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Her Mistake

Page 16

by M. J. Perry

  “I’m sorry, I just panicked.” She whispered as she turned to look at him.

  He pulled her straight into his arms and she rested her head against his chest.

  “Hush, Baby.” He said as he rubbed her back in soothing motions. She laid still just absorbing his comfort; she’d really thought she wouldn’t see him again, didn’t think she’d see anyone again except Adam.

  “Thank you for coming for me. Thank you for being there in time.” She shuddered. Adam had been about to hurt her, she wasn’t sure how and she was bloody glad she didn’t know, she didn’t need or want more bad thoughts in her head. It was full already.

  “You never have to thank me baby.” Jason said sternly. “It’s my job to protect you. I love you.”

  His words warmed her from the inside and she snuggled closer to him until she had a thought that made her jerk away to search his face. “Is Peter ok?” How could she have forgotten about him!

  “Yes. He’s pissed off beyond all possible belief but he’s unhurt.”

  Grace shivered at how close Peter had come to being seriously hurt or even dead.

  “Adam held a knife over him and threatened to stab him if I didn’t leave with him.” Tears sprang to her eyes when she remembered how helpless and worried for him she’d been. Peter is her brother, it didn’t matter that they aren't related by blood. She let Jason push her head gently into his chest and felt his fingers brush through her hair. “He’s fine baby honestly.”

  “Is everyone else ok? Are you ok?” She sniffed.

  “We are all fine, worried about you but fine so stop worrying.”

  “I’ll try.” They both knew she was lying though; it wasn’t in her to stop worrying.

  “Baby, do you feel up to telling me what happened? I’m trying to be patient with you and I don’t want to upset you by bringing it up but it’s killing me not knowing what you went through. Please will you tell me?” He asked softly.

  Grace looked into his eyes. There were so many emotions flickering through them but fear was strong. She took a deep breath and nodded. She’d tell him, she would do anything for him.

  “You already know how he got me to go with him. Once we left the house, he hit me over the head with something and I passed out.” Jason reached to touch the back of her head and felt the lump. “I noticed it last night but my relief at finding you unharmed took over and I forgot! Fuck, you could have a concussion.”

  “I’m fine Jason.”

  “No you’re not; I should take you to the hospital.”

  “Nope, no hospital Jason. I’m not dizzy or feeling sick, I don’t need a hospital.”

  “Will you at least let the doctor to give you a once over? Please?”

  It was the please that did it. Jason liked being in control and that control was taken away yesterday. If getting her head checked out gave him peace of mind, she’d do it. “You can ring him later.”

  He kissed her head. “Thank you baby, now carry on.” He prompted.

  She took another deep breath and started talking, she felt Jason tense up and she knew he was expecting bad news. “When I woke up, I was tied to the bed you found me on and wearing a red nightie. There was a video camera pointed at the bed and Adam must have been watching as he came in then. He climbed on to the bed and then on top of me and said good night then he fell asleep.” She shivered when she remembered his erection digging in her thigh.

  “He didn’t touch you?”

  “No Jason he didn’t I promise he just lay on me and fell asleep.”

  “He slept lying on you?” He asked stunned.

  “I know it’s weird and totally messed up. When he woke up, he talked about my punishments and I asked him the reasons for them to stall him I guess but it pissed him off and he added one more for being a naughty girl and not knowing when I’m being one.”

  “Fucking hell. Did he do anything else to you?”

  She shook her head and watched the tension drain from Jason’s body. “He left me cuffed to the bed just before you found me; he’d gone to get whatever he needed for my punishment. I was so scared because he was going to hurt me but I knew you’d come for me.”

  “Just in time too, the guy is a fucking loon.”

  “I still don't know why he did all this. He didn’t tell me and after he added one more punishment, I didn’t want to upset him and make him add more to the list so I didn’t ask him.”

  “He’s crazy Grace. I don’t know what the reason is but we’ll know soon enough and then we can forget about him forever.”

