The Teflon Queen PT 2

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The Teflon Queen PT 2 Page 15

by Silk White

  “Stupid ass bitch,” Bone said looking down at Vicky’s dead body sprawled out down below by the front entrance of the hotel.

  “What now?” Mike Murder asked eager to keep the party going.

  “Now we send a few shooters out to Miami to pay that clown Scarface a visit.”

  Chapter 23

  “What happened to your face?” Shekia asked Scarface as soon as he stepped foot inside their bedroom. Before he had left home he was in one piece, and now he looked as if he had been jumped by an entire gang.

  “Mya set me up and her man attacked me,” Scarface said not bothering to go into details.

  “Huh?” Shekia said with a confused look on her face. “Mya set you up? You went over to her house?”

  “It’s a long story,” Scarface said as he picked up his cell phone and called up one of his main goons and demanded that he be there within the next fifteen minutes. Scarface ended the call, looked up, and saw Shekia staring at him. “What?”

  “What?” Shekia repeated with her arms folded across her chest. “Well you can start by telling me what you were doing over at Mya’s house for starters.”

  “I ain’t got time for this shit,” Scarface said waving Shekia off. He wasn’t in the mood to hear her mouth at the moment. He had way too much shit going on right now to feed into what she was getting ready to complain about.

  “You ain’t got time for what I’m talking about or you ain’t got time for me?” Shekia wanted him to be specific. She felt like she had the right to ask Scarface whatever she wanted since he was her man.

  “Both!” Was Scarface’s response.

  “Really?” Shekia yelled. “That’s how you feel!”

  “Listen bitch, I don’t want to hear all that crying shit right now,” Scarface barked. “You see I got a lot going on right now and you wanna question a nigga. Fuck Outta Here!”

  Shekia couldn’t believe that Scarface had fixed his lips to speak to her like that, like she was a piece of trash, and like he didn’t give a fuck if she came or went. What hurt the most was Shekia would have never spoke to him in that manner no matter how mad he made her. Shekia stood there waiting to see if Scarface would realize that he had made a mistake and apologize, but instead he continued his rant.

  “Why the fuck you standing there looking stupid for?” Scarface continued.

  “Why are you talking to me like this? Do you not love me no more?” Shekia asked with her face wet from all the tears that were streaming down her face.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing caused Scarface to walk out the room leaving Shekia standing in the bedroom alone.

  Downstairs Scarface saw ten goons standing around in the den loud talking and laughing as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Immediately he explained to his team what had happened and how he wanted the situation to be handled. While Scarface was explaining everything to his team, he noticed Shekia coming down the stairs. Over sized designer shades covered her eyes and in each had she held a duffle bag. The sound of her flip flops slapping against the floor seemed to grab Scarface’s attention. He watched as she walked by as if she didn’t even know him and she walked right out the front door.

  “Give me a second,” Scarface said to his team as he ran outside to catch Shekia before she left. “Yo, hold up!” He jogged across the yard finally catching up with Shekia.

  “No,” Shekia huffed. She tried to open the driver door to her Audi, but Scarface stood in front of the door denying her access.

  “So, as soon as shit gets hard, you just gone run out on us?” Scarface pressed.

  “I can’t,” Shekia said attempting to enter her vehicle, but again Scarface denied her access.

  “You can’t what?”

  “I can’t do this no more,” Shekia yelled in Scarface’s face. “This relationship isn’t fifty/fifty. You running around here keeping secrets and talking to me like I’m garbage. You’re not the same man I met months ago. You’ve changed and not for the better.”

  “Yo, listen…”

  “No, I’m tired of listening!” Shekia barked. She was tired of Scarface and his bullshit. She felt as though her feelings didn’t matter to him anymore. He didn’t even love her enough to take the time out to listen to her. “I don’t want to be with you no more! I hate you!”

  That last statement caught Scarface off guard and stung. No matter how mad Shekia had made him, he never hated her or wished any bad on her so to hear those words came as a shock to him. “You don’t mean that Shekia… Why don’t you go back in the house and we’ll talk about this later,” he tried to reason.

