Her Mistake

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Her Mistake Page 10

by M. J. Perry

  “Ok. I need a drink and maybe I could eat.”

  Jason took in the mess of chocolate wrapper and the pizza box on the table and he raised his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed. “I didn’t eat a lot.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t.” Jason winked. He was glad she had her appetite back since she’d come home she hadn’t been eating enough. Today she really seemed to be coming back to her old self. He was really fucking pleased about that. He pulled her off the sofa by her hands and tugged her into the kitchen. Peter and John were standing by the counter deep in conversation but when they noticed that Grace was there they stopped talking.

  “Something has happened?” She asked.

  “No just chatting.” Peter told her and she immediately knew he was lying. He’d never been able to lie to her. “Try again.” She said and then turned to John. “Do you want to tell me the truth?” She asked and watched him look at Peter before he faced her again.

  “You’ve been sent flowers. They arrived here when you were sleeping.” John told her.

  Grace tensed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She snapped. She was pissed off they would plan to keep it from her, she wasn’t weak, she could deal with it.

  “I didn’t want you to worry after you’d finally relaxed.” John explained.

  “That wasn’t your decision to make, or yours.” She pointed at Peter. “I used to get flowers all the time, you know this, it’s no big deal, just throw them out.”

  “It’s different this time Grace, the card is different.” Peter warned her.

  Grace felt Jason tense. Did he know about them too? He looked into his face and saw the anger he was projecting at Peter and guessed they hadn’t told him either. He must have come straight to see her.

  “What do you mean?” She asked, worried by his tone.

  Peter sighed. Jason pulled her backwards until she was against his chest and his arms wrapped around her. She brought her hands up and gripped his thick wrists and waited for Peter to speak. “The card said–A flower for every time you need to be punished. He sent five.”

  “Five?” she whispered. “What could I have possibly done?”

  “Don’t think about it Grace, you’ll drive yourself mad, remember he’s a crazy bastard.” John said.

  “John’s right, Adam is fucking crazy and he’ll never get close to you to talk to you let alone touch you.”

  Jason kissed her head, and she leant into his body heavily. “He won’t get near you.”

  “Grace.” John called softly. “I have to go but thank you for today.”

  “I had fun.” Grace said, and he smiled at her. He came forward and tapped her nose. “Me too, I’ll see you soon.”

  “Bye.” She said, and she watched him walk out the kitchen with Peter on his heels.

  Jason didn’t speak, but he stayed still continuing to hold her close. She didn’t mind, she liked being in his arms but she could feel his tension.

  “I told myself I wouldn’t get jealous.” He said his voice rough. Grace tried to turn to look at him but he held her still. Was she going to go through this every time John was around or his name is mentioned? She stayed silent.

  “I don’t like him touching you. I don’t like him near you and I sure as shit don’t like the fact you’ve kissed him.” He was angry; his voice wasn’t much more than a growl.

  “One man.” Grace whispered.

  “What?” He asked his confusion evident in his voice.

  “I’ve kissed one man other than you and you’re mad at me. I bet you have no idea how many women you’ve had sex with.”

  “Grace...” He started, but she cut him off.

  “I’ve never once said anything to you about them or told you how hurt I was when you preferred to bed them instead of me” She pulled away from him abruptly and he let her go, she didn't want him to see the tears in her eyes. “I’m going to bed.” She threw the words over her shoulder as she walked out of the room and towards her old one. The knowledge that Adam had watched her in there was second to the pain she felt from remembering all Jason’s women. She’d thought she’d put it behind her but she was wrong. The pain speared through her and she wrapped her arms around herself. She remembered how sweet and attentive Jason used to be to her; how she got her hopes up every time he did something lovely for her only to feel betrayed when he would suddenly give her the cold shoulder. He’d changed completely when they became a couple and he hadn’t given her the cold treatment again but a part of her always worried it would happen. He was jealous over her kissing one man when he’d slept with dozens of women. That pissed her off. Did he not trust her? She’d never ever cheat on him because she loved him for god sake. She shook her head; she would not think about it anymore. Opening her door she closed it quietly behind her not giving herself time to think about being in there; she pulled her leggings and socks off and climbed under the duvet, pulling it over her head she tried to blank her mind. It didn’t work though no matter how hard she tried.

  The words from the card were going through her mind at a mile a minute and she couldn’t stop the shiver that shook her frame. She knew the guys would protect her but the thought of being at Adams mercy terrified her. She didn’t stop the tears falling from her eyes, she didn’t even know if she could but maybe she needed a good cry to make her feel better.


  Grace woke with a start unsure of where she was for a second; her confusion disappeared when the duvet lifted off her. Jason slid into the bed and before she’d got her bearings she was curled up in his arms, her back was against his chest and his arm was under her head like a pillow. She stiffened and his hand rubbed her bare thigh up and down in a motion that was soothing. “I’m sorry Grace, I was a dick again.” He said into the silence. He sighed when she kept quiet.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, I fought my feelings for you because I didn’t think I deserved you, I still don’t think I deserve you but I was miserable without you. I haven’t slept with as many women as you seem to think baby and they meant nothing.” He explained.

