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Bred by the Billionaire

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  The plans she had in place were what she’d been focusing on all of her life.

  “I don’t want to just fuck you, Adora. I want you to be the mother of my child.”

  She stared at him, expecting for him to start laughing, but he didn’t start laughing.

  “You’re joking?”

  “No. I’m not. I want you to be the mother of my child, and for that honor I’ll pay off all of your student loans, and set you up for life. You’ll be at my beck and call whenever and however I want you.”

  For several minutes Adora stared at him, expecting him to say something else. There was no way she’d just heard that. Not after he’d threatened her mother, and attempted to blackmail her.


  Chapter Three

  Tobias had expected this to go much smoother. Any woman would kill to be in Adora’s position, but she acted like he’d forced her down the green mile. His initial plan only included using her to mother his child, but he’d spent the weekend unable to get her off his mind. He knew there was no chance of cutting her loose once he got what he wanted, so he’d set her up in an apartment to use at his leisure. She wouldn’t have to worry for anything, so he didn’t see an issue with it. Without his assistance, she’d end up scrubbing toilets like her mother.

  “Don’t look so shocked,” he said. “I’m forty-five, and my parents are tired of waiting for an heir.” He held the car door open for her and waited for her to take a seat, then joined her.

  “You shouldn’t have to pay someone to be with you. Why can’t you fall in love like everybody else?”

  “It’s not so simple. I don’t do love,” he said. All his life, he’d been taught that love and empathy were weaknesses. The only way to move up the ladder of success was with a ruthless business drive and putting the almighty dollar above all else.

  “Then why have a baby?”

  “I need someone to pass my wealth to when I’m gone. It’s important to keep the bloodline alive. Otherwise, it was all for nothing.”

  “Not everyone has children. Like me, for example, I’m only interested in my education.”

  He leaned back against the leather seat and massaged his temples, wondering why he tortured himself. Of all the women in the city, the one he wanted wasn’t on board. He’d dealt with risk assessment and financial forecasting all his life. Taking his offer was in Adora’s best interest, she just didn’t realize it yet. “Did you know I play golf with the president of your college every other Sunday?”

  She twisted in her seat, her face blanched. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Tobias sat up straight, leaning into her personal space. “Use your imagination.”

  “You can’t do this,” she whispered. “You can’t force me to be with you. Why would you want to?”

  “Don’t fight it. I promise you won’t regret taking my offer.” She looked so innocent, her lips full, her eyes wide with uncertainty. Part of him wanted to console her, but he knew he couldn’t backpedal now.

  “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m nobody. And you’re old enough to be my father.”

  “Is age that important to you?”

  She paused. “No, but loyalty is. I don’t want to be used and discarded. I deserve better than that.”

  He’d never had a deep-seated desire for any woman, young or old. Tobias always assumed he was a sociopath like his father, but fuck, he wanted Adora, regardless of her age. She tore down his resolve, making him weak, making him want things he’d never cared about. He held the side of her head, using his thumb to wipe away a tear. “It has to be you, Adora.”

  Until he’d first seen her on Saturday morning, the idea of an heir had been a burden on him. But the moment he saw her, it all became clear, and he had to move forward with his plan—to breed her, bind her to him for life.

  Tobias used his free hand to drop her school bag to the floor of the car. She tried to reach for it, but he shook his head. He rested his hand on her thigh, making her flinch. This was new for him. He wasn’t used to reluctance or purity in the women he dated.

  “What are you doing?” She placed her hand over his, but he didn’t move away.

  “You want loyalty? Done. But I need to know everything. Tell me what experience you have.”


  “With men, Adora. I want to know every detail.”

  After a brief silence, she answered. “There’s nothing to tell. I have no experience.”

  His cock strained in his pants hearing the confirmation.

  He knew she only obliged him by answering out of fear. She didn’t want Maria to lose her job or for herself to get kicked out of the college. He was a bastard, always had been.

  “What about kissing? Touching?”

  She swallowed hard, wiggling in her seat. He decided he liked her shyness. It brought out his protective instincts, something he’d only associated with business. “I already told you I haven’t done anything with men. I’m not a whore, so I don’t know why you think I’ll agree to any of this.”

  “Because you value your family and education, no?”

  She frowned, but she looked more sad than angry now. “So you’ll rape me?”

  He chuckled. “Trust me, by the time I’m ready to deflower your pretty little pussy, you’ll be begging me to fuck you.”

  Her mouth fell agape. “You’re wrong.”

  “What do you have against me, Adora? Are you not attracted to me? What is it?”

  She looked him in the eyes for a moment, but she kept quiet.

  “Is it my age?” The thought of her wanting a man her own age brought out an unexpected wave of insecurity.

  She exhaled. “Do other women like being blackmailed by you?”

  “I’ve never had to. I’m not used to women playing hard to get.”

  “This isn’t hard to get,” she said. “This is me refusing to jump to third base. You can’t just buy people—well, not me, anyway.”

  Tobias knew she couldn’t walk away because of her loyalty to her mother. But he loved her stubbornness. It brought out the hunter within him, made him feel ten years younger.

