Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series

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Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series Page 35

by West, Shay

  Dozens of people were already in the yards, practicing with sword and lance. Some had bows and shot arrows at wooden soldiers outfitted in the enemy’s armor. Alex was quite impressed; every arrow found its mark in the narrow openings in the armor.

  It was the sound of metal meeting metal that got her heart racing. It was music to her ears. Alex grabbed her broad sword and sauntered over to a young man waiting for an opponent.

  “Need a partner?”

  The young man’s eyes widened and he gulped. “Me, my lady? I….I mean, that is…I was just…”

  Alex rolled her eyes. It was clear the young man was afraid to spar with her. Most of those who frequented the practice yards were too afraid to meet her one-on-one. “There’s no one else to fight at the moment and I really need to hit something.”

  If possible, the young man’s eyes grew wider. “These two should be done in a moment. Surely they are more worthy to fight you?”

  Alex was becoming angry. She tightened her grip on her sword. “I came here to spar. Now, are you going to pick up your weapon you son of an Athenian whore, or shall I just beat you senseless where you sit?”

  Her words had the effect she’d hoped. His face turned red and he stood up so quickly Alex feared he meant to attack her right then. He followed her away from the building. “What’s your name?”


  “Well met, Ruso. Don’t hold back. Come at me with everything you have.”

  “Don’t worry, princess. I’ll give you a fight you won’t soon forget.” His feral grin brought a smile to her own face.

  Alex ignored those still fighting around her. As she faced Ruso, everything else simply faded away and nothing existed but the man and his sword. His attack came swift and strong, forcing her to back up. She instinctively countered, her strokes coming so quickly she knew Ruso must yield.

  Ruso turned and ran for the building. Alex followed, certain he was making a run for it. Just as she was about to close in, he ran up the side of the building, flipping his body in mid-air, landing on his feet with feline grace right behind her.

  Before she could turn to meet her attacker, Ruso kicked her, sending a shooting pain through her back. She hit one knee and moved into a forward roll. She brought her sword to meet his just as it was arcing down toward her head.

  Alex snarled and lunged upward, flinging Ruso back a step, but he regained his footing. They circled one another, each waiting for the other to make a move.

  He’s better than I thought. Alex wondered who he was. She couldn’t remember seeing him at the practice yards before. If he’s in Father’s army, he will be a valuable asset.

  After only a few seconds of circling, Alex decided she’d had enough. She ran at Ruso, hoping to quickly disarm the man. Much to her surprise, he countered her thrust. A well-placed elbow to her shoulder blade sent her sprawling in the dirt.

  Before she could regain her footing, a wave of nausea hit her. Oh, God, he’s close! Her skin crawled and bile rose in her throat.

  Ruso took advantage of Alex’s disorientation to smack her upside the head with the flat of his sword. She cried out and fell to the side, trying to fend off Ruso while looking for the evil Traveler.

  “Had enough?”

  She gave Ruso a hard look and held out her hand. He grabbed it and hauled Alex to her feet. “You fought well. Next time, don’t make a lady beg for a fight.” She smacked him on the shoulder, ignoring his sputters of indignation.

  As she walked to her gear stashed along the wall, Alex glanced nonchalantly around the practice yard. It didn’t take her long to spot the Traveler. He moved among some of the men, patting them on the back, whispering in their ears.

  What are you up to?



  Alex turned to face the man, fear clenching its fist around her heart.

  It’s him!

  Though every instinct was screaming at her to turn and run away, Alex knew she had to act natural. Get a grip, Alex!

  “Afternoon, Marcus. Fancy a go?” She held her sword out to the side in a mock bow.

  Marcus’ face broke into a smile that never reached his eyes. “Perhaps later. I only came to check on the men. Word has reached us that Pyrrhus is on the move.”

  “Has my father been told?”

  Marcus nodded. “He is mobilizing the troops. And I do believe he is putting you in charge of a unit of female warriors, princess.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. The Arachidamia part of her mind was thrilled at the prospect of leading troops into battle. Her father had refused in the past, saying she wasn’t ready for such responsibility.

