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The Teflon Queen PT 2

Page 7

by Silk White

  “Oh shit,” The White Shadow groaned. He grabbed the sides of Cathy’s head with both hands and forced her head to move faster, much faster. The sound of Cathy’s mouth was loud and moved with determination. He moved her hair from her face and held it so he could watch her performance. The White Shadow closed his eyes like he was praying then grunted and released his fluids as he felt her swallowing.

  “Ohhhh my God!” Cathy exhaled loudly as she lay awkwardly across the once made up bed. “Charlie you are an animal!”

  The White Shadow didn’t respond. He quietly got up and got dressed. The fun and games were over and done with. Now it was time for him to get back to work.

  “Oh my God Charlie what’s that gun for?” Cathy asked as she watched The White Shadow slip his arms into his shoulder holsters.

  The White Shadow ignored Cathy as he moved around the room. She hadn’t shut up since the two had met on the elevator. All he wanted right now was a peace of mind.

  “Charlie you don’t hear me talking to you!” Cathy barked. “That’s real rude you know!”

  The White Shadow quickly walked over towards the bed and smacked the shit out of Cathy. The force behind the slap was so strong that it caused Cathy to do a cart wheel off the bed and down onto the carpeted floor.

  Cathy looked up at The White Shadow with her hand on her face and a shocked look in her eyes. “How dare you!” She growled. Cathy jumped up to her feet and began to gather all of her things. “I’m going straight to the police mister and yes I’m going to press charges!”

  The White Shadow continued to ignore Cathy until the sound of a blaring fire alarm grabbed his attention. Immediately he knew something was up. The White Shadow quickly removed a silenced 9mm from its holster and eased his way over to the door. He peeked out the peep hole and saw pure pandemonium out in the hallway on the other side of the door.

  “Let me out of this room right this minute or else I’m going to scream,” Cathy threatened. She made sure she looked The White Shadow in his eyes to let him know that she was serious.

  The White Shadow opened the room door and forcefully spun Cathy around with his forearm under her chin in a choke hold position.

  “Take your fucking hands off of me!” Cathy screamed as The White Shadow forced her out into the hallway using her as a human shield. Out in the hallway people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The White Shadow planned on using all of the confusion to his advantage. He peeked from behind Cathy’s head looking for anything or anyone that could cause him harm. At the end of the hallway The White Shadow spotted the agent that he had run into at the train station calling himself being inconspicuous. The White Shadow quickly put a bullet in Cathy’s head blowing blood and brain matter all over the walls. In a swift motion he pushed Cathy’s lifeless body down to the floor. He held his 9mm in his right hand and used his left hand to keep his shot steady as he headed straight for Agent James Carter. The White Shadow took hurried steps and blended in with all the other people who were floating in the hallway scrambling for their lives. Once he was in a close enough distance, The White Shadow raised his 9mm and fired off three quick shots in rapid succession. The sound of the suppressed rounds sounded off like hard slaps. The first bullet found a home in James chest taking him off his feet while the remaining two bullets ricocheted off the wall right where James head was a split second ago.

  The White Shadow hurried over towards the agent’s body when something in his brain told him to turn around. The White Shadow spun around just in time to see Angela only a few feet away with a mean scowl on her face and a gun in each hand. Before he got a chance to react, three powerful shots exploded in his chest sending him crashing violently down to the floor.

  Loud screams sounded off as people ran for their lives once they spotted people waving around guns.

  Angela looked down and saw The White Shadow laid out in the hallway with his eyes closed. Angela kicked The White Shadow’s gun out of arms reach. Then she rushed over to James’ side. Angela was used to working alone so going to check up on James was throwing her off of her game.

  James lay on the floor clutching his chest. His Kevlar vest took the bullet well, but the impact had him feeling like something inside of his body had been broken or cracked.