  Grace bit her lip; she was fighting to keep herself silent. She was still hurting.

  “You’re it for me Grace. You’re my woman, my soul mate, my life. I love you.” Jason whispered into her ear and she let out a sob. His words were like a balm to her bruised heart and the happiness she’d felt fading away came back full force.

  “You had to pull out the big guns didn’t you?” She said through her tears of joy.

  “I felt you pulling away baby, I can’t have you do that again. I couldn’t live without you a second time.” He told her.

  Grace smiled, and she knew her love was shining brightly at him.

  “Do you have anything to say to me?” He teased her.

  “Say it.” She demanded.

  He knew what she wanted. “I love you Grace.”

  “I love you too Jason, I always have and I always will.” She smiled at the grin that spread over his face, and then she kissed him hard on his lips. When she pulled back, he was looking at her as if something had just occurred to him. “You waited for me didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Even when I told myself we weren’t going to happen, I just couldn't bring myself to be with anyone else.”

  “What about John?”

  “He worked through my walls.” Grace smiled. “He’s a good guy, and I enjoyed his company but I never truly relaxed with him. John knew I didn’t, knew I wasn’t giving my whole self, but he still tried to get me to open up. He admitted this to me today.” She explained.

  Jason growled low. “I’m glad you saved yourself for me even though I didn’t deserve that privilege.”

  “I’m glad I waited too.”

  “Will you come back to our room?”

  “Yes.” She said instantly. Her anger had disappeared, and she felt a burning need to be with him. “Will you show me I’m yours?” She asked shyly.

  “Oh baby I will show you and make sure you never doubt it.” His voice was ser
ious but his eyes were hot. He shot up quickly and in no time at all he had her in his arms and was striding into the hallway, and towards their room. He looked at her as he closed the bedroom door with his foot and gently dropped her on to the bed.

  “No more running away. You’ve already promised me remember.”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  He studied her face and nodded before he gently pushed her shoulders making her lie down before he climbed over her body and fused his lips with hers. His kiss was passionate and all at once her passion rose to match his. Grace’s body tingled from top to toe and she let herself live in the moment. Nothing mattered but her and Jason and the feelings he was awakening in her body or the happiness coursing through her veins.

  Chapter Twelve

  The morning came around too quickly for Grace. She didn’t want to leave the safety or comfort of Jason’s arm but she had to go to work. She would not hide away and let Adam’s actions run her life. Moving gently so as not to wake Jason she shuffled to the edge of the bed but she should have known it wouldn’t be easy even when he was asleep. His arms tightened around her and he nuzzled his face into her neck causing her to shiver from his stubble tickling her skin. It took all her willpower and more to shimmy out of his hold and get out of bed but she managed it. As soon as she stood up Jason opened his eyes.

  “What you doing?” He asked his voice deliciously rough with sleep.

  “I have to get ready for work.” She answered as she walked out of the door and into her old room to select underwear and clothes. She chose a skirt and a yellow blouse to match the shoes she’d already decided to wear today. When she got back to the bedroom she saw Jason hadn’t moved at all. “I need to shower.” She said as she placed her clothes on a chair.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “Oh no, you won’t, we’ll be late if you do and you know it.”

  Jason grinned. “It would be fun though.”

  “No doubt about that Honey but I have three reading groups today and Jill doesn’t like doing them.”

  He sighed. “You’ll have to make it up to me later. Why doesn’t she like doing the groups?”

  “She goes shy.” Grace shrugged. She used to get shy herself but the children soon stopped that because they weren’t shy to tell her how much they love it. Now she enjoyed doing the voices if she was honest.

  “Come here and give me a kiss before you disappear and deprive me of seeing your naked body all wet and soapy.” He ordered.

  Smiling she walked over to him putting one hand on the bed and leant to brush her lips over his in a teasing kiss. He growled and pulled her off balance making her land on top of him. One of his hands wrapped around her waist holding her against his body and the other went to her hair to hold her still. His lips brushed over hers in a teasing kiss just like she’d done to him and when she took a breath, he forced his tongue into her mouth showing her what he had planned for later, her whole body shivered and she melted into him. As soon as he felt it he rolled her under him.

  Grace looked up at him and her eyes were blazing with heat, he forced himself to go slow, to strip her t-shirt and knickers off slowly and then he made sure she was wet and ready for him before he thrust into her in a hard, fast movement that made her body arch into his. He leant to take a nipple into his mouth and sucked it hard before he switched to the other all the while keeping a steady pace. He loved it when she wrapped her legs around him trying to get him to move faster. He gently bit on her nipple making her whimper and tighten around his cock. Her face showed her passion. He leant down and took her mouth in the same rhythm that his cock was taking her pussy and she went wild, her nails dug into his back and she screamed her pleasure. He didn’t think he’d ever seen anything as beautiful as Grace when she was coming. That was his last thought as he thrust a couple more times into her heat and followed her over the edge. They both lay there, him still on top of her and both breathing hard neither wanting to let the other go. Jason moved first though because he worried he was crushing her.

