Mistake Me Not
Page 10
‘You’re cute. Oh you’re so cute... I mean you’re rough and tough; not at all whom I would’ve thought Lace would end up with... Of course, she’s never had luck with men. I don’t know why... they don’t get her, understand her – not that many of them would be inclined to put in the effort to, men are lazy when it comes to things like that... I don’t know what—that’s a girl talk thing I guess, sorry, but we’ve had no time for specifics Lace and I. I’ll get the skinny on you, and on what’s going on—‘
‘You could just ask me,’ Ryder said.
‘Why would I do that?’ Sorcha asked with knowing satisfaction. ‘I’m not interested in what you think of yourself.’
‘You’ve been Lacie’s best friend since college. You mean a lot to each other. You and I will be a big part of each other’s lives from here on in.’
‘That so,’ she said examining him and the slumbering woman in his arms. ‘Lacie’s a life girl you know. She experiences things in a way no one else does. She’s unique. There’s absolutely no one like her.’
‘An artist,’ Shep said from the driver’s seat. ‘Nothing they won’t do – kinky as hell.’
‘Uh, that’s my friend you’re talking about,’ Sorcha said.
‘Yeah,’ Shep said.
‘You’re using a stereotype.’
‘Always pans out,’ he said. ‘Like you Little Miss Aristocrat, never got you out the missionary.’
‘Why are you still begging for more then, Slob?’
Shep didn’t answer back so Ryder assumed he had no comeback, and he didn’t have to think long about why.
‘Did you hear from your friend?’ Sorcha asked.
‘What friend?’ Ryder asked.
‘Toby, you said he was—‘
‘Following the money,’ Ryder said. ‘I’ve missed a couple of calls.’
‘I didn’t hear it ring.’
‘Vibrate,’ he said.
‘You don’t want to disturb Lacie?’ Sorcha asked like he was a teddy bear.
‘That and Shep’s in the car.’
‘Still don’t trust me?’ Shep asked.
‘No,’ Ryder said.
‘Will doesn’t need your bunch to fight his battles.’
‘Will is the last in a long line of grievances, and you know it.’
‘Just because I wouldn’t sell out to the corporate overlord.’
Ryder laughed, which made Lacie whimper again. ‘You can’t use that one forever.’
‘What do you mean corporate overlord?’ Sorcha asked.
‘I’m the little guy,’ Shep said.
‘You’re corrupt,’ Ryder said. ‘I don’t want you on my payroll. I told you that when you came begging for your job back.’
‘I didn’t know you very well then,’ Shep said. ‘I’m over it now.’
‘I’m lost,’ Sorcha said.
‘StoneWall,’ Shep said. ‘StoneWall Security and Investigations, that’s him.’
‘Well, but I...’ Sorcha said and trailed off as clarity struck. ‘Oh my God. I know you! Your company does all of my father’s work. You do all the high profile personal protection details within a thousand mile radius. You’re the only one that anyone with money wants or will trust, oh my God! Does Lacie know?’
‘We haven’t spent time on it,’ he said.
‘His elite team works at the house,’ Shep said. ‘The lot of them think they’re superheroes.’
‘Careful Shep, you sound bitter,’ Ryder said.
‘Who’s the Wall?’ Sorcha asked.
‘Jamie Wallace,’ Shep said. ‘His high school buddy.’
‘What is your problem?’ Ryder asked. ‘You’ve got a chip on your shoulder. You made your own decisions I didn’t make them for you.’
‘You and your smarmy friends think you know it all, think you’re better than—‘
‘I’m sick of this fight,’ Ryder said.
‘We’re supposed to be a team,’ Sorcha said. ‘You need to find out what this Toby guy is saying, I’m hungry, and we need a strategy.’
‘You didn’t think about that before we left?’ Ryder asked.
‘I like to act now and ask questions later,’ Sorcha said. ‘Which explains Shep.’
Ryder laughed again and Lacie muttered, but her stretch suggested she was wakening.
‘Let’s find somewhere to eat,’ Sorcha said.
