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Her Mistake

Page 12

by M. J. Perry

  He searched her eyes looking for shadows but he saw none. She wasn’t lying; she wasn’t trying to reassure him she was actually fine. He was sure the confusion was clear on his face.

  “How?” he whispered.

  “How am I fine?” She asked him.

  He nodded.

  “Because of you.”


  “Yes you. You came for me like I knew you would, you’ve treated me sweetly and done a really good job of hiding your rage from me so you could comfort me even though I know you’re dying to go out there and find him. Everything you’ve done has shown me you love me.”

  “I do love you.”

  “I know. That’s why I feel fine, why I’m not freaking out. I feel safe because you make me feel safe.”

  “But I didn’t stop him from hurting you.”

  “Maybe not but I have complete faith he won’t get near me again.”

  Jason stared at her in wonder. “You believe that?”

  “Yes. And you should too.”

  He nodded and picked her up gently setting her on her feet so he could pull her shorts up over her bum. “He won’t get near you again.”

  “I know honey.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and he pulled her tightly into his body mindful of her leg. He eased her back down onto the bed so he could put his sweats on then picked her up again and carried her to the sofa. He knew she could walk, but he didn’t want her to he liked her being this close and it was reassuring to him to feel her warm body against his.

  They spent the rest of the day on the sofa watching films and eating junk food just like Grace wanted. It was the most relaxing day that Jason had had in a long time and he loved being this close to her. Her head lay on his chest and his arms were around her with his hands resting lightly on her stomach. It allowed him to remind himself she was ok. He’d never felt such fear as he did when he got the call from the intern telling him the lights had gone out at the library. He’d quickly raced over to the library and when Scott told him that Adam was with Grace he nearly lost his vision he was so furious that the piece of shit was actually breathing the same air as she was. His poor Gracie didn’t deserve to be hurt she should have been safe like he’d promised. The helplessness he’d felt when he was on his way to her had nearly killed him.

  He felt her body grow heavy, and knew she’d fallen asleep. After what she’d been through, it was a surprise she’d lasted this long. He felt exhausted himself but there was no way he could sleep until Peter was home and he’d got an update. He didn’t know how long he lay there listening to her even breaths and fighting his tired eyes until finally he heard the door close quietly and then soft footsteps move towards the living room. Peter looked worried, and he didn’t stop walking towards them until he was in touching distance, then he leant down to a sleeping Grace and kissed her head softly before he caught Jason’s eye and headed to the kitchen.

  Jason didn’t want to move, he also didn’t want to leave Grace alone, but he knew whatever Peter wanted to say to him was important. Hell, he needed to know what was going on, but he also needed to keep Grace close to him. He gently shifted her body and climbed out from under her, she didn’t stir at all even when he put a pillow under her head and a blanket over her so she didn’t get chilled. He stepped slowly away from her making his way into the kitchen.

  “Fuck.” Peter growled when he walked in the door.

  “What’s happened?” Jason tensed.

  “Nothing. Well nothing more than you know I just can’t believe this has happened.”

  “I know but it has and now we need to put it behind us and focus on what happens next.”

  Peter paced. “How? All I can hear are the words that the bastard said to her before he cut her.”

  “Fuck. Look calm down I don’t want Grace to hear us.” Jason ordered. He also didn’t need the reminder of the words.

  “You’re right shit I’m sorry.”

  “That fucker will get nowhere near her again. We under estimated him before but we won’t now. She won’t be alone until he's caught, we won’t let her out of our sights for even a second.”

  Peter nodded. “Yeah ok, I’m just so pissed off, I was supposed to protect her we all were, but we failed.”

  “We did fail but we won’t let it happen again. Do we know how he got in?”

  Jason flinched at the pained look that flicked into Peter’s eyes. “He walked in the front door.”

  “What?” Jason exclaimed.

  “He was wearing a hat and his hood pulled up.”

  “And Scott or Ann didn’t find this suspicious?” He snapped. “Fucking hell are they stupid?”

  “I’ve spoken to them about it but I think they learnt how much they fucked up when they heard Adam talking to Grace.”

  “I’m still having a word myself.” Jason warned. They had one job, and that was to watch Grace and they couldn’t even do that.

  “No doubt they know it too.”

  Jason nodded. “Any leads on where he’s gone?”

  “No but I don’t think he’s gone far. John agrees with me. We think he’ll stay close to Grace and make another move soon.”

  “He’s completely fucked in the head.”

  “Yes he is. Is she ok?”

  “She’s shaken up and her leg is hurting her but she seems ok. She told me she didn’t want me feeling guilty, and that what happened isn’t my fault.”

  “Our girl knows you well.”

  “She knows you too. You’ll get the same speech as soon as she wakes up.”

  Peter smiled slightly. “I know.”

  “Is Jill ok?”

  Peter sighed. “She’s shaken up but otherwise fine. I dropped her home just after you guys left.”

  “Is there something going on with you two?” Jason asked. He knew Grace would love it if there was.

  “Have we suddenly turned into women?”