  Grace smacked his bum. “I’m going to be late now.” She groaned.

  “Tell me it wasn’t worth it?” He dared her.

  They both knew she could tell him no such thing, so she shook her head at him with a smile and nudged his shoulder so he rolled off her completely.

  “Shit.” She cursed and looked down to see Jason’s come sliding down the inside of her thigh.

  He winced at her tone of distress but internally he was cheering. “It’ll be all right baby.” He’d look after her and the baby if he was lucky enough to have made her pregnant.

  “I need to go on the pill or you need to use condoms.” She grimaced.

  “You can’t go on the pill. What if you are pregnant already?” Jason said quickly. He didn’t want her on the pill that would mess with his plans.

  “You’re right. We need to use condoms until we know.”

  Jason relaxed. “Yes ok we'll use them.” He lied; he had no intention of using them. It might be a bastard thing to do but he didn’t care. He wanted her pregnant and tied to him as tight as he could get her, he’d stay inside her all day everyday if he could. Fuck. She could already be carrying his child; they hadn’t used a condom last time too. His eyes dropped to her flat stomach and prayed she was.

  “I mean it Jason.” Grace said and looked at the clock on the bed side table. “I need to get ready; I haven’t even got time to shower now.”

  “I’m glad. I like the idea of me being inside you all day.” He told her.

  “I bet you do.” She said under her breath. Where had this caveman come from? She left him lying on the bed and headed to the en-suite so she could clean up and do her morning routine. She hummed while she did it, not stopping as she put her make up on and brushed her hair. Jason was smiling as he watched her come back into their room and get dressed. He was still smiling as she kissed him on the cheek and told him to get a move on because she needed a lift. He knew his face would hurt if he kept it up but fuck he was happy. Gracie was all his and she could be pregnant, he was riding high.


  Grace went straight to the coffee pot which was full. “Thank god.” She whispered and helped herself to a cup.

  “Grace.” Peter greeted as he walked in the room. He had his workout clothes on and was dripping in sweat.


  “You know I love you don’t you?” Peter asked her.

  Weird thing to say she thought. “Yes, I love you too.”

  “Would you like to hear me in the throes of passion?” He asked looking like he wanted to throw up and she frowned. Why on earth would he ask that? “Oh god,” She cried out putting her cup down so she could hide her burning face in her hands.

  “Exactly,” Peter groused.

  She didn’t think she’d ever been so embarrassed in her whole life.

  “I’ll buy you some headphones.” Jason said into the awkward silence.

  “I’d prefer it if you could wipe my mind of the memories.” Peter groaned.

  “I’m sorry.” She said peeking out of her hands.

  “It’s ok Grace. I should be used to it I guess but when you were gone, I got used to the silence and forgot how loud you got when you were attacking each other.” When he heard anything that sounded like they were having sex he usually rushed out the door.

  “We don’t attack each other.” Grace protested. They make love.

  “Yeah, we do babe.” Jason answered her.

  “Do you have to sound so proud?” Peter scowled.

  “You should go and get some and you wouldn’t be so bothered by us.”

  “Dude she’s like my fucking sister its gross to hear her having sex.”

  “Oh my god!” Grace screeched. “Can we not have this conversation please?”

  “Sorry baby.” Jason said instantly and crossed to stand in front of her. Peter was still glaring at him but his face softened when he saw her distress. “I’m sorry, I’ll buy h
eadphones, earplugs and I’ll sound proof my room.”

  Grace giggled. He hadn’t meant to make her uncomfortable. Maybe Jason was right, perhaps he did need to get laid. He walked over to her and tapped her cheek with his finger. “I’m going to shower. I’ll see you at the office Jase.”

  Grace waited until Peter left and sighed. “I need to be quieter.”

  “No fucking way. I love the noises you make when we make love and I fucking love it when you scream out, there’s no way I’ll let you keep your sexy noises from me.” He warned.

  Grace smiled inwardly. She’d just challenged Jason without realising and he’ll be on a mission to make her louder from now on just to prove he could do it.

  “Here.” Jason said as he thrust an apple into her hand. She gripped it and watched him walk over to snatch his keys up. “Ready?”

  “Yep.” She said as she finished her coffee and placed it in the sink. She put the apple in her bag and took Jason’s out stretched hand. Aside from Peter hearing her sex noises it had been a great morning. She was smiling as they walked hand in hand to Jason’s car. She swung their joined hands and laughed when Jason gave her a questioning look. “I feel good.”

  “I know you feel good.” Jason said smiling at his own innuendo.

  Grace laughed. “That’s not what I meant but thanks I guess.”

  “I know baby. It’s great to see you smiling again; I’ve missed your laugh.” He said seriously.

  “Whatever happens I’m not going to let Adam dictate my life. I’m going to be happy and we'll deal with the problems as they come along.”

  “Good. Besides, I’m the only one who gets to dictate your life.” He smirked but she could see he wasn’t completely joking.

  She shook her head at him and watched his lips tip up into a grin. She loved that grin because she’d never seen him grin like that for anyone else and that made her feel special.

  Chapter Thirteen


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