Her Mistake

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Her Mistake Page 9

by M. J. Perry

  She selected the fresh vegetables and the noodles and grabbed the chicken as well. A stir fry it would be. She washed her hands and started cutting the chicken before Peter came walking in with a face like thunder. Placing her knife down her hands tightened around the kitchen counter top.

  “What’s happened?” she asked knowing it was bad.

  “John just rang. Your place got broken into this morning.”

  “This morning and I’m only hearing about it now?” She snapped.

  “I asked him to wait because you were already stressed out.” Jason explained before Peter could answer. It was evident that Peter hadn’t known either. Grace glared at Jason before she turned to Peter.

  “Spill.” She demanded.

  “Nothing was touched except for your bed.”

  “My bed?” She asked confused. Why on earth would he only touch her bed? She caught the rage evident on both their faces and it clicked in her mind. “He did things on my bed didn’t he?” She whispered with disgust.

  They didn’t answer, but they didn’t need too, she knew by their faces. “I think I’m going to be sick.” She swallowed back the bile trying to move up her throat and watched Jason as he came towards her.

  “It’ll be all right baby.” He whispered into her hair and clenched his arms tight around her waist. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, she didn’t want to throw up on him.

  “I keep hearing that but when will it be? When will he stop doing this? I want him to go away and leave me alone.”

  “Me too baby and he will. We’ll make sure of it.”

  She nodded into his neck and took a deep breath. “I know you will.” She said in a stronger voice and she pulled away from him. She kissed his jaw and walked back to where she was chopping the vegetables.

  Normal. She needed normal. The guys realised too because they went along with her even though concern was written on their faces.

  “Chicken stir-fry?” She asked.

  “Sounds good, do you want a beer?” Jason asked her as he opened the fridge.

  “Yes please.” He grabbed three knowing Peter would want one too and opened the lids.

  Peter raised his bottle “To Grace’s cooking” He said with a smile and watched as Grace lifted hers too with a giggle. It was so good to have her back and it was good to have the old Jason back too, without her he’d been a bear with a sore head. Peter swore then that if Adam got close to Grace, even touched a hair on her head he would hunt him down and kill him.

  “Get out of my kitchen so I can finish cooking.” Grace ordered, and they both walked to the breakfast bar, they were still in the kitchen but far enough away that they weren’t in her way but close enough to enjoy the view of her back in their home and happy.

  They ate in the kitchen by silent agreement, they knew it was her favourite room in the house, she was always happiest here. The conversation was light, and no one brought up anything that could burst her bubble. They both made her sit and relax while they washed and dried up, she was stubborn and hated to see someone else working while she sat on her bum but they wouldn’t take no for an answer so she’d finally given in.

  Afterwards they sat and watched a movie and Grace fell asleep curled in Jason’s arms. She didn’t feel him lift her up and carry her to bed, she didn’t feel him strip her down to her knickers and she didn’t feel him kiss her lips softly and settle her into his arms in bed. She was sound asleep so she didn’t even feel Jason tense with worry about her either.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Grace woke up, she knew she was alone without opening her eyes. She didn’t remember coming to bed, and she’d only had two beers so it wasn’t the alcohol that had made her sleep like the dead. She really had felt exhausted yesterday but now she felt refreshed. Jumping out of bed with a smile she headed for the en-suite because her bladder was screaming for release. Humming as she washed her hands she decided to take a shower before she went in search of coffee. That caused her to freeze where she stood, a shower before coffee, what the hell was wrong with her? Jason, that’s what’s up. She grinned at her reflection in the mirror before turning away to start her shower.


  Jason stopped dead as he walked into his and Grace’s room. She was singing in the shower. He’d had no idea how much he’d missed that off key, out of tune sound until now. It was like a punch to the gut. He didn’t move, he just stood there and listened to her sing some pop tune he remembered hearing a couple of times on the radio.

