The Teflon Queen PT 2

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The Teflon Queen PT 2 Page 16

by Silk White

  The louder the engine roared, the closer the warehouse became. The anticipation alone was enough to drive Angela crazy. Goose bumps covered her body and perspiration covered her face.

  Angela didn’t know what lay ahead in the warehouse and frankly she didn’t care. Her main concern was getting to The White Shadow. James’ death was weighing heavy on her heart and to this minute Angela still wished that she could go back in time and somehow save James or even protect him better. A good man was dead because of her and that was something that Angela was going to have to live with for the rest of her life.

  The closer Angela got, she noticed that there was an opening in the warehouse big enough for a Tractor Trailer to fit in. Angela guided her bike and headed straight for the opening. The speedometer was now reading 120 mph.

  Angela zoomed through the opening and immediately the sound of automatic gunfire could be heard. Angela quickly grabbed the Tech-9 that was attached to the back of her bike, hit the back brakes, and came to a long, noisy, dramatic, skidding stop. As soon as she spotted The White Shadow she opened fire on him.

  With the swiftness of a cat, The White Shadow took cover behind some old looking barrels that decorated the warehouse.

  Angela quickly dropped her bike and ducked behind a wall. Behind the wall she removed her motorcycle helmet so she could see better.

  “So glad you could finally make it!” She heard The White Shadow yell. The walls in the warehouse were causing his voice to echo.

  Angela didn’t reply. She crouched down with a firm two handed grip on her Tech-9 and moved around the warehouse quieter than a mouse. Angela crept around to the other side of the warehouse making sure she stayed as low as possible. She crept alongside the barrels trying to get the drop on her opponent. Angela heard a crunch of gravel which gave her an idea where The White Shadow was so she popped up and fired at the sound.

  Over on the other side of the warehouse bullets struck several barrels. The shots drove The White Shadow out form his hiding place. Angela tried to gun The White Shadow down while he was exposed, but just as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared.

  In a split second, twelve rapid shots hit and ricocheted off the barrel that Angela was behind rattling her. The shots came too close to home for her liking. She quickly sprung from her hiding spot recklessly firing shots over her shoulder as a trail of bullets followed her. Angela ran and dived through a wooden door that led to a small room that once upon a time was used as an office.

  “Shit!” Angela cursed as multiple gunshots blew through the wooden office like it was made out of paper. She kept her back to the wall and reloaded her weapon in four seconds flat.

  Then suddenly all the gunfire came to a stop and Angela could hear The White Shadow’s voice.

  “Angela!” The White Shadow yelled. “Let’s settle this like professionals.” Angela heard him yell. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to trick her or not so she didn’t move from her hiding spot. She didn’t trust The White Shadow one bit!

  “Gladiator style! What do you say?” The White Shadow yelled coming from out of his hiding spot. “Let’s see who’s really number one?”

  “Fuck you,” Angela yelled back. She didn’t trust The White Shadow and she knew there was no way both of them would leave this warehouse alive.

  The White Shadow tossed his machine gun down to the floor. “Me and you one on one, hand to hand, and knife to knife.”

  Angela swiftly sprung from out of the office with her weapon trained on The White Shadow. “Don’t move!”

  The White Shadow ignored Angela and removed his backup 9mm and tossed it to the floor. He then removed his bullet proof suit jacket, followed by his bullet proof shirt, and tossed them both down to the floor. He stood before Angela shirtless with leather gloves on. The look on his face told Angela he was ready for war.

  Thunder boomed through the sky as a heavy downpour of rain began outside. The rain was beating on the roof of the warehouse a hundred drops per second.

  Angela stood with her Tech-9 aimed at The White Shadow’s head. His well built body and chiseled six-pack was a sight to see. The thought of blowing The White Shadow’s head off crossed her mind a few times. Angela had to fight herself to not paint the floor with his brains. As bad as she wanted to shoot The White Shadow, that’s not how she wanted to defeat him; especially while he was unarmed. When she killed him, she wanted it to be a clean kill. Reluctantly Angela tossed her Tech-9 down to the floor. Then she slowly removed her two silenced .380s.