  “That is good news indeed. Has Cleonymus been taken into custody?”

  “He has. He’s no threat.”

  Alex nodded and bade Marcus good day. How is it he doesn’t know me? She watched him go, wondering what he was up to. It couldn’t be to kill her father, since the men and women of the Spartan army would fight to the death even if King Areus was killed. Killing Cleonymus wouldn’t change the course of history that much. What’s he here to do?


  Alex awoke from a restless sleep. Every nerve tingled. Something’s happening. She crept from her bed, moving silently across the floor to grab her weapons. Moonlight glistened off her nude body. A tiny part of her brain wondered if perhaps she shouldn’t put on some clothes before roaming the halls of the palace; a larger part knew that the Traveler was up to mischief and that she didn’t have time to get dressed.

  Rather than going out the door, Alex slipped through the open window, making for the main gates into the city. The streets were deserted. I can’t believe I’m running around in Sparta in the nude on my way to do battle! She felt the insane urge to giggle.

  As she approached the gates, Alex slowed her pace. Her body hummed with excitement, every muscle taut and ready for action. She stopped when she spotted several shadowy figures lurking near the gates. They whispered to each other but were too far away for her to make out what they were saying.

  Doubt they’re up to any good. Alex crept forward, ears straining to overhear their words. She hid behind a large bush.

  “Where is Marcus? This is his show, after all.”

  “He’ll be here.”

  “If you don’t keep your voices down, I’ll gut you like a swine.”

  Alex nearly jumped out of her skin when Marcus’ voice sounded from right in front of her. The man strode to the others waiting near the gate, tension evident in his posture.

  “Pyrrhus’ men are right outside. If we’re going to do this, we need to do it now,” one man said.

  “So open the gate and be done with it,” Marcus ordered.

  Alex’s lips curled into a snarl. That bastard’s letting the enemy into my father’s city! Just as Marcus opened the gate, Alex stood and screamed as loud as she could. “Treachery! Guards, to your posts! Treachery!”

  Her words had the desired effect. Lamps were lit in near-by windows and voices grew louder as people stepped from their doorways to see what the commotion was all about. Soldiers came from every direction, their armor clanking loudly in the dark.

  Alex gave no thought to her nakedness. She stood and met Marcus’ men as they tried to run. Her blade flashed in the moonlight, tearing through muscle and bone. She ignored the screaming and moaning of the dead and dying, all attention focused on Marcus.

  He only had eyes for her. Alex felt the weight of his malevolent intent piercing through her soul. Rather than back away, she stood her ground, unwilling to give even an inch. Most of that was coming from Arachidamia, she was sure, but she knew she couldn’t run. She tried to shut down a thought threading its way through her mind. I don’t know if I can kill someone!

  You can’t, but she can! With this realization, Alex let herself go, giving in to the instincts Arachidamia possessed. As Marcus came at her, she let her body move with the flow of the blade, the feel of the blood pulsing through her veins, and the wind
caressing her bare skin.

  With the first blow, Alex knew she was in trouble. Marcus was a much better swordsman than Ruso. He pressed his attack, driving her back from the gates.

  “So you’re the little bitch that’s been foiling my Master’s plans. This is getting very troublesome.” Marcus slashed at Alex’s exposed belly, missing by only a fraction of an inch.

  “Tell me about it. You’re making my life a living hell.” Alex swung at Marcus, hoping to open his neck, but he easily avoided her blade.

  “I failed to kill you back in the Civil War South; I’ll just have to make sure I succeed in killing you here.”

  “Try all you want, you’ll never succeed,” Alex said, as she backed away from the Traveler’s fast-moving sword.

  Alex cried out as Marcus’ blade made contact with the flesh of her thigh. Blood welled and ran down her leg.