  “She’s back.” Peter said from behind him and Jason didn’t miss the satisfaction in his voice.

  “Yeah she is. I’m so fucking glad.”

  “Me too.” Peter grinned.

  Jason couldn’t grin back. The concern he’d had for her last night melted away being replaced with such a strong wave of love he nearly buckled at the feeling when it hit him. The urge to tell her was so strong that he turned to the door and closed it in Peter’s face. He thought he heard him chuckle, but he didn’t give him another thought. All he wanted was to join Grace in the shower and show her what she meant to him. Stripping out of his clothes he opened the bathroom door.

  Grace abruptly stopped singing and screeched a little when the shower curtain shot open. She turned in time to see Jason step in; he was wonderfully naked and hugely aroused and she felt an answering tug between her legs.

  Jason’s face was tight with an unnamed emotion and his eyes so dark they could almost pass for black. She stepped back until her back hit the cold tiled wall suddenly overwhelmed from the arousal pouring from him. His lips became a thin line, and she knew she’d upset him. He would never hurt her; she knew that but right at this moment she felt like prey. Her heart was beating fast and furious and she stared at him as he approached her until their bodies touched and his hard cock pressed into her stomach. She swallowed nervously while her tongue swept over her suddenly dry lips. Jason still watched her with dark eyes and she waited for him to say something.

  He kept staring into her eyes like he was trying to tell her something without words then he lifted a hand between them and cupped her face. Tugging her face up he leant down and kissed her lips with just a brush of his, she’d expected him to ravage her so it knocked her off balance. He moved back to look into her eyes again and the seriousness of his face held her in a trance.

  “I love you.” He groaned.

  Grace felt floored. The sincerity in his voice brought tears to her eyes. She didn’t have time to tell him she felt the same because his lips crashed down on hers like he couldn’t get enough of her taste. He assaulted her senses, and she got swept away with him. With the water coming down on them and the steam filling up the room it felt like they were in their own little world. Jason used his hands and mouth to drive her crazy and when he joined their bodies, she screamed out her pleasure taking him over the edge with her. He held her up, her legs still wrapped around his waist and she kissed his neck softly. “I love you too.” She whispered and his big body shuddered.

  “I’m glad you feel the same Grace, it saves me having to work at making you fall in love with me all over again.”

  Grace smiled. She knew he would have done everything he could to make that happen. “I would have enjoyed that.” She teased.

  “Yeah, I would have too.” He winked. “However, I think it will be more fun to show you how much I love you every day instead.”

  The words brought tears to her eyes, and she didn’t blink them away. She wanted Jason to know how happy she was because of him. He got it, he understood, and when he leant down to kiss her, she thought she was quite possibly the luckiest woman in the world and she was aware that it wasn’t the first time she’d thought it.

  Jason held her tightly in his arms as he pulled out of her wet heat. He saw his come drip out of her and he went instantly hard again. The sight of it made his stomach clench, he loved marking her with his mouth, seeing her lips bruised from his kisses but seeing his come was something else. He needed t
o mark her permanently, a tattoo with his name on her somewhere would be his first thought but he knew he couldn’t expect her to agree to that. He’d have to find another way to make sure that all the men out there knew she was off the limits. The best way would be to put his ring on her finger. He thought about the ring he had tucked away in his bedroom and tried to calm his thoughts, he’d only just got her to say she loved him. He couldn’t rush her anymore. Could he? He realised he’d been standing still for too long when he looked at Grace and caught her frown. “Let’s get you out before you get cold.” He said and opened the curtain. He picked up a clean flannel off the counter and wet it before he washed away the remnants of their love making from between her legs. She shivered, and he wasn’t sure if it was from the cold or from his touch, one look into her eyes and he had the answer. Grace always liked it when he took care of her before. She bit her lip as he helped her out of the shower and it took everything in him to not grab her and sooth her lip with his own mouth because he knew it wouldn’t end there.