  “Why were you over at Mya’s house, huh?” Shekia pressed letting her jealousy get the best of her. The thought of Scarface with another woman drove Shekia crazy and right now he had her blood boiling on the inside and ready to kill something.

  “So that’s what this is all about?” Scarface frowned. “I come home with my face bashed in and all you care about is what I was doing over at Mya’s house?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “You damn right,” Shekia said with much attitude. In her eyes there was no reason for her man to be at another woman’s house. “You still can’t answer the question. What were you doing over at your ex’s house, huh? And here I was like a fool thinking that you were different. You ain’t no different from the rest of these no good niggas out here,” she disrespected. “Can I leave now?”

  Scarface gave Shekia a sad look, moved out from in front of the driver door of the Audi, and headed back inside. He couldn’t believe some of the things that came out of Shekia’s mouth, but at least he knew how she really felt about him. At the moment Scarface didn’t have time to focus on Shekia and her foolishness. Right now he had bigger fish to fry. He went back in the house and rounded up his goons and headed out.

  * * * *

  Mya sat curled up in Tyrone’s lap on the couch as the two enjoyed the new Block Buster that starred Denzel Washington. “I love that nigga Denzel,” Mya stated plainly. It was something about watching Scarface get his ass whipped that seemed to put her at ease. Mya didn’t feel bad for setting Scarface up. If he wanted to be with that raggedy looking chick she had seen over at his house, then he deserved to get his ass whipped. The ass whipping that her new boo Tyrone had gave Scarface replayed over and over in Mya’s mind and the vision caused a smile to form on her face.

  A loud boom followed by the front door being kicked open caused Tyrone and Mya both to jump in fear. At that very moment, they knew they had fucked up and violated the wrong motherfucker.

  Several wild looking goons stormed inside the small apartment. A goon that weighed close to three hundred pounds walked directly over to Mya and punched her in her face. The punch sounded like a .22 had been fired inside the apartment. Then he roughly grabbed Mya and violently slammed her down to the floor placing a steel toed boot on the back of her neck. The rest of the goons roughly manhandled Tyrone. They tossed him around like he was a woman and put hands and feet on him until finally Scarface walked in.

  “What’s this all about gentleman?” Tyrone asked through a pair of bloody lips.

  “You know what the fuck this is about,” Scarface said removing a .357 from his waistband.

  Tyrone wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand and then flashed a bloody smile. “Oh word?” He stared directly at Scarface. “I thought you was an official nigga,” he laughed. “You ain’t nothing but one of these young punks out here who can’t take an ass whipping… You talk all that tough shit and then when a nigga punch you in your mouth, the first thing you wanna do is go pick up a gun. You ain’t no man! You a punk and I’m glad I put my foot in yo ass! That’s what you get for trying to rape my Shorty!”

  The word rape sent Scarface over the edge. “Nigga didn’t I tell you I ain’t rape nobody!” He barked as he ran over and back slapped Tyrone across the face with his .357. “You wanna be one of these save a hoe niggas, right?” Scarface blacked out and pistol whipped Tyrone until h
is face was nothing but a bloody pulp.

  Over on the sideline Mya cried her eyes out as she was forced to watch Scarface brutally beat Tyrone’s once handsome face in with the butt of his gun. She wasn’t crying because Scarface had damn near killed Tyrone, she was crying because she knew that she was next and by the look on Scarface’s face she didn’t know how far he would go.

  “Boss man what you want us to do with her?” The three hundred pound goon that stood with his foot on Mya’s neck asked. The big man made sure he put most of his weight and intense pressure on Mya’s neck.

  “Put that bitch in the trunk. I got something special in mind for her,” Scarface ordered. He fired two rounds down into Tyrone’s chest, turned, and exited the apartment.

  Scarface slid in the back seat of the Cadillac truck that waited curbside for him. As soon as the back door slammed shut, the Cadillac truck pulled away from the curb.

