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The Teflon Queen PT 2

Page 10

by Silk White

  * * * *

  Inside the bathroom Capo stood awaiting the man who had successfully robbed him and gotten away with it. He was like a Pit-bull waiting to be released from his leash.

  Cash swiftly rounded the corner and immediately the two clashed toe to toe. Each man threw punches with bad intentions. Capo fired off a quick four punch combination that he expected to slow Cash down, but instead Cash fought back just as hard and relentless. Each man did their best to inflict as much pain on the other as possible.

  It was a violent and noisy fight. Both men tussled all over the bathroom. They crashed into the bathroom stall doors, collided with the sink and the unbreakable reflective Plexiglas, fought like animals, and didn’t plan on stopping until only one man remained standing.

  Cash threw a quick left hook followed by a straight hand that slipped through Capo’s guard and left blood in his mouth. Tasting his own blood enraged Capo and caused him to lose his cool. He charged Cash throwing wild haymakers. He wanted to end the fight with one punch, a punch that was hard enough to knock out a horse.

  Cash weaved the haymakers and landed a sharp uppercut to Capo’s chin. The punch took Capo off his feet and caused him to bite his tongue. Once Capo hit the floor and Cash started getting the best of him, Wayne noticed the Homies start inching their way closer and closer towards the action.

  “Nah, nah back up playboy,” Wayne warned the light skin cat with a head full of waves. “This one on one.”

  Without hesitation Stacks turned and stole on Wayne. The punch sounded off loudly and sent Wayne stumbling back into the sink. Before Wayne got a chance to retaliate, he felt fist connect with his face and the side of his head coming from several different angles and directions. Wayne fought back as best he could, but when the big man joined in on the action it was lights out.

  Hulk’s huge paw shot out and found a tight grip around Wayne’s throat.

  With all of his might, Hulk slammed the back of Wayne’s head into the wall. A huge gash immediately opened up on the back of Wayne’s head as his DNA began to spill out all over the floor.

  Over in the corner Capo and Stacks stomped Cash out. Cash tried to fight them off for as long as he could, but the two on one battle quickly turned to a three on one. Cash balled up in the corner while hard kicks assaulted his rib cage. He silently prayed that the beating would stop, but he knew better. Capo wanted to kill him and wouldn’t stop until the task at hand was completed.

  Just when Cash felt like he was about to pass out from the beating he was taking, the sound of several correctional officers running up in the bathroom could be heard. Cash had never been happier to see the police in his life.

  A big white correctional officer ran up into the bathroom and struck Hulk in the back of his leg with his wooden nightstick. Hulk turned, looked at the correctional officer, and punched him in the mouth. The impact from the punch knocked the big white man out cold. Once the correctional officer went down, several correctional officers jumped on Hulk. Two correctional officers wrestled with Hulk trying to take him down while a few other correctional officers used their nightsticks as a sleeping pill and went upside Hulk’s head.

  Stacks and Capo quickly jumped into the brawl with the police when they saw Hulk being ganged up on. Police looked out for police and inmates looked out for inmates.

  Seven minutes later the two crews had been separated and the correctional officers had the situation under control. Capo and Stack were taken straight to the box while Wayne, Cash, and Hulk were taken to the hospital. Their injuries didn’t look too good and going to see the nurse wasn’t going to cut it. They needed real medical attention.

  After the brawl, Capo felt good about what he had accomplished. He had got some payback for what Cash had done to him, but most importantly the word was sure to spread throughout the jail and make its way back to the streets.

  Chapter 14

  The cocaine white 745 B.M.W. pulled into the designated club parking spot. The passenger door swung open and the voice of Young Jeezy banged through the car’s speakers. Bone stepped out the passenger seat shining like a diamond. He wore his usual all black. Around his neck hung three diamond studded chains and in his hand he held a Styrofoam cup with a pink substance inside.