  “Something must have set him off. I’ve never given him a come on or flirted with him, all the times I ever spoke to him before yesterday was about work.”

  “He’s a puzzle but John will find everything out for you Grace and you’ll have closure then, we all will.”

  “I’m so glad it’s over.” She whispered into his chest. “I’ve been living in fear for so long. Being kidnapped by him was awful but it could have been so much worse. That’s how I’m going to look at it, anyway.”

  Jason smiled. “Positive thoughts?”

  “Yes. Just remembering how it felt being pinned to that bed by him makes me want to scream. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. I tried to keep your face in my thoughts but it kept disappearing. He is so crazy Jason, the things he was saying, and how he was acting wasn’t right. I don’t think I want to know why he obsessed over me but I guess I need the answer else I’ll always wonder.”

  “Knowing the truth will be hard but remember that his truth is not how things are, he’s not living in the real world and he’s dreamt up a fake life with you so the answers we get might not make sense to us.”

  “I know. Are you ok?”

  “I am now you’re back home safe and I know he didn’t harm you. It was touch and go for a while though, I don’t know how I’d live without you again Gracie. The time we were apart was the worst time of my life.”

  Grace cupped his cheek. “I’m so sorry I ran away I know I’ve said it before but I really mean it. Maybe if I hadn’t then none of this would have happened.”

  “What if’s are pointless, you did what you thought was best at the time.”

  “It did none of us any good though.” She stated.

  “It brought us closer I think, and it’s made us aware of how precious life is and now I don’t think either of us will take it for granted.”

  “You’re right I guess I just wish it hadn’t taken a mad man to show us. I love you.”

  “Oh Grace I love you too. Always know this.”

  Grace smiled and the happiness Jason could see in her eyes made him smile back. She was amazing, she’d been through a lot and still here she was in his bed smiling like everything was perfect and he knew a huge part of that was down to him.

  “Do you feel like getting out of bed?”

  “I could do with coffee.” She admitted.

  “Of course you do.” He chuckled.

  He climbed off the bed and she took in the sight of his amazing body. “Thank you.”

  He looked puzzled. “For what?”

  “For a lot of things but this time for listening to what happened without breaking anything. I know you wanted to.”

  “I don’t want you to feel any more upset than what you already do. If I unleash my fury, I might scare you.”

  “You would never scare me.” She denied.

  “Baby, that fucker hit you, undressed you, tied you to a bed and lay on you to go to sleep. He was going to punish you for some fucked up reasons. If I could get my hands on him, I would kill him very slowly. I’d strangle him and watch as the life left his body.” He growled.

  Grace blinked. She hadn’t been lying when she said she would never be afraid of him and now she was proving it. He was furious, his hands were in fists at his sides and he was breathing hard. She could see the struggle on his face to rein himself in and she didn’t hesitate to climb off the bed and wrap her arms around his waist. His big body shuddered at the
contact and he hissed out a breath before his whole body relaxed.

  “I will never be afraid of you.”

  Jason gripped her hair with one hand and slid the other one to her waist before he tilted her head back so he could look at her. “Good.” He held her until he felt her shiver and then he patted her bum. “Jump in the shower and I’ll put on the coffee.”

  Grace looked down at her body and saw she was wearing Jason’s shirt. She was so grateful he’d changed her so she wouldn’t wake up seeing that red nightie she started to cry.

  “What’s the matter?” Jason asked in alarm.

  “You changed me when we got home.”

  “Of course I did. My woman wears nothing to bed except my t-shirts.” He informed her.

  “Thank you.” She whispered.

  “Stop thanking me Grace.” He ordered her while he wiped her tears away. She kissed his chest where his heart beat steady and strong.

  “I’ll stop thanking you when you stop looking after me.”

  “That will never happen.”

  “Then I will never stop thanking you.”

