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Bred by the Billionaire

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Seven

  Tobias supposed this was like any other business transaction. He’d made Adora an offer she couldn’t refuse. It all started because of his parents nagging him for an heir. Instead of allowing them to hook him up with some rich bitch, he’d decided to make a baby with no attachments. But all his well-laid plans had gone out the window the moment he set eyes on Adora.

  She was sweetness and innocence personified.

  Now the dark-haired beauty was becoming the center of his universe, and he wasn’t sure how the fuck that could happen in the span of a week. Yes, he needed the heir, but he wanted Adora even more. She didn’t care about money or fame, and it was refreshing. Tobias had never realized how shallow his life was, and now he wanted more. For the first time, he had a glimpse into his brother’s torment. He wouldn’t allow his parents to steal away his newfound happiness.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he whispered, leaving a kiss on her bare shoulder. Tobias had a lot of experience behind him, but he’d make sure to go slowly for Adora’s first time. Now that he thought of it, he’d never had a virgin. In his fast-paced world, the women were anything but sugar and spice. Not his Adora. She was his prize, a woman just for him.

  He hadn’t thought of another woman since Adora walked into his condo. And now he’d claim her, breed her, bind them together for life.

  She inhaled sharply when he ran his hand over her stomach from behind.

  “You’re shivering.” He lifted her hair to one side, inhaling deeply at her neckline. She smelled like strawberries and sunshine, and he was already addicted.

  “I’m just a bit nervous,” she said. “Maybe a lot nervous.”

  “You’re in good hands, Adora.”

  She twisted around in his hold, resting her forearms on his chest. “That woman in the restaurant. She told me things about you. Private things.”

  He scowled, wishing he’d stayed away from that tramp all those years ago. Everyone he knew had taken a ride on her. Knowing their brief relationship made Adora insecure pissed him off. How could he explain that Katerina meant nothing to him?

  “Like what?”

  She bit her bottom lip, her cheeks changing to a pretty pink. “She thinks you’ll use me, that after tonight I’ll never hear from you again.”

  He had to tamp down the rush of venom that raced through his veins. Anyone who threatened his relationship with Adora was on his shit list. She brought out all his protective instincts.

  “I hope you know that’s not true. I’ll admit I’ve always thought of women as playthings, but I’ve found the one woman who can tame me,” he said. “But that’s not what’s bothering you, is it?”

  “She told me personal things … about your body.”

  He smiled. “You’ve made me curious. I’d like to hear this.”

  Adora shook her head, her breathing picking up. “Just that it was big and had a beauty mark on it.”

  “It?” He took her wrist and pressed her hand against the front of his suit pants. “Do you mean this? My cock?”

  Adora attempted to pull her hand away as if it burned, but he wouldn’t allow it. She could remain shy, but not with him. He was about to open her up to a whole new world.

  “Listen to me, little one. This is yours now. Only yours. I don’t care what some old fling had to say because she meant nothing to me,” he said. “You mean everything.”

  Her fingers twitched.

  “Go on, Adora. Touch me.”

  She squeezed lightly, and he clenched his jaw down hard. The pleasure of her little fingers wrapping around his erection was too damn much.

  “It’s really hard.”

  “What’s hard?” He tilted her chin up, looking deep into her dark eyes. “Tell me you like my cock.”

  He pulsed in her tender grip, his blood engorging him to the point of pain.

  “I like it. I like your cock.”

  Tobias growled the second the word slipped from her lips. He reached behind her and unfastened her bra, her big tits spilling out of their binds. “Tell me these are mine.” He held her waist and bent down, suckling her beaded nipple before gorging himself on her soft flesh. She was fucking heaven—all real, and all his.

  “Yes,” she cried out. “They’re yours, Tobias.”

  He stood up, and knew his eyes were glazed over. “It drives me crazy when you say my name. I can’t wait until you’re screaming it.” When he began to peel down her panties, she tensed.

  “Can we turn the lights off?” she asked.

  “Now why would I do that?”


