and outs of how people use your store.” If she pretended to do an article on her, maybe the girl would open up. “Any chance you have suggestions. I’ll be glad to pay for the time.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m doing an article on adult stores and the products, and well to be honest about the bare bones details.”

  “Excuse me?” The girl asked mid snap then gave her a bored look before she hopped down and went to the back room. Her expression was a cross between skeptical and downright amused.

  It irritated the daylights out of her. She was embarrassed to be twenty-four and clueless about sex. The girl probably knew more than she did. This job was either going to give her the courage of David and the strength of Hercules or her ego was likely to be completely pulverized.

  The gal returned minutes later and handed Sabrina three business cards. One for Candy Kane, one for Sammy Stevens, and the last for Xanadu.


  What better way to find out about sex and what men want. Genius.

  “Thank you. You’ve made my job much easier.”

  “Anytime.” She snapped her gum and went back to her nails.

  Outside she pulled her cell phone from her purse and dialed Xanadu. She made an appointment to meet her at the Pink Elephant across the street from the store and agreed on a price. She’d have an hour to do the interview then she’d finish her Christmas shopping. She still needed to find a gift for Travis.

  Sabrina headed straight to the bar to use the time to come up with the questions she wanted to ask. She ordered a drink and started to jot them down. Questions came fast and plentiful.

  Someone tapped her shoulder. “Excuse me. Miss Thompson?”


  “I’m Xanadu.” The most gorgeous, statuesque brunette she’d ever seen removed a beautiful mink coat. Almost six feet tall, she sported a black leather ultra-mini skirt and fuchsia sequined halter top, shiny black silk nylons and five-inch spiked heels.

  Sabrina felt like an insignificant rock. She fumbled and knocked her purse off from lap, dumping the contents on the floor.

  The brunette squatted beside her and helped her gather her things including the two hundred bucks for the next hour.

  She pressed the folded wad of bills into Xanadu’s hand and opened her mouth to start the interview. A hand clamped down on her wrist. “Wait a minute, what’s going on?” Her arms were pulled tight behind her. The cuffs pinched when cold metal snapped shut.

  Xanadu was right beside her in her own set of police authorized bracelets rolling her eyes, bored silly. “Come on guys, really. She’s a chick. I’m not into broads.”

  “You’re both under arrest.”

  “Arrest? For what?” She stiffened then zinged as if she’d been lambasted with a sledgehammer.


  All eyes were on her. A chill ran down her spine. She started shaking. Oh God, she was going to jail.

  “Please listen.” She tried to face the woman only to be yanked back around.

  “Stand still,” the officer said.

  “Officer, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m here to do an interview. I hired Xanadu to interview her not to have sex with her.”

  “Tell it to the judge.”

  The officer holding her read her rights and showed a badge. Another officer was pushing Xanadu towards the door.

  “Honestly, Xanadu, tell them I just called you. I got your number from the manager of The Satin Slipper. I’m a writer and we’re doing an interview. Officer, my credentials are in my purse. I only wanted to ask questions from someone with experience, you know, for the article I’m writing.” She tried to turn to face the officer.

  “Honey, you can ask all the questions you want for all I care. You’re still under arrest for soliciting a prostitute. Now stand still.”

  “But, I’m trying to tell you it’s a big mistake.” Patrons pointed at her. Whispered. She wasn’t a criminal.

  “Talk’s over, I’m running you in.”

  She leaned closer and whispered to Xanadu. “But I didn’t want sex. I wanted to talk about what men want, you know, how to please them, stuff like that.”

  “Honey, I don’t give lessons.” That brought snickers from the male patrons at the bar. Her face was on fire.

  “Please officer. It’s the truth. Call Travis Wellington at Skin Deep Magazine. I’ll give you the number and he’ll explain everything. I promise.” She begged for all she was worth, humiliated beyond anything imaginable. She’d lose her job over this if Travis didn’t fix this mess.