  Jason sighed. “Again, you have an answer for everything. Don’t you? Now go take a shower will you.” He nudged her towards the bathroom and watched her go in before he left to make the coffee and check on Peter.


  Grace turned the shower on and held her hand under the spray until the water was warm, she stripped off the t-shirt Jason had dressed her in and her knickers and climbed in. She sighed as the water beat down on her body. Her wrists weren’t too bad, they looked like a kitten had attacked her and her head wasn’t feeling too sore either. Jason would still phone the doctor though; it wouldn’t surprise her if he was ringing him right now.

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to leave the bedroom, she would have to face Peter, Jill and John. What had happened to her didn’t seem all that bad now she’d spoken to Jason, but she wasn’t looking forward to hashing it out again. Peter would be feeling guilty because he didn’t stop her from being taken and even though she and everyone else knew it wasn’t his fault he’ll still blame himself. They had no way of knowing that Adam would be so brazen as to turn up at the house in broad daylight. Standing a few cars away from their car watching them was one thing but to come to their house posing as a delivery man? It was a bald move that no one could have predicted and one that could have gone wrong for him.

  She hoped John had found out the reasons for Adams behaviour because Jason was right they did need answers and Adam was the only one who could give them. Once she knew them, maybe she would stop racking her brain trying to think of something she may have done to set him off. She picked her scrunchie up and poured a huge amount of her shower gel on it before she scrubbed her body making sure she washed every single inch until she felt clean. After washing and conditioning her hair she felt much better. She forced herself to stop thinking of Adam and thought of Jill instead, they’d spoken on the phone every day while Grace was on house arrest and Jill had come over as much as she could but it wasn’t for long and Grace could see she was always exhausted. Jill had been doing it all while she was in hiding and Grace hated that for her. She couldn’t wait to see her and she couldn’t wait to get back to work, she thought of all the paperwork she would find there and smiled. Jill hated paperwork and Grace knew there would be a mountain of it when she started back. She turned the water off and grabbed a towel off the rack before she stepped out and dried herself pulling Jason’s t-shirt over her head and dried her hair as best she could before brushing her teeth. She almost felt normal which was a relief. A cup of coffee would be perfect. She went into the bedroom and pulled clean knickers on along with her pyjama bottoms, clothes didn’t appeal to her, she wanted comfort and Jason’s scent gave her that.

  She heard voices in the direction of the kitchen and followed the sound until she saw Peter and Jason. Peter looked awful, his eyes were red and blood shot and he hadn’t even shaved which was unlike him. As soon as he saw her he placed his cup down on the side and made his way to her. He wasted no time pulling her into his arms and holding her tight.

  “I am so sorry, I let you down.”

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t your fault so you have nothing to be sorry about.”

  “I should have been able to stop him.”

  “How Peter? We had no way of knowing he would be so brave as to sneak up on us in broad daylight and actually come to our house…” She trailed off. She didn’t want Peter to feel guilty, but she didn’t want to talk about it anymore, she could see she wasn’t getting through either. Jason walked over to them and gave her a cup which she took with a grateful smile. She missed the look that passed between the men while she took a sip and walked away from them and taking a seat at the breakfast bar. The room was silent until Jason spoke. “John will be here in half an hour Grace. Peter is going to pick Jill up and bring her here; she’s been worried sick about you.”

  “I could really do with seeing her.”

  “Then I’ll go and get her now.” Peter said and with one last look at her he left the room.

  “He’ll get over it baby but you know how much he loves you, he was in bits knowing that he’d let you down.”

  “He didn’t let me down.” She disagreed.

  “I know, I didn’t mean it like that and he knows he didn’t too but it’ll take time for him to get over it and realise that even he can be stun gunned unconscious.” Jason grinned.

  “He’s not invincible; does he really think he should be able to just walk it off?” She shook her head. “I don’t want him to blame himself.”

  “We’ll make sure he doesn’t between the two of us we’ll snap him out of it.”