  Once Capo was out of the picture, Bone blew up. He took over all of Capo’s old spots and stole all of his cliental. Even a few of Capo’s old women switched sides and decided to join the winning team and right now Bone was winning. Bone knew that when Capo was released from jail the two had some unfinished business to take care of and he was cool with that. Capo had put Bone on and in the end, Bone had crossed him. The two men fought it out in the streets before Capo got locked up, but that wasn’t good enough. Things were sure to escalate to the next level once Capo was released from prison.

  The driver’s door of the B.M.W. opened and out stepped Mike Murder. Mike Murder was the most ignorant and violent man known to mankind and he was Bone’s new right hand man. Mike Murder wore his dreads pulled back in a ponytail that rested in the middle of his back. He too wore all black and held a Styrofoam cup in his hand. He had an army dog tag hanging around his neck. His wrists were covered in frozen water and he wore a ring on each finger on his left hand except for his thumb.

  Bone and Mike Murder made the perfect combination. They stepped foot in the club and were assaulted by the stench of musk and a God awful heat. Even with it being almost pitch black inside the club, the walls were still sweating.

  Bone squeezed his way through the crowded club and headed straight for the bar. He bumped his way through the crowd, side stepping dancing couples, and stopping people from repeatedly stepping on his new high-top Prada sneakers. Bone reached the bar and ordered two bottles of Peach Ciroc. He kept one for himself and handed the other bottle to Mike Murder. Bone looked around and saw that he had several other goons in the club. His team seemed to be getting bigger and stronger with each passing day.

  Bone thought about taking his talents to the V.I.P. area, but decided to stay near the dance floor since that was where the action was taking place. Not to mention that was where all the women were. Standing in front of Bone was a dark skin beauty. The woman wore a pair of white Good2Go leggings with red writing across the ass, white four inch heels, and a white spandex fitting top that looked like it was suffocating her breast. The woman in all white had dreads that stopped a little below her shoulders.

  Bone watched as the woman in all white bounce and shake her ass to the beat. From the way the woman danced, if Bone had to guess he would say that she was from an exotic island of some sort.

  The woman dressed in all white looked back and winked at Bone. She flashed a beautiful bright smile. Her hips and ass continued to move like they had a mind of their own. Her ass moved like it was controlled by a remote control and the site alone brought a smirk to Bone’s face.

  He kept his eyes on the woman in all white’s ass. Bone had to admit she was definitely looking like something and he was curious to see what shorty was about.

  Jim Jones song “848” banged through the speakers and the club immediately went crazy. Gang members twisted their fingers, threw up gang signs, and repped their hoods while women sang along with Jim Jones word for word.

  The woman in all white looked back at Bone and said, “Yeah it’s real.”

  “Excuse me?” Bone said leaning down so he could hear the woman over the loud music.

  “I said it’s real,” the woman in all white said. “I saw you looking at my ass like I got some ass shots or something.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Bone slurred as his hand rubbed all over the dark skin beauty’s ass.

  “Cut it out.” She pushed him to a comfortable distance.

  “You got a name?” Bone took a long swig from his bottle.


  “Yo, ma where you from?” Bone questioned as he analyzed the sexy woman that stood before him. He was used to having bad bitches so Vicky’s looks didn’t really imp
ress him.

  “Where I’m from?” Vicky echoed giving Bone a funny look. “What you a cop or something?”

  Bone let out a soft chuckle. “Bitch don’t ever disrespect the God like that again,” he spat with his tone going from friendly to cold instantly. Usually Bone would have smacked the shit out of a bitch for coming at him like that, but tonight he was on some chill shit. Bone went to spin off, but Vicky quickly grabbed his wrist before he disappeared on her.

  “Don’t act like that.” Vicky placed a friendly hand on Bone’s chest in an attempt to get him to calm down. “Come on Vicky…Don’t fuck this up,” she said to herself.

  Vicky looked up in Bone’s face and smiled. “I’m from Florida.”

  “Word?” Bone took another swig from his bottle. “Yeah you look like a Florida bitch.”