  Marcus grinned and pushed harder. Tendrils of fear pulsed through the blood lust. He’s better than me. Her father’s army was busy fighting Marcus’ and Pyrrhus’ men at the gate; they couldn’t come to her aid even if she called for help. Oh, God! What do I do? Alex sent out a silent prayer, even though she wasn’t entirely sure such an entity existed. It felt right somehow.

  Get a grip, Alex! Her familiar pep-talk helped to break through the fear clouding her mind. She knew if she lost it now, she would die. Not necessarily; last time I died, I made it back to my body. This truth didn’t seem to help ease her fears.

  “Oh, I think I will. You see, I know a little spell that will kill you for good, here as well as back in your own time,” Marcus said, eyes alight with malicious glee.

  Alex hoped her face didn’t show the terror that was now coursing through her. She didn’t want to die. There was so much left she had to do, so much life left to live. Sixteen year olds shouldn’t have to think about stuff like this! The full weight of her special gift nearly drove her to her knees. It was more overwhelming than anything she’d ever been through.

  Marcus came at her, as though sensing her fear. His blade drew more blood, first on her arm, then on her belly. Alex knew she couldn’t keep his blade from a deadly blow. He was toying with her; he could take her down at any time.

  With that realization, Alex turned and ran, fear lending speed to her exhausted legs. The slick blood dripping from the wound on her arm nearly caused her to drop her sword. I’m bleeding bad. If she didn’t figure out how to kill Marcus, she would die of blood loss before he could stick his sword in her vital organs.

  Suddenly, Alex flew forward, face pressed into the dirt. She tried to roll over but someone grabbed her by the hair and pulled her neck back so far she feared it would snap like a twig. The tension on her neck made it difficult to draw breath.

  “Fight all you want, girl. Your meddling in my affairs will soon be at an end.”

  Alex tried to shout for help, but all she managed was a low gurgle.

  A shout sounded from behind them and the pressure on her neck was gone. In a second, she was on her feet, wondering what twist of fate saved her from having her neck sliced from ear to ear.


  Alex could do nothing but watch as her lover threw Marcus to the ground, hate curling his handsome face into an ugly sneer. She thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Cyrano bellowed incoherently as he swung his large broadsword at Marcus, drawing blood with every blow. The fear in Marcus’ eyes was as sweet as anything she’d ever known. The blood lust raging through her cried out for Cyrano to gut the man, take his head, eviscerate him.

  If Cyrano kills him, I’m free!

  And yet a part of her balked at the thought of killing someone, even someone who obviously had no problem killing her. Death was so gruesome, so scary, so final. Alex wanted this traveling nightmare to end but she wasn’t sure she had it in her to take someone’s life to make it happen.

  But it’s not like I’m killing him if Cyrano does it.

  Somehow, that thought didn’t make her feel any better. She stood rooted to the spot, the Arachidamia side silently cheering Cyrano to a certain victory, and the Alex side wanting to step in and stop him before he killed Marcus.

  With strength born of desperation, Marcus managed to beat Cyrano back enough so that he could make a run for it.


  Alex ran after him, followed closely by Cyrano. Her injuries slowed her down and Cyrano caught up easily.

  “Stop! ‘damia!” Cyrano grabbed her arm and forced her to halt. “You can’t keep going. You’ve lost a lot of blood. That donkey’s ass isn’t worth your life.” He forced Alex to meet his eyes.

  She wanted to look away but his eyes held her captive. The love reflected there took her breath away. No one had ever looked on her that way, not even Drake.

  Well, the other guys I’ve come across in each time period have looked at me that way. For the first time, she let her mind chew over who these men were and what their strong connection might mean. For a split second, her mind was filled with images of Beau Johnson, his gorgeous blue eyes, his blonde hair, the way he looked when he was all sweaty in his football uniform. Why couldn’t he have looked at me like that?

  Though she tried to deny it, part of her still wanted Beau. Despite the fact he hurt and humiliated her, she wanted him to hold her, to kiss her, to caress her the way Drake did. Alex knew it was ridiculous to imagine Beau ever being anything more than a good-looking jerk, but she wanted him all the same.

