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Wolf Whisperer

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by Charlene Hartnady

  The Chosen Series: Book 6

  Wolf Whisperer

  A Novella


  Charlene Hartnady

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Copyright © January 2016, Charlene Hartnady

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

  Produced in South Africa

  Published by Charlene Hartnady

  PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

  Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

  Wolf Whisperer is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Books by this author:

  Previously published as ‘Shifter beneath the Mistletoe’ in the ‘Shifter Wonderland Box Set’

  Chapter One

  The gathering storm clouds looked ominous. Dark and angry. Maybe it would be a white Christmas after all. Jackie sighed.

  “Deck the halls with boughs of holly…” She changed the radio station. “Jingle bells…Jingle Bells…” She changed it again. The next station was no better. A duet, something about love and eggnog and Christmas cheer. Jackie turned the radio off with an even heavier sigh.

  It wasn’t that she was a scrooge or anything. It was just that this was the first year that she would be staying in Sweetwater for Christmas. Her family was only a five hour drive away. However, she had to work today! Who the hell worked on Christmas Eve? To make matters worse, she was also on stand-by for the entire holiday.

  She had been invited to Christmas lunch by her best friend, Angie, but she felt like she would only be a third wheel if she intruded on their day together. She didn’t really belong. Angie and her hubby were great people. Their two kids were adorable. If she was really honest with herself, she was maybe a little bit jealous of them and what they had together. Going would remind her too much of everything she was missing in her own life. She had two failed relationships behind her and no real prospects for the future. At this rate, she might just end up as a spinster complete with twenty cats. So far she had two, so eighteen more to go and her road to spinsterhood would be paved.

  Though on the other hand, there were a ton of things that she still had going for her. Jackie loved her job. She really did. There was nothing better than making a difference. Saving a life or sometimes having to end one. Always doing what was in the best interest of the animal in question, no matter how difficult. Her patients were way better than any human ever could be. They were so loving, so trusting. It was all that innocence and unconditional love that made her feel happy and needed. There was nothing better than receiving a wet kiss or running her hands through soft fur. It lifted her spirits like nothing else could.

  Screw it.

  So what if she was alone this Christmas. Jackie glanced down, she switched her radio back on just as the soppy duet reached its climax.

  She lifted her eyes just in time to see a large object in her direct path. It was hairy and moving quickly. Jackie slammed on the brakes. Her tires locked. There was a skidding, screeching noise. The vehicle veered slightly to the right. She grit her teeth, wanting to close her eyes, but couldn’t. She was unable to take them off of the still moving object. An animal of sorts.


  For a second there, she thought that the creature would make it, and then came the impact. There was a loud thud. A sickening noise as metal hit flesh. The creature catapulted, flying through the air in an almost graceful manner before landing hard in a heap of mangled, broken limbs.

  Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, her hands were white knuckled on the wheel. She was panting. The whole thing had only lasted mere seconds and yet she could feel that she was sweating. Her foot hurt from the pressure she had exerted on the brake pedal. There was a ringing noise in her ears.

  “Oh god!” She whimpered, covering her mouth with her hand.

  From the size of the heap of fur, it had to be a bear of some sort. The creature shivered and one of its legs kicked out uselessly before stilling.

  “It’s still alive.” She whispered to herself, unable to believe what she was seeing. Surely something so broken, had to be dead. Blood leaked from several wounds. Oh no! She should have been paying attention. She reached for her bag on the back seat. Maybe she could still save it. For a split second, she hesitated, worried that the injured creature might end up hurting or even worse killing her. Then she grabbed the door handle and yanked it hard. There was no way she was leaving this animal to suffer. She should never have taken her eyes off of the road in the first place, not even for a second. This was her fault.

  As she moved closer, she could hear its labored breathing. Quick, shallow breaths. The animal was bigger than she first realized. She glanced back at her vehicle, there was a major dent in her fender and the right headlight was broken.


  Her eyes were drawn to the streak of blood that marred the white paint on the center line. It made her heart beat even faster.

  “Holy freaking hell!” She gasped as she drew closer. It was a wolf.

  No way!

  Wolves were not this big. Not by a long shot. The creature that lay before her, seemingly on the verge of death, was about three to four times the normal size of a wolf. It wasn’t as dark as she first suspected but rather a mottled, gray with hints of rust through its fur. She crouched down next to the creature. Its chest continued to expand and contract in quick succession. Still alive, but for how long?

  On the plus side, none of the wounds that she could see seemed serious. Jackie did suspect internal injury though. After hitting an animal with that much force, it was pretty much a given. Its pulse was rapid. Jackie pulled back a lid, its eyes were glazed over. Not a good sign. Without thinking about consequence, she pulled back one of its lips, noticing that the gums were pale. This didn’t look good.

  One of the animal’s legs was clearly broken. Thankfully it was a closed fracture, but it was bad enough that the wolf’s tibia was at an angle. There may be a couple of greenstick fractures, but none of that concerned her at the moment.