  “I hope so.” She sipped her coffee and hid her smile when Jason placed an apple in front of her. She placed her cup down and picked the apple up to take a bite.

  Jason was watching her and he smiled.

  The doorbell rang about thirty minutes later, but she didn’t get up to answer it because Jason wouldn’t want her to. She knew it would be John, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for what he had to say but she’d be fine with Jason by her side. He gave her the strength she needed. He was her rock and whatever news there was, Jason would help her through it. She stayed seated and waited until they both walked into the kitchen. John came to her side and gently shifted her off the stool so he could hug her. “It’s good to see you.” He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back so he could see her face. “Are you really ok?”

  “I’m fine honestly.” She reassured him. Jason cleared his throat loudly and Grace jumped. John smirked.

  “Do you want a coffee?” Jason asked John as he picked Grace’s mug up and glared at him. Grace understood John’s smirk then, he knew Jason didn’t like him being so close to her. She shook her head at them both.

  “I’d love a cup.” John answered Jason and he finally let her go.

  She heard the front door open and looked up to see Jill running towards her, they nearly ended up on the floor and would have if John hadn’t grabbed Grace to steady her.

  Jill wrapped her arms around her. “I’m sorry.” She said all flustered. “I just needed to feel you to know that Adam hadn’t hurt you and you really are alright. I’ve been so worried.” She said and then she burst out crying.

  “Hey.” Grace said softly. “I’m fine really honey, he didn’t hurt me.”

  Her words must have got through because Jill looked up at her and Grace could see she was trying to calm herself down. “Really?”

  “Yes sweetie I promise.”

  “Thank god. I thought at first that Peter was trying to protect me when he told me you were ok, I mean Adam is crazy and he had you to himself for a long time. I kept thinking all these bad things.”

  Peter gently eased Jill away from Grace and tugged her into his arms; Grace noticed her stiffen at first before she gave him her weight. Peter whispered something into Jill’s ear and she nodded at him before she closed her e

  “Grace.” John called her name, and she tore her eyes away from Jill and Peter to look at him.

  “Do you think you’re up to giving me your statement?”

  “The quicker I tell you the quicker I can put it behind me right?”

  “Yes. First, I’ll tell you that I spent nearly all night with Adam and I have the whole story from his point of view, anyway.” He grimaced.

  “Do you know why he did all this?”

  John nodded and his face went hard.

  Grace knew she wouldn’t like what she was about to hear, it was obvious from John’s face. “Will you tell me after I’ve told you what happened to me?”

  “If that’s what you want then yes I will.”

  “I need to know.”

  “Of course you do, I would too if I was you although you should know it isn’t a pretty story.”

  “I guessed that.”


  Grace put her hand out for Jason and he took it into his and then he moved behind her so she could lean against his chest. His other arm went to her waist, and she figured this was all the comfort she needed. “I’m here baby.” Jason whispered into her ear and she closed her eyes. When she opened them her determination was clear, she would tell her story now, and that was it. She would not give Adam anymore of her time or thoughts.

  She looked at John. “You know already know how he came to kidnap me.” From the corner of her eye she saw Peter flinch. “Don’t.” She told him, her voice harsh. “Don’t let Adam Cross cause anymore guilt or upset in our lives.”

  Peter nodded at her but his face was still sad. Grace would have to work on his feelings of guilt but now was not the time. She carried on with her story, telling them everything she had told Jason but again she left the bathroom scene out. It wasn’t important, and she knew none of them would take it well. Anger was already evident on their faces; even Jason’s, and he already knew it all. Obviously hearing it for the second time was no easier. The room was thick with tension and no one had spoken a word while she’d explained but she’d heard the grunts of disgust. She looked at Jill and saw she was crying silently, Grace tried to smile to reassure her but Jill didn’t buy it because she pulled away from Peter and hugged her as best she could with Jason still holding Grace tight. It was an awkward hug but Jill didn’t seem to notice.


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