Book Read Free

Her Mistake

Page 7

by M. J. Perry

  He gave her a squeeze. “No more until we’ve caught him. I don’t want you to be alone at all until he’s found Grace. Ok?” he ordered.

  “Ok.” She wasn’t going to fight him. She could see the worry on all of their faces; feel the worry in the room too.

  “Now that’s sorted can we go for lunch? There’s nothing else we can do until we have more information from John.” Peter said.

  “More like an early tea.” Jill told him.

  “Whatever you want to call it just as long as I get food.” Peter grinned.

  “Grace.” Jill called, and she looked up. “You need to eat something too.”

  Grace sighed. “I know I do.” She turned to Jason. “Is there any way to get rid of his profile? I don’t want people seeing these photos.” She didn't want people thinking they were together.”

  “We need to leave it. We’ll keep an eye on it for activity though; see if we can catch him that way, he might add new photos that will help us track him down.” Peter explained.

  “Ok but I’m not happy about it, it freaks me out.” She told them.

  “I’m sorry Gracie. Try not to think about it.” Jason said softly.

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  “I’ll call the office and have the techs try to trace the phone call. It’ll probably be a phone box but it’s worth a try.”

  “I hope they can trace him. I just want it to be over.” Grace told him her voice hard.

  “That’s what we all want baby, for you to be safe.”

  “I’m not sure I’ll ever feel safe again.” She mumbled and shook her head that was a lie because when she was in Jason’s arms she felt safe.

  “Oh you will, I’ll make sure of it.”

  “You can’t decide if I’ll feel safe.”

  “Yes I can, I’ll make sure you do and that’s a promise.”

  Grace smiled because Jason never breaks a promise.

  “We’ll help too.” Peter told her.

  “I know. Thanks guys.” Grace said sincerely.

  “Come on then ladies lets lock up so we can go.” Peter hurried them along.

  “We can’t just leave.” Grace protested.

  “Bosses orders baby,” Jill teased. “You have to listen to me. Plus we don’t want to chance Peter wasting away because he’s so hungry do we? I can hear his stomach rumbling from over here.”

  “We can't have that can we?” Grace smiled. “Let me get my things together and I’ll be ready.” She picked up her bag and then her coat from the back of the door. Jason helped her into it and he kissed her head before he grabbed her hand. They walked to the door together and watched as Jill locked up behind them, Grace was so grateful for her, for Peter and Jason too, she felt like she would break apart and she knew they had her back. It was a huge comfort especially as they were trying to keep things as normal as they could.

  As soon as she stepped outside though she froze, was he out here now watching them? She looked around scanning the area but she couldn’t see anyone at all.

  Jason tugged her into his body and leant down to kiss her head. “Relax baby, you’re safe.” He whispered, and she tried to listen to his words but the thought of Adam being near her made her want to run away. She wrapped her fist in Jason’s t-shirt at the back and held on tight.

  “Baby, do you trust me?” Jason asked in a tender voice.

  Grace didn’t hesitate to answer. “With my life.”

  “We won’t let anything happen to you. If he’s watching us, he’ll see you’re not alone this time that you have support and he won’t get to you. Now stop worrying.”

  “I’ll try.” She replied, and he smiled down at her.

  “That’s all I can ask.” He squeezed her waist and helped her into his car. He leant over and buckled her up making her sigh. She’d missed this. The little things like him making her coffee and holding her hand. Things that she’d taken for granted.

  “I can’t wait until we’re alone.” Jason whispered before he closed her door. His words sent a ripple through her body and she shivered. She couldn’t either. Her nipples were rock hard, and it wasn’t from the cold. She looked down to see if they were visible through her shirt and nearly groaned, she crossed her arms over her breasts to hide the evidence of her arousal and Jason chuckled at her.

  Jill kept up an endless supply of chatter on the way to the restaurant, Grace wasn’t sure if it was nervousness due to Peter and the dark eyes he kept on her or because she was trying to keep things as normal as possible for her but she appreciated it. Jill kept it up right until they’d all eaten. Peter and Jason chimed in and the conversation never sagged at all. Grace knew she’d said little, but they didn’t seem to mind, they let her have her silence. Jason grabbed the bill before anyone else got a look at it and handed his card to the waiter. She was exhausted, she’d managed to eat a bit of her lasagne but now it was sitting heavy in her stomach along with worry and fear. She knew Jason was picking up on her feelings, she loved that when they got up to leave, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and he didn’t let her go until they got to the car, once they were in he placed her hand on his thigh. The contact calmed her and he knew it.

  On the way to drop Jill off, Peter’s phone beeped. “The only camera found was the one in your room Grace; it was on the picture like you thought.”

  Grace sighed with relief. She’d hated the thought that she’d been watched while showering or using the toilet. It was bad enough that he’d obviously watched her and Jason making love. The thought made tears spring to her eyes. Those moments are supposed to be private.

  “We would have checked over the house ourselves but we didn’t want you to have to watch.” Jason said pulling her out of her thoughts. She blinked her tears away refusing to give in to them.

  “Thanks.” She wouldn’t have wanted to watch.