  The White Shadow watched Angela’s every move closely. Angela slowly removed her shirt, followed by her custom made Teflon vest. She slowly tossed them both down to the floor. She stood before The White Shadow wearing a black sports bra, black army pants, black boots, black leather gloves, and on her wrist rested a black bracelet.

  “Let’s take this outside, shall we?” The White Shadow suggested. Angela knew the only reason The White Shadow wanted to take the battle outside was to make sure neither one of them had any access to the weapons they had just tossed to the floor.

  Angela silently agreed as the two made their way out into the pouring rain. Outside rain fell like rocks and it was cold rain to add on to the already cold weather. Angela stepped out into the rain and she could instantly see her breath through the cold.

  The White Shadow and Angela faced off preparing to do battle, and then out of nowhere The White Shadow reached behind his back and removed a knife with a blade sharp enough to cut through bones. An evil smirk appeared on The White Shadow’s face as he came at Angela hard and fast with fury and anger. He tried to stab Angela at short range. Angela quickly backed away and twisted using her foot work to get out of the way. She barely made it out of stabbing range. The White Shadow was persistent and good with a knife. The rain was making it difficult for Angela to keep a close eye on the sharp blade in The White Shadow’s hand.

  Angela tried to slap his wrist and force him to drop the knife as she back peddled through mud and puddles of dirty water. The White Shadow danced, bobbed and weaved, and feinted like he was about to charge Angela in order to throw her off and keep her off balance. He wanted to keep her on the defensive until the business end of his knife found a home in her flesh.

  There wasn’t much Angela could do. She didn’t have nowhere to run. The best she could do was control how she got cut or where she would be stabbed.

  The White Shadow faked low with the knife and came up high with a sharp hook to Angela’s jaw. The punch shook Angela up, but she managed to somehow keep her footing. She could take a punch. It was the blade that concerned her the most.

  The Whites Shadow feinted again, but this time Angela fell for the swift movement and The White Shadow went in for the kill. He swung the knife with extreme force at Angela’s throat. At that moment everything seemed to move in slow motion, so slowly that Angela could see every separate raindrop. She could have counted each one before it touched the ground. She weaved leaning back as far as she could trying to get as far away from the blade as possible. The blade missed Angela’s throat by a finger nail, but make contact with her chest leaving a nasty cut behind that began to bleed almost instantly.

  The White Shadow’s movements made it hard for Angela to figure out his style. His feints were swift and unbalancing. His movements made Angela believe that he was born with a knife in his hand at birth.

  The White Shadow moved with arrogance and patience while Angela moved like death was near. While The White Shadow cockily danced around, Angela tapped the button on her bracelet and a four inch blade appeared in the palm of her gloved hand like magic.

  The White Shadow moved swiftly and tried to stab Angela in the heart, but she quickly side stepped the knife strike and brought up the four inch blade, a blade he had not seen. Angela caught him off guard. She made contact with his right forearm and opened up his skin. She tried to cut him down to the bone. The White Shadow quickly backed away. He was shocked by Angela’s speed and shocked to see that she had a weapo
n. The pain from his cut stunned him. The cut was so bad that The White Shadow had to switch the knife over to his left hand; his not so good hand.

  Now he danced a brand new dance, one with less arrogance and swagger. His deep frown told Angela that he wasn’t used to being the one on the business end of a sharp blade.

  Again The White Shadow stabbed at Angela. He threw a series of jabs with his knife leading the way. Angela caught The White Shadow’s knife hand and bent it at the wrist forcing him to drop his knife down into the mud. She then landed a bone breaking elbow to The White Shadow’s nose. This blow stunned him and sent him stumbling a few steps backwards. The rain and mud were compromising his footing. The White Shadow quickly went from the one doing the attacking to the one being attacked. His offense had desperately turned into defense.

  The tables had turned and now Angela was the one holding the blade and The White Shadow stood weaponless.