  “You alright?” Angela asked kneeling down. Then she grabbed James’ hand and roughly jerked him up to his feet. At that very moment Angela felt that it was time to abort the mission. Going after The White Shadow would have to be something she did alone. She loved James, but he was slowing her down. It was no way Angela would be able to focus on The White Shadow and protect and keep James alive all at the same time.

  “I’m good,” James grunted as he looked down at his bullet proof vest.

  “Come on, we have to go,” Angela said leading James toward the staircase door. The more she stood in the hotel, the more she realized bringing James with her was a terrible idea. James was out of his element right now and in way over his head.

  “Wait,” James protested. “Did you check and make sure he was dead?”

  “Another time,” Angela said. She quickly shoved James inside the staircase as three bullets lodged into the staircase door just as it closed.

  The White Shadow snatched his backup gun from his ankle holster, rolled onto his stomach, and fired at Angela and the agent from the floor; all head shots. The White Shadow quickly hopped up to his feet with his 9mm gripped tightly in his hands. He busted through the staircase door, looked over the rail, and immediately spotted Angel and James fleeing down the stairs at a quick pace.

  The White Shadow stuck his arm over the rail and sent several loud thunderous shots down at the couple until he emptied his clip.

  Angela grabbed James and rushed him into the corner and out of the way of The White Shadow’s bullets. “We’re going to have to split up!” Angela took the machine gun from James’ hand and handed him one of her .380s. Angela and James were posted up in the staircase on the second floor. “Listen, I need you to get out of this staircase and go hide somewhere.”

  “And what about you?” James asked. He didn’t want to split up with Angela and be on his own especially with a crazed assassin on his heels.

  “Go hide and I’ll keep him off your ass,” Angela said. “Hide for ten minutes and then get as far away from this hotel as you can.”

  “How we gone meet back up?”

  “I’ll find you…that’s my job,” Angela winked.

  “Be careful,” James said as he kissed Angela on the lips and then exited the staircase on the second floor. As soon as he stepped foot on the carpeted hallway floor he heard the loud sound of the machine gun going off that he had just given Angela. The gun sounded off loudly echoing through the closed staircase door. James jogged down the hallway and prayed that Angela would be alright.

  * * * *

  Angela blindly aimed the sub machine gun up the stairs and squeezed down on the trigger sending bullets in The White Shadow’s direction to keep him at bay. She needed to buy herself a little bit more time to come up with an escape route.

  Angela flew down the stairs skipping two at a time. She moved at a quick pace despite the fact that the small heeled shoes she wore slowed her down a notch. When she reached the landing on the first floor, the door busted open and in ran a police officer catching Angela completely off guard. Before Angela had a chance to react, the cop struck her wrist with his nightstick causing her to drop the machine gun.

  Angela quickly grabbed the cop by his shirt and shattered his nose with a vicious head butt then followed up with a sharp knee to the gut. She grunted as she tried to hip toss the cop down the last flight of stairs, but out of desperation the cop held on to Angela’s shirt bringing her down along for the ride with him. Angela pulled the cop underneath her and rode the police officer down the flight of stairs. The ride was bumpy, loud, and ugly.

  At the end of the ride, the police officer laid unconscious on the bottom landing. Angela hopped up to her
feet, nonchalantly stepped over the officer’s body, and exited the staircase. Out in the lobby it was straight pandemonium. People were screaming and running for their lives as if the building was really on fire. Angela spotted a gang of police officers guarding the exits helping everyone evacuate the building while several other police officers stood guard and alert as if they were looking for someone or something in particular. Before Angela could think of her next move, she felt the barrel of a powerful handgun being pressed to the side of her head. From the corner of her eye she saw that the man who held the gun to the side of her head was one of the agents who had been tailing James. His partner ran in the staircase that Angela had just come out of. She suspected he ran in the staircase in search of James.

  “You’re under arrest!” The agent barked in Angela’s ear. Angela held her hands up in a surrendering position. “Down on your knees,” he ordered. The agent knew just what Angela was capable of so he kept a close eye on her. His first thought was to blow Angela’s brains all over the lobby floor, but bringing The Teflon Queen in would look much better to his superior.