  In the backseat Scarface helped himself to a glass of Vodka with no chaser. After the type of day he had, he needed a drink. He took a slow sip of the liquid fire and made an ugly face as he checked his phone to see if Shekia had called or texted him. Shekia pissed him off and disrespected Scarface, but despite all that, he still loved her dearly. After thinking over the situation Scarface realized that what the two of them were fighting over was foolish and nonsense. He asked himself was losing a good woman worth what he was mad or upset about? Every time he asked himself the question, the answer always remained the same. He didn’t want to lose Shekia and he knew if he didn’t do anything to stop her, she would be gone forever.

  “Fuck that! I ain’t losing my baby over this bullshit,” Scarface said to himself as he grabbed his phone. Just as he got ready to dial Shekia’s number, his cell phone vibrated in his hand. Scarface glanced down at the caller I.D. and noticed that he didn’t recognize the number, but still he answered. “Yo, who dis?”

  “What up, this Black,” the caller said identifying himself. Black was one of Scarface’s most ruthless goons and reliable shooters.

  “My nigga Black, what up? I hope you calling me to tell me that, that Bone situation has been taken care of,” Scarface said taking another sip from his cup. Silence fell upon them for a few seconds. “Black, you still there?”

  “Yeah I’m here,” Black said in a low tone.

  “What’s up? Did you take care of that Bone situation for me?” Scarface asked again.

  “We Swiss cheesed his whip, but that clown wasn’t inside,” Black told him. “But that’s not what I called you for. I called to talk to you about Vicky.”

  “What’s up with her? I haven’t had a chance to call her. I had a few things that needed my immediate attention,” Scarface said. “But what’s up with Vicky?” Again silence fell upon the two men.

  “Vicky is dead,” Black said putting it out there not wanting to prolong or sugarcoat the situation any further than he already had.

  “What you mean she’s dead?” Scarface said hoping he heard wrong, but with his current streak of luck he knew he had heard right.

  “Bone caught on to what she was up to,” Black said sadly. “He whipped her ass, and then threw her out of her seven story hotel room window.”

  “You’re kidding me, right? Please tell me that you are joking!” Scarface’s tone rose as his eyes filled with tears. At the moment he felt like he had the worst luck in the world.

  “I’m sorry,” was all Black could say. Scarface ended the call and cried his heart out. He knew it was because of him that his little sister was dead. If he hadn’t involved Vicky in the bullshit beef that him and Bone had, she would still be alive right now.

  “Shekia told me to just leave it alone to begin with,” Scarface scolded himself. He blamed himself and beat himself up as if everything that had happened was his fault. Before Scarface could even digest the news of his sister being murdered, his cell phone vibrated in his hand once again. Again he didn’t recognize the number that flashed across his screen, but Scarface answered it anyway hoping that maybe it was Shekia calling to ask him to come pick her up from the airport.

  “Yo, who dis?” He answered doing his best to hide the pain in his voice.

  “Yes, I’m looking for a Mr. Johnson,” a soft woman’s voice said on the other line.

  “Yeah, this is he,” Scarface answered skeptically. Not a lot of people knew his last name so his antennas were on full alert right now.

  “Hi, my name is Ms. Foye and I’m a nurse at Mount Sinai Medical Center and a Shekia Richardson was just in a bad car accident. She asked that I call and notify you before she lost consciousness.”

  “Is she alright?” Scarface asked with his voice filled with panic and concern.

  “I’m not sure of her condition right now sir. Our staff is doing all they can as we speak,” Nurse Foye told him.

  “I’m on my way!” Scarface hung up in the nurse’s ear. He yelled to his driver to take him to the Mount Sinai Medical Center.

  Scarface was living out a real life nightmare. It seemed like everyone close to him was dying or damn near dying and it was all his fault and on top of that, it was nothing he could do to stop it.

  “Boss man,” the driver said looking at Scarface through the rearview mirror. “We got company.”

  Scarface turned and looked out the rear window and immediately flashing blue and red lights assaulted his eyes. “Fuck!” He cursed loudly.