  “Come on bitch! Let’s do this!” The White Shadow growled. There was no backing down in him and definitely not one weak bone in his body. If he was in it, he was in it to the death. That’s just the way he was trained from birth. Angela charged at The White Shadow with her blade in her hand. She was tired of playing and ready to finish this battle once and for all. She tried to plunge the end of her blade in The White Shadow’s chest, but he quickly jumped back and caught Angela’s wrist in mid swing. They fought for the knife in her hand, a knife sharp enough to kill.

  While Angela and The White Shadow struggled, her combat boots were slipping and his field boots were sliding. The two battled across the wet concrete wrestling eye to eye.

  Angela gritted her teeth, grunted, and shoved the blade towards The White Shadow’s chest. She struggled with him, strength against strength. They were in the midst of an arm wrestle that neither assassin wanted to lose. They both knew that losing meant death.

  The White Shadow landed a vicious knee to the pit of Angela’s stomach. The blow caused her to double over in pain and her grip on her knife loosened. The White Shadow took advantage of the situation and threw a quick rabbit punch that landed in the center of Angela’s throat forcing her to drop the knife. She tried to hurry up and pick the knife back up, but The White Shadow quickly kicked it out of her reach.

  Angela backed up and took a fighting stance. Then in a blind rage, The White Shadow went after Angela. She didn’t back down, but instead she moved toward the fight not away from it. She started throwing spearing elbows and knees at a relentless pace. She gave just as good as she got. She took one punch to land two.

  The White Shadow fired a quick jab that snapped Angela’s head back and followed up with a hook that Angela saw coming, but didn’t have enough energy to block or avoid. He hit her the way a man should never hit a woman. The hook connected on Angela’s chin and sent her crashing down to the wet concrete. The White Shadow quickly hopped on top of Angela and began throwing punches from all angles like a U.F.C. cage fighter.

  Angela tried to bob and weave. She did her best to block the onslaught of vicious blows. Several hard blows broke through Angela’s guard causing one of her eyes to close up completely shut.

  Angela bucked her midsection up and somehow got The White Shadow up off of her. She staggered back up to her feet half dazed and only able to see out of one eye. Just like The White Shadow, there was no quit in Angela. If you wanted her to stop, then you had to kill her; plain and simple.

  Angela ran and went airborne taking her knee straight to The White Shadow’s wounded face. Angela hit him hard and then went down hard too. She crashed hard landing on the unforgiving rocks and concrete.

  Angela quickly crawled back up to her feet and moved towards The White Shadow. She landed an eight punch combination to his stomach, ribs, and back. She went to work on his body in hopes of slowing him down. The White Shadow got in close, grabbed Angela’s head, tried to send a knee deep into her stomach, but she twisted before his knee could find its target. Angela and The White Shadow wrestled and grappled. They tussled until they both went down to the wet ground making a big loud splash sending water flying everywhere. While on the ground, Angela and The White Shadow both struggled and fought for positioning. The White Shadow slipped in a few stiff punches in the process. Dirt, grit, and mud covered both Angela and The White Shadow’s bodies as they rolled around on the ground. During the struggle Angela managed to get a good grip on The White Shadow’s arm. She swiftly lifted her legs and wrapped them around The White Shadow’s neck putting him in a scissors maneuver. She then took The White Shadow’s arm and placed it in an arm bar. This is a submission move that if done right could break a man’s arm or rip it straight from the socket.

  “Arrgggg!” The Whites Shadow shrieked as Angela applied pressure to the arm bar. From the way The White Shadow screamed, Angela could tell that The White Shadow was in excruciating pain. This was probably the most pain he had ever been in during his entire life.

  Angela applied extreme pressure on The White Shadow’s arm until she finally heard it snap!

  Angela slowly stood to her feet and watched as The White Shadow rolled around in the mud in agony. Severe pain resided in his blue eyes. Like a wounded animal, The White Shadow slowly crawled back up to his feet with his right arm dangling loosely by his side. The angered look on his bloodied and swollen face told Angela that he wasn’t gonna stop coming at her. Blood was dripping from his nose down on his puffy lips and he had a murderous look in his eyes.

