Mistake Me Not
Page 23
‘You’re sick.’
‘Funny,’ Jamie said as his men moved down and around Ryder – eight of them now. ‘That’s exactly what she said.’
Jamie sauntered up the stairs while his men circled closer. Ryder floored the first two and the third was thrown back but the other five closed in and wrestled him to the floor then their cuffs were on his wrists and his feet were tied. The goons dragged him to the wall near the bars and attached him to the end bar, he noted the control panel on the wall that the first guy – who was now covered in blood likely from a broken nose – had opened and keyed in a code. The bars could be electrified from that panel, though for the moment he was spared; Jamie would have a reason for that charity he was sure. The men mumbled to each other, and he was kicked by the second man he’d hit, but they all piled up the stairs, and killed the lights then closed the door.
Movement on the floor that was their ceiling quickly ceased, and they were left to their waiting.
‘What day is it?’ she asked eventually in a voice that was barely there.
‘Tuesday,’ he answered. ‘You’ve been here for six weeks.’
‘No,’ she mumbled. ‘We travelled for a bit. We started in a forest in the middle of nowhere.’
‘Tell me, are you hurt? What have they done to you?’
‘I’m sorry about Jamie.’
‘It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.’
‘He’s angry with you. He blames you for...’
‘I’m sorry. I’ll do everything I can to make it up to you. He’s hurting you to hurt me. It’s the only reasoning I can imagine, though it makes no sense. I don’t know what I could have done to—‘
‘He was in the apartment,’ Lacie said. ‘He was the one who came in with Booth that day. He didn’t know about you until you told him what had happened. He couldn’t take the risk that I would recognise him elsewhere if you and I were seeing each other. Honestly, I think the fact that you cared for me only sweetened the deal for him, otherwise he probably would have killed me outright.’
Ryder processed what she said. Jamie was protecting himself, his illegal interests, and he didn’t care who got in the way. The man he’d considered his best friend all these years was nothing more than a selfish, common criminal. Ryder had given Jamie every respect and opportunity and this was how he’d been repaid.
‘I’ll never be able to make this up to you. Nothing can... nothing could... I’m sorry.’
‘How is Sorcha?’
‘She misses you. We’ve all missed you.’
‘He told me... I mean it’s good that you’ve...’
‘I’ve what?’ he asked straining against the metal restraints. Desperately, Ryder wanted to touch her, to soothe her, to convince himself that she was real, and to convince her that he would keep her sane. Everything would be ok now; all they had to do was get out of this.
‘I’m tired,’ she said.
‘Have they given you anything?’
‘Drugs,’ he asked.
‘They don’t drug me,’ she said.
‘They don’t feed you either.’
‘They do,’ she said wistfully. ‘When they remember... so tired.’
‘Do they... I mean have they—‘
‘Ryder,’ she breathed.
‘Yeah Baby?’
‘You found me, just like you said you would. You’re here. You figured him out.’
‘Yeah Baby,’ he said swelling with the overwhelming guilt. ‘I figured him out.’
‘You’re here.’
‘I’m here.’
‘I want to sleep now,’ she said. ‘He’ll move us now we’re together. Can I sleep?’
‘You sleep Baby,’ he said. ‘I’ll keep look out for them.’
Ryder wanted to promise that he’d protect her and that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her but he couldn’t. While he was chained to these railings, there was nothing he could do for her. Any of the gang could come down those stairs and do anything they wanted to her, and all he would be able to do was watch. Lacie hadn’t wanted him to make promises that he would feel bad about breaking – and he’d told her she’d be safe from danger. No actions he could undertake would be enough to earn her forgiveness; he’d carry this debt to her forever. Nothing could justify or excuse what had happened to her because of him. They would get out of this alive; he hoped. But when they did his life would be unrecognisable. The business was done; his friendships with Jamie and Eric were a fallacy, and he couldn’t know if there were other SW employees involved. He deserved all he got; he was an idiot, naive and idealistic. This woman he cared so much about had been tortured in a captivity of his making. He might not have been the one to turn the key in the lock but he was as liable as the one who did.
