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The Cowboy (Wild For Her Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Ally Prince

  Moving too fast you say.

  I’ve waited for this moment for five years, so the timing’s perfect.

  She groaned into the pillow letting her legs fall out from under her and plopping down on the mattress, exhausted, just the way I liked her. Kissing her ass cheek, I got off her bed and found my clothes on the small floor space available. I should have showered, but I wanted to smell like us, so I didn’t.

  The drive to Logan’s felt like it took forever and I was itching to get back to Penny. I was a sap already.

  I parked around the back of the new stables and barn and found Logan inside, alone and not naked. That was a good start. The bastard had chewed me out for catching an eyeful of a naked Lucy a few weeks back. Not my fault he stripped her bare in the stables—working stables mind you.

  “‘Bout time you rolled up.” Logan looked at his watch. “What’s this, afternoon shift?”

  “Fuck you, asshole.” I flipped him the bird with a smile. His eyes took me in.

  Wrinkled shirt. Check.

  Messy hair and no hat. Check.

  Love bites on my neck. Check.

  I looked like I’d just waltzed in from a brothel.

  “Do I want to know why you look like you fucked all night?”

  I laughed, “No. No, you don’t.” He so did not need to know right now.

  “All right then. I have the vet arriving in a few. Mercy didn’t foal last night, it’s not looking good.” He tugged off his hat and rubbed his hair, stress marring his features.

  “Ah, poor girl. Isn’t the foal already purchased by some hotshot from Florida?”

  He nodded, worry etched on his forehead. “Yeah, Bart McCarthy. He’s partners in the horse who won the Pegasus.”

  “Holy shit.” We’re talking millions of dollars in prize money, maybe even tens of millions. This would take Logan’s business to a whole new level if he could produce the stock people like McCarthy looked for.

  “Luce is throwing her ring up, Merc’s second from the end. I’ll be back in ten.” With that, he turned and headed toward his house to his pregnant wife. I headed down to the stables to find Mercy. She came from good stock—all shiny dark brown, black mane and tail. Perfect features. The stud had been black, and an ex-racehorse as Mercy was herself. She looked at me, those large eyes appeared tired. Her giant belly protruded under her looking uncomfortable, and her gait a little uneven as she neared me.

  I opened the gate and walked into her stall. “Hey, girl.” I patted her muzzle and down her neck before moving to her side and feeling her belly. I’d grown up around horses and cattle. After all, I’d inherit a feed-lot and working ranch in a few years when Dad retired. Birthing foals and calves came with the business. But when big dollars were on the line like today, I felt a lot easier knowing the vet was on his way.

  “How’s she holding up?” I turned to see Harry Walker leaning on the gate. A brute of a man, a large beard, scary kind of looking if you asked me.

  “So, so, I guess.”

  “Have you had a feel yet?”

  “Nope.” I didn’t feel like sticking my arm all up inside her just now.

  Harry chuckled to himself before coming in and getting himself set up. I held Marcy’s head and talked sweet nothings in her ear as she jerked from Harry’s intrusion, the loud groan that came from her was not comforting.

  “There’s a head,” Harry said before he cursed. “Jesus, it’s fucking huge.” I turned over my shoulder and took in the shock on his face.

  “Daddy’s a big boy,” I offered. “Trent shouldn’t be too far away.”

  “Her water’s still there, that’s good.” Harry extracted himself from Mercy and then felt around her stomach. “I think maybe the size was a little off-putting for Logan, she’s still standing and walking. I think she’s okay for now unless her water breaks.” If she broke her water, we had an hour at most to get the foal out, but it was best for Mercy if she did most of the work herself.

  Logan appeared a few minutes later with Trent, the vet, and things got hectic. Mercy went down wailing. For a few moments Trent thought he would need to intervene but thankfully the foal’s feet moved and finally she birthed her baby.

  After a tense three hours, we finally sipped a beer watching a foal try to find its feet.

  “She’s so beautiful,” Lucy said, looking a lot like shit but still beautiful in her own pregnant way. Pregnant bellies no matter how small always seemed elegant and precious to me. Penny would look stunning pregnant. I made sure not to look at Logan because if he could read my thoughts, I’d be pretty much dead.