  “I want a lot more than that.” He moved his hand up higher on her thigh. She had thick legs, all curves he wanted naked and under him. Tobias looked forward to filling her with his cock, fucking her every day and night until she was ripe with his child. When he reached the apex of her thighs, she squealed and braced her hands on his shoulders.

  They were so close, only a breath apart, so he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. What surprised him most—she didn’t pull away.

  “Good girl,” he said against her lips. She smelled like strawberry lip balm. He kissed her, softly, tentatively. This was going to happen, and he’d enjoy introducing her to every kind of wicked pleasure. The kiss deepened, still no hesitation. He slid his tongue along the seam of her lips until they were both tasting, melding into one. She whined when he slid his thumb between her legs, slowly rubbing up and down over her tights, so close to her virgin pussy.

  She broke the kiss, gasping for air, her eyes hooded.

  “It’s just me and you,” he whispered. Tobias slid his hand under her sweater, taking her breast in his palm, caressing her pebbled nipple through her bra. She had big, juicy tits, and he couldn’t wait to thoroughly enjoy them. Never in his life had a woman managed to unravel him like Adora. He could hardly keep himself in check, and he prided himself on his composure. “You feel so damn good.”

  “They’re too big,” she said. “Everything’s too big.”

  “You’re fucking perfect, sweetheart. Beautiful and perfect.” His restraint was faltering. “Take your shirt off for me, Adora.”

  She hesitated.

  “You don’t have to be shy with me.”


  He tilted her chin up, looking her eye to eye. “Please, baby.”

  She helped him pull the shirt up over her head. Underneath, she w
ore a black lace bra that barely contained her cleavage. Tobias peeled one of the cups down and licked her nipple before covering it with his mouth. He sucked hard, teasing with his tongue. She tossed her head back, her fingers combing into his hair. Her little mewling sounds drove him to the brink.

  He lowered her to her back, rubbing his palm over the front of her pants, cupping her pussy as he suckled her breast.

  “Tobias…” She moaned his name, her body becoming pliant. His girl was ripe and fertile, and he wanted to come deep inside her. No other man would have her, only him.

  “You’re mine, Adora. All of this is mine. Never forget that.”

  The limo came to a full stop. They were at the café, but the last thing he wanted right now was coffee.


  Adora felt bereft when Tobias pulled off her body. The man didn’t get his playboy reputation for nothing. With a few kisses and his very skilled touch, she’d fallen hard for him. How could a kiss like that mean nothing? It felt like the he was devouring her soul.

  It felt like love, but she knew it was all part of his seduction.

  His dark grey suit hugged all those hard muscles in just the right way. The scruff on his face and those evil eyes made her entire body take notice. He was masculinity and sophistication combined. Yes, he was much older, but his age and experience made her feel safe, special. That deep down need she wanted to ignore kept climbing to the surface, a craving for the security and attention she lacked in her life. She wanted to be his, to be cherished and owned by the billionaire, but her fantasies were just that. He only wanted to use her. Tobias himself said he didn’t do love.

  He winked at her. “Time for our coffee.” Only then did she realize she had a death grip on his lapel, pulling him towards her. He took one of her hands, and kissed her knuckles. “Later.”

  How could he be so unfazed after what they just shared? No man had ever touched her the way he just had. She still felt lightheaded, her clit pounding and achy. She didn’t dare trust her voice, so she nodded and followed him out of the limo after slipping her sweater back on.

  He kept his hand at the small of her back as they walked into the swanky coffee shop. She could only afford the cheap stuff. His possessive touch made her feel good. Too good. Several eyes turned to them as they entered, making her feel self-conscious. Being a plus-sized girl from the poor side of the city, she stood out in upscale neighborhoods, and it didn’t help that Tobias wore a full suit and walked in like he owned the place—maybe he did.

  They sat at a small three-person table, the chatter of several conversations all around them. The rich scent of chocolate and coffee brought down her nerves slightly. “Do you come here often?”

  “On occasion. Do you like it?” he asked.

  She glanced around. Again, that feeling of not belonging weighed her down, and she just wanted to go home. Adora didn’t want to be rude, and she didn’t want to lie, so she shrugged.

  “Hmm.” He tucked some hair behind her ear. “I don’t think you like it.” That too-cute smirk tilted his lips.

  “I’m just confused about everything.”

  This caught his attention. “That’s why we’re here—to talk.”

  Adora wasn’t lying. She’d never been more confused and conflicted. All her life had been a struggle, and when she finally managed to get a student loan to attend college, Tobias showed up wanting to steal all her dreams. Yes, he tempted her with his promises and addictive kisses, but it was all false devotion. He’d probably get a kick out of fucking the maid’s daughter, and then he’d move on without a backward glance. From her experience, that’s what rich men did.

  His offer included a baby, which meant she’d have to give up college, her dreams of making a mark in the architecture field, and her independence. She thought about running—her mother’s job could always be replaced, but Tobias Bennett had a hand in everything, including her college and probably every company she’d ever want to work for.

  “You know, there are surrogate mothers out there. You could afford to hire one.”

  He shook his head. “It’s not just about the baby.”