  Jason pulled up outside of Jill’s house and Jill kissed her cheek before getting out and calling bye. Peter followed her and walked with her to her house and they disappeared inside.

  “There is something there isn’t there?” Grace asked Jason; surely he could see it too.

  “Don’t get involved Grace.” He warned.

  “Why not?”

  “You know what he’s like, he doesn’t do relationships.”

  “This could be different.” She said hopefully.

  “You could be right but you’ll let them sort it out themselves won’t you?” Jason ordered.

  “Damn it.”

  “Grace, don’t swear, now promise.” He commanded.

  “I promise.” She said softly, she knew he’d keep on if she didn’t agree.

  “Good.” He nodded.

  They watched Peter walk back to the car in silence. They both saw the smile he had on his face but neither mentioned it. Jason didn’t because it wasn’t his business and Grace because she’d promised not to get involved even though she was dying to ask.

  “Good girl.” Jason whispered and squeezed her thigh. Grace stuck her tongue out at him causing him to chuckle, it may be childish but it was all she had.

  “What’s funny?” Peter asked.

  “Grace is being her usual funny self.” Jason explained still smiling at her.


  “I’m going to bed, I’m beat.” Peter said as all three of them walked in to the house.

  “Goodnight.” Grace called to his retreating back.

  She stood inside the entrance hall on frozen feet. She was sleeping in Jason’s room and was fine with that but she needed her things from her room like her nightie and toiletries and she couldn’t make herself move towards it.

  “The camera is gone baby.” Jason reassured her.

  “I know I just can’t go in there.” She whispered.

  “Tell me what you want and I’ll go. Tomorrow when it’s light we can move everything into our room.”

  Grace liked that idea. In the light it wouldn’t feel as bad, no shadows. “Thanks.”

��s no need to thank me, I’ll do anything for you sweetness and it’s no hardship trust me when the end result is you in my bed and sleeping right next to me.”

  Graces whole body did a tingle at his words. “I like that result too especially when I get to sleep in your arms again. I’ve missed that.”

  “Good because there’s nowhere else you will be from now on. What do you need?”

  “My t-shirt I sleep in, my face moisturiser and my toothbrush please.”

  “Ok, now go to our room.”

  “Our room.” Grace repeated.

  “Yes, our room.” Jason said his voice serious.

  “I like that.”

  “Good. Now off you go.” He patted her bottom and walked off leaving her staring after him with a goofy grin. Shaking herself she went to Jason’s room, their room she corrected and sat on the bed. Looking round she saw his clothes dumped on the chair in the corner, his scent in the air was faint but comforting.

  How had this happened so fast?

  She’d gone from being worried he wouldn’t help, to him telling her he wouldn’t help her, to him moving her into his room. It felt like they were picking up their relationship as if she hadn’t left and while that scared her because it was happening so quickly she also felt happiness bubbling up inside her that he’d obviously never stopped loving her just like she hadn’t stopped loving him. Ok, they had made no confessions of love but the feelings were there she was very sure about that.

  Jason didn’t take long to come back to her, and she took her things off him with a smile before heading to the en-suite to get ready for bed. She could hear him moving about and when she went back to the bedroom, he was in bed. The duvet was lying over his hips and his chest was bare. He looked peaceful with his arms crossed under his head and his eyes shut. She took a moment to study him, he was so beautiful he made her heart hurt. When they’d first got together, she’d worried that she wasn’t good enough for him, she’d seen him with that one woman and she’d known she was out of his league but he’d proved time and time again that she was what he wanted so she pushed her insecurities to the side and listened to her heart instead.

  “Are you going to just stand there watching me or are you going to come to bed?” Jason asked her with a smirk without opening his eyes. She shook her head; of course he knew she was standing there. She walked over to the bed and he moved the duvet back so she could climb in and as soon as she did he closed his arms around her. He shifted to turn the lamp off and then they were in darkness.

  “Goodnight Jason.” Grace whispered.

  “Goodnight sweetheart.” He whispered back before he kissed her neck and gathered her more securely in his arms. She had no intentions of moving away from him but it was nice to know he wouldn’t let her if she tried.

  Chapter Nine

  Grace woke up feeling warm and comfy, this time she didn’t need to open her eyes to know Jason was the reason she was feeling like this. His arms were still tight around her body. She moved her face so she could look into his. He was gorgeous, but when he was sleeping and his face was soft he became something else, almost god like.

  “I can feel you looking at me again.” Jason said gruffly causing her to jump. He chuckled and hauled her body up and arranged her so she was lying on top of him, only then did he open his eyes she gasped at the heat smouldering in them.

  “Good morning, Baby.” He said softly still piercing her with his eyes and he leant to brush his lips against hers. His tongue brushed over her closed lips and she opened for him. The kiss was soft and sweet and nothing like what they’d ever shared before. It was as if Jason was waiting for her to pull away. He’d promised that he wouldn’t rush her and he was keeping his promise. It was up to her if they went further than just a kiss, he was letting her decide. She wanted him, there was no doubt about that so she lifted her body from his and pulled her t-shirt over her head.

  He watched her silently for a moment and she started to fidget. Did he not want her? Her face must have shown her confusion because he knifed up suddenly and spun her under him as if she weighed nothing. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them in one hand above her head.