  “You can name her.” Logan kissed Lucy’s head wrapping his hands around her waist.

  “I can’t.” Lucy sighed. “She isn’t ours and I’ll get attached.” Her eyes glossed, and I had to look away.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Anyway, I better go. I’m meeting Penny for lunch.” Lucy looked back at Logan who was about to protest when she shook her head.

  “Where are you going? Can I come?” I chuckled watching Logan glare at me and flip me the bird.

  “Sure you can.” The sweet little thing winked at me as if we were in on some kind of secret. Were we?

  Shaking off the thought I opted to head home. If I didn’t check in every couple of days, Mom would fret about her baby. I couldn’t wait to bring Penny over for dinner, I wanted to include her in all walks of my life. I wasn’t sure how long I could go easy for, I was all in and Penny would understand that soon.

  Chapter 5


  I, Penny Anderson, am without a doubt the biggest chicken-shit in the world. Every time I’d seen Logan over the past few days, I’d opened my mouth but zip came out. How did you tell your older brother you were having crazy sex with his best friend? You didn’t. That became my plan, but I knew it was not being fair to Mason or Logan in the long run.

  It sucked. I hated feeling conflicted. It drained me emotionally to think all the time. I left college because of confliction and confrontation and because people were dicks. Luckily for me, I had some understanding professors for my last classes, and graduated. I walked out just two weeks early—two weeks felt like a lifetime when you didn’t have to see the person you were scared to be in the same room as.

  I’d also been avoiding Mason. Why? Well, because we needed to talk, and I had things I needed to voice but I wasn’t ready to say. I felt ashamed and stupid, and the last thing I wanted was for Mason to think I was an idiot.

  I should have been walking out of the elementary school and heading to see Logan or Mason, but I headed home to dwell on my stupid life choices.

  Wondering what my mother would think of me right now?

  Would she be proud that I finished college?

  Would dating Mason even be an issue?

  I tried my hardest to not think about all the things that happened on a daily basis I would love to tell my mom about. But it was hard, and the smile that crossed my face when I thought of something she’d love was soon turned grief-stricken when I remembered that I'd never tell her another thing again.

  My car looked sad in the parking lot. Most of the other teachers owned cars less than ten years old, mine came from a decade I knew little about, but she still worked and for now, that was all I needed. I opened the back door and threw my bag and tote on the seat before climbing behind the wheel and cranking the engine. She rattled more than she used to. A glint of white under the wiper blade caught my attention. A chill shot down my spine as I scanned the parking lot and felt creeped out and alarmed by the amount of hiding places available nearby. Wiping at my face, I tried to take a few deep breaths, I was just being paranoid.

  Opening my door, I stepped out and leaned over to snatch the note. My hand shook as I sat back down, slammed the door, and looked at the note. I didn’t want to open it, not at all. But I knew I would have to. I placed it on my passenger seat, clicked my seat belt, and headed out of the lot. With no real destination in mind, I drove out
of the lot as fast as possible. If I knew anything I realized they liked your reactions—he wasn’t getting shit out of me.

  Without thinking about it, I drove to Mason’s ranch. I hoped he wouldn’t turn me down or ask me to leave. The Mansfield’s owned a feed-lot and grazed heaps of cattle. What kind? The four legged kind. I knew his parents lived in the main ranch house and Mason lived in a smaller version the other side of the barn.

  As I approached, I noticed his truck at his parents’ place, I contemplated driving straight to Mason’s house, but my in-built manners stopped me. Hell, the dog was barking so they knew someone was here. I pulled up next to the truck and cut the engine.

  My fingers reached for the note and I opened it. Sucking in a deep breath, I glanced down at the handwriting.

  I see you with him, slut.

  Simple but hurtful and alarming, and in a handwriting style I had not expected to see here, hundreds of miles away from where I’d left him.

  “Shit.” I sighed out loud, reading it repeatedly wondering who could be responsible for this.

  It couldn’t be him?

  Could it?