  Bone’s disrespect caught Vicky off guard, but she remained calm. She figured she should just fight fire with fire. “You got a filthy mouth. Maybe I should put this pussy in it,” she countered.

  Her remark caused a smile to spread across Bone’s face. He was used to chicks talking fly so Vicky’s words didn’t faze him one bit. “Do what you feel,” was his response. For the rest of the night Bone ignored and only half listened to what Vicky was rambling about. His mind was on what was under Vicky’s leggings. Bone wondered if Vicky’s pussy was hairy or clean shaved. He wondered if listening to her ramble was worth what was in between her legs.

  “You heard me?” Vicky’s irritating voice brought Bone back to reality.

  “Yeah,” Bone answered looking down at the Rolex that decorated his wrist. “I’m saying though, it’s getting late. You trying to do something or what?” He cut straight to the chase.

  Bone’s forwardness slightly offended Vicky. His arrogance was disgusting and a super turn off. Vicky couldn’t wait until this assignment was over so she could head back to Miami and get back to her life. If this wasn’t so important to Scarface, Vicky would probably be in a hot tub somewhere enjoying the fruits of her labor.

  “What you wanna grab a bite to eat or something?” Vicky suggested. She didn’t know what else to say at the moment. From the way that Bone was looking at her, she could tell what was on his mind. She just hoped that Bone didn’t see through her game.

  Mike Murder quickly stepped in and whispered something in Bone’s ear. Whatever Mike Murder had told him caused Bone’s face to crumble up. He nodded his head a few times while listening to his right hand man.

  Vicky stood waiting to see what Bone wanted to do. She still couldn’t believe that he had beat Shekia up like she was a man. In her eyes that was some real sucker shit to do. He didn’t get any points for beating up on a defenseless woman.

  “I’m going to need a rain check,” Bone said to Vicky and then pulled out his cell phone. “Let me get ya number real quick tho and I’mma hit you up tomorrow or something.”

  “Is everything alright?” Vicky asked faking concern. Honestly she could give two fucks if everything was alright with him or not. All she cared about was completing the mission at hand.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Bone replied quickly. “Just gotta go handle something real quick.”

  Vicky stored her number in Bone’s phone, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and made him promise her that he was going to call her before allowing him to leave. As she watched Bone make his way towards the exit she wondered what was so important that he had to leave so abruptly. Vicky jumped when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She quickly spun around and saw a nice looking heavy set man standing before her with his hips swaying back and forth to the Reggae tune that blasted through the speakers. The facial expressions that the heavy set man showed told Vicky that he was really into the song and focused on his dance moves.

  “Come on girl,” the heavy set man yelled with a friendly smile on his face. His forehead was drenched in sweat. “You standing there like a statue. Come and dance with me.”

  “Nah I’m good,” Vicky said with her eyes still on the path of Bone’s exit. Before she had a chance to come up with her next move, the heavy set man grabbed Vicky’s wrist and pulled her towards him. Before Vicky got a chance to protest, another ignorant drunk fool grabbed her waist from behind. The rest of the crowd got hype when they saw the two men lock Vicky in a sandwich.

  Vicky fought and struggled to break away from the two sweaty drunk men, but it seemed like the more she struggled to free herself and break out of the sandwich, the more aggressive the men became with her. Just as Vicky got ready to scream, the sound of several loud thunderous shots rang out sending everyone in the club down to the floor. After a short pause, four more shots rang out sending the club into a frenzy.

  Vicky scrambled towards the exit following the crowd. She didn’t know what was going on, but deep down inside she knew that Bone had something to do with the shooting. All she could do now was wait and see if Bone would call her like he promised he would.