  “It’s over,” Angela said feeling sorry for The White Shadow. “I’ll spare you your life if you promise to go back to Russia and never return,” she compromised.

  “It ain’t over,” The White Shadow said wincing in pain. The cold weather and rain were adding on to his injury. “We just getting started,” he said in a pathetic attempt to sound tough. Angela may have defeated him physically, but he refused to be defeated mentally. “Come on bitch!” The White Shadow said moving in towards Angela.

  “Quit while you’re ahead,” Angela warned. The White Shadow ignored Angela’s warning and fired a weak hook that had no chance of landing or connecting with its intended target.

  “Stop running from me, you scary ass bitch!” The White Shadow ran and attempted to kick Angela in the ribs. Angela easily caught The White Shadow’s leg and swept his other foot from up under him sending him crashing down to the ground hard.

  Angela watched sadly as The White Shadow slowly crawled back up to his feet and stumbled towards her. Once The White Shadow was in striking distance, Angela hit The White Shadow with a four punch combination to the face, and then finished him off with a round house kick to the head that put his lights out.

  Angela slowly walked over to The White Shadow’s unconscious body and used her foot to flip him over onto his stomach. She then kneeled down and grabbed The White Shadow’s neck in a tight grip. She gave his neck a sickening twist to the right until a loud dramatic snapping sound could be heard.

  Once it was all over, Angela collapsed down into the mud and stared up at the sky with her good eye. Her body felt like she had been involved in a bad car accident. Her body most definitely would need the proper amount of time to heal and recover after this episode.

  Angela stared up at the sky and yelled, “He’s gone! I took care of him for you like I promised… Do you forgive me now?” Angela continued looking up at the sky as if she was waiting for a reply to come back. After lying on the ground for a while, the rain suddenly stopped and out came the sun. Angela smiled. She took that as a sign from James up above responding to her question.

  Angela slowly scrambled back up to her feet and made her way back inside the warehouse where she picked up her motorcycle, hopped on it, and burnt rubber peeling out the warehouse like a bat out of hell. She didn’t know where he was headed or what her next move would be. All she knew was that she was The Teflon Queen and now “The Number One Assassin In The World,” a title she had definitely earned.


  Six months later Capo was fina
lly released from the box and allowed back into regular population. After unpacking all of his belongings inside of his new cell, Capo’s next stop was the yard. It had been a while since he was allowed to walk around freely so this was something he would have to get used to again. Capo coolly bopped through the yard with his head held high. He knew that the entire jail had been talking about the action packed movie he had made in the gym six months ago. Capo enjoyed putting in work, but what he didn’t enjoy was the sad look on Kim’s face when she had visited him in the box.

  Kim was a good woman and the last thing Capo wanted was to disappoint or let her down. She had made him promise that once he was released from the box that he would stay out of trouble so that he wouldn’t lose his good time and would still be able to make it home early on good behavior. Capo agreed to stay out of trouble, but what Kim didn’t understand was that in jail anything could happen and people fought and killed over the smallest things. He had made Kim a promise that he knew he couldn’t keep. Kim would be mad, but hopefully she would forgive him.

  Capo moved through the yard until he spotted Stacks and a few other Homies standing around talking shit to one another.

  “What’s good?” Capo asked giving everyone a pound.

  “Looks like we got us a little problem on our hands,” Stacks said and then nodded towards a bunch of mean looking men that stood in a group all wearing Kufis.

  “Seems like ya man Cash done turned Muslim to keep us off his ass.”

  “Fuck him turning Muslim got to do with us?” Capo asked confused. He could care less what Cash had changed his religion to. When the two crossed each other’s paths again it was on and popping on site.

  “Nah… You don’t understand. The Muslims are the biggest gang in the jail system. You fuck with one of them and a riot is sure to pop off,” Stacks explained. He knew the after math of fucking with the Muslims and he didn’t think it was worth taking it to a further extent with them, especially if it wasn’t over money.


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