  Without giving it much more thought I slipped the note into my console, slid out of my car and headed toward the house. The big hound greeted me with a wagging tail and a few licks before I made it to knock on the door.

  “Just sit, Mom, I’ll get it.” Mason sounded irritated even through the entrance. He pulled open the wooden door and froze.

  Shit! It was a bad idea to come here.

  “I can go.” I stepped back and motioned over my shoulder to my car. Mason frowned, brown eyes looking tired as he stared at me. His expression was not one I’d seen before and it had me edging back.

  “Who is it?” I heard his mom call from inside.

  Mason inhaled and stepped onto the porch. Arms by his side his fists clenched, he looked wrung tight.

  “Mason?” his mom called again.

  “Jesus,” he sighed turning toward the door. “It’s Penny.” His eyes landed on mine again, the need clear. My body sprang to life at his look, I had to rub my thighs together and bite back a groan. How could he ignite me with only one look?

  “Well, let her in, Mason. Don’t be rude,” Cathy Mansfield yelled loud and Mason rolled his eyes.

  “I’m conflicted,” he stated stepping toward me stopping a breath away. I tilted my head back to look at him. His face shaded by his hat, but his strong features visible. I wanted to touch his stubble, so I did. Mason leaned into my hand. “I want you to come say hi, but I want you in my house so I can fuck you even more.” Such a dirty mouth and his mom only a little way away. I bit my lip, and he groaned.

  Moving fast he stepped into me and pulled me against the hard plains of his body, both arms slipping around my waist, and before I could protest his mouth covered mine. Hot and demanding, the kiss left every fiber in my body wanting more, needing more than I could get on his parents’ porch. I snuck my arms around his neck, my fingers playing with the short strands of hair at his nape. His cock rock hard against me, my panties already feeling damp, we needed to take this somewhere else, pronto.

  “Come in and say hi.” He pulled back, eyes dark with need, lips swollen and red, cheeks a little flushed. I hated to think what I looked like. “Then you’re mine.” With a light tap to my behind, he led me into his childhood home.

  I’d been here many times before, yet this time it felt different.

  “Penny, dear. How lovely to see you,” Cathy said from where she sat perched in a recliner in the sitting room. Her leg covered, I frowned. “Oh, not you, too. I may be old but I’m not dead. It’s just a sprain.” She was glaring over my shoulder no doubt at Mason.

  “Well, you best stay off it. You need a cabana boy,” I joked with a little snort.

  “Come, sit, let’s have a chat. Mason, go do stuff.” She literally made a whooshing motion with her hands and dismissed him. He stood there for a few moments until I met his eyes. The untold promises in them had me writhing on the spot.


  My mother was a cock-blocking asshole. Okay, not really. I loved her dearly, and I’d do anything for her and I had been for the past few days, but I needed alone adult time with Penny. When Dad called from the hospital, I’ll admit I expected something a little worse. And when I found out Mom had twisted her knee, instead of the worst case scenario that raced around my mind, relief washed over me. The damn lady didn’t listen. Dad had told her several times to not empty the turtle tank by hand as she spilled water on the tiles. Yada. Yada. Yada. And what does she do? Slips on the water on the tiles from the turtle tank. Women!

  It took about thirty seconds to drive from my parents’ place to mine. Mom had given me a look when I ushered Penny out the door. She wanted me happy. Mom loved Penny, she wasn’t sure Penny made me happy or whether I was worthy of Penny. Details we would definitely nut out very soon.

  Penny had just one leg out of her car when I reached in hauling her out.

  “Steady, Cowboy, I can stand alone,” she murmured in a voice which came across way too sultry. It had me growling and ducking, driving my shoulder into her belly and hauling her over my shoulder. With a foot to the car door it shut and I and ran for my house. She laughed placing her hands on my ass.

  Once inside, I kicked off my boots and headed straight for my bedroom. She could look around in the morning, maybe, if I let her out of my bed. This was what she got for avoiding me like the Black Plague for a few days. The time apart made me horny as fuck. I thought about Penny constantly, and now that she was inside my place there would be no going back.