  It wasn’t as though she didn’t like Drake. He was the opposite of Beau in every way, dark where Beau was fair, charming where Beau was cruel. And Alex and Drake had way more in common and always had a good time when they went out. But he didn’t occupy her every thought the way she thought he should if she was really into him. Most of the time, he initiated contact between the two of them.

  So what does that mean? Alex sighed, unsure of her feelings for Drake. She enjoyed spending time with him, and when he kissed her, her heart melted and she didn’t want him to stop. Her heart skipped a beat when she pictured their last make-out session. His hands had been so close to touching her in places she wanted him to touch, and yet didn’t want him to touch at the same time.

  Ugh, why is this stuff so confusing? Love is never like this in the movies.

  Slow down there, Alex! Did you just think the word “love”?

  It can’t be! I can’t be in love with Drake! Can I?

  The warring voices in her mind went on for what seemed like forever, but in reality it only lasted a few seconds as she looked into Cyrano’s captivating brown eyes. When he crushed her to his chest and whispered word of love and his everlasting devotion into her neck, she forgot what she had been so confused about.

  Oh, God! I’m naked! The Arachidamia part of her ignored that obvious truth, insisting that it wasn’t the first time Cyrano had seen her naked. The Alex part wanted to plug her ears and scream “lalalalalalala” as loud as she could to block out Arachidamia’s voice laughing in sensual pleasure.

  “Something amusing, love?”

  Alex gave his mouth something better to do than ask questions she couldn’t possibly answer. I’m laughing because your lover and I are arguing in her mind, and oh, by the way, I’m actually from the 21st century and am hanging in your girlfriend’s body. You don’t mind do you? She laughed again, breaking off the passionate kissing.

  Get a grip, Alex! Marcus is getting away!

  She pushed Cyrano away. “We have to get to Marcus. He can’t get away with this!”

  “I’ll go. You need to get stitched up before you bleed to death.”

  “The bleeding has stopped...well, mostly stopped,” she said as she glanced down at her still-seeping wounds.

  “I can take care of Marcus.”

  But you can’t! Alex wanted to scream. The Traveler could be gone by now, already escaped from Marcus’ body back to his own time. He’ll keep messing with time until he manages to do whatever he plans on doing or until he kills me so he can finish what he plans.
Panic threatened to steal every ounce of reason she still possessed. Alex wanted to tell Cyrano the truth, even knowing he wouldn’t believe her. Then he could deal with the Traveler and she would be free to be anywhere else except where she knew she needed to be.

  It is your job, girl. You can’t pass it on to someone else.

  Gavin’s voice scolded her. Alex wanted to threaten the voice, scream at it, stick her tongue out at it, anything but listen to it. But she knew the annoying voice was right. Protecting the time line was her duty, along with the others like her. It wasn’t fair to run like a coward and let someone else deal with it.

  “This is something I have to do. For my father’s sake.” Alex hoped he believed her.

  Though it was the hardest thing she had ever done, she pulled away from Cyrano. Her body and soul wanting nothing more than to melt against his chest, to feel his arms envelop her, to taste his lips. But she had to find Marcus before he escaped.

  Alex jogged down the street where Marcus had run, teeth clenched against the pain of her many wounds. Each time her foot met the ground, she felt the pain from each cut slicing through her resolve. Her heart thudded in her chest and her mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. The faint sounds of fighting reached her ears. She stopped for a moment, unsure where to go to look for the traitor.

  He could be anywhere.

  A frantic shout sounded from her right. She ran toward the sound, hoping it would bring her face-to-face with her enemy.

  Marcus was backing away from three men who clearly wanted to do him bodily harm. Their swords were at the ready, and they slowly moved to surround him, cutting off any chance of escape. None of them seemed to pay any attention to the object in his hands.

  Alex growled low in her throat. She knew what the object was; it was a sliver of polished bronze. He had been trying to find a place with enough light so he could see his reflection. The three soldiers thwarted his plan.


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