  There was no light on in his bedroom, just the soft glow from the living room. He wanted to get these granny panties off her. She needed to take a trip to the lingerie store to pick up some sexy little numbers. He’d be sure to get a credit card in her name. “You’re not hiding from me, baby.” He proceeded to remove her underwear, and her hands slapped over her lower stomach. “What are you hiding?”

  “I don’t want you to see.”

  He frowned, forcing her hands away. A large, thick scar covered the area below her navel, slightly darker than her fair skin. “What happened, Adora?”

  She covered her face with her hands for a minute, then took a cleansing breath, looking defeated. “It’s an old burn. I was helping my mom when she worked in a kitchen. I had to have some skin grafting done, but it will never look normal.”

  “And you think you have to hide this from me?”

  “It’s disgusting.”

  He shook his head. “It’s a burn. If you think this changes anything, you’re wrong.” Tobias leaned back to get the full view of Adora’s naked body. He loved her full, rounded hips, and all those explosive curves. The short, dark curls between her legs hid her pussy, and he needed to know every inch of his woman.


  “I like everything I see, Adora.” He unbuckled his belt, the metal jangling as he unzipped his pants. “You drive me crazy.”

  He didn’t want her to feel insecure around him. She was perfect. Tobias cupped her face and kissed her, slowly walking her backwards toward the bed. She invoked such passion in him. The women he used to fuck around with meant nothing. He’d almost become numb to sex, going through the motions but never giving a shit. Adora held him captive with a single kiss.

  When the backs of her legs hit the mattress, he lowered her down until he dominated. She held onto his bare shoulders, kissing him with a hunger that matched his own. His dick ached, the lowered zipper only offering a bit of respite.

  He trailed his kisses to her neck, teasing her erogenous zones with his tongue. She was so receptive, her little coos and sighs prodding him to take more. Tobias stood up, bracing one knee on the bed. He bent forward and pressed her tits together, creating a mountain of cleavage. He flicked her nipples, licking and sucking until her back arched up off the bed.

  “Oh God.” She whimpered as he kissed lower, focusing on her scars, not missing a spot. He’d prove to her exactly how he felt about her beautiful young body. Tobias had always been a superficial asshole, but Adora changed all that.

  “Open your legs.”

  “Tobias, I can’t.”

  “Be a good girl for me.” He lifted her legs so her heels were on the bed, then spread her open at the knees. She fought him, trying to keep her thighs together, but he wouldn’t be denied. Her pussy spread open looked so fucking pretty. He licked his finger, then slid it inside her, watching it slowly disappear. She gasped, closing her legs, trapping his arm. “Don’t fucking close these legs, baby. Let me play.”

  She opened up for him, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Tobias had to remind himself he was dealing with a virgin. He kissed the soft, pale skin of her inner thighs, higher and higher until he painted a line along her slit with this tongue. She grabbed his head, squirming on the bed.

  “This is mine, Adora.” He dropped down to his knees on the floor, slipping his hands under her ass to pull her right to the edge of the
bed, her legs over his shoulders. “When I want to eat this pussy, don’t stop me.” He firmly lapped his tongue up from her puckered little asshole to her clit, over and over, until she cried out.

  Such a delicious virgin pussy—all his.

  He fucked her with his tongue, savoring the fact he was the first man to enjoy her, before settling over the tight bundle of nerves. He sucked and rolled her little pearl with his tongue until she writhed on the bed, her screams echoing in his condo. His composure faded, a new feral need taking over. “Come for me, baby. Come all over my tongue.”

  Within seconds, she arched her back, her fists clenching the comforter. “Tobias!” Then she detonated, her pussy pulsing against his mouth as she moaned with each wave. He didn’t release her until every quake had settled.

  Her eyes were half-lidded, her mouth parted as he stood up and kicked off his pants and boxers. She leaned up on her elbows, staring at his dick. Adora was about to know it intimately.


