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Ms. Cinder's Prince: A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 4

by Laura Ann

  Good luck with your class today. Those little mischief makers need to see that you will not cower to their shenanigans.

  Much Love,

  Mrs. Merryweather

  Uh.... Charlotte stood staring at the paper, unsure of what to make of the message. When the voices of children became audible outside her classroom door, she shook her head and shoved the note in a drawer. I’ll look at it later.


  Charlotte munched on her salad, while sitting at her desk. After the embarrassing incident that morning, she didn’t feel up to eating in the teachers’ lounge. However, instead of being peaceful, her mind continued to race.

  What did Mrs. Merryweather mean by that note? Is she saying my kitchen is dirty? What does any of this have to do with Christian? Her thoughts trailed off as her eyes settled on the cage by the wall.

  “What do you think Gus? Was she just talking nonsense, or is there something I’m supposed to learn from that story?”

  The white mouse simply twitched his nose and went back to burrowing himself in the sawdust at the bottom of his cage.

  “Well you’re no help.” She sighed. Snapping the lid back on her tupperware, she neatly set all the dishes back in her lunch cooler and opened her drawer to put them away. Lying on the bottom of the drawer was a small slip of paper.

  Christian Prince: High School History Teacher Rm H104

  Picking up the paper gently, she cradled it in her hands. What could I possibly do that would catch your attention? And help you see me as someone other than a chaotic mess?

  She started to put the paper back into its spot, when she froze with an idea. Christian seems to only see me when I’m in the middle of a disaster, but in truth I’m a very orderly person.

  She looked over at Gus, “I’ve only seen Christian’s room once, but it was a mess. He didn’t have any of his papers put away and there were stacks of file folders everywhere.” Her volume picked up as she grew excited about the idea. “I can clean his room for him! It will have to be after school, of course, but I can organize his room!” She tapped her fingers on her lip. “I’ll have to leave him a list of where everything is.” She couldn’t help the giggle that erupted. “It wouldn’t do any good to organize it if he can’t find it. Who doesn’t love a good cleaning party?” She wiggled in her seat like a giddy teenager, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

  CHRISTIAN SAT AT HIS usual table in the teachers’ lounge, poking at his food. He had lost his appetite when Charlotte never showed. She’s probably still upset about this morning.

  “Earth to Christian!” Rory waved her hand in front of his face, bringing him out of his mental wanderings.

  “Uh...yes?” He straightened and looked at her.

  “What’s got your mind in outer space? Or, should I say, who?” Rory smiled, while some of the other ladies giggled.

  He cleared his throat and did his best to control the blush creeping up his neck. “I-uh, don’t know what you’re talking about. I was simply planning my afternoon of teaching.”

  Rory nodded placatingly, “Sure, sure. That’s what they all say.” Laughs were again heard around the table.

  Christian rolled his eyes and went back to his meal. What can I get Charlotte that will let her know of my feelings? Will I scare her off? What if she thinks I’m too stuffy? Too weird?

  A sudden slap to his shoulder woke him up yet again. Rory leaned into his ear and whispered, “I’m just taking a wild guess here, but from the look on your face, I’m gonna guess you’re thinking about a little blue eyed teacher?”

  Christian cleared his throat. “Maybe.”

  Rory snickered. “Anything I can help with? Not only is she my roommate but also my friend.”

  Christian thought for a minute. I really could use some help. But will she keep a secret?

  “I promise I won’t tell her I talked to you.” Rory huffed, crossing her arms. “Sheesh. Nobody trusts me anymore.”

  “Why is that?’ Christian asked, confused.

  “Nothing.” She leaned in to lower her voice again, so the others at the table couldn’t hear. “What do you need to know?”

  “Well...I might need to give her a couple of small gifts in the next few weeks.”

  Rory’s eyes widened in shock and then she burst out laughing, attracting the attention of the rest of the room.

  Ducking into his seat, Christian tried to stop the red from creeping up his neck.