Lacie didn’t know how long she’d been here but he’d bet it felt like months, maybe years. She wouldn’t have known her parents were here, she wouldn’t have seen the televised appeal. Under normal circumstances she had been an insomniac but this situation wouldn’t have been conducive to rest and relaxation and after this the memories would plague every aspect of her life.
A shout came from above then a sound like a gunshot, then another. More shouting followed, and more shots, and he hoped Shep had called in the cavalry. Chaos ensued above them, more shouting followed by hurried steps. A couple of men became a dozen more, and one voice covered another. The door was flung open and the light was turned on again. Lacie hissed away but he couldn’t see her now because his back was to the bars.
‘Police!’ someone shouted.
‘We’re down here!’ Ryder shouted. ‘Just the two of us, no direct threat but tell your men to be careful of security, and possible traps.’
A few whispers were exchanged then someone started down the stairs.
‘Ryder?’ another voice came from behind the SWAT guys surveying the basement. Deacon thundered down the stairs. ‘What the... you could’ve given us a heads up about this. You could’ve got yourself killed!’
‘I didn’t know you cared,’ Ryder said. ‘Now quit with the chit-chat and get Lacie some medical attention.’
‘That’s...’ Deacon looked over Ryder’s head and pity glazed his expression. ‘You found her.’
‘Yeah. Now, get her out of here.’
‘You got it.’
SWAT got working on the bars, and Ryder was liberated quickly. Three of Jamie’s men had been killed, two were shot and receiving medical attention. The rest had been taken into custody – including Jamie.
Deacon took Ryder upstairs and he met the agent in charge to give his statement. The men had been using the house for a while and the stink told him that that they hadn’t been house-proud. But Lacie had said they would be moving out. Drugs had been found in an upstairs room so Jamie’s activities had stretched into darker areas he’d had no idea about. It made Ryder wonder what else he hadn’t noticed, and how long it had been going on.
Ryder was talking with Deacon and a couple of others when he saw two additional paramedics heading down the basement stairs. Ryder walked away from Deacon’s boss directly to the activity. People were on his heels but he didn’t pause to check who they were. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he saw three officers loitering and four paramedics crouching around Lacie who still cowered in the corner on the stained single mattress. Her hand was over her eyes and the other was stretched out holding the paramedics at bay.
‘What’s wrong?’ Ryder asked the room.
‘Nothing,’ one of the paramedics said. ‘It’s common with captive victims.’
‘What?’ Ryder asked.
‘She won’t let us examine her,’ the paramedic said.
‘We got the blindfold off and she started yammering.’
‘Lace,’ Ryder said crouching beside the paramedic who had spoken to him. ‘Baby, these guys want to help. We just want to know you’re ok.’
She started shaking her head but still she covered her eyes and held her hand up toward them.
‘No, no, I have to behave,’ she said. ‘I’m not allowed to see.’
‘It’s ok Baby, it’s over,’ Ryder said. ‘It’s over.’
‘No,’ she said. ‘No, I have to behave.’
‘Baby, it’s over. I’m here now. You trust me Baby, don’t you?’
Lacie jolted at the sound of the voice that had just exploded. Someone roared down the stairs and soaked the room with the scent of expensive perfume.
‘Sorcha?’ Lacie asked lifting her chin.
‘Oh my God, Lacie!’
Sorcha wailed and fell to the floor dragging Lacie into her embrace. Lacie’s hands fell around her friend and though her eyes remained closed moisture gathered in them, and he knew Sorcha had broken through. The women cried and held each other. Sorcha sent everyone away except the female paramedic then Sorcha sat with Lacie through her physical assessment. The next time Ryder saw Lacie was when he was on the street.
Shep approached and got the story from Ryder who expressed his gratitude for Shep calling in the police, and Sorcha. At that point the women appeared in the doorway, both Sorcha and the female paramedic were holding Lacie up. The other three paramedics ran up the stairs but Sorcha sent them away. The women helped Lacie down the stairs but it was clear she struggled. All Ryder wanted to do was go over there and gather her into his arms and sweep her off her feet. Something in his manner conveyed this to Shep because his hand landed on Ryder’s forearm.