  “Nice floors,” she huffed as I stepped off the hardwood floors and onto the thick carpet of my room. I set her down on her feet.

  “Strip, pretty lady,” I demanded already working the buttons of my shirt. Once I got it off, I worked on my jeans and socks. I stood naked, but Penny was still fully clothed. I frowned, needy. “Strip,” I ordered, but she stared. Those dark blue orbs staring into mine. Her posture was rigid, and she seemed a lot tenser than she had been with my mom.

  I stepped closer and watched her swallow. Her hands fisting, breathing unsteady.

  “Why did you come here, Pen?” Although unexpected, I would not waste a minute with her. I had thought I’d pound on her door tomorrow night wanting to know what the fuck I’d done wrong, but she turned up at my place for a reason. Penny sucked in a sharp breath, bringing her hands to her blouse, unsteady fingers fumbled with the small buttons. After what felt like hours she took it off. There before me were her perfect tits in a racy, black bra which left little to the imagination. Her hands went to her waist, and she slipped that skirt down those long legs wiggling her hips, her eyes never leaving mine as she teased me. Then she stood for me in her heels, a tiny scrap of fabric that was supposedly panties, and that bra. I’d never seen anything so fucking gorgeous.

  I took a step toward her, my cock jutting out like a heat-seeking missile finding its target. My hand found her hip, and she shuddered at the contact. “Who did you wear this for?” I pulled at the scrap covering her tits and let a nipple pop free, already hard and waiting for my mouth. Her skin broke out in gooseflesh and she trembled as my hand skated up her waist to engulf her breast. “Were you hoping you’d see me tonight? Because I’ve got to tell you the thought of you wearing this for someone else makes me a little homicidal.” It enraged me, making me want to mark her as mine in every way possible.

  Penny’s small hands finally moved to touch my chest. Her palms covered my pecs, eyes watching what she was doing. “I wore them for me, they made me feel sexy. But I ended up here.” Her brow creased a little and then she seemed to shake herself out of it.

  My hands made their way around to back of her bra and I slipped it off her shoulders, her arms catching it. Then I reached for that scrap of material down below tugging it a little until she moaned. I wanted to take it off, but first. “Turn around, baby,” I ordered as I took her hands off me. She did, her long h
air falling over her back, her perfect curves teasing me. I moved her hair to hang over her shoulder then I touched her spine, and my finger followed it down until it disappeared in between her cheeks. Bringing my hand up, I applied a small amount of pressure to the space between her shoulder blades.

  “Bend over,” I murmured. With my other hand stroking my cock, I wanted to feel her tightness wrapped around me. I nearly lost it at the sight of milky cum leaking from the tip, she had me that worked up. Dropping to my knees I stated, “Use the bed to brace yourself.” Holding against her hip, I slid the panties down exposing her for me. Her soft pink lips were glistening with dew. Her tight ass waiting for me to grip and I would, soon.

  Stroking my cock with one hand, I dove between her legs and took a swipe with my tongue from her clit right up. I loved her taste and knowing I did this to her, fucking amazing. I made quick work with my mouth, sucking, tugging and rimming.

  My name left her lips in a long moan as her legs buckled beneath her. Her head fell forward and she struggled not to fall face first onto the bed. Sucking on her clit one more time I let her orgasm take over, her body convulsing. Pulling back, I watched her tight little hole clench for me.

  I had to take her.

  Standing, I positioned behind her and slowly sank inside. The remnants of her orgasm were squeezing me firmly while I gripped her hips and pushed as hard and as deep as I could.

  “I’m going to fall,” she panted out, her knees giving way. I helped her to kneel on the edge of the bed, her heels falling from her feet, clattering on the floor, and then I took what was mine. Hard and fast the only option. With each thrust a grunt of air escaped her and she gripped me tighter.

  “Why did you come here, Pen?” I asked watching myself sink inside her again. Her lips wrapping around my cock was a glorious sight.

  “What? Um… Mason,” she moaned pushing back on me as I picked up speed. Thrusting forward, I felt the beginning of my own climax, my cock was swelling and I needed to power home and just fuck the shit out of her, but I also wanted an answer more.


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