‘There’s a steakhouse a few miles up,’ Ryder said. ‘We’ll stop there to regroup.’
‘Is it business this time?’ Lacie murmured. ‘Or personal?’
‘I’m off the clock Baby,’ he said kissing the top of her head.
‘Glad to hear it, or what we did earlier was highly inappropriate.’
‘Please, please, please,’ Sorcha begged reaching over the steakhouse table to steal her friend’s hands.
‘I haven’t drunk enough for those antics,’ Lacie said.
Ryder had enjoyed their meal tonight, which was a surprise because he’d shared the table with Seth Sheppard as well as the two women. Relaxing his arm along the back of the booth, he liked that Lacie had stayed close. They didn’t have to be touching for people to know they were together; the sight of them would be enough.
Lacie was petite and nestled close, intimately close, yet for most of the meal, she and Sorcha had monopolised the conversation, which was just fine by him; he liked the sound of her voice, the change in intonation with her varied meaning and emotion. Most of the people they discussed were strangers to him, and he’d listened to Sorcha’s minute-by-minute account of her short-lived vacation though maybe not as intently as Lacie had – Sorcha knew how to drag out a story.
By comparison, Lacie was far more concise in her explanations and narrative. She knew her mind well, and was honest without once being negative, or malicious. Lacie spoke more softly than Sorcha who was vibrant, animated, and gestured wildly at every opportunity.
‘I thought we were here to sort out our plan,’ Shep grumbled. ‘I’ve got places I could have been tonight.’
‘Your money will be as good to the poor girl tomorrow night as it would be tonight,’ Sorcha said without looking at Shep and then continued pleading with her friend. ‘Lace, when was the last time we had a night on the town?’
The question had been rhetorical but Lacie answered it anyway. ‘Your birthday two months ago,’ Lacie said. ‘You puked all over my bedroom floor.’
‘I did,’ Sorcha said proud of her badge of honour. ‘But, I’ve not been drinking tonight, have I? And there’s a motel right next door. We don’t have to go to anyone’s place.’
‘What about Bruce?’ Lacie asked.
‘He’ll keep.’
‘Sorch, I don’t know if this is a good idea.’
‘You have nothing to worry about; your date is a bodyguard.’
‘He is?’ Lacie asked switching to him though Sorcha still held her hands.
‘In addition to being a PI,’ he said scratching the top of her head with his splayed fingertips. ‘If you want to dance go on. I can see the floor from here. I’ll keep an eye on you.’
The large double doors at the back of the restaurant had been closed when they were in here alone the last time. Tonight they were open revealing a wide bar then a dark dance floor with scattered coloured lights whooshing around. A DJ booth stood at the back; though the tunes were more mobile disco than hard-core nightclub.
‘I thought we were going to get this over with today,’ Lacie said.
‘We can get moving,’ he said. ‘But Sorcha’s right it will keep.’
‘Ok,’ Lacie sighed.
‘My rate’s double after midnight,’ Shep said moving out of the booth so Sorcha could get past though he took the chance to squeeze Sorcha’s behind which earned him a glare.
‘There’s a fire door on the far wall and a janitors closet in the south corner. Any trouble go for the fire door and I’ll find you,’ Ryder said to Lacie as he too left the booth for her to slide out.
‘Trouble?’ she said stoppi
ng mid-slide. ‘Will there be trouble?’
‘Not for you while I’m around Baby,’ he said and kissed the top of her head.
‘Kiss me here,’ she said pointing to her lips.
‘Happy to oblige,’ he said doing as she asked.
‘She hates it when men talk to her,’ Sorcha said in explanation. ‘Hates it – it makes her uncomfortable.’
‘Ok,’ he said taking Lacie’s hand. Sorcha stole the other in an attempt to drag Lacie to the dance floor – but she didn’t get far.
‘What?’ Sorcha snapped.
Guiding Lacie close he stepped in and cupped her skull to angle her mouth up against his as he crouched to consume her. Any man who saw their encounter would know to steer well clear now. Maybe kissing her with such devotion or so much tongue wasn’t appropriate for the environment but he’d forgo decency to ensure her comfort and safety.