  The animal was already suffering from shock. Jackie began palpitating its abdomen. It whined and tried to move. The heart wrenching sound tore at her.

  “Okay, buddy,” she soothed. “You”—she touched the area again—“don’t like that do you?” The animal made another whining noise.

  Next, she palpitated the animal’s large chest. It seemed that two of its ribs might be broken.

  Double damn.

  It looked like a damaged liver and a possible pulmonary contusion as well. It was difficult to tell without the use of the practice’s equipment though. A couple of x-rays and a sonogram would go a long damn way.

  The creature needed to be stabilized but she didn’t have oxygen, steroids or any of the other required items. They were on the side of a country road, technically, in the middle of nowhere.

  “What am I going to do with you?” She ran her hand along its fur. “You wouldn’t fit in my
car and even if you did, there is no way I could carry you.” She sighed.

  One thing was for certain, she couldn’t just leave the animal here to suffer and die. “Sit tight.” She instructed. As if it was going to miraculously get better and run off. Would be nice if it did. “I’m going to get help.”

  Who was she going to call? Someone with a flat bed truck and enough muscle power to lift this brute? Though, moving it might not be the best idea at this point anyways. The jostling might cause further injury, particularly if it was bleeding internally. On the other hand, not doing anything would mean certain death for the creature. As she made to stand, the wolf began to shiver. He made a throaty growling noise.

  If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it.

  Its shivers became more pronounced and the fur on its body began to retract. As in, disappear. Poof. Goodbye. Gone. She made a strange noise in the back of her throat. Part of her wanted to run away screaming while a bigger part of her needed to watch. Was riveted to the spot. Eyes glued to the wolf…although it wasn’t going to remain in that form for very long.

  There were loud cracking noises as limbs began to reshape and shorten. His eyes flashed open. They were a bright golden color that mesmerized her. It snarled as its jaw shortened and its long, ivory teeth retracted. Paws became clawed fingers which curled into fists. The growling, snarling noises became groans and long drawn out moans. His chest heaved as he sucked in deep lungfuls of air.

  The locals often spoke of vampires and shifters living in these parts. She’d read newspaper articles about how the vampires were seeking human women to date and to take as wives. She’d always found it really freaky and had just assumed that they were some sort of screwy cult living in a castle on the hill. That the shifters were just figments of the imagination. Maybe the locals weren’t so crazy after all. Maybe all the stories weren’t just stories.

  A man lay on the ground in front of her now. A man that had once been a wolf. Maybe she was the one that was crazy.

  No maybe about it.

  She was certifiable.

  Jackie sucked in a deep breath. She had to stop herself from rubbing her eyes or pinching herself. Slowly, she exhaled, trying hard not to scream or to run.

  The guy on the ground groaned again, this time much louder. He rolled onto his back, those same golden eyes firmly on her. If her heart wasn’t racing before, it was practically jumping out of her chest right now.

  He sucked in a deep breath, his chest expanded and he grimaced. “You should really learn how to drive.” A deep, gravelly voice.

  “W-what?” She stammered.

  His beautiful eyes narrowed. She couldn’t help but to notice that they were framed with thick, long lashes. “You heard me. Learn to drive or buy a bike.”

  The cheek. “You should learn to look where the hell you are going. That or, you should go and buy yourself some glasses.”

  He growled at her. Growled. At. Her.

  She couldn’t help but to swallow thickly. Had to work to stop herself from moving backwards.

  The guy…wolf…shifter…tried to pull himself upright. He grimaced and fell back while giving a wracking, wheezing cough. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. Using the back of his hand, he wiped it off. “You did a great job of fucking me up.”

  Jackie sat more upright. She bit down on her lip to stop it from wobbling. Anger, fear and terrible guilt rolled through her, and all at once. “I’m sorry,” she finally stammered. “You definitely have a lung contusion and there is a good chance that there is some damage to one or more of your major organs. I’m guessing your liver. I didn’t mean to…” She sucked in a deep, ragged breath. “Stay right where you are… Don’t move. I’m going to call an ambulance. Whatever you do…” She knew she was talking a little quickly, but couldn’t seem to help herself. “Don’t die on me. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t look like you’re about to die or anything. Pretty sure you’re going to make it. Just don’t do it okay?” His injuries were severe. If he had still been in wolf form, she would have been worried that he might have done just that. It was still entirely possible. He looked at her through narrowed, intelligent eyes. They narrowed further. He was seriously pissed. It made her feel a little less worried.

  Although he was pretty beat up, he really didn’t seem like he was going to check out any time soon. Problem was, you never knew. She sucked in another deep breath. “I’ll be as quick as I can. Um…” Her eyes drifted down and then quickly snapped back up to his. She swallowed thickly. There were acres of golden skin, covering hard thick muscle. His cock—she sucked her lower lip in between her teeth—was semi erect. Maybe her initial assessment of him had been wrong.