  “What you want me to do, Boss man?” The driver asked. His eyes said that he hoped that Scarface told him to take the pigs on a high speed chase, but today wouldn’t be his lucky day.

  “Pull this bitch over,” Scarface ordered and then extended his .357 pass the driver’s shoulder handing him the firearm. The driver quickly slid the gun in the glove compartment.

  A red faced racist police officer walked over to the driver side window of the Cadillac and banged on it loudly with his nightstick.

  The driver rolled down his window and immediately his eyes were assaulted by the bright light of the officer’s flashlight. “Is there a problem, officer?”

  “I ask the questions around here…. Boy!” The officer shot back.

  “We have any emergency, officer. We were heading to the hospital because my girlfriend just got into a bad car accident. We’re sorry if we did anything wrong. We’re really in a rush… Like I said, it’s an emergency,” Scarface said in a polite, but urgent and firm tone of voice.

  “You said your girlfriend was just in a car accident?” The officer asked looking over at Scarface.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Step out of the car, please?”


  “Sir, I said step out of the car!” The officer yelled with his hand moving to his holstered service pistol.

  Scarface sighed loudly as him and his driver both stepped out of the vehicle and placed their hands on the hood of the S.U.V. Before the officer got a chance to say another word, his Walkie Talkie went off informing him of a shooting that had just taken place not too far from their exact location.

  Once Scarface heard the officer’s Walkie Talkie go off, he knew that he was fucked. Seconds later three more cop cars pulled up to the scene.

  After putting two and two together, Scarface and his driver were immediately hand cuffed and placed in the back seat of one of the squad cars.

  Scarface looked sadly out the window as the officers searched his truck. Once they began searching the truck, Scarface knew it was just a matter of time before they found his gun. It only took the officers three minutes to find the .357 in the glove compartment. As Scarface was taken off to jail, the only thing that was on his mind was Shekia.

  Chapter 24

  The White Shadow stood alone in the abandoned warehouse. Strapped to his shoulder was a Sub Ruger-MP9 machine gun. The abandoned warehouse was the address that he left on the note for Angela and if he knew Angela as well as he thought he did, he knew it would only be a matter of time before she showed up ready for war.

  The White Shadow looked
forward to the show down between him and the legendary Teflon Queen. He was getting tired of Angela. She always seemed to slip through the cracks and escape by the skin on her teeth. It was as if the bitch had nine lives and was an expert at surviving, but as soon as Angela showed up that was all going to change. The White Shadow would make sure of that.

  He envisioned in his mind several different ways of how he would end Angela’s life. Each vision was more brutal than the previous one. He knew that once he killed her Agent boyfriend that Angela would be gunning for him and that’s exactly what he wanted. In the back of The White Shadow’s mind he hoped that when Angela did arrive, she would be emotional from the loss of her boyfriend and move sloppy and recklessly. That way he could use her emotions to his advantage.

  Out in the distance, The White Shadow could hear something that sounded like a speedboat, but due to the fact that they weren’t in the middle of the sea, he knew the noise he heard wasn’t coming from a speedboat. With each second that passed, the noise grew louder and louder until finally The White Shadow spotted something out in the distance heading directly towards him at a super natural speed.

  The White Shadow didn’t know what it was, but he knew that it was The Teflon Queen. She had showed up just like he had expected her to. The White Shadow had done a great job luring Angela into the warehouse. Little did she know if everything went according to The White Shadow’s plan, she wouldn’t be leaving the warehouse alive.

  * * * *

  The speedometer on Angela’s motorcycle read 110 mph. The engine roared loudly as the machine in between her legs heated up. Angela knew that once her and The White Shadow locked horns, that only one of them would be left standing. It would be a test of skills and it would all come down to who wanted to continue breathing more.

  Angela knew what was at stake and she was more than ready to get revenge for her man. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but she planned on going out with a bang. The White Shadow was the “so called” best assassin in the world, but today his skills were definitely going to be put to the test; the ultimate test and Angela was bringing her A-game.


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