  He shrugged. “Grace would love it.”

  “I don’t do relationships.”

  “It’s about time you did and put the past to bed.”

  “I like my life thanks. Just because you and Grace are loved up doesn’t mean you have to spread the love around.”

  Jason held his hands up in mock surrender. “I’m going to take Grace to bed.”

  “Have you guys eaten?”

  “More chocolate, crisps and ice cream that any one person should ever eat in a week and we've done it in a day.” He grinned.

  “Grace loves her sweet stuff.”

  Jason went to go but turned back to face him. “I’ll see you in the morning when you can help me break the news to Grace that either she will be here or in the office with us from now on.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’m not looking forward to her reaction though, she loves her job.”

  “I know but its tough shit.”

  Peter laughed. “Goodnight Jase.”

  “Night.” Jason called over his shoulder. He walked back to Grace chuckling when he saw she’d wrapped her arms and legs around the huge cushion he’d put there. She looked so innocent, like a child and it brought a lump to his throat. He disentangled her as gently as he could and lifted her into his arms; she snuggled into his body and sighed. Even in her sleep she clung to him and he loved it. He stepped out of the living room and walked to their room; he held her tightly as he pulled back the duvet with one hand and lowered her into the bed careful not to jolt her. She grumbled softly but didn’t open her eyes. It didn’t take him long to strip his clothes off and climb in beside her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his body so her head rested on his chest. With a kiss to her head and one last look at her beautiful face he closed his eyes and finally his body relaxed and he let sleep take him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Grace woke up wrapped tightly in Jason’s arms. He tugged her until she faced him and he opened his eyes to look into her smiling ones. “Good morning.”

  “Morning Honey.” Grace lifted her hand and cupped
his cheek before she brushed her lips over his.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m still fine.”

  “Does your leg hurt?”

  Grace looked down to see the bruise that was hard to miss on her thigh and winced more at the sight of it than at the pain. “I’d actually forgotten about it.” And she honestly hadn’t given it a thought.

  He didn’t look convinced, and he didn’t take his eyes off her leg. She scooted off the bed and grabbed Jason’s discarded sweats off the floor and gently pulled them up her legs. She grinned when she had to fold the waistband over a few times so they’d stay up.

  “Really?” Jason asked not convinced.

  “Yes.” She balanced on one hand and leant on the bed to kiss his lips. “It doesn’t hurt, it’s more like a sting and its fine honest, it actually feels like a paper cut.”

  “A paper cut?” He asked in disbelief.

  “Yes. Now I need the toilet so do you want to put the coffee on?”

  He was still looking at her but this time he looked like he thought she was crazy. Maybe she was though she wasn’t lying about feeling fine. She still freaked when she thought of being near Adam again but being with Jason pushed the panic away. She smiled at him to reassure him and he shook his head at her with a reluctant smile curling his lips. When she straightened away from him and headed for the bathroom, she could feel his eyes on her.

  Closing the door behind her she did her business and washed her hands. Her reflection caught her eye and she grimaced. She looked rough, her hair was in knots and her face was as pale as milk. It was a good job Jason loved her warts and all because she looked a sight. She used the brush she’d left on the side and tried to brush the knots out of her hair but it still didn’t look normal so she bunged it in a messy bun. She splashed her face with cold water, noticing the colour come back to her cheeks a bit and she brushed her teeth before making her way to the kitchen and hopefully coffee.

  When she walked in the kitchen, Peter and Jason were standing by the coffee pot. They turned at her footsteps and she tensed because she knew something was up. Eying them both she stood in the door way and waited for one of them to speak. Peter always broke first when she eyeballed him so she focused on him and nearly smiled when he sighed. “Sit down Grace.”

  “Coffee first, please.” She requested.

  Peter filled a cup and took it to her. Jason had said nothing and when she looked at him he was smiling down at his bare feet. She frowned as she sat on a stool. Peter sat and turned to face her. “We’ve been talking.” He told her before he glared at a still smiling Jason. “We don’t want you working again until we find Adam.”

  Grace opened her mouth to tell him it wasn’t an option because she wouldn’t leave Jill in the lurch and she needed the money but she closed it as Peter thrust a hand out to stop her. “We know you don’t want to take time off but we’ve decided and you’ve agreed with Jason to do whatever he asks you in regards to your safety.” Bugger she thought and glared at Jason before she transferred it to Peter.

  “I need to pay my bills and I can’t if I’m not earning money and we don’t know how long it will take to catch him either. I love my job and I don’t want to lose it.” Biting her lip she tried to think of a good argument to change their minds.

  “Grace.” Jason called, and she looked at him. “You won’t lose your job. We've spoken to Jill, and she agrees with us. She’s going to get a temp to help her until it blows over then she said you have to do the counting and book readings for the rest of your life.” That made her to smile. Jill really hated doing those things.

  “Ok.” If Jill has agreed it meant she’d secured her job and Grace didn’t need to worry about that but she didn’t have endless money to cover her bills. She opened her mouth to tell them that but before she could Jason spoke.