‘You don’t know what she’s been through. Give her some time.’
Lacie and Sorcha got into the ambulance and the paramedics took off for the local hospital. It didn’t matter that she was out of danger and in safe hands, he didn’t like the distance – physical, and otherwise.
He got his business at the scene over with then Shep took him to the hospital. They rode in silence. Thoughts warred in his mind about Jamie and StoneWall; thoughts of his men, and what the future held. But none of that tempted him to change course, all of those things could wait. Getting to Lacie was his main objective – his only objective. Making sure she was ok was first. Then he had to convey to her his presence, to let her know that he was there for her, and for whatever she needed.
At main reception, they were directed to the fourth floor and a specific waiting room. When they got up there everyone was already present, Lacie’s parents, Sorcha, and Gabe... but Ryder wasn’t sure he wanted to go there yet. Shep went to Sorcha, gave her a hug, and settled her down listening to the words she said that Ryder couldn’t hear from his position. Everyone else in the room just looked at him.
‘You found her,’ Ann Hart sobbed and rushed over to hug him.
The welcome of the Hart family had been immediately warm but his guilt ballooned at this reaction. Yes, he’d found her but it was his best friend who had put Lacie in peril.
‘She’s giving a statement,’ Martin Hart said. ‘They’re giving her antibiotics and fluids but they’re saying she’ll be ok.’
Ann was still hugging him and Sorcha approached. ‘She’s out of it, dazzled and spaced out. The doctor said that could just be the dehydration and malnutrition. But, she’s alive Ryder, she’s alive.’
Sorcha joined Ann in his arms and the women hugged each other and him at the same time. Martin went back to a seat. Shep was filling a paper cone from the water cooler, but Gabe stayed in the middle of the room as stoic as he’d ever been. Things weren’t being said, questions hung in the air, and the men faced off while the sobbing women were oblivious to the aggravation bouncing back and forth.
The door opened breaking his stare and drawing everyone’s attention. Beth – Lacie’s best friend from the UK – entered closely followed by Monty, a local museum curator that doted on Lacie as he would a daughter, and Jimmy, Lacie’s good hearted, mild-natured and harmless adorer. Monty held up his hands and took a seat next to Shep who filled him in. Ryder had gotten to know all of these people in the last six weeks, he’d spent more time with them than he had with Lacie but her motley group of family had become a part of his, and he’d been accepted with unconditional love.
When the door opened again Elise came in. ‘She’s fine,’ Elise declared. ‘The police are finishing up with her and the doctor wanted her to get some rest. They’re hoping she’ll be brighter and more with it tomorrow.’
‘She looks so... small,’ Beth said.
‘She’s always been a tiny thing,’ Monty said.
‘Not like this,’ Sorcha agreed with Beth.
‘She looks like a sneeze would kill her,’ Beth said.
They all considered that for a moment. ‘Do we know what happened?’ Monty asked. ‘Did they get the guy?’
‘They got a lot of them,’ Martin said. ‘They’re still interrogating them to get to the bottom of their motives.’
Ryder knew his motives; his skin tightened across his body. ‘Excuse me.’
Unable to get out of that room fast enough he strode away. These people accepted him, they respected him, and they looked to him for guidance and action. But he’d been the cause of this incident and he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to look any of them in the eye again.
He paced down the corridor but the waiting room door opened behind him and he glanced back to see Gabe following him.
‘What are you doing here?’ Ryder demanded of Gabe.
‘I’m certainly not here because you told me about tonight,’ Gabe said.
Ryder rounded the end of the corridor to take them out of direct line of sight of the waiting room.
‘What are you doing here?’ Ryder asked again.
‘Sonny was on the scanner,’ Gabe said. ‘Jamie, did we hear right—‘
‘Yeah, what’s it to you?’
‘Are you crazy? This was Jamie’s doing? We’re all livid. Why the fuck didn’t you—‘
‘When you find out your best friend has screwed you over it makes it tough to believe the best of anyone else.’