  She could blame the shot of whiskey for her lack of inhibitions, but knew otherwise. It was Tobias and his mad skills. Nothing about her seemed to repulse him, and he ate her pussy with enthusiasm, so there was no mistaking he enjoyed every second of it. Something about him made her crave to submit, to give in to his sexual domination. Her body still hummed, and the delicious high from her orgasm had given her an out-of-body experience. She was completely at Tobias’s mercy, desperate for more of what he could give her.

  When he began to undress out of his pants, her curiosity soared. Katerina had said Tobias was eight thick inches that would ruin her for other men. Adora had no plans on visiting another man’s bed, and she hoped Tobias wasn’t lying when he said she was one of a kind. She had dreams of forever, and hoped she wasn’t being naïve in believing she could tame a playboy.

  Tobias’s cock was impressive and intimidating, jutting up like a virile arrow, thick and beefy. Just imagining all those inches claiming her virginity made her wet all over again.

  When she attempted to close her legs, he shook his head. “Keep them just like that. You’re making my cock rock hard.”

  Tobias had the body of a god, all hard, chiseled muscle. She knew she was staring, but couldn’t look away. The corded muscles in his shoulders tensed as he briefly stroked his erection. He stared at her like she was something to eat, something irresistible, and she loved his undivided attention. His dark eyes roamed over her body, heating her up from the inside out. She was ready to beg, so desperate to feel his warm skin against hers, to taste his lips, and feel his cock filling her.

  “Tonight, I make you mine, Adora. I plan to fuck you every night until you’re ripe with my child.” He licked his lips. “I’m going to fill you with my seed, stretch your pussy with my dick.”

  She swallowed hard, her lips suddenly too dry. Her pussy tingled in anticipation, the slight breeze from his movements were beautiful torture to her oversensitive clit. Adora needed him, wanted him, and prayed she could keep him.

  He crawled over her, hoisting her up to the center of the bed. She couldn’t hold back, running her hands over his shoulders, down his biceps. He felt so good, all male power. Once over her, he parted her legs with his thigh. His cock pressed against her pussy, the friction unraveling her. After tucking his forearms under her shoulders, holding her close, he kissed her forehead.

  “I wouldn’t have fired your mother,” he whispered. “I just wanted you to know that.”

  Part of her knew, but she wasn’t ready to take any chances when he’d propositioned her. Now, it didn’t even matter, because she’d devoted her heart to this affair.

  “So I can leave?”

  He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound, before he kissed her hard on the mouth. “That’s not going to happen, little lamb. I’ve already made it clear there’s no going back.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  Tobias smiled, sex and sin. “Soon all you’ll think about is the next time I fuck you.” He rimmed the shell of her ear with his tongue. The world stopped, only the warmth and rasp of his breath keeping her grounded. “I’m going to enjoy taking your innocence, and then you’ll be mine. Only mine.”

  She wanted to be his, wanted Tobias Bennett to be the one to take her virginity. After a lifetime of feeling rejected by her father, she thrived on Tobias’s attention.

  He kissed and gently sucked her pulse points in just the right way, as if he knew every secret pleasure center. She was lost, riding the wave of desire, and helpless against it. Her eyes were closed, her body floating away.

  When he slid one hand down her side, slipping it between her legs, she blinked open her eyes. He stared at her as he slid two fingers into her pussy. Every movement sent a rush of erotic heat soaring through her body. She clamped down on his fingers, and he moved them with expert skill, hitting her hidden G-spot effortlessly.

  Adora gasped, holding him tight.

  “You have no idea what I have in store for you,” he said. “I pride myself on being the best in everything I do.” He began to fuck her with his fingers, his thumb teasing her clit. The sound of her wet folds was the only sound in the room besides their heavy breathing. When he slid one of his moist fingers into her asshole, she jerked, the explosion of sensation startling her.

  “How long should I tease you?”

  “Stop,” she said. “I can’t take any more.”

  “You’re ready for me?”

  “Yes,” she practically shouted the word. The man was wicked, teasing her to the point of insanity. When he shifted his weight to one side, grabbing the root of his cock, some of her bravery slipped away. He was well hung, and she’d never had a man.