‘If you need me just holler,’ he said kissing each corner of her mouth. ‘I’ll have my eyes on you.’
The way her body shifted told him she too was recalling their time in her bedroom that afternoon.
Sliding her hands up his chest they glided over his shoulders and all the way around as far as they could go until she was teetering on her tiptoes. But this wasn’t a move of seduction, she was holding him – when his arms locked around her something in his heart clicked. His entire life had been about holding this woman, being a part of her; she was an extension of him.
‘You don’t mind staying over?’ she murmured tracing her lips against the crook of his neck.
‘Do you?’ he asked.
Her body melted down his. ‘No,’ she said moving her palm to his stubble.
No further words escaped her, but the drowsiness in her air was nothing to do with exhaustion. Their visceral spark was tangible yet all around them were oblivious.
Sorcha succeeded in dragging Lacie across the room and through the bar. Once they were safely ensconced in their pursuit he took his seat at the edge of the booth and continued to watch. Shep – who sat in the centre of the bench opposite – slurped his beer.
‘If she’s so rich why does she live in such a box?’
‘What?’ Ryder asked swivelling his glass of ice water by its base.
‘Lacie,’ Shep said. ‘Some guy is supposed to be offering her tens of thousands for whatever it is she does, but she lives in a hole.’
‘Why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself,’ Ryder said.
‘I’m a detective; it’s in my nature to speculate.’
‘Did you read that in a book somewhere?’
‘Didn’t get the details on how you got mixed up with this. How long have you been screwing her?’
‘How many times have you or I called each other voluntarily to catch up?’ Ryder asked.
‘Never,’ Shep said.
‘Which should give you a hint about how much I want to be involved in your personal life.’
‘We’re not talking about mine, we’re talking about yours.’
‘Don’t feel you have to fill the silence. I have no problem sitting here saying nothing,’ Ryder stated.
‘I can see you’re hooked. I’m not sure I get it,’ Shep said.
‘She’s hot, but I’ve seen some beauties on your arm, ones that can sit still unlike Lacie, or is that the charm? She like that in the sack too? I can get how that tasty little tail squirming around on your cock could—‘
‘Enough! If you want to walk out of here with all your teeth you’ll shut your mouth, and keep it that way.'
Shep swilled his beer. Lacie laughed at Sorcha’s spinning move and caught her when she stumbled.
‘What happened to Tammy?’ Shep asked.
‘What?’ Ryder snapped gritting his teeth and trying to draw joy from the woman in his view.
‘That stacked leggy blonde you hung about with, you were fucking her for months – her I understood, she flamed in every room she walked into... she’s single now?’
‘Could be,’ Ryder said. ‘Wouldn’t like your chances.’
‘Still got your finger in her pie too then, nice. Keep them all on a slow burn. No promises. No commitment. I like your style.’
‘Chasing after my cast offs?’ Ryder said. ‘Maybe you should get your own style.’
‘Are you kidding me? I’m counting the minutes ‘til I get my greedy hands on the tits of that little wriggler.’ Shep smacked his lips and Ryder balled his fists.
‘You try it,’ Ryder growled through grit teeth. ‘I’d take great pleasure in ripping your body to pieces.’
‘Relax,’ Shep said still drinking his beer. ‘Sorcha’s good for another couple of trips. You can help yourself to her when I’m done. What she lacks in ingenuity she more than makes up for in volume.’
‘Wouldn’t be too sure about your chances there,’ Ryder said.
‘You planning to take them both on? Get enough liquor into Sorcha and I doubt she’d say no – might take a shot at that myself.’
‘You’re full of hot gas,’ Ryder said. ‘Why don’t you sit here and think about that. It’s the closest you’ll ever get.’