  Standing up, Rory smiled at him while wiping her eyes.

  “I don’t understand what’s so funny.” He muttered under his breath.

  Before leaving, Rory whispered, “She likes shoes, book, poetry and chocolate. Oh! And a kind act makes her swoon.”


  “Yep.” She started to walk away.

  Before he could say thank you, the doors to the teachers’ lounge burst open and Miranda struck a pose meant to grab everyone’s attention while looking around the room. Knowing Miranda would be specifically looking for Nash didn’t help Christian’s panic, since she often teased Christian just for fun. Glancing surreptitiously around the table, he noticed all eyes were elsewhere. Without a word, he slowly started to sink in his chair, slipping down until he was completely under the table.

  I’m such a coward.

  Under the cover of the table, Christian maneuvered through the sea of legs very carefully and worked his way to the edge closest to the wall. Having utilized this path many times in the past, he knew that if he crawled quickly, he could hide his escape behind the stacked chairs in the corner. Once there, the tables were angled just right so that he could continue inching his way to the door without being spotted.

  Once out in the hall, he took a deep breath to calm his racing heart, straightened his bowtie and ran his fingers through his hair. That woman is a menace. Heading back to his classroom he thought on Rory’s words. He also enjoyed a good book but they were often historical, and somehow he didn’t think that’s what Charlotte would want. But the poetry and chocolate is promising...


  Friday was the first day of December and Charlotte had decided to put her plan into action. With as big as the mess it, I might need the whole weekend to get it clean! After cleaning up her own classroom when school released, she prepared to tackle Christian’s. I hope he’s already gone for the day.

  She peeked out her door and found the hall empty. Walking quickly and quietly she headed toward the high school wing. Every time she passed another teacher, she did her best to act casual, but her heart was going crazy in her chest and her breathing was too fast. Someone is going to figure out what I’m doing, I just know it!

  Her slippered feet slid quietly as she snuck around the corner to his classroom. Today was not a day for cute heels. Instead she wore bright blue slip ons with pink flowers. They were the perfect accent to her blue blouse.

  Okay, only 20 feet more. 15...I can do this. Her palms were starting to sweat and her breathing became shallow. Come on Charlotte, be brave! I can- oh no!

  The very door she was headed for creaked open just as she was coming within striking distance. In her panic, her feet froze and she stood immobile in the middle of the hallway.

  Christian backed out of the classroom with a stack of papers in his arms and his briefcase tucked under his arm. Stepping away from the door he turned and stopped as well. “M-Ms. Cinders! I, uh,I didn't know you were in this wing!” His shoulders dropped a bit and he scrunched his eyes closed as if he were in pain.

  How do I get out of this? Her mind worked frantically to figure out a solution. “I was, uh, I was just coming to see Rory.” She fibbed. Whew! At least that's believable...sort of.

  Although Christian had regained his composure, Charlotte was sure she saw a flash of disappointment go through his eyes at her words.

  “Of course, of course. Is she...I mean, I didn't realize she was in this hallway.”

  “Oh, she's not,” Charlotte answered automatically, then immedia
tely regretted it. Now what? “But I like to take the long way through the halls...sometimes...” her voice trailed off at her lame answer.

  “Ah, I see.” He nodded, stopped, then nodded again, but never moved from his spot.

  Feeling awkward, Charlotte tried hard to come up with something else to say but her brain was as paralyzed as her feet. The one time I actually need him to leave...

  She watched Christian take a deep breath as if preparing to speak, then change his mind when he closed his mouth. A flash of determination ran over his face and his posture straightened.

  “Ms. Cinders...I-"

  “Charlotte.” She interrupted in a quiet voice.


  Having no idea where this bravery was coming from, but not about to stop it, she took a step forward and rested her hand on his forearm. Oh my...A thrill shot through her when their skin touched. He is so warm, and his muscles... She shook her head to bring her concentration back. “Please call me Charlotte.” Looking up into her face she found his baby blue eyes glued to her hand.