  “I’ve handed your notice in for the flat.”

  “What?” She screeched.

  “Grace. You belong here and you know you do. It’s stupid for you to carry on paying for a place you’re not even living at.” He explained. Ok she knew he was right, but it still pissed her off. “I can see you’re mad by the death glare I’m getting from your pretty eyes but tell me honestly, were you planning on going back there when this is over?”

  She sighed. “No but that’s not the point. It should have been my choice not yours.”

  “I apologise for that but I told you that you were moving in I just did it quicker than you thought.”

  Should she be mad? Probably but she was feeling more relief than anything else. “When can we get my things?” She saw the shock in Jason’s eyes before he masked it. He’d been expecting her to fight him on it but what was the point when this was what she wanted. She wanted to live here again and now she did, or would do when her things were all moved in.

  “It’s all being packed up as we speak.”

  “You have people packing up my things?” She asked in shock.

  “Yes everything but the drawers in your bedroom, no one gets to see your underwear but me.”

  “Good.” She shuddered at the thought of strangers seeing her underwear.

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page. Drink your coffee because you’re coming to the office with me.”

  “I am?” She couldn’t quite hide the excitement she felt, she’d never been there for more than a few minutes and that was only to wait in the reception area while Jason nipped to his office. She didn’t really know what they did in there as they pretty much kept it all from her. She only knew about the missing child as it had been a high profile case.

  “Yes you are. You’re going to stay with me, John or Peter from now on.”

  She just nodded. There was no point arguing because Jason always won but she didn't want to be alone either. “You’re ok with me being around John now?” She asked with her eyebrows raised.

  “Yes. I know you love me.” He said in a smug voice.

  “I sure do.” She smiled.

  “Are we finished with our chat now?” Peter asked with a grin. He’d been the one who had to tell her but he was glad Jason had taken over. Grace always managed to wrap him around her finger and he’d probably have given in if she’d fought him about her job..

  “Yes I need a top up then I’ll go get dressed.” She turned to Peter. “Is Jill ok?”

  “She’s fine Gracie.”

  Grace nodded at him. “I’d like to see her tonight please.”

  “I’ll bring her over then.”


  Peter tugged on her messy bun. “Anytime,” He promised.

  Grace stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. She filled her cup up and wandered over to Jason and tapped his bum making him chuckle. “Give me ten and I’ll be ready.”

  “Ten minutes. I don’t believe you.” He said.

  “You’ll see. However I will be much quicker if you stay out here.”

  “And why is that?” He asked with a smirk.

  “You are a distraction.” She poked his chest with a finger.

  “A distraction?”

  “A magnificent distraction, but still a distraction all the same.” She said with a smile before she left the room.

  Peter turned to Jason as she left. “Thanks for helping.”

  “She took it well. It’s strange but she seems herself.”

  “Yes she does.” Jason could hear the pride in his voice. “She said she’d forgotten about her leg when I asked her if it was hurting.”


  “Yes. She also told me it felt like a paper cut.”

  Peter burst out laughing. “A paper cut?” He shook his head, “She is so funny.”

  “I’m worried she’s still in shock.” Jason admitted.

  “Nah she’s not she's just being Grace. She’s strong she always has been. She had to be thanks to her mother.” His face hardened at that and Jason felt his do the same.

  “Mandy does not deserve to be called a mother.” She is a selfi
sh, hurtful piece of shit. She belittled Grace and made her feel like she was the cause of everything bad that ever happened to her. If Grace hadn’t met Peter and grown so close to him and his family god knows what she would have been like now. Peter and his family gave her normal when all she’d known was bitterness and hate.

  “I need to go and get ready. I'll drive myself as I have a few things to do and then it’s easier for me to get Jill later.” Peter told him.

  “We’ll be in the office all day today; I’ll try to catch up on paperwork so I can take some time off.”

  “Great. You do realise she’s going to be bored out of her mind by lunch don’t you? She’ll be crawling up the walls.”

  Jason grimaced because Peter was not exaggerating. “That’s why I have a surprise for her at the office.”

  “I hope it's a good one.”

  “Oh it is. She’ll love it.” He hoped anyway. He’d had Scott pop to buy it last night so it would be ready for her this morning.

  “I’ll see you later then. Good luck.” He called over his shoulder.


  Grace managed to get ready in ten minutes like she’d said but that was mainly because she‘d only needed to get dressed. She left her hair up but tidied up her bun and added lip gloss. She wore a loose skirt because of her thigh today it was green instead of her usual black and it flared out just above her knees, a plain white t-shirt which showed a hint of her cleavage and her brown boots, casual but she still felt pretty.

  Her leg didn’t hurt really it just stung like a bitch. She wasn’t sure if she was lucky or not that Adam had cut her as punishment instead of all the other bad things that repeatedly ran through her brain. He said she had four more, would it be four more cuts or did he have something much worse in mind? Goose bumps broke out on her skin at her remembered fear; she didn’t want to find out and hoped she’d never have to set eyes on him again.


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