Ryder wasn’t listening to any more so he left Shep at the table and moved through to the bar tipping his drink to Lacie to let her know where he was. Lacie started to make her way toward him but Sorcha got her in her clutches and the dancing continued. He’d like the chance to do a little dancing with Lacie himself but of a different kind, an up close, all alone, slow sharing of each other. But, for now he’d enjoy his unfamiliar role of voyeur. He wouldn’t have thought it of himself before her but he was content to sit here watching her, he liked seeing her rapturous laughter, enjoying herself, and her friend. She was happy and safe, which made his male pride swell, his contentment came from hers. They might not have much of a history but he was sure their future would be secure. There might be bumps, she might have doubts, but he hadn’t gotten to where he was by giving up and he knew as he sat there watching her that there hadn’t been a more crucial time in his life to be unforgivingly tenacious.
The sugar from their lemonades kept them on the dance floor for hours. Sorcha had been flirting on and off with a guy who’d been around with his friends. Now Sorcha was in his arms. Lacie herself had been approached half a dozen times too but each time she would apologise and explain that she was with someone; pointing out exactly who that someone was if the pursuer pushed harder. Ryder didn’t shy from giving them a wave and backing up her story. Having him here gave her freedom, and security. Without fear of harassment from other patrons, Lacie could suit herself because Ryder gave her an out no man could argue with. Lacie whispered to Sorcha who was slow dancing away, and Sorcha gave her the nod finally granting Lacie the green light to leave the dance floor.
Ryder hadn’t moved from the stool at the bar since he’d sat on it. More than a couple of women had approached him but his attention remained on her consistently. More than a few times Lacie had tried to join him at the bar but Sorcha had pulled her back. Now she’d put Sorcha on the clock with her new dance partner, so Lacie was free to wind down her evening, and get to Ryder. The corner of his mouth curled upward as she got nearer to him, and Lacie was sure more than a few females snarled at her.
‘You come here often?’ she asked taking herself into his arms.
‘Recently?’ he said as she nuzzled closer. ‘Yeah.’
Despite how their original night here had ended up the reminder warmed her. ‘I’m tired. Do you think we’ll get a room here? It’s busy.’
‘We?’ he asked.
Her body squeezed closer when she put her mouth on his; that familiar bulge persisted in its attempt to probe her. Purring she wriggled against him and stole another kiss.
‘I told Sorcha we were leaving after this number.’
‘She’s cosy with that guy,’ Ryder said.
‘She enjoys the attention,’ Lacie said. ‘She’s the first one to admit it. They’ll have the dance then she’ll blow him off.
She’s tired too. Is Shep still around?’
‘He was messing around with some girl a while back. I’m not interested in what he’s doing.’
‘Our things are in his car.’
‘I’ll get them,’ Ryder said.
If he could break into his own modern vehicle, she didn’t doubt he could get into Shep’s.
‘Should we find him, make sure he’s ok? Will he need a room?’
‘I’ll get us set in the motel, and get our things. We’ll worry about him in the morning,’ Ryder said.
‘Ok,’ she nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.
‘Do you want to dance?’ he asked.
‘I didn’t think you did.’
‘I enjoyed watching you. Now we’ve got the slow numbers...’
‘Do you want to make out?’ she asked wrapping her arms around his waist.
‘You’re tired?’
‘I slept in the car,’ she said taking her head from its pillow. ‘I don’t sleep well at night.’
‘You don’t?’
‘Stick around and you’ll find out.’
‘You know there’s no rush for us,’ he said.
‘You don’t want to spend the night with me?’ she asked but he didn’t let her withdraw. His arms were like a vice around her.
‘There’s something you should... I need to be clear with you.’
‘About what?’ she asked. Acid began to chew at her guts. ‘What else haven’t you told me?’
‘No more secrets or lies,’ he said kissing her into submission, which gave her acid a break because her body turned to Jell-O.
‘So be clear,’ she said.
‘I want to spend the night with you.’
‘But once I do that’s it,’ he said.
‘I don’t understand,’ she said.
‘Once we spend the night together there’s no going back, you’re in, we’re in, you won’t spend the night alone again.‘
‘Ryder, this has all happened so fast, and—‘
‘You’re backing out?’
‘No,’ she said. ‘I don’t want you to make me promises that you’ll feel guilty about breaking later.’