  Seconds ticked by and his gaze never wavered, nor did he respond to her comment. Now he thinks I’m too forward! Her stomach dropped and she swallowed hard. Taking her hand off his arm, she stepped back, tucking her hands behind her back.

  When she let go of his arm, his eyes shot up to hers. Charlotte let out a soft gasp at their intensity, until a moment later they softened.

  “Ms...I mean, Charlotte. Charlotte...would you...” He stepped forward slowly, his focus darting down to her mouth.

  Her limbs started to tremble and hope sprang into her heart.

  “I-uh...dinner please...I mean,” He shook his head and tried again. “Would you like to—” He took another step forward while he spoke, still focused on her lips, but never got to finish when a shrill voice called his name down from the end of the hall.

  Both of their heads shot towards the sound and Christian stepped away from Charlotte; the moment broken. Marching in a determined stride came Mrs. Tremain. Her thin, brown hair was tight back in a tight knot, accenting the already severe look on her face.

  “Christian!” She waved her hand in the air. “Christian! I have been looking for you simply everywhere!” Rushing to his side, she grabbed his arm in a possessive grip. Her large stature put her nearly eye level with him.

  Christian’s eyes grew wide and panic spread across his features. Stepping to the side, he pulled slightly on his arm, but her grip was locked tight. “Uh...” He tugged his arm again. “You were?”

  “Yes! I must talk to you before you leave for the weekend.” She gushed.

  “A-alright. Let me just finish—”

  “I’m in a terrible hurry you know. Always such important things to do and I have speak to you.” She started pulling him down the hallway, ignoring Charlotte’s presence and causing Christian to stumble after her.

  “Now just a minute please,” digging in his heels he stopped their forward progress. Turning around her face Charlotte. “Um, Ms...Charlotte.” His voice seemed to caress the name. “Perhaps we could, uh, continue our discussion another time?” His voice cracked slightly with uncertainty as he looked at her in a pleading manner.

  Charlotte felt the blush spread over her neck and cheeks, but paid it no mind. “I would like that.” Her voice was soft and tender. She kept her eyes focused on Christian, ignoring the seething woman beside him.

  “Really? I mean-” he cleared his throat. “Then I shall see you soon.” With a nod he turned and restarted down the hallway, Mrs. Tremain hot on his heels.

  Charlotte couldn’t have stopped the smile that spread across her face even if she wanted to. He was going to ask me out! I just know it! Her heart soared and she sighed in bliss.

  “NOW, MRS. TREMAIN. What did you need?” Christian asked while walking towards the entrance to the school.

  “Well, I-you know you really shouldn’t associate with that woman.” She said abruptly.

  Christian stopped in his tracks. “Excuse me?”

  “Ms. Cinders. She teaches my twin angels and I can tell you from experience that she is not the best of people. Someone as honorable and...” She fluttered her eyes at him in a sly manner, “Well, you know. You really just deserve better than to spend time with her. She-”

  “Mrs. Tremain!” Christian’s normally quiet voice was forceful, causing her to stop and stare at him. “Ms. Cinders is one of the sweetest, most pleasant people I have ever had the experience of knowing. Please do not speak ill of her.” Turning on his heel he marched toward the parking lot in an effort to get away from the rude woman.

  “Oh... well Chris- I mean Mr. Prince, I wasn’t trying to speak ill of her, you understand. I just—” She rushed after him.

  For once in his life, Christian refused to play the part of a gentleman and let the door close after him as he headed outside. It shut out the noise of her voice only momentarily.

  “Mr. Prince, really! I was just trying to inform you of a side of her you have probably never seen before! After all, women like her—” She cut off once again as Christian spun and glared at her. “Well, there is no need to get all huffy.” She let out a long suffering sigh. “Nevermind. I can see it’s useless to get through to your male brain. You men get so set in your ways.”

  Can she hear herself? Why does she chase me if she despises men so much?