  He needed to get to the office, he had so much to do and she had to relax today. Peter was staying with her and he wanted so much to make him go instead but the contacts were his and it was easier for him to get the information they needed.

  He pulled two towels off the shelf and wrapped one around his waist before he wrapped the other around Grace. He couldn’t dry her like he usually would because his control wouldn’t hold out otherwise, his body wanted to stay joined to her for however long it took to make up for the time they’d missed out on. She must have seen his fight because he caught her grin as she towelled off.

  “I have to get to the office baby.”

  “I’ll be fine Honey. If you don’t go now though you might not end up leaving at all.”

  “There’s no might about it, I’m so close to just grabbing you and thrusting into your tight wet heat again.” He groaned.

  “Tonight.” Grace said, and she saw the torment on his face. They’d always had an intense connection, and it hadn’t gone away at all. Jason nodded, and he kissed her head before he left her standing in the en-suite with a smile on her face.

  She brushed her teeth and managed to get her hair under some kind of control as well as her body. She’d had the most amazing orgasm; it felt like she’d left her body and floated away, her body was still a bit wobbly and she felt sore in all the good places.

  Already she was missing him, she felt kind of lost without him and that should have scared her. She’d become pretty independent whilst she’d been away, she’d had to be and she felt proud. Peter and Jason had always looked out for her and she appreciated it, but she’d never known how strong she was until her stalker. Now she could feel her independence slipping away slightly, and she knew it was because she was letting them take her over, she reminded herself it was for her own good but it still annoyed her. She’d become used to being her own boss, once this threat was over she’d remind them and herself how independent she could be.

  With that decided, she got dressed in her leggings and a vest top and headed for the kitchen and the coffee pot. All her focus was on her plan so she didn’t see John until she’d ploughed right into his solid chest.

  “Ouch.” She rubbed her nose which had taken the brunt of the hit.

  “Shit, Grace you ok?” He asked while he held her shoulder to hold her steady.

  “Yeah, I think so...” She trailed off as she stared at him confused. “What are you doing here?”

  She pulled out of his grip; she knew if Jason saw them standing that close he wouldn’t like it. No one growled or jumped out to punch John though so she figured Jason had left. She looked up at John and he seemed to shake himself out of whatever thoughts he was having. “Peter called me and asked me to stay with you today until he can get back; he’s had to go out on assignment.”

  “Mine?” She asked worried he was alone and hunting Adam.

  “No he's on a different case. Jason had to stay at the office else trust me he’d be here instead of me. He’s not pleased I’m here.” John explained.

  She sighed. “I bet he’s not.”

  “Apparently this morning went a long way to stop him worrying about me and you?” He said with eyebrows raised.

  Grace blushed. “He said that?”

  “No. he told Peter and Peter told me.”

  “Oh.” Grace was still bright red, and he took pity on her. He caught her hand in his and pulled her towards the breakfast bar and a stool. “Sit and I’ll get you some coffee.”

  “That would be nice.” She said with a smile. Did this mean Jason wouldn’t get jealous anymore? She hoped so because she really did like John.

  He placed her coffee in front of her and she took it gratefully while he chuckled.

  “Still the same Grace I see.” He said softly, and she blushed again. What was going on with her? “How are you?” She asked him after she drank half her cup.

  “I’m good Grace.”

  “Really?” She thought he looked tired. It gave him a boyish look which was pretty cute considering he was a hunky tall male.

  “Yes. I’m busy trying to keep on top of all my cases while trying to find Adam.”

  Guilt made her duck her head. He didn’t let her hide though and tipped her chin up with a finger. “I didn’t tell you so you’d feel guilty babe, I’d still hunt the bastard if it meant I got no sleep at all.”

  “Oh.” That was nice of him to say. “You could leave it up to Jason and Peter.”

  “I could but I have a feeling that if I did Adam might not be breathing when we catch up.”