  A crowd stared as she was shoved in the back of a squad car and Xanadu in another for the ride downtown. Only to be dragged into booking where she was fingerprinted and photographed. All the while, pleading her innocence.

  When they arrived at central booking, she saw the officer helping Xanadu out of the car and up the stairs, talking amicably.

  Inside, the officer removed Xanadu’s cuff. She rubbing her wrists, then removed her fur coat, then her wig, and plopped them on the counter, while several of the officers behind the counter whistled. What was going on?

  Xanadu went behind the counter and plopped herself behind a desk as if it were hers. She pulled a form from the bottom drawer, and Sabrina was shoved into the seat beside the desk where Xanadu sat. Oh crap, Xanadu was an undercover cop.

  “Name?” Xanadu asked.

  “Sabrina Thompson.”


  “Writer for Skin Deep Magazine.”

  “You’re really a writer?”

  “Check my wallet, please. This really is a mistake.”



  “Date of birth?”

  Regardless of the contents of her purse, they processed her. She was sure her mug shot showed tear stained raccoon eyes. Oh God, now she’d have a mug shot on file.

  The most degrading part was the strip search. She’s been frightened, in tears, and pleaded for someone to listen to her. No one did.

  The female officers’ response was, “Sure sweetie, that’s what they all say. Now drop your drawers.”

  The experience left her feeling violated, legally. Then once she’d showered they’d given her a bright orange jumpsuit to put on, she huddled in the corner of the cell and cried.

  Then they put her in a holding cell filled with every shape and size of colorful hookers. Every last one of them stared at her. They slowly moved closer, sized her up, glaring as if she had invaded their territory. They laughed at her, taunted her about her clothes and make-up. They closed in on her until she cowered in a corner.

  A male guard banged on the cell doors with his Billy club, “Break it up.”

  Those women and one man, if eyes weren’t playing tricks on her
, were the real criminals.

  Why then did she feel guilty? Sabrina had never been so frightened in her life.

  The transvestite said, “If you’re willing to expand your wardrobe I’m sure I can get you a job with me.”

  “Thank you, no.” Lovely, just what she needed.

  “You know sweetie, a good push-up bra, a bit more make-up, sexier clothes and you’d make a mint. You’ve got a great body, why hide it? Flaunt it baby.”

  A guard opened the door. “Thompson, come with me.”

  Sabrina made her way to the opened cell door, hoping someone finally realized their mistake.

  He escorted her to an empty desk. “Time to make your call.” Then took two steps away, presumably to give her privacy.

  “Oh God,” She cried out with relief and picked up the phone. Her hands shaking so hard she smacked the side of her head with the receiver.

  She dialed Kat’s phone. It went to voice mail. She hung up afraid it she left a message the officer would consider that her one call.

  Jill had already left town.

  That left one person.


  He was the only person able to corroborate her story. Not that it was a story because they’d talked about her plan to do interviews today.

  Sabrina dialed his number. Her hands shook so much she had to redial the number twice, only to get his voicemail. She cried in the receiver, heaving and sobbing. “Travis, it’s Sabrina. I’m in jail. Arrested. Help me.” She hung up.

  “Back to the cell. You’re done.” The officer returned her to the cell, cold as can be. The click of the lock jolted her, sending a chill through her body.

  During her night court arraignment, she continued to shake and shiver, emotions running the gambit from shame at the realization she’d have a police record, to worrying about her folks reaction when they found out, to the fear Travis might not come.

  At the same time relief flooded her, grateful to be out of the cell away from the other prisoners. Prisoners. Oh God, she was a prisoner too.

  How could she have been so stupid? Talk about looking for love in all the wrong places. And look what it got her. Sitting there in the gawd-awful, two sizes too big bodysuit with the legs rolled up, matching institutional orange tennis shoes and handcuffs. Yup, she’d never be able to top this one. Would this day ever end?


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