  “Speaking of which, I made you another casserole to eat. You’re just going to waste away from that bachelor cooking, Mr. Prince. You really do need a woman to take care of you.” She looked at him with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

  “I thank you for your concern, but really, I’m fine.” Once more he turned away from her and hurried to his car, leaving the casserole in her hand. Jumping in, he spun out of the parking lot as speedily as he dared.

  NOW THAT THE COAST was clear, Charlotte took advantage of the opportunity and slipped into Christian’s room. It was still bright outside so instead of turning on a light, she opened the blinds. Turning from the windows, hands on her hips, she surveyed her job.

  Sweet heavens, this is unbelievable!

  Boxes with file folders were stacked on each other. Piles of files were precariously sitting everywhere. His desk looked like the slightest breeze would create a paper hurricane. Dust bunnies were multiplying rapidly in the corner where the janitor couldn’t get the mop in because of the clutter.

  Well, after this, I think I’ve earned that dinner invitation he almost gave. With grim determination, she rolled up the sleeves of her blouse and got to work. Goodbye weekend, she thought as she began trying to make sense of the disaster zone.

  CHRISTIAN FUMED AS he drove to the bookstore after his confrontation with Mrs. Tremain. How dare she? Who does she think she is? “I don’t want your casseroles!” He yelled in the car.

  Awesome, Christian, that’ll tell her. He sighed and slumped in his seat. “Nosy woman.” He focused back on his errand. Rory said Charlotte liked poetry and chocolate. I probably should have asked what type. Aren't there lots of kinds of poetry? Thinking of his gift for Charlotte helped him bring her face to mind. Her lovely sapphire eyes, silky, blonde hair and rosebud lips. Lips he had wanted to kiss. His heart surged with hope as he thought of their intimate moment. She didn't looked at all opposed to the thought of my kissing her. In fact...she looked like she was just as eager as I was. Could it be that she has feelings for me as well?

  His train of thought was broken when he arrived at the bookstore. Parking and hopping out, he made his way inside. The clerk at the front desk had her nose buried in her own book, but peeked over the top when the door chimed. “Can I help you with anything?”


  “Third aisle to the left.” Her face disappeared once more.

  “Thank you.” He said and worked his way to the aisle. How in the world am I supposed to find something she will like? He started slowly walking down the aisle, trying to read as many titles as he could, glancing up and down. “Gothic poetry
, haikus, Shakespearean...” Suddenly his eye was caught by a bright red cover,displayed front facing on the shelf. Santa Claus was pictured on the front, standing beside a chimney. “The Night Before Christmas.” His mind wandered for a minute as he thought of Charlotte reading the classic poem to her little of first graders. The inflections she would use as her sweet voice floated across the room. The children sitting entranced at the sound. Perfect. Picking up the book, almost reverently, he carried it to the front counter.

  The worker raised her eyebrows when she saw his selection, “Gonna read it to your kid?”

  “Uh, no. It’s a gift.” He explained.

  “For a kid?”

  What’s with the twenty questions? Indignation began to burn in his chest and heat crawled up his neck as he defended himself. “No. It’s for a colleague.”

  “O-kay.” She pursed her lips and continued to ring up the book.

  “I don’t see the problem with it.” She has no idea how much Ms. Cinders, Charlotte, will love this.

  “Sorry. It’s just, your blush tells me this is probably for a woman. Not very romantic. Ya know?”

  “It just so happens, she is a first grade teacher, and often reads to her class. The illustrations are very good as well.”

  “Yeah, she probably will like it. But it’s still not romantic. You like her, your red cheeks say it all.” She smirked, not the least bit put out at his frustration. “The book is great, but it doesn’t say ‘I like you’.”

  Letting out a defeated breath, he asked, “Thank you for your opinion. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Snapping her gum, the girl handed him his purchase and went right back to reading her book.

  As he got into his car, his mind was on overdrive. What says ‘I like you’, but won’t scare her into thinking I’m a stalker? After all, we’ve haven’t even gone on a date...yet.


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