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to die.” His voice was low and so deep that it affected her. “I’ll be down for a few hours while I heal. Like I said, you did a good job of it.”

  It went against every instinct inside of her, but she knelt back down next to him. His strange golden eyes tracked her every movement.

  Chapter Two

  The little human put her hands back on him. They felt even better directly against his skin than they had on his fur. Her scent hit him in the snout. Fruity with a vanilla edge. Delicious. Good enough to eat. His mouth watered for a taste, despite his injuries.

  Not a fuck!

  She had run him down. Destroyed his plans for the next few days. “I told you, I’m fine.” Tyler growled, his teeth tightly clenched.

  “Stop that.” Her little hands continued to prod and poke at him. “It’s rude to growl at people.”

  Tyler hissed. Fucking hurt like a bitch.

  “You’re not fine. Far from it. I’m calling for help. We need to get you to a hospital.”

  He grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving. “No! Help me to your car. Take me with you. I need a few hours and a safe place to crash.”

  “You’re bleeding internally. Look,”—her eyes darted down to his chest before moving back up to his face—“I’m a vet…I know what I’m talking about.”

  “A vet?” He kept his eyes on hers. They were a glacier blue. He would have noticed that they were fucking beautiful if he wasn’t so banged up. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, wisps of her honey colored locks had escaped about her face in light curls. “That’s perfect.” He groaned as he tried to move. “You can nurse me to health at your animal hospital and then I’ll be on my way.”

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head, causing her curls to bounce. “N-no,” she stammered. “I said vet…not doctor. I won’t take that kind of risk. Didn’t you hear me? You have internal injuries…a broken leg…various wounds that require…” Her eyes moved across his chest and abdomen, once again flaring as they landed on his cock. The column of her neck moved as she swallowed thickly.

  She gasped as his dick twitched under her scrutiny. What did she expect? He might be half fucking dead but he wasn’t blind, this female was lush. Her breasts were straining against her pink sweater. The chill in the air caused her nipples to pebble. Her hips were made for holding. He was pretty sure her ass would be just as spectacular. Her thighs were made for straddling a male. Her mouth was full and succulent, her cheeks flushed. Her scent…Fuck!! He inhaled deeply.

  “Where have they gone?” Her hands were back on him, running across his skin in soft strokes. This time when he growled, it was a deep vibration.

  The female inhaled, one hand closing around a bicep while the other stroked more firmly across his abs.

  “The minor wounds have healed. The more serious ones will need a little more time. Take me with you. I can’t stay out here. I’m freezing my balls off.”

  She chewed on her lip and shook her head. “I don’t feel comfortable treating a person. I’m not a medical doctor, I’m a—”

  “I’m not going to die. I need a bed and some TLC and I’ll be just fine. You can’t just hit me with your car and leave me stranded. You spoke of being rude earlier, well, leaving me would be th
e epitome of seriously fucking rude.”

  Her jaw tightened and her eyes blazed. “I never planned on leaving you. Did I ever mention, even once, that I would leave you here? Do I look that heartless?” She huffed out a breath. “I said that I would take you to a hospital.”

  “No hospital,” he growled. “The shifters are not on very good terms with the elves. I would not be safe.” He could have her call Elton and Jared but they would give him serious shit about heading out on his own. He would never live down the fact that he was hit by a car either. Never. Tyler knew that he would become the laughing stock of the pack.

  Besides, there was something about this female that drew him in. She leaned down, examining something on his chest and giving him an excellent view down the front of her top. Her breasts were creamy white and encased in lace. He could make out her tight, dark nipples against the white of the fabric.

  “Elves,” she muttered. “Of course there are elves. I mean, why not?”

  Tyler could see that she wasn’t talking to him so he ignored her strange statements. “I’m going to assume that you have a bed at your animal hospital.” He sure as fuck hoped so because they would be needing one.

  Her eyes narrowed as she moved back onto her haunches. She folded her arms across her chest. “Yes…there is a bed. We sometimes have to sleep over if an animal is really critical.”

  “Let me have the bed. All I ask is that you look after me for a few hours.”

  Her face softened. Her eyes were still filled with concern. “I would rather take you to a hospital.”

  “Clean me up. Help me with this...” He pointed to his broken leg. It hurt like a fucking bitch and had started to set at an angle. “Help me heal. You might be a shit driver but I think you can manage a little TLC.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger. “I’m not a shit driver. Why the hell did you run across the road like that?”

  He had been running away from his babysitters. It wasn’t all that fun trying to meet your future mate with other males looking over your shoulder. He had been a bit careless. The scent of freedom was just so alluring. Tyler shrugged. “Look, I shouldn’t have run across the road without checking both ways, but the fact of the matter is that you hit me…hard. I need your help.” She wasn’t convinced. “You owe me.”


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