  “What’s this all about?” Angela asked trying to buy time to come up with her next move.

  The agent ignored Angela. “Down on your knees now! Last time I’m going to ask you!” The agent’s voice held a serious edge to it which told Angela that he wasn’t bullshitting. Just as Angela got ready to get down on her knees the sound of several loud shots rang out coming from the staircase behind them.

  The agent quickly positioned himself in front of Angela so he could see the staircase door that was behind her. He made sure he kept his gun pressed in the center of Angela’s forehead. At that moment the agent looked in Angela’s eyes; the eyes of a killer.

  Then several more shots rang out. The sounds of the shots were getting closer and closer. For a split second the agent took his eyes off of Angela and glanced at the staircase door.

  Instantly Angela could see the fear in the agent’s eyes. She swiftly swept her hand across the gun while moving her head in the opposite direction at the same time. Immediately the gun discharged sending a bullet shattering up into the ceiling. Hotel customers screamed, ducked down, rushed, and pushed towards the exits.

  Angela grabbed the agent’s wrist that he held the gun in and twisted it in an awkward position until she heard a popping sound. Severe pain resided in the agent’s blue eyes as his gun fell to the floor. Angela quickly swept the agent’s legs from under him and sent him crashing down to the floor. By now all eyes were one her. Angela looked up and saw four officers heading in her direction. She quickly pulled her .380 from its holster in a snapping motion. She took out the first two with head shots; shots that made the officers head explode like a watermelon being dropped from a fifth floor window. Before Angela got a chance to train her gun on the other two agents, two shots exploded in her chest. The impact from the shots took Angela off of her feet. Her Teflon gear that she wore under her clothes stopped the two bullets from penetrating, but the two slugs made her feel like she was being hit in the chest by two fast balls being thrown by Roger Clemons moving one hundred miles per hour.

  Before Angela got a chance to regroup, she felt the remaining two officers hop on top of her in an attempt to restrain her. Angela tapped the bracelet that decorated her wrist and instantly a four inch blade snapped out and rested in the palm of her hand. Angela plunged the blade in and out of the first officer’s neck causing warm dark red blood to spill down onto her face. With a thrust of her leg Angela flipped the severely wounded officer up off of her and then focused her attention on the remaining officer at hand.

  Once the officer saw The Teflon Queen stab his fellow officer, he snapped. The officer screamed at the top of his lungs as he began to rain punches down onto Angela’s face. Each punch he threw was intended to knock Angela unconscious.

  Two of the punches landed square in the middle of Angela’s face before she swiftly spun around on her back while still on the floor, gripping the officer’s arm in the process. When she came up, she had the officer’s arm in an awkward position. Without hesitation, Angela broke the officer’s arm at the elbow. Just as the officer let out a loud and painful scream, Angela bent down and smoothly split the officer’s throat from ear to ear.

  Angela reached down and removed the officer’s service .45 Acp. from his holster. She snatched the blond wig from her head and tossed it down to the floor. Her face and the top part of her blouse were covered in blood. Immediately Angela could tell that her nose had been broken, but at the moment she didn’t have time to worry about that. Right now her mind was solely on surviving by any means necessary.

  Angela tried to blend back in with the crowd, but that was easier said than done being that she was the only one in the whole lobby with blood covering her face. Everywhere Angela looked there were police officers headed in her direction. The only reason they didn’t fire was because she was surrounded by so many innocent bystanders. Angela gripped the .45 tightly in her hand, ready to pop off at any given moment. Just as Angela went to make a move, the staircase door busted open in a dramatic fashion. The White Shadow stepped out the staircase with a mean look on his face. His suit jacket had been removed, his well tailored shirt and vest had blood on them, and the machine gun that Angela had dropped in the staircase rested in his hands.