  Chapter 15

  Angela sat in an empty room with her hands cuffed behind her back. Her handcuffs were cuffed to the steel chair that she sat in, making it hard for her to move. She didn’t have on anything but a bra and panties set. Angela didn’t know what to expect from the authorities. Whatever they had planned for her, she didn’t care. She just hoped that James’ punishment wouldn’t be too harsh. Inside Angela felt sorry for James. He didn’t have a clue what he was getting himself into from the jump and now he had to suffer because of her. In the beginning James’ only crime was loving a beautiful woman. He had no clue who Angela really was and no clue that she was the enemy. Now for his lack of knowledge, he had to suffer.

  Angela was trained and well prepared for whatever was to come. She just hoped it wouldn’t be too bad.

  Angela’s face was covered in dried up blood and her wounds went unattended. The agents left Angela in solitary for hours. They wanted to mentally fuck her before the physical torture came into place.

  An hour later, the door came busting open and in walked The Gladiator flanked by two men who wore suits with a bunch of pins and metals pinned down to their suit jacket’s breast.

  The Gladiator’s combat boots sounded off loudly until they finally came to a stop right in front of Angela. After all the lies that were told to the media and press, The Gladiator was looking like some sort of hero. He looked down at Angela. Him and her were the only two who really knew what had went down in the hotel room and inside he still felt a certain way.

  “I swear to God you better start talking and you better start talking now!” The Gladiator barked looking down at Angela like she was a child.

  Angela looked up at The Gladiator unmoved and unfazed by his words. If they were waiting for Angela to talk, they were going to waiting for a very long time. She was trained not to talk and disciplined enough not to go against her training.

  “You not going to talk?” The Gladiator growled.

  Angela said nothing.

  “Okay,” The Gladiator said as he turned and punched Angela in her face. The force from the punch caused her head to violently snap back.

  The Gladiator turned his gaze on the two men in the uniforms. “I think I’m going to need a little time alone with her,” he said removing his hunting knife from down in its holster. The two agents smiled, and then gladly exited the room leaving The Gladiator and Angela alone.

  “Now you listen to me and you listen to me carefully,” The Gladiator began. The hunting knife in his hand glistened like it had just been polished. “I’m going to ask you some very simple questions and I want some very simple answers.”

  Angela said nothing.

  “Who the fuck is that other assassin in the suit? Do y’all two work together? Your best bet is to just tell me where I can find him because I’m just going to wind up finding him anyway.”

  Angela said nothing.

  “You do know that the place that you’re headed to is hell on earth, right?” The Gladiator paused for a second to let his words sink in. “You’re going to be plac
ed in a super max prison in a foreign country.” He smiled. “Life in prison in America would be too easy, but life in prison in a foreign country is hell on earth and I promise you’ll feel every single minute you spend in there or I could just kill you now,” The Gladiator said. “Or you can just tell me what I need to know and then maybe we might be able to work something out…what do you say, huh?”

  Angela said nothing.

  “Who do you work for?”

  Angela said nothing.

  In a swift motion The Gladiator brought the hunting knife down across Angela’s chest. She yelled out in pain as a deep nasty gash opened up across her chest, her blood painting her feet as well as the floor red.

  “Still don’t want to talk?” The Gladiator smiled.

  Angela said nothing, but her eyes spoke in volumes. She shot daggers at The Gladiator with her eyes. Her eyes told The Gladiator that if her hands weren’t cuffed behind her back to the steel chair she sat in that she would kill him with her bare hands.

  “Okay have it your way,” The Gladiator said as he raised the hunting knife above his head, and then forcefully brought it down jamming the sharp point of the knife down in the center of Angela’s thigh.

  “ARRRGGHH!!” Angela howled at the top of her lungs.

  “You ain’t so tough without your Teflon body armor,” The Gladiator said taunting Angela. “Still don’t want to talk?”

  “Fuck you!” Angela growled. Her eyes showed no fear.

  “Oh so you can talk.” The Gladiator slowly circled Angela’s chair. He was enjoying torturing Angela way more than he should have been. He didn’t care what he had to do, but before he left that room Angela was going to tell him what he wanted to know; even if he had to torture her to death… Literally!

  “Who do you work for?” The Gladiator asked again.


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