  She frowned. “I thought that’s what this was all about, you and your precious heir. I can’t even say the word with a straight face.”

  Tobias smiled, holding one of her hands on the table. He played with her fingers, then reached up her sleeve to hold her wrist. His warmth, his scent, his focus—it pulled her into his spell. “The kid’s important, but it’s you I want. I have more money than I can ever spend, but what I want to own is apparently not for sale.”

  “If you’re talking about me, you can’t own a person. This is the twenty-first century, Tobias.”

  He wet his lips. “I love the way you say my name.”

  She exhaled, trying to appear exasperated when all she felt was that same burning need she’d felt in the limo. “Can we focus, please?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re a businessman, so I’m going to make a counter offer.”

  He nodded and sat straighter, trying to hide his smile. “Yes, ma’am. Let me hear this offer.”

  “I’m in college, and I’m not going to quit. My education is important to me.”


  She struggled for words. What she wanted was his love, but she doubted that was on the negotiation table. “We take things slowly. If you want a relationship badly enough that you’d blackmail me, then we can start with dating. Like normal people.”

  The lines on his forehead creased. “Counter offer.” He shrugged out of his jacket, carefully setting it on the free chair, then loosened his tie. She tried not to stare at his broad shoulders and toned biceps.

  God, give me strength. “Okay.”

  “You’ll get your education, I have no problem with that, and we can do the dating, but I want you in my bed tonight.”

  She pressed her legs together. “You’re putting the cart before the horse,” she said. “I’m not like the women you bring home Friday nights.”

  “So Maria’s been chatty. Not smart.”

  The last thing she wanted was more trouble for her mother. “Okay, counter offer accepted,” she blurted. “I’m just saying, I have no experience. Tonight seems too soon.”

  He appeared satisfied with her answer. “Okay, Friday night,” he said. “Make sure those college boys keep their distance in the meantime. I don’t want anyone touching you.”

  “What about you? Will you still be dating other women?” She held her breath. Adora knew the answer, but the truth would shatter her fantasy of being his special girl. She almost regretted asking.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled. “Why would I date other women when I’ve found the one I’ve been looking for?”

  “So you’ll just keep sleeping around and not tell me about it? I don’t want to be lied to. That should be in our agreement.”

  “You want the truth?” He shifted his chair next to hers, the legs scraping against the tiles. He put one arm around her, speaking in her ear, his voice deep and rough. “The only woman I’ll be fucking is you, baby girl. All I can think about is burying my face into those gorgeous tits and filling you with my cock. I’m going to take my time with you, claim every inch of your body.”

  She focused on not stuttering. “I want more than sex,” she whispered.

  “Trust me, emotions are overrated.” He raised one hand and a barista came right over. Tobias ordered their coffees. “I’ll give you everything else: loyalty, money, education. That has to be enough.”

  She kept her mouth shut, wondering if he was even capable of love. They barely knew each other, so maybe things would change. Or maybe he’d break her heart and leave her alone and pregnant. She didn’t want history to repeat itself.

  Adora sipped on her coffee once it arrived. It tasted like heaven, and she could get used to drinking the good stuff.

  “Good?” he asked.

  She smiled. “I think it’s the best coffee I’ve ever had. I think I�
�m in love.”

  He chuckled. “You’re easily impressed. I like that.”

  “You know all this is crazy, right?” Even though she felt a thrill going along with this insane plan, she had to remind herself that he was forcing this on her. She had to keep up her guards.

  “It’s perfect,” he said.

  “I want you to know that I’m not as innocent as I look.” Just because he was much older and experienced, didn’t mean she was a foolish child he could toy with. She’d lived a hard life, and wasn’t naïve to the darker side of humankind.

  He used a crooked finger under her chin to get her attention. “But you are innocent.”

  Her face heated, and her fair skin probably looked bright red. “That’s not what I meant. I’m talking about real life. Mine’s been a struggle, and I won’t be conned.”

  “That’s a shame, but it all changes now,” he said. “You’re my woman. I take care of my own.” He pulled out his cell phone and focused on the screen for a while. When he finally tucked his phone away, he continued, “An offer of good faith.”

  She was confused.

  “Check your accounts. Your student loan is paid off, and I’ve covered the tuition for the next three years. You’re not being cheated.”

  Adora was speechless.

  “I think you should do the same, so I know you’re not a gold-digger.”

  “What?” She almost shouted. “This was your idea, not mine, Mr. Bennett.”

  He smirked, rubbing a hand over the salt and pepper stubble on his jawline. “Still, I need reassurance.”


  He finished off his coffee, and stood up. Tobias grabbed his jacket and jutted his chin for her to follow him. Adora left her seat and weaved between the people in the line-up, following him to the back of the coffee shop and into the restroom.

  “The bathroom?” She was going to complain, but when she glanced around, she realized it was nicer than her apartment, complete with sofas and artwork. “Wow, this is nice for a coffee shop.”

  “I only like the best,” he said. “Now, for my guarantee.”

  “I have nothing to offer.”

  “Oh, but you do, Adora. You have no idea how valuable it is to me.” He pressed her against the wall, his strong body trapping her in place.


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