  “Are you sure?” He asked her, his voice gritty.

  “Yes.” She’d never been so sure.

  “Once we do this things will change.” He warned her.

  “What do you mean?” She asked confused again.

  “You become mine. You’ve always been mine but this time we do things my way. Promise you’ll do what I say so I can protect you.”

  “I’ve already agreed.” She reminded him.

  “I know but now you’re admitting you’re mine by making love and its changed things. Do you agree?”

  She nodded.

  “I need the words Grace.”

  She knew what he wanted. “I’m yours.” She said quietly and was shocked to see relief in his eyes. Had he been worried she’d say no?

  “That’s my girl.” He growled. He rested some of his weight on her and placed his free hand where her heart was beating quickly in her chest. “This is mine.” He moved his hand between her legs to cup her and she gasped. “This is mine.” He moved his hand up to her head and tangled his fingers in her hair. “This is mine too. All your worries are mine to share and you’ll give them to me. All your problems we will deal with them together. Everything of yours is mine; everything of mine is yours too.”

  Grace blinked back the tears in her eyes and smiled hugely at him.

  His eyes caressed her face lovingly and grinned taking her smile as her answer. “I’m glad we have that sorted. Now kiss me.”

  He still had her wrists in his hand and she couldn’t move them to his hair like she wanted to so she lifted her head instead, she didn’t have to go far as Jason’s lips met hers half way and she melted like chocolate on a warm day. The kiss was entrancing, and she went under its spell readily. All she felt was Jason and his hard body against hers. Nothing else mattered. Her body moved like fluid, she felt empty, she needed him inside her. She let out a whimper and Jason let go of her wrists before he pulled away and moved down her body, he slipped her knickers off her hips and down her legs before he pushed her legs open.

  “I’ve missed your taste.” He groaned before he put his mouth on her. Her body arched, and she cried out. Her hands fell to the side of her body and she fisted the sheets, worried she'd rip his hair out if she grabbed it like she wanted to. He never let up on his attack, he sucked her clit into his mouth while he entered her with one big finger, and Grace was panting so hard she could see stars. Jason used his tongue to flick her button over and over and curled his finger inside her. She screamed as her release shot through her leaving her limp. He got off the bed and went to the chest of drawers dropping his boxers on to the floor. Grace watched as he rolled a condom over his cock. She’d forgotten how huge he was and she felt anxious, she hadn’t been with anyone else except him and it had been a long time since they’d made love.

  “It’ll be fine baby. It always was before.” Jason reassured her with a smile and she held her arms open for him. He wasted no time before he crawled over her body until he was between her legs. “We’ll go slow baby.” He said and pushed in to her. She raised her legs to wrap around his waist and she felt herself open more helping him slip inside her deeper. She loved the feel of being connected to him and she tightened her legs around him telling him she was ok without words. He studied her face before he thrust hard and then he was all the way in. He kept still until he was sure she’d adjusted to him, her inner muscles squeezed him and she moved beneath him. He leant and kissed her swollen lips when he pulled out and caught her gasp in his mouth as he thrust back in.

  Jason kept at a steady pace not taking his mouth from hers. She tightened around him, her orgasm was close and he knew he couldn’t last much longer, it had been too long without her, he moved faster and felt her nails dig into his back before she screamed into his mouth. He thrust harder, faster knowing he could let go and he l
et her take him over the edge. His sweaty body collapsed on to her but he used his elbows to keep from squashing her.

  She brushed her hands over his body, everywhere she could reach. It had been such a long time since she’d felt this content, this happy and she was so glad she’d been lucky enough to get a second chance. Grace bit her lip to hold in the words of love trying to burst out of her mouth, it wasn’t time for that just yet. Things were going fast enough as it was.

  “Fuck baby.” Jason said when he’d got his breath back. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” She brushed her lips over his shoulder and sighed. He pulled out of her gently and caught the wince she tried to hide. “I’m alright; it’s just been a long time that’s all.” She reassured him quickly.

  “I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be gentler baby.” He said softly.

  “Don’t say sorry, you didn’t hurt me.” She scolded.

  “Yes ma’am.” He grinned. “I’ll run you a bath that should help and I’ll try to keep my hands off you for the rest of the day.”

  Grace pouted making him laugh at her.

  “I mean it baby, I don’t want to hurt you again.”

  “I’m not in pain Jason I’m just a little achy, my muscles haven’t been used in a while but I’ll feel better once I’ve had a bath.”

  He studied her face with serious eyes, “No one else?” He asked her and she didn’t need to ask what he meant.

  “No one else was you.”

  His eyes closed and when they opened he smiled at her. She knew it meant everything to him that he was and would be her one and only. It said a lot about their connection that they hadn’t had anyone else since she left and ended their relationship. She watched him climb off the bed and walk to the en-suite to dispose of the condom, she pulled her t-shirt back on and searched for her knickers, she was pulling them up her legs as Jason entered the room again.

  “Do you want me to choose you some clothes so you don’t have to go into the room yet?”

  “No it’s ok, I’ll do it. I need to stop being silly.”


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