‘You thought we were involved in this?’
Ryder shifted in close. ‘Jamie,’ he said. ‘If I didn’t see this... If I didn’t realise that he—‘
‘You’re blaming yourself?’ Gabe said. ‘You’ve got to have seen how Jamie has been recently. He’s been... off.’
‘I didn’t see it. I didn’t see anything.’
‘You wanted to see the best in him, you two have been tight for a long time. But, the boys and I—‘
‘So everyone’s been hiding this from me?’
‘You can’t think we were involved,’ Gabe said.
‘They’re all in custody now,’ Ryder said. ‘I suppose we’ll find out.’
The female voice came from around the corner; Ryder left Gabe to head back toward the waiting room. Elise was standing just outside with a doctor in a white coat.
‘Are you ok?’ Ryder asked Elise.
‘They gave Lacie something to help her sleep,’ Elise said. ‘But she asked for you.’
‘For me?’ Ryder asked.
‘Follow me,’ the blonde doctor said and led him to a door at the other end of the corridor. She pointed and gave him a nod, then left him alone.
With one breath, he went inside. The lights were off and the curtains were drawn over the window. Her bed was against the far wall and he would never have seen her if he hadn’t known she was there. Beth had been right about her stature.
A drip hung at her side and he saw as he approached that the IV was connected to her left hand. He was almost sure she was asleep already but when he got closer she inhaled and rolled her head on the pillow toward him.
‘Hi,’ he said reaching for her hand, which she then lifted toward him granting permission for him to link his fingers in hers.
‘Thank you,’ she whispered through dry lips.
‘There’s nothing to thank me for,’ he said covering their joined hands with his free one.
‘You found me, just like you said you would.’
‘Yeah,’ he said
. ‘I found you.’
‘I want to sleep,’ she said though her eyes hadn’t been open since he entered. ‘Can I sleep now?’
‘Yes Baby, you can sleep.’
‘I promise I’ll behave,’ she whispered on one long, soft exhale.
‘You sleep,’ he said pulling the guest chair to the side of her bed without letting go of her hand. ‘Sleep.’
Her breathing evened out and he pulled himself closer to her. Here she’d be safe. Peace was what Lacie needed now but he battled with his own demons, and wanted to be sure she was here; he needed to be sure that it really was her he was touching. The lingering nightmare of being without her haunted him so he’d stay with her here. He’d remain at her side for as long as she let him. But, whether it was a sixth sense, or an internal self-loathing, he had a feeling things weren’t going to pan out perfectly for them. After what he’d caused, he had to admit that it might be in Lacie’s best interest to get as far from him as fast as she possibly could. He ached for her, he fought his natural urge that told him to crawl onto that bed beside her and hold her in his arms all night. He wanted her, now more than ever but he’d given her nothing, and he wasn’t sure he had anything to give her now. Truth was she’d be safer, and happier, without him but he couldn’t let go of her hand, he wouldn’t. Nothing made sense... nothing but Lacie.
Chapter Eleven
All of them stayed the night at the hospital. The doctors had told them that Lacie wouldn’t be awake until the morning but still they stayed. Ryder supposed that her family and friends didn’t want to stray far; he certainly didn’t want to either.
He’d slept a little in her room still holding her hand, and her mother and father had slept in there too. At first light Shep left, closely followed by Gabe, and then Beth left getting a ride from Monty who was also driving Jimmy. Everyone had promised to go home for a nap and to freshen up then they would all return. He and Sorcha were left with Lacie’s parents and her Aunt Elise – none of them were going anywhere.
Lacie slept through until ten am; she woke up with a mew and they’d all leapt to attention. Martin rushed off for the doctor and Lacie yawned then startled into an upright position her gaze darting around like a scared cat. She observed them and the room, and then let herself relax back a little. The tension didn’t leave her entirely but for some reason her focus settled on him. For a moment she just looked, and he certainly wouldn’t sacrifice a second of her attention – this was the most alive he’d felt in six weeks.