  “That’s funny as Peter said the same thing about you.” Grace informed him and he winced.

  “He might be right but I have colleagues who won’t let me do anything stupid. Peter will rein Jason in; he has a bit more control.” John sounded amused.

  “It’s not funny.” She whispered, and he sobered instantly.

  “I left so Jason wouldn’t get hurt and now he’s running right into danger.” She wrung her hands.

  “Jason can look after himself Grace. We’re more worried about you. The last time you heard from Adam he threatened you. We’ll make sure he won’t get near you don’t worry about that but we know you must be under a lot of stress and we don’t want you to break.”

  “I’m stronger than you think.”

  “We know you’re strong but this is enough to make any person reach a breaking point.”

  “How can you care so much after what I did to you?” She didn’t look at him as she asked.

  “Look at me.” He requested, and she met his eyes. “You never made me any promises. You also never let yourself truly relax with me, even when we were kissing I felt you hold yourself back from me. I guessed that something or someone was holding you back but I liked you enough to try to break through the barriers.”

  “I’m sorry.” Regret was in her voice. What else could she say?

  “Don’t be sorry, you have nothing to apologise for.” He suddenly grinned. “If Jason ends up being a dick though, I’ll be here for you.”

  “He won’t.” She said softly and saw the pain cross his face before he forced a smile.

  “I can only hope. Now what do you want to do today?”

  “I’d planned on ice cream, chocolate and chick flicks.”

  “Yes to the chocolate and ice cream, no to the chick flicks.”

  Grace laughed. “If Peter was here, he’d say the same thing. It was worth a try though.”

  The rest of the day was fun; they watched action films while they filled up on chocolate, ice cream and the pizza that John ordered at lunch when he declared he needed real food. The awkwardness she’d felt at first had melted away and she finally let herself relax around him. If he realised it, he didn’t make a big deal of it and by the end of the afternoon they were laughing and joking like old friends.


  When Jason came home and saw Grace with her feet in John’s lap his mouth tightened. He met John�
��s stare but said nothing. Peter had pulled him side earlier, and he’d listened reluctantly while he’d explained about John’s feelings for Grace and John’s promise to him. It pissed Jason off that John was here with her if he had his way he would keep him away from her forever and seeing him touching her even if it was only her feet drove him nuts but he reined in his anger and told himself to stop being stupid. He knew Grace loved him and the jealousy he was feeling would drive her mad if she knew but he thought back to the promise John had made to Peter and he couldn’t help wanting to punch John in the face. John loved Grace, he’d told Peter himself, he’d also promised he wouldn’t say anything to her because he didn’t want her to be upset and feel guilty that she’d led him on. They all knew she already felt like that but she didn’t know John was in love with her and, if she found out it would hurt her more. Jason also knew John would guard Grace with his life so he couldn’t force him away from her. She came first, always.

  He walked over to her head and caught the smug look that John sent his way, he was aware that Jason didn’t like him touching her and he was enjoying pissing him off. He wanted to wipe the smirk off his face but instead he took a deep breath and crouched down in front of Grace brushing his fingers over her cheek softly until she stirred. When she opened her eyes and saw him her smile was huge. “Jason.” She whispered and his anger vanished. Her voice was husky from sleep but no one could miss the happiness. He went hard instantly.

  “Hey baby. Are you ok?” He asked her softly.

  “Yes. Are you?”

  “I am now.” He said.

  John lifted Grace’s feet off his lap and got up. She looked down ashamed by her behaviour, she might have only been having a conversation but somehow she felt she was rubbing it in his face.

  “He’ll be ok baby.” Jason assured her softly as he watched John walk towards the kitchen.

  “Will he?”

  “Yes. It’ll take time but he’ll get over it.” Jason hoped he wasn’t lying to her, but he thought he probably was. There was no way he would ever get over Grace if the situation was reversed, his words seemed to reassure her though and she gave him another one of her sweet smiles.


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