  He ran the smooth head of his cock along her slick folds, over and over, hitting her sensitive clit with each pass. When she began to writhe, he pushed in an inch. Adora gasped, more from satisfaction than the shock of fullness. He kissed her closed eyes, her cheeks, then her lips. Then more inches pushed inside her.

  “You’re so tight, Adora.” He grunted, showing exactly how much restraint he was using. “I love your pussy.”

  “More,” she said.

  Tobias growled. He was losing his precious control, and didn’t stop until he was fully seated, his entire dick stretching her. The moment was surreal, bonding, perfect. She’d never felt so full in all her life, no cell left unstimulated.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked.

  She shook her head, looking up at him as he brushed her hair back. Adora wanted to ask him how he could separate sex from love, because the two felt like one and the same.

  “Good girl.” He slowly pulled his hips back, his big cock rubbing along her inner walls before he pushed back in. He kept moving slowing, rhythmically, the pressure building towards another release. It was so much better with Tobias inside her, claiming her. His skin was hot, a sheen of sweat covering his back, and his hard muscles tensed. She wrapped her legs around him, prodding him with her heels, needing more. “Careful, baby. I’m trying to go easy.”

  “I want you,” she barely managed to say. “Please.” Adora didn’t care that she was begging. She was beyond any rational thought.

  He pushed up on his arms, his cock still inside her. Tobias looked down at her. “If you want more, I’ll give it to you. Just ask.” He lowered his head for a moment to kiss her lips. “I love having you in my bed. In my life.”

  Why couldn’t he love her?

  Tobias lowered his push-up until they were skin to skin. He began to pump his hips faster, and the speed increased the pleasure tenfold. The longer he pistoned into her body, the more feral he became. He was a beast in bed, better than Katerina’s depiction. His stamina was unreal, the entire bed rocking as he fucked her.

  “Oh God,” she cried out, the beautiful pressure nearly reaching the breaking point.

  “I’m going to fill you with my cum, baby. Make you mine.”

  She clawed his back as her orgasm hurtled to the finishing line. He picked up the pace, and sh
e exploded. The powerful waves rocked her body, her pussy squeezing Tobias’s cock. She felt the moment his came, his hot cum filling her.

  A few moments later his weight dropped over her briefly, before he rolled to the side. “You were worth the wait, Adora.” He draped an arm over his forehead, his chest still heaving.

  Her orgasmic bliss wouldn’t allow her to worry about anything beyond the perfect moment they were in, but this was the time she’d been terrified of. Once he got what he wanted, would everything change?

  She attempted to sit up, but he was quick to pin her down. “What are you doing?”

  “You need to stay still for a while, let nature do its thing.”

  Right. The baby.

  This wasn’t what she expected getting pregnant would be like. It felt more like a business deal or science experiment than the happy family she’d dreamt of. “I doubt I’ll get pregnant after one night.” Then she tested him. “Maybe you won’t get me pregnant at all.” If she couldn’t give him a baby, she had no purpose in his life.

  “Is that a challenge?” He narrowed his eyes playfully. “Get ready for lots of practice.”

  Chapter Eight

  Tobias stared down at his beautiful woman. Adora was passed out, and he couldn’t blame her. He’d taken her enough times last night that she had to be sore. Her pussy was perfection, so tight, so wet. All he had to do was touch her, and she melted in his arms. She was responsive, eager, and refreshing.

  There was no doubt in his mind. He’d picked the right woman. Pushing some of her hair off her face, he couldn’t wait to see her pregnant, so full and ripe with his kid. His cock began to harden again, but instead of waking her, he ignored the urge. Her pussy wasn’t used to taking a cock so often, so he wouldn’t be fucking her today, even though he wanted to. Being inside Adora was like going to heaven. He didn’t ever want to stop.

  What he didn’t want to do was hurt her, and she deserved some attention today.

  He pulled the sheet from her body, and cupped her stomach. She was a fuller woman anyway, so it was already rounded. Soon it would be big, her tits larger, if that was even possible.


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