  A small smirk danced on The White Shadow’s lips when he saw all the cops scattered around the lobby. He raised the machine gun and fired into the crowd not caring who he hit. The White Shadow held down on the trigger and waved his arms back and forth. He watched as people fell like Dominos.

  Angela quickly pushed her way through the crowd and dipped off inside the hotel’s expensive restaurant.

  The White Shadow held his finger down on the trigger until the automatic weapon was out of bullets. He tossed the smoking gun down to the floor and looked at all the carnage that lied before him. Out the corner of his eye, The White Shadow spotted Angela trying to sneak off into the restaurant that was connected to the hotel. He thought about going after her, but the sound of shattering glass quickly grabbed his attention. When he looked up, he saw several S.W.A.T. team members come crashing through the front door holding up big shields that had the word S.W.A.T. written across it in bold white letters. He then looked up at the ceiling and saw some S.W.A.T. members sliding down from the ceiling on a thin black rope.

  The White Shadow smiled, reached and grabbed a smoke bomb from off of his utility belt and tossed it down at his feet. Immediately his whole body was fully covered in smoke. The act made him look like he had vanished in thin air. The sound of the staircase door opening and closing could be heard. Once the smoke had cleared, The White Shadow was gone.

  A big white man walked through the entrance of the hotel and in his hands he held an M-16 that had been upgraded with all kinds of gadgets. The white man had muscles like Hulk Hogan in his prime. On his head sat a bandanna and his face was covered in war paint. He wore army pants and an army vest. Attached to the vest were grenades, tear gas, a hunting knife, two backup pistols, extra clips, and a whole bunch of other shit. A knot of chewing tobacco rested in the left cheek of his mouth.

  The white man spit on the floor before he spoke. “Listen up!” he barked. “My name is Lieutenant Get The Job Done.” He paused. “But you all can call me “The Gladiator,” he announced with a serious look on his face. “I’m in charge and my orders are to bring in The Teflon Queen… dead or alive! All of the exits have been covered which means The Teflon Queen is somewhere in this building.” He paused again. “Which means we won’t be leaving this building until she’s either dead or in cuffs,” The Gladiator said with a sick smile on his face. “Move out!” He ordered.

  Before him or any of his troops got a chance to move out, the sound of loud machine gun fire could be heard coming from somewhere inside the restaurant. Immediately The Gladiator and a few S.W.A.T. members headed in the direction of the gun shots while a few other S.W.A.T. members split up throughout the

  Chapter 11

  Angela kicked off her heels as she moved through the restaurant with a .45 in her hand. She moved through the restaurant with the quickness and agility of a cat burglar until she reached the kitchen. The sign above the door read “Employees Only”. Angela eased her way inside the kitchen looking for some kind of back or side exit. Her mind was all over the place as she wondered if James was alright or even alive for that matter. She just hoped and prayed that The White Shadow hadn’t caught up with him. Angela wanted to save James, but first she would have to save herself if she expected to save anyone else. As she eased her way through the kitchen, she reached a set of double doors. Angela stopped abruptly when she heard a noise coming from the other side of the door. She placed her back to the wall and held the .45 tight in her hands.

  Angela slowly peeked through the small squared hard plastic window and spotted four men dressed in S.W.A.T. gear holding machine guns. Their faces were covered in gas masks and their body language told Angela that they meant business.

  Angela kept her back pressed to the wall and waited for the four men to make their way through the double doors. Her heart rate picked up as she counted down the seconds silently in her head. Before Angela could finish her count, one of the double doors eased open. The first thing she saw was the business end of a machine gun peeking its way through the door.

  Angela swiftly grabbed the nose of the machine gun and raised it. In the same motion, she jammed her .45 into the S.W.A.T. member’s mid-section and squeezed the trigger twice.

  Once the first S.W.A.T. member went down, Angela quickly turned the machine gun on the other S.W.A.T. members and opened fire. RAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT!!!


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